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11 Most Commonly Requested CST Research Articles

17 Most Commonly Requested VM Research Articles

Article Description

CranioSacral Therapy/A complicated Surgical Case Responds to CST
(September 8th, 2021)
By: Janelle Maxwell LMT, CST-T, MMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CASE STUDY/ A Surgical Case Responds to CST

Barral Educational Platform Builds Success
(June 18th, 2024)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Learn the benefits of studying Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and New Manual Articular Approach with the Barral Institute 

Visceral Manipulation – Chronic Abdominal Pain, Body Aches, Constipation
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Visceral Manipulation – Epilepsy
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CASE STUDY/ Visceral Manipulation- Epilepsy

Visceral Manipulation – Neck Pain
(June 3rd, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 CASE STUDY Visceral Manipulation-Neck Pain

Visceral Manipulation-Bells Palsy
(June 5th, 2024)
By: Joon Hee Lee, LAc, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Effects of CST on a Force Impact Profile
(January 12th, 2024)
By: Janelle Maxwell LMT, CST-T, MMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation: Part 1 and Part 2
(June 1st, 2014)
By: Robert Schleip
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fascia – what a fascinating tissue!

Also known as dense irregularconnective tissue, this tissue surrounds and connects every muscle, even the tiniest myofibril, and every single organ of the body.

It forms a true continuity throughout our whole body. Fascia has been shown to be an important element in our posture and movement organization. It is often referred to as our organ of form (Varela & Frenk 1987, Garfin et al.1981). Many approaches to manual therapy focus their treatment on the fascia. They claim to alter either thedensity, tonus, viscosity or arrangement of fascia through the application of manual pressure.

Fascia Mobility, Proprioception, and Myofascial Pain
(July 8th, 2021)
By: Helen M. Langevin M.D.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Anyone who has participated in a yoga class knows that some people are more “flex-ible” than others. We usually think of musculoskeletal flexibility as “loose” or “tight” joints—ligaments, joint capsules—and muscles. But another important part of the musculoskeletal system that tends to be overlooked is the network of fasciae.

Although the clinical syndrome of “myofascial pain” remains poorly characterized, itis estimated to be present in approximately 30% of patients with chronic musculoskeletalpain in the back, neck, shoulder, hip, and pelvis as well as temporomandibular pain, and headache's.

Reconnecting the Brain with the Rest of the Body in Musculoskeletal Pain Research
(January 22nd, 2021)
By: Helen M. Langevin M.D.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Over the past few decades, pain research has greatly strengthened our view of chronic pain as a “disease of the brain.” However, as our knowledge about the role of the nervous system in chronic pain continues to expand, some disconnects are emerging between this knowledge and our understanding of peripheral tissue pathology, particularly for chronic musculoskeletal pain.

Biotensegrity-Anatomy for the 21st Century Informing Yoga and Physiotherapy Concerning New Findings in Fascia Research
(January 27th, 2018)
By: John Sharkey
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The word “Yoga” is rooted in the Sanskrit “yuj,” meaning “to join” or “to unite”. Essentially, yoga has come to describe a means of joining the mind and body. Yoga is an art and science embracing wholistic health related movement. Research coming from Biotensegrity focused dissection provides a unique educational experience whereby the Yoga practitioner or body worker can better appreciate the inner reality of our soft matter architecture.

(May 1st, 2018)
By: Jill Mabry LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As spring approaches, you can be aware of the benefits of massage and other touch therapies for allergy relief. These benefits include stress reduction; relief of neck-and-shoulder tension, which opens sinuses; lymph movement, which reduces irritation and inflammation; increased circulation; and promotion of a healthier immune system.

Finding Wholeness After Trauma: The Role of Alternative Therapies in Healing School Shooting Survivors
(November 24th, 2023)
By: Monica Hamer, CST-T
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

At CST Partners, we have committed ourselves to a holistic healing approach that transcends conventional boundaries, addressing not only the mind, but also the body and spirit.CranioSacral Therapy, a cornerstone of our therapeutic offerings, is more than a physical intervention.

It is a gentle approach that accesses the deeper layers of Trauma, often held within the body, by engaging with the nervous system in a gentle non-invasive way.

A Perfect Match: Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation
(October 1st, 2018)
By: Lorrie Harper, MSPT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

"What am I missing?" is often the question in therapists' minds when a client returns time and time again with the same sports injury. Sure, we have numerous skills to address muscle and joint pain, and we know much of it is related to structural alignment, but what else can be done?

Effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment in Treating Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Literature Review
(March 22nd, 2024)
By: Cheri Lotfi , Jesse Blair , Angela Jumrukovska , Mackenzie Grubb , Emily Glidden , James Toldi 1. Osteopathic Medicine, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, USA 2. Sports Medicine, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Bradenton, USA Corresponding author: Cheri Lotfi,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

IBS is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects a patient for their entire life. Effective treatments for IBS are scarce, leading to an increased interest in alternative treatments such as osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). OMT uses hands-on treatment to reduce pain through various methods. By focusing on visceral techniques, OMT can restore autonomic homeostasis and increase lymphatic flow. This literature review aims to investigate the efficacy of visceral OMT in reducing the severity of IBS symptoms.

Validation of subjective manual palpation using objective physiological recordings of the cranial rhythmic impulse during osteopathic manipulative intervention
(April 24th, 2023)
By: Holger Pelz, Gero Müller, Micha Keller, Klaus Mathiak, Johannes Mayer, Stefan Borik & Volker Perlitz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Intermediate (IM) band physiology in skin blood fow exhibits parallels with the primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) or cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), controversial concepts of osteopathy in the cranial feld (OCF). Owing to inconsistent manual palpation results, validity of evidence of PRM/CRI activity has been questionable. We therefore tried to validate manual palpation combining instrumented tracking and algorithmic objectivation of frequencies, amplitudes, and phases. Using a standard OCF intervention, cranial vault hold (CVH), two OCF experts palpated and digitally marked CRI frequencies in 25 healthy adults. Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity in low frequency (LF) and IM band in photoplethysmographic (PPG) forehead skin recordings was probed with momentary frequency of highest amplitude (MFHA) and wavelet amplitude spectra (WAS) in examiners and participants. Palpation errors and frequency expectation bias during CVH were analyzed for phases of MFHA and CRI. Palpated CRI frequencies (0.05–0.08 Hz) correlated highly with mean MFHA frequencies with 1:1 ratio in 77% of participants (LF-responders; 0.072 Hz) and with 2:1 ratio in 23% of participants (IM-responders; 0.147 Hz). WAS analysis in both groups revealed integer number (harmonic) waves in (very) low and IM bands in> 98% of palpated intervals. Phase analyses in participants and examiners suggested synchronization between MFHA and CRI in a subset of LF-responders. IM band physiology in forehead PPG may ofer a sensible physiological correlate of palpated CRI activity. Possible coordination or synchronization efects with additional physiological signals and between examiners and participants should be investigated in future studies.

90% of Whiplash Injuries and Traumas have a Visceral Component
(February 12th, 2024)
By: Jean-Pierre Barral DO, MRO(F)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

According to French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral,

All of the major systems in the body , musculo-skeletal, nervous, circulatory, digestive, and organs  are enveloped in connective tissue. Characteristics of a healthy connective tissue system are flexibility, elasticity, length and resilience. This tissue absorbs and responds to stress, injury, surgery, illness, emotional trauma and everyday gravitational force.

Good Read !

(February 4th, 2024)
By: The Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral dysfunction occurs when the fluids nutrition and nerve conductivity within the body becomes compromised, it makes restrictions in facial attachments.

Jean Pierre Barral has a pivotal role in this field and has been using it for many years in practice. 

Very interesting!

The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease
(January 11th, 2024)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

I can’t resist presenting this new information that came forth in one of The Upledger Institute’s recent “The Brain Speaks” seminars. A practitioner was dialoguing with the “cerebellum” of a fellow classmate when the cerebellum reported it had many crystals within it that had to be kept clean by CSF washing. When these crystals get dirty, cerebellar function deteriorates in terms of motor, balance, memory, hearing association, and many other areas that generally go with old age.

Massage Therapy for Allergy Relief and Improving the Immune System
(January 11th, 2024)
By: Jill Mabry LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Massage Therapy for allergy relief (before and during symptoms) including that Massage Therapy:

• Relaxes the body, reducing stress that can exacerbate the symptoms of allergies

• Relieves neck and shoulder tension, which opens sinuses

• Moves lymph, which reduces irritation and inflammation

• Increases circulation

• Promotes a stronger and healthier immune system

There is such a wide spectrum of signs and symptoms a patient can exhibit from an array of antigens. Learning how the body is a unit, and discovering structure/function, you can facilitate self-correction for a wide variety of conditions.

(June 2nd, 2023)
By: Carey Benenson Taussig
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Long covid is considered a chronic condition. Studies have shown that massage therapy and other hands on therapist can really make a difference in person of Long Covid Life!

Vagus Nerve Dysfunction in the Post Covid19 Condition
(October 13th, 2023)
By: Lourdes Mateu MD, PHD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Long Covid is a major global public health and medical challange since most people with long covid have a variety of symptons, the Vagus nerve innervates the larnyx, pharnyx, lungs, heart and gastrintestinal tract. they have all been affected by Post Covid Condition. (PCC)

Cerebrospinal fluid dynamics
(August 31st, 2021)
By: S. Yamada
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The classical cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) circulation theory has been accepted as an established theory of CSF physiology. It describes bulk CSF flow from production site to absorption site. However, much controversy remains regarding the basic CSF physiology and the mechanisms behind the development of hydrocephalus. In the recent observations made using advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique, namely, the time spatial inversion pulse (Time-SLIP) method, CSF was used as internal CSF tracer to trace true CSF movement. Observation of the CSF dynamics using this method reveals aspects of CSF dynamics that are different from those of classical CSF circulation theory. Cerebrospinal fluid shows pulsation but does not show bulk flow from production site to absorption site, a theory that was built upon externally injected tracer studies. Observation of the exogeneous tracer studies were true but misinterpreted. Causes of misinterpretations are the differences between results obtained using the true CSF tracer and exogenous tracers. A better understanding of the real CSF physiology can be significant for the advancement of medical sciences in the future. Revisiting CSF flow physiology is a necessary step toward this goal.

Coupled electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and cerebrospinal fluid oscillations in human sleep
(November 1st, 2019)
By: N.E. Fultz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Sleep is essential for both cognition and maintenance of healthy brain function. Slow waves in neural activity contribute to memory consolidation, while cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) clears metabolic waste products from the brain. Whether these two processes are related is not known. We used accelerated neuroimaging to measure physiological and neural dynamics in the human brain. We discovered a coherent pattern of oscillating electrophysiological, hemodynamic, and CSF dynamics that appears during non-rapid eye movement sleep. Neural slow waves are followed by hemodynamic oscillations, which in turn are coupled to CSF flow. These results demonstrate that the sleeping brain exhibits waves of CSF flow on a macroscopic scale, and these CSF dynamics are interlinked with neural and hemodynamic rhythms.

Our vagus nerves help us rest, digest and restore. Can you really reset them to feel better?
(August 23rd, 2023)
By: Academic rigor, journalistic flair
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Vagus means wondering in Latin, it is the long pathway of the branching of our Vegus Nerve. The Vegus Nerve runs down the neck, they travel into the chest and sends branches to the heart lungs and then passes through the diaphram to innervate all the organs in the body.

Barral Manual Approach to the Brain Bibliography
(September 12th, 2023)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Manual Approach to the Brain Bibliography

IMPORTANT NOTICE AND REMINDER - We treat people! We do not treat conditions
(September 11th, 2023)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

It is imperative to always use the correct terminology to properly represent the scope of our practices and to stay in compliance with the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA).

Please read the rulings from the ASA.

‘I Struggled With Back Pain for Years, Until I Found Visceral Manipulation’
(August 29th, 2023)
By: Jessica Giles
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Let’s break it down. “Viscera” are your soft internal organs, such as your kidneys, lungs, stomach, and liver. So, visceral manipulation is a type of gentle hands-on therapy that assesses and addresses organ mobility.

This therapy, developed by French osteopath and physical therapist Jean-Pierre Barral, highlights the importance of treating the body as a connected system.

(August 29th, 2023)
By: Russell A. Bourne, Jr., Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Life today for children has become more traumatic with so many more school shootings and suicied in our society. Homicides alone for victims age 14 to 24 were over 8 thousand just in the US alone.

