Research, Articles & Case Studies

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August 18th, 2023

Transformative Holistic Mental Health Solutions Revealed

Jane Doe

Talia and Armani Jackson have used holistic therapies like acupuncture and craniosacral therapy to manage their Lyme disease and have experienced positive mental health outcomes as well.

August 1st, 2023

The Discovery of the CranioSacral System

Dennis Hughes

This is an interview with Dr. Upledger!

July 7th, 2023

This is How CranioSacral Therapy Helps Lessen Pain

Rob Fournier, OTR, CST-D

CranioSacral Therapy helps the emotional body-mind-spirit release stored emotions that may also contribute to pain, giving them a voice to be heard and acknowledged, and to find resolution within. Overall, the client’s body is then able to move forward with greater ease, function and mobility.

It helps pain by freeing up the physical structures being impacted by any injusry new and old.

June 5th, 2023

Childrens Program and Book Demonstrate the power of Compassionate Touch

Sue Cotta

The four-month Compassionate Touch study was carried out at schools in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and California. Conducted with 560 children in grades K-2, the program centers around a simple hands-on technique called “Direction of Energy” that allows children to help classmates who sustain minor injuries. This article will help you understand how compassionate children can be!

June 2nd, 2023


Carey Benenson Taussig

Long covid is considered a chronic condition. Studies have shown that massage therapy and other hands on therapist can really make a difference in person of Long Covid Life!

May 9th, 2023

Did you know that Visceral Manipulation has a positive effect on your lymphatic system?

Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D

The article by Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, explores how Visceral Manipulation (VM) can significantly benefit the lymphatic system. The author explains the importance of the lymphatic system in fluid exchange, immune response, and cellular waste removal. By focusing on organ-specific fascial manipulation, VM helps restore the inflow and outflow pathways of the circulatory system, thereby relieving lymphatic congestion.

Examples provided include the liver and intestines, showing how VM enhances the physiological motion and fluid filtration of these organs. Through detailed descriptions, the article highlights how VM techniques not only assist with lymphatic drainage but also contribute to improved metabolic functions and overall tissue health.

Gail Wetzler also emphasizes the importance of learning these techniques for practitioners to enhance their ability to work with the lymphatic system. The article underscores the role of VM in promoting the body's natural healing processes by supporting the lymphatic system’s function.

April 28th, 2023

CranioSacral Therapy CST/SER Auto Accident Recovery

Marilyn Siebold, LMT, CST-T

CASE STUDY - Auto Accident Recovery

April 24th, 2023

Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention

Holger Pelz, Gero Müller, Micha Keller, Klaus Mathiak, Johannes Mayer, Stefan Borik & Volker Perlitz

Intermediate (IM) band physiology in skin blood fow exhibits parallels with the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) or cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), controversial concepts of osteopathy in the cranial feld (OCF). Owing to inconsistent manual palpation results, validity of evidence of PRM/CRI activity has been questionable. We therefore tried to validate manual palpation combining instrumented tracking and algorithmic objectivation of frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. Using a standard OCF intervention, cranial vault hold (CVH), two OCF experts palpated and digitally marked CRI frequencies in 25 healthy adults. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in low frequency (LF) and IM band in photoplethysmographic (PPG) forehead skin recordings was probed with momentary frequency of highest amplitude (MFHA) and wavelet amplitude spectra (WAS) in examiners and participants. Palpation errors and frequency expectation bias during CVH were analyzed for phases of MFHA and CRI. Palpated CRI frequencies (0.05–0.08 Hz) correlated highly with mean MFHA frequencies with 1:1 ratio in 77% of participants (LF-responders; 0.072 Hz) and with 2:1 ratio in 23% of participants (IM-responders; 0.147 Hz). WAS analysis in both groups revealed integer number (harmonic) waves in (very) low and IM bands in> 98% of palpated intervals. Phase analyses in participants and examiners suggested synchronization between MFHA and CRI in a subset of LF-responders. IM band physiology in forehead PPG may ofer a sensible physiological correlate of palpated CRI activity. Possible coordination or synchronization efects with additional physiological signals and between examiners and participants should be investigated in future studies.

April 10th, 2023

CranioSacral Bibliography

CranioSacral Bibliography
Curriculums: Upledger's CranioSacral TestimonialCategory / SomatoEmotional Release,

 CranioSacral Bibliography

April 3rd, 2023

Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, New Manual Articular Approach, Manual Approach to the Brain Curriculum Bibliography

Many Authors

Barral Curriculum Bibliography for Visceral Manipulation, Visceral Vascular Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, New Manual Articular Approach, and Manual Approach to the Brain

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