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Age estimation by multidetector CT images of the sagittal suture
Fumiko Chiba ,Yohsuke Makino, Ayumi Motomura ,Go Inokuchi,Suguru Torimitsu, Namiko Ishii & Ayaka Sakuma & Sayaka Nagasawa & Hisako Saitoh & Daisuke Yajima & Mutsumi Hayakawa & Yuriko Odo & Yoichi Suzuki & Hirotaro IwaseCurriculums:
Closure of cranial sutures progresses with age; therefore, microscopic assessment of cranial sutures has been used as one method of age estimation. Age estimation is one of the most important methods used the identification of human remains and is also one of the greatest challenges in forensic medicine particularly in the case of adult remains. Tomography and MRI's and Ultrasound are being investigated alongsid the re-evaluation of the classic techniques for an estimation based on the Cranial Sutures.
Barral Bibliograhies
Barral BibliograhiesCurriculums:
Barral Bibliograhies
6 Breaths Per Minute Benefits Proven By Science
6 breaths per minute is based on one the the natural reflexes of the human body.
When we breath more slowly our oxygen level decreases while your CO2 level in the blood increases.
Somato Emotional Release: The Holistic Technique That Can Treat Both Your Body And Your Mind
Andra PicincuCurriculums:
Emotional, mental, and physical health are strongly connected. It's no surprise that about one third of American adults are now attending therapy, according to a 2020 survey conducted by OnePoll. However, therapy can take many forms. This article discusses SomatoEmotional Release (SER), a mind‐body .
Pinincu wrote "SER could be one of the best ways to help yourself feel less anxious. This technique creates a safe space where you can get in touch with your emotions without losing control. At the same time, it relaxes your body and releases the tension in your head, muscles, and joints. It's not a cure‐all, but it could change your life for the better."
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Somato Emotional Release: The Holistic Technique That Can Treat Both Your Body And Your Mind
Andra PicincuCurriculums:
Emotional, mental, and physical health are strongly connected. It's no surprise that about one‐third of American adults are now attending therapy, according to a 2020 survey conducted by OnePoll. However, therapy can take many forms. This article discusses SomatoEmotional Release (SER), a mind‐body approach that attempts to heal physical pain by addressing unresolved emotions.
Pinincu wrote "SER could be one of the best ways to help yourself feel less anxious. This technique creates a safe space where you can get in touch with your emotions without losing control. At the same time, it relaxes your body and releases the tension in your head, muscles, and joints. It's not a cure‐all, but it could change your life for the better."
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Visceral Manipulation Research Flyer
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
A compilation of current research pertaining to Visceral Manipulation.
Neural Manipulation Research Flyer
Barral InstituteCurriculums:
A compilation of current research pertaining to Neural Manipulation.
Approaching the Emotional Gut
Nikki Kenward CST-D, MCSSCurriculums: Barral's Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,
A digestive system that is not functioning well can have debilitating, painful and uncomfortable to live with. CranioSacral Therapy and the Gut and Brain all seem to coincide with each other. People seem to try all kinds of dietary restrictions and supplements to help themselves to no avail. It sometimes may get so serious that they may have to have surgery and have a stoma bag for life.
Nikki became interested in the studies at the Upledger Institute for Brain and Gut Issues for people with different strugles including PTSD.
Great Article!
Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Paradigm
Upledger Institute InternationalCurriculums:
“Every treatment protocol should be dictated by the wisdom of the patient’s own body.”
—Dr. John E. Upledger
This quote by Dr. Upledger is at the heart of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and is the foundation for its Paradigm.
The Upledger Paradigm describes the core principles of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST). It is a combination of Dr. John E. Upledger’s in-class teachings, his written material, and the interpretation of his work by Upledger Institute International Instructors. The Paradigm is designed to evolve over time as CST continues to progress. It is composed of, but not limited to, the following aspects.
Did You Know that Concussion Increases the Risk of...
Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-DCurriculums:
Did You Know that Concussion Increases the Risk of:
1. Homelessness?
2. Substance Abuse?
3. Mental Health Problems?
4. Suicide?
5. Dementia?
6. ADHD?
7. Learning Difficulties?
8. Aggression?
9. Incarceration?