In the Spring of 1997, The Upledger Foundation initiated a simple and straight-forward investigation into the use and instruction of Compassionate Touch with preschool children. This pilot project was designed to evaluate the effect of Compassionate Touch on the demonstration of increased pro-social behaviors and the reduction of aggressive behaviors and behavioral problems in children.

Great Article!

THE COMPASSIONATE TOUCH PROGRAM Defusing Violence by Enhancing Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Image in Children
(August 29th, 2023)
By: Dr. John Upledger D.O. O.M.M
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Children in the Compassionate Touch program are taught a simple practice termed Helping Hands that can be used if another child has been hurt or is feeling discomfort.

They place a light touch on the child that is hurt in the area and is accompanied by a pulsation for the injured child. The Helping Hands help make the child feel better much faster with the compasionate touch! 

How Could Emotions Affect Tissues in the Body?
(August 29th, 2023)
By: Vivien Henderson LMT,CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Effects of a traumatic event can penetrate into tissues of energy into a victims body! Sometimes our bodies hold back on a traumatic event that happens in our lives which sometimes gets bottled up inside and causes us different issues like pain. It can be released through CranioSacral Therapy called SomatoEmotional Release.

Great Read!

Upledger New Glarus Study Dr. John Compassionate Study
(August 28th, 2023)
By: Upledger foudation
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

These children were studied for compassionte touch helping each other when getting hurt or for younger children "Owies". Helping Hands were helping to assist someone with physical pain, but also to helpthose who were emotionally distressed or unhappy.

Childrens Program and Book Demonstrate the power of Compassionate Touch
(June 5th, 2023)
By: Sue Cotta
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The four-month Compassionate Touch study was carried out at schools in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and California. Conducted with 560 children in grades K-2, the program centers around a simple hands-on technique called “Direction of Energy” that allows children to help classmates who sustain minor injuries. This article will help you understand how compassionate children can be!

Transformative Holistic Mental Health Solutions Revealed
(August 18th, 2023)
By: Jane Doe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Talia and Armani Jackson have used holistic therapies like acupuncture and craniosacral therapy to manage their Lyme disease and have experienced positive mental health outcomes as well.

Talia and Armani Jackson Bring Awareness to Holistic Treatments for Mental Health Issues
(August 18th, 2023)
By: Brande Victorian
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Talia and Armani Jackson Bring Awareness to Holistic Treatments for Mental Health Issues using CranioSacral Therapy!

The Discovery of the CranioSacral System
(August 1st, 2023)
By: Dennis Hughes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an interview with Dr. Upledger!

(July 7th, 2023)
By: Rob Fournier, OTR, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy helps the emotional body-mind-spirit release stored emotions that may also contribute to pain, giving them a voice to be heard and acknowledged, and to find resolution within. Overall, the client’s body is then able to move forward with greater ease, function and mobility.

It helps pain by freeing up the physical structures being impacted by any injusry new and old.

What Is Craniosacral Therapy?
(May 27th, 2021)
By: Maria Faller
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

If you have ever been to a chiropractor or massage therapist, you may have experienced craniosacral therapy (CST).However, if this sounds alien to you, and you live with chronic migraines, neck pain, neuralgia, or even are suffering with
side effects from cancer treatments, CST may be worth exploring.
Great Article to Read!

Did you know that Visceral Manipulation has a positive effect on your lymphatic system?
(May 9th, 2023)
By: Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The Lymphatic System is a specialized fluid system that distributes water and nutrients while eliminating cellular waste from most tissues and organs within the body!

CranioSacral Therapy CST/SER Auto Accident Recovery
(April 28th, 2023)
By: Marilyn Siebold, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CASE STUDY - Auto Accident Recovery

Somato Emotional Release: The Holistic Technique That Can Treat Both Your Body And Your Mind
(March 20th, 2023)
By: Andra Picincu
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Emotional, mental, and physical health are strongly connected. It's no surprise that about one third of American adults are now attending therapy, according to a 2020 survey conducted by OnePoll. However, therapy can take many forms. This article discusses SomatoEmotional Release (SER), a mind‐body

Pinincu wrote "SER could be one of the best ways to help yourself feel less anxious. This technique creates a safe space where you can get in touch with your emotions without losing control. At the same time, it relaxes your body and releases the tension in your head, muscles, and joints. It's not a cure‐all, but it could change your life for the better."

Read more.

Somato Emotional Release: The Holistic Technique That Can Treat Both Your Body And Your Mind
(March 20th, 2023)
By: Andra Picincu
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Emotional, mental, and physical health are strongly connected. It's no surprise that about one‐third of American adults are now attending therapy, according to a 2020 survey conducted by OnePoll. However, therapy can take many forms. This article discusses SomatoEmotional Release (SER), a mind‐body approach that attempts to heal physical pain by addressing unresolved emotions. 

Pinincu wrote "SER could be one of the best ways to help yourself feel less anxious. This technique creates a safe space where you can get in touch with your emotions without losing control. At the same time, it relaxes your body and releases the tension in your head, muscles, and joints. It's not a cure‐all, but it could change your life for the better."

Read more.

Osteopathy for prolonged symptoms after COVID-19
(December 1st, 2021)
By: Sabine Foster-Garn, PT, DO, CVMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Since the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with the first confirmed case on December 1, 2019, the pathogen has now spread worldwide. In the scientific research work on the disease COVID-19 caused by the pathogen.

Sabine Foster-Garn investigated whether osteopathic treatment (including Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and CranioSacral Therapy) can change prolonged symptoms in post-COVID-19 patients. The following article provides an overview of the results and the assessment.

Interesting Read!

Single Slow-Paced Breathing Session at Six Cycles per Minute: Investigation of Dose-Response Relationship on Cardiac Vagal Activity
(November 26th, 2021)
By: Min You, Sylvain Laborde, Nina Zammit, Maša Iskra, Uirassu Borges and Fabrice Dosseville
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The practice of slow-paced breathing (SPB) has been linked to a range of positive outcomes, such as decreasing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress, as well as increasing well-being. Among the suggested mechanisms of action, SPB has been shown to increase cardiac vagal activity (CVA). Slow-paced breathing (SPB), the voluntary slowing down of respiratory frequency (RF), is linked to a range of positive mental and physical health outcomes, such as decreased depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms.

A mesothelium divides the subarachnoid space into functional compartments
(January 6th, 2023)
By: Kjeld Møllgård, Felix R. M. Beinlich, Peter Kusk, Leo M. Miyakoshi, Christine Delle , Virginia Plá , Natalie L. Hauglund , Tina Esmail , Martin K. Rasmussen , Ryszard S. Gomolka , Yuki Mori , Maiken Nedergaard
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The central nervous system is lined by meninges, classically known as dura, arachnoid, and pia mater. We show the existence of a fourth meningeal layer that compartmentalizes the subarachnoid space in the mouse and human brain, designated the subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane (SLYM). SLYM is morpho- and immunophenotypically similar to the mesothelial membrane lining of peripheral organs and body cavities, and it encases blood vessels and harbors immune cells.

Physiological Effects of Slow Breathing
(April 13th, 2017)
By: Marc A. Russo, Danielle M. Santarelli, Dean O’Rourke
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Slow breathing practices have been adopted in the modern world across the globe due to their claimed heath benefits.This has interest in researchers and clinicians who decided to investigate into the effects of slow breathing. This is an overview of normal respiratory phisiology to research in healthy humans.

Barral Bibliograhies
(March 31st, 2023)
By: Barral Bibliograhies
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Bibliograhies

CranioSacral Bibliography
(April 10th, 2023)
By: CranioSacral Bibliography
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 CranioSacral Bibliography

The Intertwined Evolution and Development of Sutures and Cranial Morphology
(March 26th, 2021)
By: Heather E. White, Anjali, and Abigail S. Tucker
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Throughout post-natal craniofacial development, sutures function as sites of bone growth, accommodating expansion of a growing brain. The Skull has a crucial role, sutures also function postnatally while overall skull shape is altered accomodating the expansive brain.

The Impact of Resonance Frequency Breathing on Measures of Heart Rate Variability, Blood Pressure, and Mood
(August 25th, 2017)
By: Patrick R. Steffen, Tara Austin, Andrea DeBarros, and Tracy Brown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Heart rate variability biofeedback (HRVB) significantly improves heart rate variability (HRV). Breathing at resonance frequency (RF, approximately 6 breaths/min) constitutes a key part of HRVB training and is hypothesized to be a pathway through which biofeedback improves HRV. No studies to date, however, have experimentally examined whether RF breathing impacts measures of HRV. The present study addressed this question by comparing three groups. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a key marker of health, mood, and adaptation, and hence improvements in HRV improves health, mood, and an adaptation to stress.

6 Breaths Per Minute Benefits Proven By Science
(March 27th, 2023)
By: Anonymous
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

6 breaths per minute is based on one the the natural reflexes of the human body.

When we breath more slowly our oxygen level decreases while your CO2 level in the blood increases.

Age estimation by multidetector CT images of the sagittal suture
(April 3rd, 2023)
By: Fumiko Chiba ,Yohsuke Makino, Ayumi Motomura ,Go Inokuchi,Suguru Torimitsu, Namiko Ishii & Ayaka Sakuma & Sayaka Nagasawa & Hisako Saitoh & Daisuke Yajima & Mutsumi Hayakawa & Yuriko Odo & Yoichi Suzuki & Hirotaro Iwase
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Closure of cranial sutures progresses with age; therefore, microscopic assessment of cranial sutures has been used as one method of age estimation. Age estimation is one of the most important methods used the identification of human remains and is also one of the greatest challenges in forensic medicine particularly in the case of adult remains. Tomography and MRI's and Ultrasound are being investigated alongsid the re-evaluation of the classic techniques for an estimation based on the Cranial Sutures.

The Skull’s Girder: A Brief Review of the Cranial Base
(January 23rd, 2021)
By: Shankar Rengasamy Venugopalan and Eric Van Otterloo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Several elegant studies, ranging from animal developmental biology to human anthropology, have assembled a framework of cranial base anatomy, embryology, molecular genetics, evolution, and dysfunction. However, despite this compendium of experimental work, the cranial base remains relatively understudied, especially in comparison to the cranial vault and facial skeleton—despite its close integration with these superficial elements. Still need continued investigation and knowledge of the Cranal Base should be an ever expanding tool kit for the future!

Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, New Manual Articular Approach, Manual Approach to the Brain Curriculum Bibliography
(April 3rd, 2023)
By: Many Authors
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Curriculum Bibliography for Visceral Manipulation, Visceral Vascular Manipulation, Neural Manipulation, New Manual Articular Approach, and Manual Approach to the Brain

Timing and rate of spheno-occipital synchondrosis closure and its relationship to puberty
(August 21st, 2017)
By: Anwar Alhazmi, Edwardo Vargas, J. Martin Polomo, Mark Hans, Bruce Latimer, Scott Sampson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study examines the relationship between spheno-occipital synchondrosis (SOS) closure and puberty onset in a modern American population. It also investigates the timing and the rate of SOS closure in males and females.

Very interesting subject!

Molecular basis of cranial suture biology and disease: Osteoblastic and osteoclastic perspectives
(July 27th, 2013)
By: Maureen Beederman, Evan M Marina, Russell R Reid
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 The human skull is formed from 9 Cranial Bones. The bones articulate with one another to be joined together.The bones can form in different ways, most bones form to the sutures in normal formation.

Approching the Emotional Gut
(March 8th, 2023)
By: Nikki Kenward CST-D, MCSS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A digestive system that is not functioning well can have debilitating, painful and uncomfortable to live with. CranioSacral Therapy and the Gut and Brain all seem to coincide with each other. People seem to try all kinds of dietary restrictions and supplements to help themselves to no avail. It sometimes may get so serious that they may have to have surgery and have a stoma bag for life.

Nikki became interested in the studies at the Upledger Institute for Brain and Gut Issues for people with different strugles including PTSD.

Great Article!

Neural Manipulation Research Flyer
(March 10th, 2023)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

A compilation of current research pertaining to Neural Manipulation.

Visceral Manipulation Research Flyer
(March 10th, 2023)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

A compilation of current research pertaining to Visceral Manipulation.

(October 1st, 2018)
By: Karrie Osborne
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ricky Williams has experienced CST for himself having post concussion syndrome, discovered The Upledger Foundation and The Ricky Williams Foundation partnered to create a specific program for Football players with Intensive programs to help all post concussion players. They have found after having CST Therapy they were able to do things that they couldn't before the Therapy sessions.

