IAHE Members and Therapies
The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators, in conjunction with the International Association of Healthcare Practitioners, is committed to the presentation of high-quality educational programs for interested healthcare professionals from all disciplines.
Each IAHE Member offers their own set of courses, educational products and more. Click on the therapy names for brief overviews or to find information regarding:
- Available courses
- Conditions treated
- About the developers
- Study groups
- Case studies and testimonials
The craniosacral system (a physiological system like the cardiovascular and respiratory systems) provides the physical environment in which the brain and spinal cord develop and function. The light-touch technique works with natural and unique rhythms of our different body systems to pinpoint and correct source problems.
(SER) is a therapeutic process that expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma. Joint research efforts by Dr. John Upledger and biophysicist Dr. Zvi Karni led to the discovery that the body often retains (rather than dissipates) physical forces. This is often the result of an accident, injury, or emotional trauma. The dysfunctional area is isolated, creating what is called an "energy cyst". Although a reasonably healthy body can adapt to "energy cysts," extra energy is required to perform normal bodily functions. As time passes, the adaptive pattern of the body loses its effectiveness. Symptoms begin to appear and, over time, become more difficult to suppress. The SomatoEmotional Release process requires extreme sensitivity on the part of the therapist and a positive attitude and trust from the client/patient.
Visceral Manipulation
The visceral system relies on the interconnected synchronicity between the motions of all the organs and structures of the body. At optimal health, this harmonious relationship remains stable despite the body's endless varieties of motion. But when one organ cannot move in harmony with its viscera due to abnormal tone, adhesions or displacement, it works against the body's other organs and muscular, membranous, fascial and osseous structures. This disharmony creates fixed, abnormal points of tension that the body is forced to move around. And that chronic irritation, in turn, paves the way for postural distortion, neuromuscular dysfunction, and disease processes.
Manual Approach to the Brain
The brain has always fascinated the medical community and scientists. The various investigative tools of the brain have made exceptional progress. For example, functional MRI can highlight not only structural, but also functional problems. Even so, the brain has remained a mystery despite all the research for which it has been a subject. Jean-Pierre Barral has been interested in the brain for over forty years. After treating many people with head trauma, stroke, brain diseases, and psychomotor disabilities, he has developed original techniques to help these patients. All the while, remaining humble while working with this amazing cerebral mass that is capable of thinking. The courses are organized into structural approach functional approaches.
Neural Manipulation
Neural Manipulation as developed by Barral and Croibier examines mechanical relationships between the cranium/spine hard frame to the dura and neural elements. It provides assessment and treatment approaches to address restrictions of the dural and neural components not commonly focused on with musculoskeletal symptoms. Neural Manipulation identifies and releases local nerve restrictions while at the same time examines the effect these local fixations have on the rest of the body, and by accessing this relationship, resolves the more comprehensive (global) dysfunctional patterns.
New Manual Articular Approach
New Manual Articular Approach (MAA) is a manual therapy modality that applies a comprehensive approach to the treatment of joints. It integrates all aspects of the joint including the nerve, artery, bone, capsule, and ligaments, as well as visceral and emotional connections. MAA delves into the joints like never before. It examines the nerves of each joint, along with the arteries, meniscus, ligaments, capsule attachments and folds. It incorporates soft tissue mobilization of the associated bones, while looking at direct and indirect relationships between the bones of the body. The relationship between the viscera and the joints is not widely understood. MAA shows how interconnected they are and that without addressing this visceral connection many joint issues may not fully resolve.
The Feldenkrais Method® is a unique and sophisticated approach to human development, learning, and movement. Invented by Moshe Feldenkrais, an Israeli physicist and martial artist, the Method is internationally known for its ability to improve areas of human function such as posture, flexibility, and self image. Benefits of this four-day workshop include:
- Increased kinesthetic awareness of self, enabling one to use self more effectively and help others to do the same.
- Improved posture and body mechanics.
- Ability to work with own breathing, diaphragms, dural tube, and CSI to promote better health, and to help others do the same.
- Improved kinesthetic awareness and understanding of anatomy of TMJ and avenue of expression, with ability to release unnecessary tension from these areas.
- Improved understanding of anatomy of cranium, with ability to apply this understanding to craniosacral work.
- Improved ability to empathize with children, through re-experiencing exploration of early childhood development.
- Knowledge of active assisted range of motion techniques which facilitate the efficacy of craniosacral work.
Body Alchemy is a transformational process of healing and recovery from trauma, abuse and post traumatic stress (PTSD) experiences. In this 3 day intensive workshop craniosacral therapists will learn specific skills to manage these intense states of body deregulation caused by a loss of trust and safety due to abuse, trauma and PTSD.
