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11 Most Commonly Requested CST Research Articles

17 Most Commonly Requested VM Research Articles

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CranioSacral Therapy/A complicated Surgical Case Responds to CST
(September 8th, 2021)
By: Janelle Maxwell LMT, CST-T, MMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CASE STUDY/ A Surgical Case Responds to CST

Barral Educational Platform Builds Success
(June 18th, 2024)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Learn the benefits of studying Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and New Manual Articular Approach with the Barral Institute 

Visceral Manipulation – Chronic Abdominal Pain, Body Aches, Constipation
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Visceral Manipulation – Epilepsy
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CASE STUDY/ Visceral Manipulation- Epilepsy

Visceral Manipulation – Neck Pain
(June 3rd, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 CASE STUDY Visceral Manipulation-Neck Pain

Visceral Manipulation-Bells Palsy
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Effects of CST on a Force Impact Profile
(January 12th, 2024)
By: Janelle Maxwell LMT, CST-T, MMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation: Part 1 and Part 2
(June 1st, 2014)
By: Robert Schleip
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fascia – what a fascinating tissue!

Also known as dense irregularconnective tissue, this tissue surrounds and connects every muscle, even the tiniest myofibril, and every single organ of the body.

It forms a true continuity throughout our whole body. Fascia has been shown to be an important element in our posture and movement organization. It is often referred to as our organ of form (Varela & Frenk 1987, Garfin et al.1981). Many approaches to manual therapy focus their treatment on the fascia. They claim to alter either thedensity, tonus, viscosity or arrangement of fascia through the application of manual pressure.

Fascia Mobility, Proprioception, and Myofascial Pain
(July 8th, 2021)
By: Helen M. Langevin M.D.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Anyone who has participated in a yoga class knows that some people are more “flex-ible” than others. We usually think of musculoskeletal flexibility as “loose” or “tight” joints—ligaments, joint capsules—and muscles. But another important part of the musculoskeletal system that tends to be overlooked is the network of fasciae.

Although the clinical syndrome of “myofascial pain” remains poorly characterized, itis estimated to be present in approximately 30% of patients with chronic musculoskeletalpain in the back, neck, shoulder, hip, and pelvis as well as temporomandibular pain, and headache's.

Reconnecting the Brain with the Rest of the Body in Musculoskeletal Pain Research
(January 22nd, 2021)
By: Helen M. Langevin M.D.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Over the past few decades, pain research has greatly strengthened our view of chronic pain as a “disease of the brain.” However, as our knowledge about the role of the nervous system in chronic pain continues to expand, some disconnects are emerging between this knowledge and our understanding of peripheral tissue pathology, particularly for chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Biotensegrity-Anatomy for the 21st Century Informing Yoga and Physiotherapy Concerning New Findings in Fascia Research
(January 27th, 2018)
By: John Sharkey
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The word “Yoga” is rooted in the Sanskrit “yuj,” meaning “to join” or “to unite”. Essentially, yoga has come to describe a means of joining the mind and body. Yoga is an art and science embracing wholistic health related movement. Research coming from Biotensegrity focused dissection provides a unique educational experience whereby the Yoga practitioner or body worker can better appreciate the inner reality of our soft matter architecture.

(May 1st, 2018)
By: Jill Mabry LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As spring approaches, you can be aware of the benefits of massage and other touch therapies for allergy relief. These benefits include stress reduction; relief of neck-and-shoulder tension, which opens sinuses; lymph movement, which reduces irritation and inflammation; increased circulation; and promotion of a healthier immune system.

Finding Wholeness After Trauma: The Role of Alternative Therapies in Healing School Shooting Survivors
(November 24th, 2023)
By: Monica Hamer, CST-T
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

At CST Partners, we have committed ourselves to a holistic healing approach that transcends conventional boundaries, addressing not only the mind, but also the body and spirit.CranioSacral Therapy, a cornerstone of our therapeutic offerings, is more than a physical intervention.

It is a gentle approach that accesses the deeper layers of Trauma, often held within the body, by engaging with the nervous system in a gentle non-invasive way.

A Perfect Match: Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation
(October 1st, 2018)
By: Lorrie Harper, MSPT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

"What am I missing?" is often the question in therapists' minds when a client returns time and time again with the same sports injury. Sure, we have numerous skills to address muscle and joint pain, and we know much of it is related to structural alignment, but what else can be done?

Effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Treating Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Literature Review
(March 22nd, 2024)
By: Cheri Lotfi , Jesse Blair , Angela Jumrukovska , Mackenzie Grubb , Emily Glidden , James Toldi 1. Osteopathic Medicine, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, USA 2. Sports Medicine, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, USA Corresponding author: Cheri Lotfi,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

IBS is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects a patient for their entire life. Effective treatments for IBS are scarce, leading to an increased interest in alternative treatments such as osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). OMT uses hands-on treatment to reduce pain through various methods. By focusing on visceral techniques, OMT can restore autonomic homeostasis and increase lymphatic flow. This literature review aims to investigate the efficacy of visceral OMT in reducing the severity of IBS symptoms.

Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention
(April 24th, 2023)
By: Holger Pelz, Gero Müller, Micha Keller, Klaus Mathiak, Johannes Mayer, Stefan Borik & Volker Perlitz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Intermediate (IM) band physiology in skin blood fow exhibits parallels with the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) or cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), controversial concepts of osteopathy in the cranial feld (OCF). Owing to inconsistent manual palpation results, validity of evidence of PRM/CRI activity has been questionable. We therefore tried to validate manual palpation combining instrumented tracking and algorithmic objectivation of frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. Using a standard OCF intervention, cranial vault hold (CVH), two OCF experts palpated and digitally marked CRI frequencies in 25 healthy adults. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in low frequency (LF) and IM band in photoplethysmographic (PPG) forehead skin recordings was probed with momentary frequency of highest amplitude (MFHA) and wavelet amplitude spectra (WAS) in examiners and participants. Palpation errors and frequency expectation bias during CVH were analyzed for phases of MFHA and CRI. Palpated CRI frequencies (0.05–0.08 Hz) correlated highly with mean MFHA frequencies with 1:1 ratio in 77% of participants (LF-responders; 0.072 Hz) and with 2:1 ratio in 23% of participants (IM-responders; 0.147 Hz). WAS analysis in both groups revealed integer number (harmonic) waves in (very) low and IM bands in> 98% of palpated intervals. Phase analyses in participants and examiners suggested synchronization between MFHA and CRI in a subset of LF-responders. IM band physiology in forehead PPG may ofer a sensible physiological correlate of palpated CRI activity. Possible coordination or synchronization efects with additional physiological signals and between examiners and participants should be investigated in future studies.

90% of Whiplash Injuries and Traumas have a Visceral Component
(February 12th, 2024)
By: Jean-Pierre Barral DO, MRO(F)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

According to French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral,

All of the major systems in the body , musculo-skeletal, nervous, circulatory, digestive, and organs  are enveloped in connective tissue. Characteristics of a healthy connective tissue system are flexibility, elasticity, length and resilience. This tissue absorbs and responds to stress, injury, surgery, illness, emotional trauma and everyday gravitational force.

Good Read !

(February 4th, 2024)
By: The Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral dysfunction occurs when the fluids nutrition and nerve conductivity within the body becomes compromised, it makes restrictions in facial attachments.

Jean Pierre Barral has a pivotal role in this field and has been using it for many years in practice. 

Very interesting!

The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease
(January 11th, 2024)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

I can’t resist presenting this new information that came forth in one of The Upledger Institute’s recent “The Brain Speaks” seminars. A practitioner was dialoguing with the “cerebellum” of a fellow classmate when the cerebellum reported it had many crystals within it that had to be kept clean by CSF washing. When these crystals get dirty, cerebellar function deteriorates in terms of motor, balance, memory, hearing association, and many other areas that generally go with old age.

Massage Therapy for Allergy Relief and Improving the Immune System
(January 11th, 2024)
By: Jill Mabry LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Massage Therapy for allergy relief (before and during symptoms) including that Massage Therapy:

• Relaxes the body, reducing stress that can exacerbate the symptoms of allergies

• Relieves neck and shoulder tension, which opens sinuses

• Moves lymph, which reduces irritation and inflammation

• Increases circulation

• Promotes a stronger and healthier immune system

There is such a wide spectrum of signs and symptoms a patient can exhibit from an array of antigens. Learning how the body is a unit, and discovering structure/function, you can facilitate self-correction for a wide variety of conditions.

(June 2nd, 2023)
By: Carey Benenson Taussig
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Long covid is considered a chronic condition. Studies have shown that massage therapy and other hands on therapist can really make a difference in person of Long Covid Life!

Vagus Nerve Dysfunction in the Post Covid19 Condition
(October 13th, 2023)
By: Lourdes Mateu MD, PHD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Long Covid is a major global public health and medical challange since most people with long covid have a variety of symptons, the Vagus nerve innervates the larnyx, pharnyx, lungs, heart and gastrintestinal tract. they have all been affected by Post Covid Condition. (PCC)

Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
(August 31st, 2021)
By: S. Yamada
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The classical cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation theory has been accepted as an established theory of CSF physiology. It describes bulk CSF flow from production site to absorption site. However, much controversy remains regarding the basic CSF physiology and the mechanisms behind the development of hydrocephalus. In the recent observations made using advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, namely, the time spatial inversion pulse (Time-SLIP) method, CSF was used as internal CSF tracer to trace true CSF movement. Observation of the CSF dynamics using this method reveals aspects of CSF dynamics that are different from those of classical CSF circulation theory. Cerebrospinal fluid shows pulsation but does not show bulk flow from production site to absorption site, a theory that was built upon externally injected tracer studies. Observation of the exogeneous tracer studies were true but misinterpreted. Causes of misinterpretations are the differences between results obtained using the true CSF tracer and exogenous tracers. A better understanding of the real CSF physiology can be significant for the advancement of medical sciences in the future. Revisiting CSF flow physiology is a necessary step toward this goal.

Coupled electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and cerebrospinal fluid oscillations in human sleep
(November 1st, 2019)
By: N.E. Fultz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Sleep is essential for both cognition and maintenance of healthy brain function. Slow waves in neural activity contribute to memory consolidation, while cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) clears metabolic waste products from the brain. Whether these two processes are related is not known. We used accelerated neuroimaging to measure physiological and neural dynamics in the human brain. We discovered a coherent pattern of oscillating electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and CSF dynamics that appears during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Neural slow waves are followed by hemodynamic oscillations, which in turn are coupled to CSF flow. These results demonstrate that the sleeping brain exhibits waves of CSF flow on a macroscopic scale, and these CSF dynamics are interlinked with neural and hemodynamic rhythms.

Our vagus nerves help us rest, digest and restore. Can you really reset them to feel better?
(August 23rd, 2023)
By: Academic rigor, journalistic flair
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Vagus means wondering in Latin, it is the long pathway of the branching of our Vegus Nerve. The Vegus Nerve runs down the neck, they travel into the chest and sends branches to the heart lungs and then passes through the diaphram to innervate all the organs in the body.