Management of Post-Viral Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome With Craniosacral Therapy
(February 15th, 2023)
By: Leonid Tafler • Aysham Chaudry • Heejin Cho • Angeles Garcia
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

  Postural Orthostatic Tachcardia Syndrome(POTS) is a rare disorder of the autonomic nervous system. The number of people who have gotten this disorder has incresed since the outbreak of Covid 19, it seems to go largely undiagnosed.

 CranioSacral Therapy has seemed to help with the symptoms of this rare disorder.

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Paradigm
(February 28th, 2023)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

“Every treatment protocol should be dictated by the wisdom of the patient’s own body.”

—Dr. John E. Upledger

This quote by Dr. Upledger is at the heart of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and is the foundation for its Paradigm.

The Upledger Paradigm describes the core principles of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST). It is a combination of Dr. John E. Upledger’s in-class teachings, his written material, and the interpretation of his work by Upledger Institute International Instructors. The Paradigm is designed to evolve over time as CST continues to progress. It is composed of, but not limited to, the following aspects.

Chronic Therapy-Resistant Neck Pain in a Fifty-Year-Old Man: The Role of Partially Impacted Third Molars – Case Report and New Pathophysiological Insights
(January 18th, 2023)
By: Lucy Naomi Shiratori Tusitaa, Lorenz Fischerb
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The importance of oral health for systemic health has been pointed out for more than a hundred years ; however, it used to be an idea rather than a field of research. Nowadays, luckily, the dentist’s role in general health has become increasingly clear . Patients with poor oral hygiene, measured by plaque index, have a higher risk of developing autoimmune diseases.

Periodontal disease significantly increases the prevalence and incidence of coronary heart disease. Neck pain may have some symtomatic results such as possibel chronic irritations in the trigminal areas.

Did You Know that Concussion Increases the Risk of...
(February 17th, 2023)
By: Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Did You Know that Concussion Increases the Risk of:

1. Homelessness?

2. Substance Abuse?

3. Mental Health Problems?

4. Suicide?

5. Dementia?

6. ADHD?

7. Learning Difficulties?

8. Aggression?

9. Incarceration?

Scientists Just Uncovered A Whole New Layer of Brain Anatomy
(January 6th, 2023)
By: Tessa Koumoundouros
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Now researchers from the University of Copenhagen and University of Rochester have identified a layer of tissue that helps protect our gray and white matter, one that hasn't been distinguished before. Several types of immune cells – including myeloid cells and macrophages – camping out in the SLYM, keeping surveillance over the brain. In mice, the types of cells changed in response to swelling and natural aging, suggesting this site may play an important part in disease pathologies.

Newly Discovered Anatomy Shields and Monitors Brain
(January 5th, 2023)
By: Mark Michaud
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

From the complexity of neural networks to basic biological functions and structures, the human brain only reluctantly reveals its secrets. Advances in neuro-imaging and molecular biology have only recently enabled scientists to study the living brain at level of detail not previously achievable, unlocking many of its mysteries.

Very interesting article with new studies coming out everyday.

New Grant Will Unlock Workings of Brain’s Waste Removal System
(August 15th, 2022)
By: Mark Michaud
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A decade ago, researchers in the lab of Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc., answered a basic question of biology that up to that point had eluded scientists: how is waste removed from the brain? The discovery of what is now known as the glymphatic system and subsequent research have transformed the way we study a range of neurological disorders andcritical brain functions.

Chronic Therapy-Resistant Neck Pain in a Fifty-Year-Old Man: The Role of Partially Impacted Third Molars – Case Report and New Pathophysiological Insights
(January 23rd, 2023)
By: Lucy Naomi Shiratori Tusita, Lorenz Fischer
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Case Report: We report on a patient with chronic, therapy-resistant neck pain whose cause lied in the tooth/jaw region, specifically, in wisdom teeth with space problems, and partially impacted. The tooth/jaw area itself was not painful; however, neck pain developed via the nucleus spinalis n. trigemini which extends into the cervical medulla.

Background: Inflammatory and mechanical stimuli in tooth / jaw pathologies can have far-reaching consequences via trigeminal and autonomic circuitry and can cause systemic (e.g., autoimmune) diseases and pain conditions outside the tooth/jaw region.

Signaling mechanisms implicated in cranial sutures pathophysiology: Craniosynostosis
(January 18th, 2023)
By: Maria A. Katsianou, Christos Adamopoulos, Heleni Vastardis, Efthimia K. Basdra
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Normal extension and skull expansion is a synchronized process that prevails along the osteogenic intersections of the cranial sutures. Cranial sutures operate as bone growth sites allowing swift bone generation at the edges of the bone fronts while they remain patent. Premature fusion of one or more cranial sutures can trigger craniosyn-ostosis, a birth defect characterized by dramatic manifestations in appearance and functional impairment.

Breatfeeding Support in the Algarve
(January 27th, 2023)
By: Paula Martins
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Coming from another country can be overwhelming for parents of newborns. CranioSacral Therapy with the help of CST Therapist the work that is done makes all the difference for the FAMILY as a Whole. Once the Breastfeeding is working everyone is much more intune and feeling so better.

Structural abnormalities and osteopathic considerations in primary immunodeficiencies
(January 25th, 2023)
By: Marija J. Rowane DO, Meghan A. Callahan BS, Jason E. Schend, DO, Michael P. Rowane, DO, MS, FAAFP, FAAO and Robert W. Hostoffer, Jr., DO, LhD, MSMEd, FACOP, FAAP, FCCP, FACOI
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Structural Abnormalities in patients with this multi immunodeficiencies.

This multiorgan disorder commonly presents with skeletal abnormalities and defects. These are due to improper osteoblast activity leading to reduced bone volume and formation . This has manifested previously as flared ribs, leading to a rachitic rosary , large low-set ears, and small bones. Isolated T Cell defects have been associated with immune deficiencies cuased be T Cell developement.

5 Things To Know About The 51-Year-Old Doctor Spotted With Shawn Mendes
(January 17th, 2023)
By: Chukwudi Onyewuchion:
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Shawn Mendez fans this is for you!!

Jocselyn Miranda a 51 yr old Doctor has been spotted with him in places like at the Farmers Market where the singer has a home. They seemed to be having a great time. She is specializing Spine and Extremely Adjustments and uses soft tissue Manipulation techniques for her treatments.

Creating Stillness for the Autonomic Nervous System
(January 23rd, 2023)
By: Rob Fournier, OTR, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Our Sympethetic mode reacts to dailey stress and keeps our system on high alert.

To relax your body you need to go into a stillpoint mode. You can use Our Stillpoint Inducer or try breathing techniques which will put you into this mode to help you get into a parasympathetic mode. This shift allows your body move into a healing state much faster than normal.

The Osteopath’s Imprint: Osteopathic Medicine Under the Nanoscopic Lens
(January 15th, 2023)
By: Bruno Bordoni, Allan R Escher
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Scientific literature demonstrates how osteopathic manipulative treatments(OMT) are able to improve various somatic functional parameters, change somato-visceral and viscero-somatic reflexes toward a more physiological mechano-metabolic environment and, consequently, bring benefits to patients. These benefits can be long-lasting or short-lived. Multiple reasons can be found to explain the positive responses to OMT, ranging from neurological, vascular, lymphatic, and endocrine explanations.

Freeing yourself from emotional eating
(February 14th, 2023)
By: Chandrea Serebro
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 We eat when we are stress, to change the neurotransmitters in our brain, to shake up the hormonal balance and it works! There is real emotional effect which occurs when we eat. Sugar is one of the easiest way to sooth the unwanted anxious feelings, without us even knowing.

 We don't experience our emotions in isolation. All of our emotions go somewhere. Our body goes through all the emotional trauma that we undergo as well, this trauma finds it's way into the organs in our bodies which we hold onto until we can release it all.

Visceral Manipulation works on the premises that free movement within the body.

At-Home Wellness Tips To Alleviate Holiday Stress
(December 15th, 2022)
By: Gordana Velaja
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

For many people the holidays are stressfull, yet we need to clebrate with family and friends, trying to make it fun and magical. It sometimes becomes more chores , like buyin presents wrapping them cooking new and different meals, hosting parties and having to clean out disorderly spaces.

There are ways to get yourself in a better mood for these holidays. Easter is coming up in a few weeks so dying of Eggs, Easter Bunny coming, special dinners, and Easter Egg Hunts for the children can be also a lot of fun!

Brief Description of the Craniosacral System and its History
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The craniosacral system is a universal system described in many forms by different cultures at different times. In our modern times this universal system, the craniosacral system is described by including the science of anatomy and physiology of today. The main components of the craniosacral system are the tissues and fluids at the core of the human body. An important function of this system is the production, circulation, and reabsorption of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). CSF is produced within the craniosacral system and maintains the physiological environment in which the brain and nervous system develop, live, and function.

The human being functions as a whole and the craniosacral system function is in close relation to all systems of the body/mind/spirit. Central to the craniosacral system is a rhythmic motion expressed in all parts of the body, a rhythm not only found in vertebra species, but introduces early in evolution of the animal kingdom.

The Craniosacral Rhythm
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A central part of learning CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is to learn to palpate the craniosacral rhythm (CSR) and to distinguish the CSR from other rhythms, mainly the rhythm of the respiratory system. The CSR was named so by Dr. Upledger in his work, creating a foundation for what we know worldwide as CST.

In CST and osteopathy in the cranial field, different rhythms have been associated with the cranial field and theorized to be involved in human health from a wide range of perspectives. Many rhythms are studied today and are known to be fundamental to life and health. Rhythms are a rich source of palpatory information in facilitating a CST treatment. How is this knowledge integrated into understanding the relationship between what happens in a CST treatment and our understanding of human health

Sutures and Cranial Mobility
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

One of the main questions in CST relates to the controversy of cranial bone motion in relation to suture closure or not in humans. More recently many studies done in forensic medicine with very high-resolution modern scanners, and the use of cellular and molecular biology have created major advances in the understanding of sutures.

Cranial sutures have a wide range of functions, originating from embryological different tissues with diverse properties. Sutures are of major importance for our cranial growth and brain development, as the major site for interstitial growth of the cranial bones. Sutures allows for skull movement for ease of the passage to the birth canal. Partly fused or fused sutures provide protection for the brain. Sutures are also reported to be essential for shock absorption, and for the redistribution of strain across the skull. The strain in relation to sutures may both be identified in the developmental process and daily life.

Cerebrospinal Fluid
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The knowledge of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) and its movements is changing rapidly in these years. The different mechanisms behind many unique patterns of CSF movements are continuously discovered. Modern research on human health and, thereby, the CNS and the related systems to CSF, is taking place at a speed that was difficult to imagine even ten years ago.

Recently a fourth meningeal layer/membrane was reported. Another possible aspect of control and flow of CSF around the brain is being discovered. The described fourth membrane SLYM (figure 9) adds to a long list of the complex role played by CSF.

Theories of the Craniosacral Rhythm
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Science is again and again amazed with Mother Nature, who keeps surprising us with a complexity and brilliance that we learn from. Systems of rhythms regulating our health at a profound level, the many ways Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) is moved in the Central Nervous System (CNS) to allow nourishment, cleaning, and communication, has shown that the simple bulk flow of CSF and regulating system in the Pressurestat Model, is today replaced by a growing understanding of rhythms and CSF circulation and function.

Why Palpate the Craniosacral Rhythm?
(February 7th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Rhythms are the fundamental part of life and health, and their coordinated expression is the fundamental basis for homeostasis and health. The powerful biological, regulatory processes at work that we can detect with our hands as palpable oscillations and rhythms are a rich source of palpatory information in facilitating a CST treatment.

The primary source of these rhythms seems to be located in the hypothalamus, brain stem, and spinal cord, all at the core of the craniosacral system and concerning the deeper health within our bodies.

How the Body Creates Rhythms
(February 6th, 2023)
By: By Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How do cells and biological systems perceive time? To perceive time, a clock is needed; clocks are rhythms like the rhythms of the sun and moon from where we have created our chronological time. All clocks, from the lifespan of a human to the process inside a cell, have an internal clockwork that, throughout life, responds, regulates, and communicates our life process.

A rhythm is a wave moving in time, and a wave is an oscillation, so the creator of a rhythm is an oscillator. As described above, autonomous rhythms such as the heart rate and respiratory breathing use oscillation at the single cell level that are united to form groups of cells that can oscillate a rhythm, often in a central organizing place of the body as the heart and the brainstem.