Students will learn how to develop their therapeutic presence with a client, how to restore the body of trust and apply specific skills to assist a client’s nervous system to regulate and repair from their history. The body alchemy process integrates CranioSacral Therapy with appropriate somatic therapies and the expressive arts. Students will learn to strengthen their own therapeutic and ethical boundaries and develop communication skills to explore a client’s past so that they can more fluidly guide a client through the body releases of past hurt, pain and fear. Utilizing the current theories of trauma they will also learn how to gently release the freeze/shock from the body and brain, while structurally and compassionately rebuilding resilience and trust. Using metaphor and storytelling that accesses deep body communication, students will discover ways to guide a client through the change making process so that they can find their own creative resources and reframe their traumatic experience to one of hopeful resilience integrating body, mind and spirit.
Dr. D'Ambrogio started lecturing in 1988 and has taught in over 20 countries worldwide. He is recognized throughout Canada, the United States, Mexico, Brazil, Venezuela, China, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, South Africa, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Norway, and Israel as an exceptional teacher of manual therapy. He is a certified instructor recognized by the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE).
His integrative blend of both Eastern and Western medicine, prompted by an initial thorough whole body pre and post treatment evaluation (ARTS), is the key to unlocking perplexing pain issues for patients. This method surpasses the traditional tendency in Western medicine to merely treat the patient’s symptoms locally, at the site of pain, instead of searching for the root cause of their complaint.
The seminar series, at the D'Ambrogio Institute, reflects this core philosophy and was developed to train practitioners to perform the full body evaluation (ARTS) and, more importantly, to incorporate the most effective treatments strategies to obtain optimal results for the client. The D'Ambrogio Institute offers the following courses through IAHE: For information, see:
D'Ambrogio Institute
7311 Merchant Ct Sarasota, FL 34240
- Evaluation & Integration: Total Body Balancing
- Joint Hypomobility: Joint Balancing
- Protective Muscle Spasm: Muscle Balancing
- Fascial Tension & Scar Tissue: Fascial Balancing
- Fluid Stagnation & Swelling: Lymphatic Balancing
- Energetic Stress Patterns: Energetic Balancing
Fascial Integration offers complementary skills in postural analysis, physical assessment, problem solving and fascial manipulation, especially for tricky clients not responding to one's current methodology.
Developed by Bruce Schonfeld after extensive studies in Rolfing Structural Integration and Visceral Manipulation, Fascial Integration (FI) is a natural continuation of Ida Rolf's method of Structural Integration (SI).Paying forward her whole body approach to physical alignment through fascial manipulation and education, FI looks through the same architectural lens and applies a 'local and global' logic to the next layer deep, the interfacing membranes. Like the biomechanics of other body-based systems that require normal range of motion to fully function, membranes also need to slide and glide and are a critical component of more comprehensive fascial continuity. Whereas Structural Integration segmentally balances fascial components of the overall musculoskeletal system, Fascial Integration embraces systems anatomy and balances the body with additional depth and dimension. FI evolves Rolf's holistic relationship with the musculoskeletal system by linking it with the underlying membranes and larger visceral ligaments. Finding dynamic balance within a deeper fascial web, of compounding internal and external forces, FI takes a dynamic, volumetric and three dimensional approach to balancing membranous tension.
"Structure and function are inter-related."
A natural companion to Jean-Pierre Barral's systemic approach to a dominant lesion (The Primary Lesion), FI examines the relationship between the parts and the whole. Providing a broader context of mobility for The Primary Lesion upfront is frequently strategically helpful. Typically with more longstanding issues, where adaptive shortening has insidiously spread across systems over time, regional and global anatomy are both in play and in need of attention. Troubleshooting the body regionally and holistically, the idea is to anatomically see and feel more of the big picture. Embracing elements from both schools of thought, FI offers inter-disciplinary skills and strategies to offset compensatory patterns (The Lesional Chain) throughout the general body. Fascial Integration holds perspectives of both a specialist and a generalist. One part structural and one part visceral, FI presents a unique Structural-Visceral perspective in the world of fascial manipulation.
Supporting professional development and lifelong learning, FI is appropriate for seasoned professionals and beginners alike. FI empowers multi-disciplinary practitioners with user-friendly skills through lecture, video, demonstration, postural analysis, palpatory assessment, hands-on exchanges and supervision. Grounded in physical reality, FI regularly motion tests the body for healthy mobility and range of motion restrictions. FI's emphasis is tactile, hands-on and with an end goal of practical clinical applications. Strategically, FI assesses the body for the top three motion restrictions across multiple systems.
FI brings a moderate's approach to the use of force. Valuing direct and indirect styles equally, FI regularly uses Direct Technique in the first phase of fascial manipulation. FI modulates the amount of force being used based on what's appropriate for each person. To that extent, the client's subjective experience and proprioceptive feedback are essential ingredients to optimize body-based receptivity. Like styles of yin yoga that relax and settle into postures long enough to let the mechanical load transfer from red to white fibers, FI is patient, respectful, slow and stretchy. With the intention of working with inherent and subtle motion as well, Indirect Technique is applied in the second phase of fascial manipulation. Utilizing elements from both styles in the third phase of fascial manipulation, Combined Technique fills out the therapist's toolbox within a wider spectrum of tools, techniques and technology.