The Architecture of Rhythms in Life
(February 6th, 2023)
By: Thomas Rasmussen, PhD, MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The complexity of the array of rhythms in the human body makes it difficult for even the most advanced modeling systems to fully describe the most well-studied rhythms, such as the heart rate, respiratory breathing, and circadian rhythm. At the same time, no rhythm can be fully described in isolation.

A helpful model for describing complex systems was pioneered by the Nobel prize awarded Herbert Simon, formulating the theory of The Architecture of Complexity in 1962. The theory states that “complex networks must take the form of hierarchy with unifying properties independent of their specific content.” Applying the theory to the complex rhythms of life, we can identify master rhythms by unifying different rhythms by entrainment, keeping other rhythms in a frame, or phase-lock a rhythm to a constant value or ratio.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow and the Circadian Rhythm.
(February 1st, 2023)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The glymphatic system is a ring shaped tunnels that surround your blood vessels that flow through the brain where waste is cleared . CSF drainage as the molecues are cleared with minute spaces surrounding the cells.

Visceral Manipulation: A Manual Therapy Technique for Relieving Constipation
(September 16th, 2022)
By: Maria Arini Lopez, PT, DPT, CSCS, CMTPT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

An estimated 4 million peolpe in the US experience constipation. GI complaints by uncompfortable or infrequent bowel movements, ususlly less than 3 times a week. Many factors contribute to constpation. Great Read!!

Creating Stillness for the Autonomic Nervous System
(January 25th, 2023)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Before we get out of bed in the morning, our mind is often already beginning to plan and organize. What am I going to have for breakfast? When am I going to have time to do all the things on my to do list? Then we may grab our phone and look at the emails from overnight before our feet even touch the floor.

What does all this activity do to our nervous system? It creates stress. Our autonomic nervous system is designed with two modes. One mode is our sympathetic mode, also known as fight, flight or freeze. The other mode is our parasympathetic mode, also known as rest, digest, and repair. Read more...

Creating Stillness for the Autonomic Nervous System
(January 25th, 2023)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Before we get out of bed in the morning, our mind is often already beginning to plan and organize. What am I going to have for breakfast? When am I going to have time to do all the things on my to do list? Then we may grab our phone and look at the emails from overnight before our feet even touch the floor.

What does all this activity do to our nervous system? It creates stress. Our autonomic nervous system is designed with two modes. One mode is our sympathetic mode, also known as fight, flight or freeze. The other mode is our parasympathetic mode, also known as rest, digest, and repair. Read more...

SomatoEmotional Release, Dialoguing, and Scope of Practice in CranioSacral Therapy
(January 18th, 2023)
By: Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Our task when doing CST is to provide support in a safe environment for the client, allowing the client and therapist to engage together in the healing process. With enough support and safety, the client’s tissue will begin to change – if change is appropriate. As CST therapists, we provide that support and safety by being neutral, by being present, and by staying within our scope of practice. Be aware of the line between what is in your scope and what is not. Make sure you understand the nature of the SER process and remain neutral when dialoguing. Always remember that we are manual therapists. We are there to facilitate changes in the tissue.

You Asked: What can CranioSacral Therapy Address?
(January 4th, 2023)
By: Allison Payne, Thomas Rasmussen PhD, MSc, CST-D, Brittany Herzberg LMBT, Pat O'Rourke LMP
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy is among the gentlist touch of modalities, anecdotal evidence of it's effectiveness abounds, and a growing body of scientific research supports its efficacy.Three CST practitioners discuss all about CranioSacral Therapy in this article.

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Stiffness in Left Shoulder
(August 19th, 2019)
By: Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Stiffness in Left Shoulder

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Abdominal Pain
(September 6th, 2019)
By: Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Abdominal Pain

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Neck Pain
(September 20th, 2022)
By: Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Neck Pain

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Endometriosis
(September 24th, 2022)
By: Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study Visceral Manipulation – Endometriosis

Barral Institute Case Study-Visceral Manipulation, Lower Back pain
(April 9th, 2022)
By: Sacha Pakkiri, DO, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study-Visceral Manipulation – Lower Back Pain

Letter to Editor On “Manual Therapy in Preadolescent Children: A Delphi Investigation of Physical Therapists in the United States.”
(August 11th, 2022)
By: Gail Wetzler, Thomas Rasmussen, Len Wisneski, Dawn Langnes Shear
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This letter comments on an original research article titled, “Manual Therapy in Preadolescent Children: A Delphi Investigation of Physical Therapists in the United States,” by Dice et al.1 The objective stated in the article was to gather expert opinion, frame future studies, and assist in guiding clinical practice toward the advantages of manual therapy used by physical therapists for preadolescent children. Our comments concern the consensus and stated result that visceral manipulation and craniosacral therapy were considered ineffective in treating most impairments for pediatrics. If the authors could show data supporting the conclusions regarding CST and VM in the paper, it could clarify the obvious misleading conclusions in the paper (see below). If the authors cannot present conclusive data on the ineffectiveness of CST and VM, a withdrawal of the conclusion in a response letter would promote the development of science in manual therapy.

CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Fusion/Headaches
(November 30th, 2022)
By: Maria Taame CST-T, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Fusion/Headaches

CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain
(November 30th, 2022)
By: Maria Taame CST-T, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain

Reflections on the Development of Fascial Tissue: Starting from Embryology
(November 30th, 2022)
By: Bruno Bordoni , Bruno Morabito
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is to clarify how fascia is considered in embroylogical context.

A recent article concerning the assesment of nerves in the knee by ultrasound, the fascia was derived from  the 22nd to 35th week of gestation.

The scientific disipline allows us to observe the relationships and adaptibility of fascia both at local and systematic levels.

CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation Helping People with Brain Injury and PTSD; Integrative Manual Therapy Treatments from Upledger Institute International and Barral Institute
(November 23rd, 2022)
By: Upledger Institute International and Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

There is a great need for effective, non-invasive therapies to help military Veterans, first responders, and athletes struggling with mild traumatic brain injuries (MTBI), concussions and lingering neurological problems or co-morbid psychological health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety.

For Veterans, MTBI may occur from traumatic events that induce physiological disruptions in brain function. Veterans experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can be in a freeze condition, which lowers the fluid circulation in the brain, and as such, pathologies and dysfunctions may develop.

For athletes, repeated sub-concussive hits may both lower the fluid circulation in the brain and cause PTSD due to the changes in the brain. This reduced fluid circulation predisposes a person to neurological disorders later in life, which may damage the blood-brain barrier and eventually lead to neural tissue damage.

Therapists who treat Veterans and athletes with brain in uries are trained by the Upledger Institute International and Barral Institute in three primary manual therapies: Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Barral Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Barral Neural Manipulation (NM). Therapists work with those experiencing MTBI, PTSD, anxiety and depression, chronic pain, memory and sleeping disorders. Developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM and Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), PT, these therapies are based in manual osteopathic principles that unite the body through fascia. The fascia is an interconnected biological fabric that joins the smallest part of a cell out to the skin itself. Through treatment of the many types and layers of fascia, the therapist facilitates a person’s inherentability to self-correct.

Barral Institute Case Study Number: 3 Car Accident
(June 29th, 2022)
By: Elia Hutchins, CMT, MA, CST-D, CVMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

 Barral Institute  Visceral Manipulation

Barral Case Study : 3 Car Accident

Barral Institute Case Study Number:1 Baby E-Coli Virus
(June 29th, 2022)
By: Elia Hutchins, CMT, MA, CST-D, CVMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation

Barral Case Number:1 Baby E-Coli Virus

Barral Institute Case Study Number: 5 Knee and Hip Pain
(June 29th, 2022)
By: Elia Hutchins, MA, CMT, CST-D, CVMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation

Barral Institute Case Study 

Number: 5  Knee and Hip Pain

Barral Institute Case Study Number: 2 Shoulder and Arm Pain
(June 29th, 2022)
By: Elia Hutchins, CMT, MA, CST-D, CVMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation

Barral Institute Case Study :2  Shoulder and Arm Pain

CranioSacral Therapy – A Traumatic Birth Case Study
(March 8th, 2022)
By: Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Upledger Institute International

CranioSacral Therapy – A Traumatic Birth

CranioSacral Therapy – Acute Pain in Left Diaphragm
(July 18th, 2022)
By: Hilda Martinez, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Acute Pain in Left Diaphragm 

CranioSacral Therapy – Autism
(August 22nd, 2022)
By: Andrea Winzer, MSc., MSW (cand), LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Autism

CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Dystonia
(August 22nd, 2022)
By: Andrea Winzer, MSc., MSW (cand), LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Cervical Dystonia

CranioSacral Therapy – Childhood Apraxia and Sensory Processing Integration Disorder
(September 8th, 2022)
By: Kristi Schreiner-Huffey, LMP, RYT-200, MSW, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Childhood Apraxia and Sensory Processing Integration Disorder

CranioSacral Therapy – Chronic Back Pain
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institue International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Chronic Back Pain

CranioSacral Therapy – Concussion Opens the Door to Healing Older Traumas
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Concussion Opens the Door to Healing Older Traumas

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy after a Tooth Extraction
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy after a Tooth Extraction

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Migraines, Depression & Abnormal Menstruation Cycle
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Migraines, Depression & Abnormal Menstruation Cycle

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Tinnitus
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Tinnitus 

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Torticollis and Plagiocephaly
(February 2nd, 2022)
By: Kyriakos Karampatziakis, OT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – CranioSacral Therapy for Torticollis and Plagiocephaly

CranioSacral Therapy – Debilitating Sacral and Leg Pain
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Debilitating Sacral and Leg Pain

CranioSacral Therapy – Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP)
(March 8th, 2022)
By: Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva (FOP) 

CranioSacral Therapy – Hirschsprung’s Disease
(August 22nd, 2022)
By: Andrea Winzer, MSc., MSW (cand), LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Hirschsprung’s Disease

CranioSacral Therapy – Night Terrors
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Night Terrors

CranioSacral Therapy – Parkinson’s Disease
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Parkinson’s Disease 

CranioSacral Therapy – Post-Concussion, Learning to Breathe Again
(February 7th, 2022)
By: Erin I. Finzen, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Post-Concussion, Learning to Breathe Again

CranioSacral Therapy – Traumatic Brain Injury from a Gun Shot Wound
(March 8th, 2022)
By: Consuelo Tenerilli, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy – Traumatic Brain Injury from a Gun Shot Wound

CranioSacral Therapy and Anxiety
(September 8th, 2022)
By: Emmanuelle Celicout, LMT, CST-T, CVTP
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy and Anxiety

CranioSacral Therapy – Auto Accident Induced TMJD
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Auto Accident Induced TMJD

CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain
(September 8th, 2022)
By: lena Radzinskaya, MD, DO, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy – Neck Pain

CranioSacral Therapy-Occipital Migraine
(September 8th, 2022)
By: Emmanuelle Celicout, LMT, CST-T, CVTP
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy-Occipital Migraine

CranioSacral Therapy - Panic Attacks
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy-Panic Attacks

Upledger Case Study TMJ Tension
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

 CranioSacral Therapy Upledger-TMJ Tension

CranioSacral Therapy- Tongue Tie
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Morgan Deale, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy-Tongue Tie

Neutrality in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy
(June 3rd, 2022)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A cornerstone of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy is the belief that knowing how best to help someone resides within the client instead of within the practitioner. Rather than using predetermined agendas, the practitioner uses techniques designed to support the client in utilizing their natural processes and inherent knowing to achieve an improved state of well-being. Neutrality is essential in this client-directed, process-oriented approach. It allows for the moment-to-moment discovery and use of pathways of change that are unique to the individual client. 

Gut-brain axis or brain-gut axis? Another perspective...
(September 13th, 2022)
By: Eric Marlien, DO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Enjoy this in-depth article about synergy between the heart-brain-gut axis, the gut-brain axis, the vagus nerve, emotions, and optimal health. 

The quality of our emotional balance and the regulating power of the ventral vagus nerve are two things that go hand-in-hand. The pernicious effects of stress on the beneficial action of the vagus nerve should not be overlooked, and conversely how a serene, joyful, and empathetic emotional state is a strong factor for creating optimal health. Manual therapy means to help strengthen the functioning of the vagus nerve are important, as are ways to manage and decrease stress to help balance the emotions.

Related books by the article author.  

New Approach to the Vagus Nerve and Autonomic Nervous System

How to Beat the Stress Epidemic; Mind/Body Strategies for Enhancing Well-Being


Case Report on Visceral Manipulation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
(September 1st, 2022)
By: Matias Chahab, Pamela Donnet, Daniel Hernandez
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is a deformity that affects the spine in three dimensions. Even though AIS patients are usually asymptomatic, AIS negatively impacts them, affecting their quality of life and restricting their social life. There are many treatment options but no gold standard. Visceral manipulation (VM) is widely used in  osteopathic practice for the treatment of several conditions, but it is little known among the medical community. To the best of our knowledge, there are no scientific studies reporting VM as a treatment alternative for AIS.

Case Presentation: The case was a 14-year-old girl with AIS (baseline Cobbangle of 38.9° in the lumbar spineand 32.3° in the thoracic spine). Although the patient had no physical symptoms, she was recommended for surgery to correct thedeformity. The osteopathic assessment indicated that the uterus and pericardium where the main  anatomical structurescreating tension. Two VM sessions were conducted with a month-and-a-half interval  between sessions. The follow-up X-ray revealed a Cobb angle of 32.1° in the lumbar curvature and 34.3° in the thoracic curvature. The results were perceived as an improvement by the patient and her parents. No adverse  events or complications were reported. Discussion: After two session of visceral osteopathic treatment, this document reports a 6.8° Cobb angle reduction of the primary curve in a patient with AIS, with the thoracic curvature becoming the major curve.

Injury Attorneys Recommending CST and VM - Finding Pain Relief After a Traffic Accident - Non-Invasive Help for Chronic Pain Sufferers
(July 22nd, 2022)
By: Edward Smith
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Non-Invasive Help for Chronic Pain Sufferers

Manipulation of the spine and head to offer pain relief is a type of osteopathy that was developed in the 1970s by Dr. John Upledger. Dr. Upledger conducted a number of studies on craniosacral therapy (CST) while working at Michigan State University as a clinical researcher. Visceral manipulation (VM) is used for the abdominal area to find the source of chronic pain and treat it. So what does this mean for sufferers, you ask?

Light touch is used in CST to improve the craniosacral or visceral system function and evaluate it in those with pain that is chronic. Osteopaths, massage therapists, acupuncturists and chiropractors all practice VM as a way to release restrictions in the craniosacral system to improve the body’s function. 

What Types of Injuries Can Cause Chronic Pain?

Pain that doesn’t go away is a common result of being involved in an accident, especially a traffic collision. Because the body is thrown forward and backward during the impact of the collision, it can cause anything from a traumatic brain injury to spinal problems and abdominal trauma.

The Dysautonomia Project - CST and Manual Therapy Can Help
(June 1st, 2022)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Overcoming dysautonomia is a group project, and ours comes with instructions. We have organized our up-to-date dysautonomia information based upon the stage of your journey to help you quickly find the answers, advice and inspiration you can use. With all of us working together, dysautonomia doesn’t stand a chance.

There are many alternative treatments that have been reported to be helpful for patients including:

• Diet Change (gluten and/or dairy free, paleo, low sugar, etc.)

• Acupuncture

• CranioSacral Therapy and Manual Therapy

Prescription to revolutionize the Physical Therapy Services Market - includes CST
(June 15th, 2022)
By: PMR Author
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The physical therapy service industry is expanding across the world due to the growing demand for qualified professionals, improved ability to provide faster care, and an ever-increasing list of patients who require therapy. Various types of physical therapy services are provided by professionals and they are also trying to adopt some new physical therapy procedures to help patients.

“Transition to novel physical therapies, rising number of physical therapy centers, and growing demand for physiotherapists are set to drive the growth of the physical therapy services market over the coming years,” says an analyst of Persistence Market Research.

Market Competition

Key physical therapy service providers are focusing on providing these services with some advancements, such as:

Muscle movement is a manual therapy technique that involves the purposeful contraction of a muscle in a carefully regulated direction at varied intensities against a specific counterforce applied by the practitioner.

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a subtle method used to relieve pain and dysfunction by releasing tensions that exist deep inside the body.

Atrial Fibrillation, the Stomach and Visceral Manipulation
(July 12th, 2022)
By: A.J. de Koning
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

  The stomach and the heart share the neural connection via the Vagus nerve. Afib happens 3 times more frequently in men over the age of 70. AF has not been associated with food or caffeine. It seems to stem from multiple illnesses.

Pilot randomized single-blind clinical trial, craniosacral therapy vs control on physiological reaction to math task in male athletes
(June 1st, 2019)
By: Małgorzata Wójcika, Inga Dziembowskab , Paweł Izdebskid, Ewa Żekanowska
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Stress induced from an arithmetic task resulted in significant increase in physiological stress markers such as SC, HR, and RR in groups. Over a short term CST was associated with a physiolgocal relaxation response( a decrease in HR and SC) and an altered HR and SC response during a math task in comparison to the placebo group.

Susan Vaughn Kratz said My son would ask to have CST before a big test( while in High School) It seems this study validates this.

PT Classroom - Discover CranioSacral Therapy for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(December 15th, 2021)
By: Cybert PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

PTSD has been part of CranioSacral Therapy  for treating the Veterans.

The program has helped these Vets. It's a 5 day program which helps them with anxiety and other issues that they have when coming back from Combat. The results have been amazing!

A Great Read!!

Effectiveness of craniosacral therapy in the treatment of infantile colic. A randomized controlled trial
(August 1st, 2019)
By: M.Castejón-Castejóna M.A.Murcia-González J.L.Martínez Gilc J.Todrid M.Suárez Rancele O.Lenaf R.Chillón-Martínezg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This randomized controlled trial was conducted on 58 infants, aged 0-84 days, diagnosed with infantile colic. The babies received a 30-40 minute CST session once a week (experimental group) or no treatment (control group). Craniosacral therapy appears to be effective and safe for infantile colic by reducing the number of crying hours, the colic severity and increasing the total hours of sleep. 

•CST helps in reducing crying hours and colic severity in infantile colic.

•CST helps to increase the sleep hours in infants dealing with infantile colic

Total Body Balancing Manual Techniques to Improve Patient Outcomes
(April 13th, 2022)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Total Body Balancing (TBB) is a specifically designed curriculum based on the osteopathic principle of holism that uses a total body approach to evaluate and treat the Total Body Lesion. The TBB treatment helps influence All Body systems. It is appropriate for Athletes, Orthopedic Patients, Geriatric Patients, Pediatric Patients, Internal Medicine patients, Wellness and Maintenance Patients. TBB balances the biomechanical structure of the body.

Great Article!!

The Integrating Touch of CranioSacral Therapy
(February 11th, 2022)
By: Liz Brinson, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Sometimes bodies are complex. People are complex. We may not know the full story of the body when we plan a treatment. In CST, we are lucky to be following the pace and direction of the body. In Liz's experience, practicing CST has been a journey of learning to trust, at deeper and deeper levels, in the body’s healing abilities. This practice of trust has had an expansive effect in my own being as well as for my clients.

Visceral Manipulation Application FOR TRAUMA AND WHIPLASH
(March 22nd, 2021)
By: Lorilynn Dowiak, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The massage therapist is no stranger to the sequalae of musculoskeletal involvement following trauma, as in the case of whiplash injury. You comprehend the anatomic origins – insertions and the mechanical function that the muscular system exerts on the skeleton. Applied techniques for reducing muscular fascial tensions improve mobility and reduce pain symptoms. For some clients, relieving these tensions may be all that is needed for tissues to regain homeostasis.

(April 1st, 1995)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this, the third and final installment of the "perspectives" series on CranioSacral Therapy and its interrelationship with energy medicine, I present my concepts of its potential applications and contributions for the betterment of the human condition. It is my hope that as the human condition is positively affected, so the planet will have a better chance for a high quality survival. In the first and second installments I have discussed the history and development of CranioSacral Therapy, its progeny, its integrations with other therapeutic approaches and the wide range of applications for recipients of this modality as well as its effects upon the CranioSacral Therapy practitioner.

What is presented in this last article is a summary of the potential uses and dividends of CranioSacral Therapy as I see them. I am not predicting what will happen, I am predicting what could happen and hoping that it will.

(April 1st, 1995)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this. the first installment of a series on CranioSacral Therapy and energy medicine, I have attempted to describe in brief the many facets of the system and therapy as they presented themselves, almost simultaneously. The observations that led to the research into the craniosacral system are described. The clinical and educational ramificarions are also considered. In the second and third installments, these two latter aspects will be considered in more detail. Political aspects and events which resulted from the release of CranioSacral Therapy to the healthcare community at latge and to the public will be described and discussed.

A Systematic Review of a Polyvagal Perspective on Embodied Contemplative Practices as Promoters of Cardiorespiratory Coupling and Traumatic Stress Recovery for PTSD and OCD: Research Methodologies and State of the Art
(November 10th, 2021)
By: Andrea Poli, Angelo Gemignani, Federico Soldani, Mario Miccoli
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

  • Baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) has been proposed as a transdiagnostic biomarker of stress vulnerability across psychopathologies, and a reliable association between PTSD, OCD and lower resting RSA was found. The polyvagal theory proposes an evolutionary and neuro-physiological framework that deals with the organization of autonomic systems and has been linked to functional gastrointestinal disorders and chronic diffuse pain and to psychosocial pathology, both connected to chronic traumatic stress during development.

(April 1st, 2022)
By: C. Johansson, Elon University, Elon, NC.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

BACKGROUND & PURPOSE: To describe the use of craniosacral therapy (CST) to improve ROM and posture in an infant with post-traumatic torticollis and C1–2 subluxation.

OUTCOMES: Posture and ROM improved markedly in the first 4 weeks. Treatment continued weekly for 6 more months with consistent, though less dramatic, progress. Digital overlays of photographs allow comparative estimates of improvement. At discharge, patient achieved neutral head and neck posture in times of quiet standing and AROM beyond neutral in inversion. Mild asymmetry was still evident in stand-to-squat and in times of dynamic play. The child was discharged at nearly 24 months of age, with no imminent plans for additional CT scans or surgical intervention, to a hippotherapy program.

DISCUSSION: While considerable literature exists on physical and surgical interventions for congenital torticollis, little is written on the treatment of traumatic torticollis in very young children. In this case, CST appeared to be an effective intervention for improving cervical posture and ROM in an infant with post-traumatic torticollis.

Testimonials from Professional Football Players Concussion Intensive Therapy Program
(September 30th, 2015)
By: Vaughn, Meggyesy, Williams, Jones, Borland, Galsgow, Visger, Koch,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

On September 30th the Upledger Foundation, in conjunction with the Ricky Williams Foundation, completed the 2015 Football Players Concussion Intensive Therapy Program and Research Study.

This year’s program treated seven former professional football players, two of whom were repeats from the 2014 study. The programs have consisted of extensive baseline intake testing, five consecutive days of twice daily CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Neural Manipulation Therapy. At week’s end, a re-taking of the same tests concluded the program. Besides positive documented quantitative changes shown in the tests, all of the former players reported experiencing significant life-changing value, benefits and insight through receiving treatment, and participating in the dialogues of shared experiences. The personal testimonies below reflect some of what the participants experienced, and their desire to inform those institutions and organizations who are actively seeking to study the issues, and help improve the quality of life OF ANYONE suffering from brain injury, post traumatic stress, and other accumulated traumas.

(March 22nd, 2022)
By: Kate MacKinnon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Great Read!

CranioSacral Therapy has helped patients with various complex medical Conditions. Here is a story of a woman with many post op Surgery issues with the help of the therapist and her Medical Dr. she was able to have her second surgery with less pain and severe issues that she had before!

At that time everything felt like pain and that would send off alarm bells in her sympathetic nervous system. She was making frequent visits to the ER and suffered from urinary tract infections, difficulty sleeping, significant pelvic pain, fistulas, depression and limited ability to sit and walk. 

Long COVID Symptoms Linked to Effects on Vagus Nerve
(February 15th, 2022)
By: Carolyn Crist
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Several long COVID symptoms could be linked to the effects of the coronavirus on a vital central nerve .The vagus nerve, which runs from the brain into the body, connects to the heart, lungs, intestines, and several muscles involved with swallowing. Those with long COVID and vagus nerve problems could face long term issues with their voice, a hard time swallowing, dizziness, a high heart rate, low blood pressure, and diarrhea.

Brain Drain: A Look Inside the Brain's Waste Clearance System
(February 25th, 2022)
By: : Dr. Onder Albayram/
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A joint research team at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and the University of Florida describes the first non-invasive and near real-time visualization of the human brain’s waste-clearance system in Nature Communications. The lymphatic clearance system is all over the body for different organs, Why not the Brain?