FI employs a self reflective approach to the mind-body continuum that emphasizes embodiment, mindfulness and the therapeutic container. Helping people identify, sense and feel non-obvious holding patterns in their body is a critical component to fostering more sustainable change. These low-grade holding patterns are often unconscious, functional and seem to operate like a guarding mechanism. Psychologically speaking, the process is associative in nature and prioritizes the feeling function, sensory-perceptual receptivity and being in the moment. On both sides of the client-centered therapeutic relationship, proprioception is paramount.
Within a culture and era of medical specialization that is generically hands-off, A.T. Still's premise remains largely marginalized, underestimated or neglected. Metaphorically 'the anatomical elephant in the room', membranous and visceral restrictions have nonetheless lurked in the shadows of orthopedics and physical medicine for a long time. Perhaps currently categorized under idiopathic, non-obvious and non-specific headings in the scientific literature, the bio-mechanical effects of this deeper anatomy still remain largely uncorrelated. While fascial research is a long way away from quantifying underlying mechanisms, it is an emerging arena where evidence-based investigation is in a healthy growth phase.
Towards contributing to the evolving field of Integrative Medicine, Fascial Integration offers physicians from diverse disciplines practical and clinically oriented applications from Complementary Alternative Medicine (CAM). Manual therapy contains critical components of a missing link in the Integrative equation. When relevant, it can be a potent non-surgical alternative. Dovetailing the Doctor's physical examination, complementary skills in physical assessment investigates relationships between local and global bio-mechanics, interior/exterior and adaptation. FI explores non-obvious mechanisms and territory. In accord with a Doctor's discretion, and trying less invasive options before more invasive ones, the Integrative edge offers patients the best of both worlds.
As Abraham Verghese MD says in his TED Talk; A doctor's touch,
"When we shortcut the physical exam... we are losing much more than that... we're losing a ritual that I believe is transformative, transcendent and is at the heart of the patient / physician relationship. I'd like to introduce to you the most important innovation, I think, in medicine to come in the next 10 years and that is the power of the human hand..."
Living in today's world places many daily demands on us. As therapists we strive to maintain strong, healthy, therapeutic relationships in our work. As human beings we also seek to have more depth and connection in our personal lives. Yet burnout is often the outcome if we do not first hold a healing space for ourselves.
While each person's journey through life is individual and unique, basic underlying principles for wholeness and integration in that journey are the same. The Healing From the Core (HFC) curriculum is designed to explore these principles conceptually, physically and emotionally using such resources as intention, felt sensation, hands-on protocols, expanding and reframing awareness, breath, sound, movement, drumming, drawing and journaling. Courses also teach skills to deepen intuition and interpersonal awareness.
Through the Healing From the Core process you will:
- Discover how to hold a strong therapeutic presence - a vital skill in the application of any modality
- Maximize treatment outcomes
- Improve your evaluation and palpation skills
- Create healthy boundaries that enhance your connection to the world, while avoiding burnout
- Learn to meet your clients where they are
Developed by Fritz Smith, MD in the early 1970s, Zero Balancing is a powerful body-mind therapy that uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy and structures of the body. Following a protocol that typically lasts 30 to 45 minutes, the practitioner uses finger pressure and gentle traction on areas of tension in the bones, joints and soft tissue to create fulcrums, or points of balance, around which the body can relax and reorganize.
Zero Balancing offers many powerful benefits to people of all ages. Here are some of the compelling reasons why you should seek Zero Balancing:
- Increases feelings of health and well-being
- Releases stress and improves the flow of energy in our bodies
- Reduces pain and discomfort
- Enhances stability, balance and freedom
- Amplifies the sense of connection, peace and happiness
- Releases mental, emotional and physical tension
- Supports us through transitions and transformations
- Improves quality of life and increases capacity for enjoyment
Zero Balancing focuses primarily on key joints of our skeleton that conduct and balance forces of gravity, posture and movement. By addressing the deepest and densest tissues of the body along with soft tissue and energy fields, Zero Balancing helps to clear blocks in the body's energy flow, amplify vitality and contribute to better postural alignment. A Zero Balancing session leaves you with a wonderful feeling of inner harmony and organization.
In Memoriam
Dr. Fritz Smith, founder of Zero Balancing, passed away in May of 2024. He is dearly missed.
Zero Balancing Core-Pak Program available here.
The Core-Pak Program offers students an opportunity to sign up for a series of courses at a substantial savings over regular tuition. Core-Pak tuition also includes payment for the Zero Balancing Certification Program. Contact IAHE at {{ config('custom.phone_numbers.educational_services') }} or {{ config('custom.phone_numbers.main_local') }} to register and arrange for your payment plan of $100 per month. Your payment will be processed each month on your credit card. You may select the seminar dates and locations as it suits your schedule. (This program is available for North American courses only. Certain residential courses may not be eligible for Core-Pak.)

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