The Role of the CranioSacral Therapist in the Treatment of Ankyloglossia (Tongue-Tie)
(January 3rd, 2022)
By: Patricia Abby Berg
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ankyloglossia, also known as Tongue Tie is a strain pattern of the muscles of the tongue.. These strain patterns may impact craniofacial development, anatomical structure as well as musculature and cranial nerve function. When there is difficulty eating and breathing, the stress felt by the system may result in activation of the autonomic nervous system putting the reticular activating/alarm system (RAS) into overdrive. A surgical release of the frenulum is only the first step in aiding the healing of the total body system.

CranioSacral therapy is a modality that facilitates bringing the body into normal physiological motion and functionality of the tongue strain.

Fascial Nomenclature: Update 2021, Part 1
(February 6th, 2022)
By: Bruno Bordinid, Allan R. Escher, Filippo Tobbi, Antonio Pranzitelli, Luigi Pianese
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the new millennium, we can find another group dedicated to the study of Fascial Tissue!. There definitely is a special distinction between the term Fascia and the Fascial System, the first term is equivalent to the description of the tissue( mesoscopic and microscopic scale), Fascia is a thin sheet or any other dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin. It encloses muscles and internal organs like straps to hold everything up.

Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size
(August 1st, 2018)
By: Abha Sharma, Colby Adams, Benjamin D. Cashdollar, Zheng Li, Nam V. Nguyen, Himasri Sai, Jiachun Shi, Gautham Velchuru, Kevin Z. Zhu, and Gerald H. Pollack
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

It is now well-confirmed that hydrophilic surfaces including those within the cell generate structural changes in water. This interfacial water is ordered and acquires features different from the bulk. Amongst those features is the exclusion of colloidal and molecular solutes from extensive regions next to the hydrophilic surface, thereby earning it the label of “exclusion zone” (EZ) water.

The Fourth Phase of Water: A role in fascia?
(March 11th, 2022)
By: GH Pollack, PHD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

We learn that water has three phases: solid, liquid and vapor. But there is something more. In our laboratory at the University of Washington we have uncovered a fourth phase. This phase occurs next to water loving (hydrophilic) surfaces. It is surprisingly extensive, projecting out from surfaces by up to millions of molecular layers; and it exists almost everywhere. Water plays a role in everything we do !! Fascia is everywhere!

The Effectiveness of Neural Mobilization for Neuromusculoskeletal Conditions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
(February 25th, 2022)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

OBJECTIVES: To determine the efficacy of neural mobilization (NM) for musculoskeletal conditions with a neuropathic component. Neural Mobilization, is a movement-based intervention aimed at restoring the homeostasis in and around the nervous system. Benefits of Neural Manipulation for back and neck pain seemed to help patients!! Musculoskeletal disorders are the second biggest contributor to disability worldwide.

What is Fascia?
(March 2nd, 2022)
By: Dan Brennan, MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fascia is a layer of connective tissue that just cover organs muscles and bones. Body Fascia is multi-layered, and it plays an active role in the body. When Fascia is healthy, it is slippery and smooth. Surgeons used to think it was just a tissue that just covered the organs, muscles, and bones. Your Fascia is broken up into 4 main layers: superficial, deep, visceral, and parietal. Great Read to Understand what Fascia is!!

A Review of the Theoretical Fascial Models: Biotensegrity, Fascintegrity, and Myofacial Chains
(February 20th, 2020)
By: Bruno Bordeni, Thomas Myers
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Looking back to the first articles about the terms of Fascia date back to 1800's The article  describes how a surgery that was performed on a fracture of a leg resolved the pain and inflammation, separating the bands of the muscles and different tissue layers, the concept that the fascia is connective tissue, which separates and supports the muscle and its movements. Nowadays little has changed with the Fascia findings. The Fascia is a sheath,or a sheet that forms beneath the skin to hold up the separate muscles and other internal organs.

Reflections on osteopathic fascia treatment in the peripheral nervous system
(October 30th, 2015)
By: Bruno Borden, Giovanni Bordoni
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The peripheral nerve is composed of layers of Fascia tissue which can become a source of painif the way they slide is impeded. The nerves and the structures change as the adapt to the stimulus which is present ( mechanical, biochemical, electrical, or metabolic).The nervous system is subject to overload as when the joints move, undergoing compression and stretching, an example is when the elbow flexes when the ulnar nerve is stretched. Many Peripheral nerves can be palpated and directly moved for anatomical reasons.

Bone Tissue is an Integral Part of the Fascial System
(December 21st, 2017)
By: Bruno Bordini, Maria Marcella Lagana
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Bone tissue is the largest organ capable of producing autocrine and paracrine substances, influencing its own metabolism of the organs. Autocrine action stimulates a minor remodeling of the bone Osteoporosis., while paracrine action influences Insulin action. Finally we have added two more words to this fasciae of the human body exist as both solid and liquid structure. The facia is any tissue that contains features capable of responding to mechanical stimuli. The term Feeding because of the liquid bands, like the blood and the lymph feed of of the different tissues for the nourishment.

The Five Diaphragms in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Neurological Relationships, Part 2
(June 3rd, 2020)
By: Bruno Borden, Don Carlos Gnocchi
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This continuation of Part 1 is showing how the Five diaphragms reflect the concept with the clinician to guide the evaluations. The philosophy behind the latter and the Five diaphragms is to allow enough space between the different body of tissues ( muscular, visceral, vascular, and nervous), as if there is the possibility of better movement of the tissues. It would seem that you would have better movement for greater health and well being for the patient! 

The Five Diaphragms in Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine: Neurological Relationships, Part 1
(June 10th, 2020)
By: Bruno Bordoni, Don Carlo Gnocchi
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In 1874 Dr. Still the founder of Osteopathy described a fundamental function of the fluids at work together but when an injury arises then the matter, fluids, and emotions will interrupt with all the fluids. The nourishment when there is an interruption due to an injury need further help to regulate the whole body so the fluids can flow more easily with the help of intervention to help the fluid flow properly.

Anatomy, Fascia Layers
(July 26th, 2021)
By: Adrianna Gatt; Sanjay Agarwal; Patrick M. Zito.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Facia is made up of sheets of connective tissue below the skin. These tissues attach, stabilize, impart strength, maintain vessels patency, and hold vital organs and separate muscles. The word Fascia was originally used by surgeons to describe the soft tissue encasing the body, organs and bones. Fascia forms as pearly white fibrous tissue , just like the light tissue that is seen when you take the skin off of a chicken.

Healthy Fats and Exclusion-zone size
(March 16th, 2020)
By: Abha Sharma, Gerald H Pollack
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A fourth phase of water, labeled exclusion-zone or EZ, extends from surfaces Salient features include exclusion of molecule solutes and colloidal solutes, light absorbance. In cell systems, EZ water interfaces with membranes, macromolecules, and organelles and its buildup appears to be vital for function. For years healthy fats have gained a negative reputation over the last few decades. They have become more accepted. The absorbance of fats may be an important factor in promoting healthy fats. Ghee for me!!


Effect of Health-Promoting Agents on Exclusion-Zone Size
(August 1st, 2018)
By: Abha Sharma, Colby Adams, Benjamin D. Cashdollar, Zheng Li, Nam V. Nguyen, Himasri Sai, Jiachun Shi, Gautham Velchuru, Kevin Z. Zhu, and Gerald H. Pollack
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

EZ Agents

Water is the buildup of EZ honeycomb layers from hydrophilic surfaces of Nafion. Nafion contains oxygen atoms in its molecular structure and forms a template for the EZ water honeycombs. They used different types of agents including, tumeric, tylenol ,Aspirin, with EZ.  It appears EZ  expansion may be fundamental in overall health improvement!

Very interesting!!

(September 28th, 2018)
By: Suzanne Scurlock-Durana C.M.T., C.S.T.-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

What intentions does your body do living in the shadows of ourselves where there is darkness.

We create on our own shadows, like being late everyday for a commitment. We really do not want to be there!

How CranioSacral Therapy Activates the Body's Self-Healing
(May 29th, 2018)
By: Maria Grusauskas
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral rhythm, which is separate from the breathing rhythm, separate from the heart rate. And that rhythm is the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid throughout the craniosacral system,” says Dagman. Encompassing various membranes and soft tissues, cerebrospinal fluid, and the bony structures of the spine, cranial bones and sacrum, the craniosacral system is the primary system in our body that encases and protects the central nervous system—whose function is vital to our overall health.

Dagman was born in Siberia, where, if a healer was called to a rich household and a poor one simultaneously, the healer would attend to the poorer one first. With that ethos, she often shares her gift for healing pro-bono.

Factors Affecting Rehabilitation of Infants with Central Coordination Disorders during a three-month-long observation
(January 1st, 2021)
By: Malgorzata Andrzejewska , Katarzyna Hap*, Karolina Biernat , Edyta Sutkowska , Iwona Demczyszak , Dominik Marciniak and Natalia Kuciel
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

66 children who met the inclusion criteria were qualifed for rehabilitation at the WW visit and completed the 3-month procedure. For the purposes of basic characterization and grouping of factors potentially effecting the results of Andrzejewska et al rehabilitation, the so-called "maternal factors" and "childfactors" were distinguished in the first place.

The following maternal factors were analysed:

– mother’s age at the time of delivery

– duration of breastfeeding, from the moment of birth until the completion of the therapy provided in completed weeks.

The following were analyzed among child-related factors:

– the APGAR score obtained in the first minute of the child’s life

– the week of gestation (gestational age) in which the child was born (Hbd)

– the sex of the child

– birth weight (BW)

– the age of the child at first eligibility visit, which was equivalent to the beginning of rehabilitation - calculated based on the months completed since birth.

Subsequently, the authors took into the type of delivery (natural vs Caesarean section) as well as the rehabilita-tion method (the Vojta method only vs the Vojta method combined with CranioSacral therapy).

A review of the Theoretical Fascial Models : Biotensegrity, Fascintegrity, and Myofascial Chains
(February 22nd, 2020)
By: Bruno Bourdini , Thomas Myers
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The movement of the human body implies the use of fascial continuum. The human body is based and managed by sensations called emotions, pain and movement. The Fascial tissue includes solid and liquid fascia such as body fluids as blood and lymph nodes. This article is a reflection on fascial models and how these are theoretical-scientific visions that are further investigated in this article.

Safety and Therapeutic Effects of Craniosacral Therapy: A Short Review
(July 12th, 2021)
By: Thomas Rosenkilde Rasmussen. Ph.D., MSc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This RCT (Random Controlled Trials) Studies Review is documenting both the safety and therapeutic effect of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), and leads the way to larger studies in different health care conditions so often incorporating CST as a complementary treatment.

Physical therapy for the treatment of respiratory issues using Systemic Manual Therapy protocols
(August 20th, 2021)
By: Adi Halili
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Amplification of the decongestive effect can occur by facilitating the motion of fluids away from the respiratory system which can become outside of the body. Protocols in this category are used as a diuretic reflex, the Barral  by creating fascial release or increased motility in and around organs used for elimination. This study provided immediate practical implications to clinicians who have been using these protocols. Further prospective work and replication of these findings are needed to better interpret the results of this study.

Effect of occipitoatlantal decompression on cerebral blood flow dynamics as evaluated by Doppler ultrasonography
(August 11th, 2021)
By: Bryan Roberts, BS, OMS III, Andrew E. Makar, BS, OMS III, Ryan Canaan, BA, OMS III, Vanessa Pazdernik, MS and Tatyana Kondrashova, MD, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Osteopathic manipulative treatment reduces symptoms in patients with headache disorders. Patients with headache disorders who visit osteopathic physicians to have manipulation done, seem to improve the area where soft tissue experience a reduction of symptoms as part of their treatment plan.

Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive tool that can be used to check the blood flow in the arteries for restrictions with OMT seem to help the patient out. 

Effects of CranioSacral therapy upon symptoms of post-acute concussion and Post-Concussion Syndrome: A pilot study
(August 5th, 2021)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz , Daniel J. Kratz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Professional Athletes, other events like car accidents, head blow trauma and patients seeking medical treatment were studied through CranioSacral Therapy.  Most patients are assumed to recover from concussions in one to three months through the normal process of rest. Persistent symptoms are beyond healing allowances, ranging from days to months and are referred to Post-Concussion Syndrome

CranioSacral Therapy (Upledger-CST) was recommended to all the study group patients, which monitored their visits, they were able to return to a semblance of their pre-injury activities with the CST treatments.

Craniosacral Therapy in the Midwifery Model of Care
(August 5th, 2021)
By: Kara Maria Ananda|
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy is one of the most wonderful relaxing bodywork done by midwives, doulas and childbirth professionals. The CranioSacral system develops shortly after conception. It happens when the first of the cells divides in the womb and forms the primal midline that becomes our spine.

CST helps the mother to relax and relieves restrictions in the body. After birth CST helps to gently do bodywork for the newborn infants, babies and children after some have traumatic births. 

A Great Read !!!

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons for seeking medical care.
(July 20th, 2021)
By: Adrian C. Traeger, PhD; Amir Qaseem, MD, PhD, MHA; James H. McAuley, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Low back pain is one of those symptoms that can last from 4 weeks, subacute usually last 4-12 weeks. Chronic low back pain last more than 12 weeks. There are many different therapies which usually starts out with massage therapies exercises, yoga etc. If the pain becomes chronic the patient may have to go to more options to the failed treatments.  

Respiratory influence on CSF flow
(July 5th, 2019)
By: Vegard Vinje , Geir Ringstad, Erika Kristina Lindstrøm, Lars Magnus Valnes, Marie E . Rognes, Per Kristian Eide, Kent-Andre Mardal
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Current theories suggest that waste solutes are cleared from the brain via the CSF flow, diven by pressure pulsations of possibly both cardiac and respiratory origin. In this study, we explored the importance of respiratory versus cardiac pressure gradients for CSF flow within one of the main conduits of the brain, the cerebral aqueduct. 

Pressure gradients underlying CSF flow in the cerebral aqueduct are dominated by cardiac pulsations, but induce CSF flow volumes dominated by respiration.  

Naturopathic Oncology Care for Pediatric Cancers: A Practice Survey
(August 29th, 2019)
By: Athanasios Psihogios, ND , Jullie K. Ennis, PhD , and Dugald Seely, ND, MSc, FABNO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pediatric cancer can sometimes need other options for cancer care. Many of the children respond to other alternative medicine such as CranioSacral therapies and other Manipulations instead of traditional medicine. Research has shown in patients that they responded well to these alternative Medicines. The also tried other medicinal meds like Vitamins and Green Tea which is an antioxident.

Rhinitis: The Osteopathic Modular Approach
(May 1st, 2020)
By: Shan Shan Wu, DO; Kelsey Graven, DO; Michelle Sergi, OMS IV; Robert Hostoffer, DO
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The osteopathic approach to rhinitis. The musculoskeletal system plays a substantial role in the management of rhinitis with OMT techniques. (osteopathic manipulative treatment) Lymphatic techniques were used to help improve the Lymphatic system.

Rhinitis can affect your mental, emotional, social and spiritual well being. Rhinitis can effect your sleep, facial pain and cause depression. They recommend future research in this field of OMT.

These were based on whole body approach, based on experts in this field.

This research was done at the University Hospitals Osteopathic Consortium in Cleveland, OHIO

Objectivation of an Educational Model in Cranial Osteopathy Based on Experience
(March 5th, 2021)
By: Jesús Requena-García, Evelyn García-Nieto and David Varillas-Delgado
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Professional Osteopaths were selected based on their degree of experience. The highest selected was with more that 15 yrs experience in Cranial Osteopathy. They did experiments that were repeated 25 times bringing the skull to open measurements. An open cadaver skull was used to perform the measurements in a structure that was most like doing a daily consultation. The rhythm represent interaction between tissues and fluids that make up the structure, with it can be used as a diagnosis.

CranioSacral Therapy - Migraine
(May 19th, 2021)
By: Jennifer de Jong, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Migraine

CranialSacral Therapy - Long COVID
(May 10th, 2021)
By: Jennifer de Jong, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Long COVID

CranioSacral Therapy - Glial Work Helps Concussion Recovery
(July 21st, 2021)
By: Amy Hanson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Glial Work Helps Concussion Recovery

CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Integration Dysfunction in a Child
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Jennifer de Jong
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Integration Dysfunction in a Child

CranioSacral Therapy - Working with a Spontaneous CSF Leak
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Amy Hanson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Working with a Spontaneous CSF Leak

CranioSacral Therapy - Reduces Perseveration in a Client with Cohen Syndrome
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Amy Hanson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Reduces Perseveration in a Client with Cohen Syndrome

Manual therapy for the pediatric population: a systematic review
(July 2nd, 2019)
By: Carol Parnell Prevost , Brian Gleberzon , Beth Carleo , Kristian Anderson , Morgan Cark and Katherine A. Pohlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Parents have been using a variety of therapies for pediatric conditions including manual therapy and soft tissue therapy. Different studies have been used as observational tools for different age groups. The study of one group was crying babies. They were able to prove that crying infants improved with manual Osteopathy manipulation and CranioSacral  Manual Therapies.

CranioSacral Therapy - Newborn with Poor Latch/FTT, Upset Mother
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Carol J Reshan, OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International 

CranioSacral Therapy - Newborn with Poor Latch/FTT, Upset Mother

CranioSacral Therapy - Difficulty Conceiving/Fertility
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Carol J Reshan, OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Difficulty Conceiving/Fertility

CranioSacral Therapy - Developmental Delay
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Carol J Reshan, OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Developmental Delay

CranioSacral Therapy - Bump on the Head/Seizures
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Carol J Reshan, OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Back Pain or Heart Attack?
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Amy Hanson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety and Poor Sleep
(March 9th, 2021)
By: Carol J Reshan, OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study    

The Effects of Massage Therapy on Pain Management in the Acute Care Setting
(July 20th, 2021)
By: Rose Adams, MHA, BSW, LMT, Barb White, MS, LMT, and Cynthia Beckett, PhD, RNC-OB, LCCE4
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pain management remains a critical issue for hospitals, they are trying to integrate Massage Therapy as a part of the team management for patient care. The study was conducted on patients from medical, surgery and obstetrics departments. Each session was 30 minutes. They were able to see the difference in the pain levels from 0 to 10 before and then after the therapy. Before the massage they recorded the pain levels most patients were around 5.18, after their massage, their levels went down to 2.33 a significant difference.

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety and Depression Following Family Tragedy
(May 21st, 2021)
By: Melissa Gunter, OTR/L, CST-T, CIMI
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety and Depression Following Family Tragedy

Cranial Treatment and Spinal Manipulation for a Patient With Low Back Pain: A Case Study
(September 9th, 2014)
By: Wayne Powell II DC and Simone F.C. Knaap DC, MAppSc
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Chronic low back pain is a common problem, this case study was about a man who fell on his head and neck without any fractures, but his sphenoid bone was treated because of an apparent lesion. Before his treatment he was limited in diving to work and standing still for 15 minutes. After his treatment, he was symptom free. In this case, there was a major improvement in low back pain after performing the Cranial techniques.

Osteopathische versus orthopädische Behandlung der chronischen Epicondylopathia humeri radialis: Eine randomisiert kontrollierte Untersuchung
(July 20th, 2021)
By: S. Geldschläger
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Can an Osteopathic treatment help the muscles in the hand caused by an overload of the extensor muscles usually in the dominant hand. Osteopathic treatment was used exclusively manually, with parieral, visceral, and cranioSacral therapy individually chosen for each patient. Four common test were used to see if a difference was made in each patient.

They were not able to come to a conclusion to successfully treat this.

Effect of Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine on an Aged Rat Model of Alzheimer Disease
(November 1st, 2019)
By: Hope Tobey, DO; Tyler Lucas, BS; Douglas Bledsoe, BS; Michael Mykins, BS; Caroline Campbell, BS; Stuart S. Berr, PhD; Todd Sasser, PhD; Richard Helm, PhD; Per Gunnar Brolinson, DO; Bradley G. Klein, PhD; Blaise M. Costa, MPharm, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Alzheimer is the 6th leading cause of death's in the United States. An accumulation of metabolic waste composed of extracellular deposits seem to contribute to the Alzheimer's disease. The healthy brain has more rapid fluid and facilitates the clearance of macromolecules from the brain. The aging brain there is a reduction in the pulsation of cerebral vasculature in the fluid exchange.

They have done trials with great results.

(July 20th, 2021)
By: Barry R. Gillespie, DMD, MSD,MT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A young boy with Asthma was treated with CranioSacral Therapy for 7 consecutive visits and was treated for various traumatic events from birth to 9 yrs of age.

After the first visit his mother noticed that his airways seemed to be more open. Frequently, the parents can identify specific traumatic event that may have been a trigger for their child's asthma. Since the body is totally interconnected through the CranioSacral fascial system, a child's asthma, earaches, and headaches may all be connected.

This is a Great Read!!

Inclusion of Chiropractic care in multidisciplinary management of a child with Prader-Willi syndrome: a case report
(July 19th, 2021)
By: Rebekah A. Wittman DC, DACCPa , Sharon A. Vallone DC, FICCPb
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This case report is about Prader-Willi syndrome, there are 1 in 8000 to 1 in 25,000 births in the United States. This syndrome has many challenges for a child born with this defect. They have many issue with feeding , developmental delays, behavioral problems, prone to scoliosis with other issues. They decided to do Chiropractic adjustments and CranioSacral therapy with other therapies. They noticed much improvement in her treatment plan of twice weekly. Overall she had improved her abilities to sleep better, control anxiety and help her to focus.

This report shows improvements and progression was a success due to multiple therapies. 

Craniosacral Therapy Use in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
(May 7th, 2021)
By: Young Park, Jacob Kabariti, Leonid Tafler
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH)  is caused by cerebrospinal fluid absorption that results in CSF accumulation. Shunt surgery is usually recommended but with a large percentage of issues and failure rate, this patient decided to seek alternative medicine. He was offered CranioSacral osteopathic manual treatment. The patient symptoms seemed to improve as confirmed by the patient and family.

Very interesting read!!

Cranial Strain Patterns Associated With Concussions
(November 15th, 2019)
By: Lauren Schwartzberg, OMS IV; Lilit Aslanyan, DO; Nicole Angelo, DO; Jayme Mancini, DO, PhD; Patricia S. Kooyman, DO; Reem Abu-Sbaih, DO; Hallie Zwibel, DO; Sheldon C. Yao, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Treatments for Concussions with 16 patients who consented to participate, age range from 18 to 26 yrs. 10 men and 6 women. These participants found that some had other impairments that came from non-physiologic somatic dysfunctions that could help manage post-concussion symptoms.

Future studies should also examine the relationships between different types of concussions.

The study shows that more physicians and patients needed to be studied for more conclusive results.

The Role of Physical Therapy in Craniofacial Pain Disorders: An Adjunct to Dental Pain Management
(February 18th, 2016)
By: Steve Heinrich, P.T.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Craniofacial pain disorders such as TMJ, Headaches, emotional issues and stress can cause significant pain in patients. Posture and alignment of your body may cause a lot of these symptoms.

Working with a Therapist, Dentist and other therapies seem to help the patient to feel much better after treatment. The treatment plan is formulated with the physician/dentist is the best way to help the patient achieve the best results.

Interventions for preventing and treating low-back and pelvic pain during pregnancy
(July 16th, 2021)
By: Liddle Sarah D, Pennick Victoria
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pain and Lower back pain during pregnancy which often gets worse as pregnancy progresses. Studies find that different treatments that may help along the way of the pregnancy. They took pregnant women from the age of 16 to 45 years of age who were having problems with pelvic and low back pain. It will show what seemed to work better for each group. Some did exercise, some wore a pelvic belts. Studies showed there wasn't enough evidence to make a confident decisions about these complaints. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was implemented with better results than other types of studies.  

CranioSacral Therapy....What is it really?
(July 14th, 2021)
By: Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST- CranioSacral Therapy is a light touch manual therapy that works with the body's self-correcting mechanism to affect multiple structual and physiological systems in attaining greater health and well being. As the name implies, it involves mobilizing restrictions within the cranium and the sacrum.It really is a whole body approach. It is practiced by various healthcare professional who have a license to touch.

Craniosacral Therapy Treatment – Recovery Through Touch
(July 6th, 2021)
By: Jenny Correll
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy is a treatment to open up the Cerebrospinal Fluid in the body, which can have restrictions. With a gentle light touch the Therapist can open up the restricted areas and help the fluid and identify flow blockage. It's vital not to miss out on alternative medicine to help a persons body heal.

Neural mobilization as a therapeutic option in the treatment of stroke.
(June 24th, 2021)
By: Alan Carlos Nery dos Santos , Ana Cristina Gusmão de Goes , Rodrigo Medina Vasconcelos Lago , Jefferson Petto
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Accordingly, studies suggest that stretching of the peripheral nerve through exercises proposed by the neural mobilization (NM) technique can be useful in physical rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the nervous system. A case study with a 76 year old with stroke Neural Mobilization was taken for them with a therapeutic approach to rehabilitate them.

(June 24th, 2021)
By: Janusz Kocjan
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome (CTS)

36 patients with evidence of CTS participated in a study . Both groups were put into 2 different intervention group study. Group 1 Only median nerve neuro-mobilization was applicated. Group 2- median nerve neuro-mobilization technique with other Mid-carpel distraction using manual therapy technique.  It is concluded that the combination of these 2 techniques may be effective in the treatment of CTS. More studies are needed.

Effects of CranioSacral therapy upon symptoms of post acute concussion and Post Concussion Syndrome: A Pilot Study
(June 18th, 2021)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz, Daniel J Kratz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat concussions effects and Post concussion symptoms.

In a study CST was able to help patients with concussions of 6 months or more with symptoms.  Patient reported that there were critical changes when they were treated. After having CST therapy they have indicated that they would refer others for CST. 

Effects of neural mobilization on individuals with chronic low back pain
(June 17th, 2021)
By: Marina Ramos1 , Caio A. H. Cruz2 , Moises F. Laurentino2 , Hazem Adel Ashmawi3 , Fabio M. Santos2 , Marucia Chacur1
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The objective of this study on individuals with chronic low back pain see possible changes in pain, motor behavior and on cytokine quantification before and after treatment.

Results showed a reduction of pain in  approximately 70% between the assessment.

The technique was able to reduce pain intensity and increase the mobility of the volunteers.

Nueral mobilization as a therapeutic option in the treatment of Stroke
(June 17th, 2021)
By: Alan Carlos Nery dos Santos1, Ana Cristina Gusmão de Goes2, Rodrigo Medina Vasconcelos Lago3, Jefferson Petto1
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The neural mobilization aimed to functional recovery of the nervous system. Little is known how it's effects in patients affected by stroke.

Six studies were being reviewed as for a treatment of Neural Manipulation, with the NM protocol.

The studies revealed beneficial effects helped with muscle tone, range of motion, and functionality of patients affected by having a stroke.

Effects of Osteopathic Visceral Treatment in Patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(June 17th, 2021)
By: Nuria Eguaras, Elena Rodriguez- Lopez, Olga Lopez-Dicastillo, M. Angeles Franco Sierra, Francois Ricard and Angel Olivia-Pascual-Vaca
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

A group of patients 60 with GERD who received osteopathic techniques without exerting therapeutic force. Before and after between groups. The application of the osteopathic manual treatments in subjects with GERD produced a significant amount of improvement in symptoms one week after treatment.

Newly Detailed nerve links between brain and other organs shape thoughts, memories, and feeling
(June 10th, 2021)
By: Emily Underwood

In the 1930's neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield pioneered a daring new kind f cartography. He delicately touched an electrode to the exposed brains of his awake, consenting patients and asked what they felt as the currents his different areas of the brain. He was able to probe through different areas of the brain to see the reactions of the patients by stimulating the different areas, some were nauseated, some triggered seizures and other parts of the body movements.

The effect of oscillating-energy manual therapy on lateral epicondylitis: a randomized, placebo-control, double-blinded study
(June 17th, 2021)
By: J Hand Ther
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The Department of Physical Therapy, North GA College tried to conventional treatments on inflammatory functions of the wrist and hand extensor muscles. Oscillating-energy Manual Therapy also known as V-Spread, is a CranioSacral technique that has been clinically used for treating tender points over the suture lines over the skull.

The use and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in primary health care: a prospective cohort study
(June 1st, 2021)
By: Heidemarie Haller,Gustav Dobos, and Holger Cramer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients use treatment complementary to primary care. Patients who are in chronicle pain may use complementary treatments beside standard medical care. It can also help not only adults but young children and adolescents too!

CranioSacral Therapy is one of the alternative Therapies which has helped all with its very gentle fascial palpation techniques.

The efficacy of manual therapy and exercise for treating non-specific neck pain: A systematic review
(May 30th, 2017)
By: Benjamin Hidalgoa, , Toby Halld , Jean Bosserta , Axel Dugenya , Barbara Cagniee and Laurent Pitance,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Evidence will show that exercise can be of upmost help to patients with different stages of neck pain. Manual therapy in different form seems to help them to be able to perform more task with the help of exercise. Mobilization did not improve without exercise.

Great Read!!

Active Visceral Manipulation Associated With Conventional Physiotherapy in People With Chronic Low Back Pain and Visceral Dysfunction: A Preliminary, Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Clinical Trial
(May 20th, 2021)
By: Lucas Villalta Santos, PT, Larissa Lisboa Córdoba, Jamile Benite Palma Lopes, MS, Claudia Santos Oliveira, PhD, Luand André Collange Grecco, PhD, Ana Carolina Bovi Nunes Andrade, MS, and Hugo Pasin Neto, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Chronic low back pain has turned into a worldwide problem. The most common indication for treating this condition is through physical exercise because it improves aerobic capacity and muscular strength. which seems to help individuals with this pain to perform their daily routines of living.

The immediate effects of sigmoid colon manipulation on pressure pain thresholds in the lumbar spine
(May 1st, 2012)
By: Terence P McSweeny, Oliver P Thomson, Ross Johnston
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Visceral Manipulation is being used by the UK osteopaths. Pressure pain thresholds were measured to investigate 15 asymptomatic subjects. This study provides new experimental evidence that the visceral manual therapy can produces immediate Hypo in somatic structures to the organ being mobilized in asymptomatic subjects

The Other Side of the Fascia: Visceral Fascia, Part 2
(May 1st, 2019)
By: Bruno Bordoni, Marta Simonelli, Bruno Morabito
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a clinical practice and in teaching medicine the visceral manipulation approach is included. In this second part of the article it will give conclusive definition of fascia and explain embryological development of the heart and how fascial tissue can be a subject to manual treatment.

The Other Side of the Fascia: The Smooth Muscle Part 1
(May 1st, 2019)
By: Bruno Bordoni, Marta Simonelli, Bruno Morabito
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The fascia is any tissue that contains features capable of responding to mechanical stimuli. The fascial continuum is the result of the evolution of the perfect synergy among different tissues, liquids and solids, capable of supporting, dividing, penetrating, feeding and connecting all the districts of the body, from the epidermis to the bone.

There are several different categories, to read about. 

Does the addition of visceral manipulation improves outcomes for patients with low back pain? Rational and study protocol
(May 1st, 2012)
By: John Panagopoulos, Mark Hancock, Paulo Ferreira
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Active participants were treated for the same minimum and maximum number of sessions per week, one placebo and one with Visceral Manipulation.

Patients that were treated will be evaluated for a secondary analysis to investigate who responds to the Visceral Manipulation.

The effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation in patients with non specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation
(May 8th, 2018)
By: Walkyria Vilas Boas Fernandes, Cleofás Rodríguez Blanco, Fabiano Politti , Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza , Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli and João Carlos Ferrari Corrêa
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Recent research shows low back pain can cause more years of disability than any other health condition. Chronic pain is a public health problem that debilitate  work absenteeism. Low back Pain is the number 1 cause to first contact practitioners and chiropractors and osteopaths.

(May 15th, 2018)
By: Johannes Fleckenstein, Philip Bormuth, Fabio Comes, Winifried Banzer
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Thirty stroke survivors were allocated to a experimental group surrounding the bowels that may have lost their capacity to defecate. Visceral Manipulation was used in one of the groups while the other group superficial touching over the intestines. Visceral manipulation can be a part of neurologic rehab to improve symptoms of constipation in stroke survivors. At a very successful rate.

PT Classroom-Energetic balancing WE ARE MADE OF ENERGY
(May 6th, 2021)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

We are made of energy. Over time our bodies collect tension from physical tension, additionally, unresolved mental, emotional, behavioral, and spiritual issues. Energy can come in waves.

The physical body comes from forms to shift the particles form to observe (the energy worker) the client to transform back to a wave of possibility to improve energy flow and promote health!!!  

CranioSacral Therapy & Autism
(May 6th, 2021)
By: Rebecca Flowers, OTR, BCP,CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Rebecca Flowers has worked with hundreds of children with Autism.

She can help them with the stress levels with CST and could make 80 % gains with most of these children. 

Mikey age 2yrs and 9 months was told they should institutionalize him. He graduated from high school, he spoke at his commencement.

The CranioSacral Still Point
(November 2nd, 2020)
By: Karen Axelrod
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Still Point refers to gradual slowing down and eventual waning of the CranSacral  Rhythm (CSR).

 Andrew  Taylor Still, MD the father of osteopathy on whose work CST is based, described CSF as one of the highest known elements.... contained in the body. It's important to ensure good CSF flow inflow and outflow, the body has devised a regenerative, self corrective mechanism where by this rhythmic flow where it comes to a standstill. The inducer opens up the flow while laying on it for  about 20 minutes.

Effects of Manual Lymphatic Drainage Techniques on Conditions Affecting the Musculoskeletal System: A Systematic Review
(April 8th, 2021)
By: David Doubblestein, PT, PhD(ABD), OCS, CLT-LANA, Cert. MDT Sandy Sublett, PT, DPT, OCS, CLT Min Huang, PT, PhD, NCS
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Lymphatic Drainage have received interest in the efficacy in orthopedic and sports medicine.

There is moderate support for those using Lymphatic Drainage affecting the musculoskeletal System as effective interventions to reduce pain and improve patient reports to more functionality in activities and quality of life! Evidence was observed supporting the LD in with conventional rehab interventions for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.

Activation of the cholinergic antiinflammatory reflex by occipitoatlantal decompression and transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation
(April 8th, 2021)
By: Adrienne M. Kania, DO, Kailee N. Weiler, OMS III, Angeline P. Kurian, OMS III, Marielle L. Opena, DO, Jennifer N. Orellana, OMS III and Harald M. Stauss, MD, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The study was conducted in healthy adults. The subjects of both genders. Exclusion criteria included: pregnancy, any meds that interferes with the autonomic nervous system or the immune system of both genders, (e.g.., beta blockers, steroids, TNF inhibitors); any medical condition that affect the autonomic nervous system or immune system.
The subjects were lying in the supine position on an OMT examination table, while the investigator cradled the subjects heads with their hand and finger pads  along the inferior of inion. The subjects were palpated for at least five minutes.


Promote CranioSacral Therapy in your Community
(April 1st, 2021)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

April is CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month!

Ideas to Promote CranioSacral Therapy in your Community.

We hope that these suggestions will help you to raise awareness in your own communities.

Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Forward Head Posture in Subjects with Chronic non-specific Neck Pain- A Pilot Study
(February 11th, 2021)
By: Sonam Yangdol, Balaji Karunanithi Gandhi,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Forward head posture  (FHP) is defined as the protrusion of the head in the sagital plane so the the head is placed  anterior to the trunk. Forward head posture is one of the reasons that the changes in biochemical stress around the cervical spine leading to neck pain, headache, temporomandibular, and muscular dysfunction.

The prevalence of neck pain varies and is more common in females and high income countries. Patients without a well identified source for their neck pain are labeled as having idiopathic, mechanical or non specific neck pain.

Jean Pierre Barral developed Visceral Manipulation the French Osteopath.                                                  

The use and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in primary health care: a prospective cohort study
(March 18th, 2021)
By: Heidemarie Haller,Gustav Dobos, and Heidemarie Haller
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The use and benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in primary health care: a prospective cohort study - 
Patients frequently use treatments complementary to standard primary care. This prospective cohort-study examined the use, benefits, and safety of Craniosacral Therapy (CST) .  Conclusions: In primary care, patients and parents of underage children use CST for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Considering the design limitations, CST appears to be overall effective and safe in infants, children, and adults.

Gut-brain Axis and migraine headache: a comprehensive review
(March 3rd, 2020)
By: Mahsa Arzani , Soodeh Razeghi Jahromi , Zeinab Ghorbani , Fahimeh Vahabizad, Paolo Martelletti , Amir Ghaemi , Simona Sacco, Mansoureh Togha
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Gut-brain Axis and migraine headache: a comprehensive review - 
The terminology “gut-brain axis “points out a bidirectional relationship between the GI system and the central nervous system (CNS) .  The present review article aims to discuss the direct and indirect evidence suggesting relationships between migraine and the gut-brain axis. 

The effect of visceral manipulation on Diastasis Recti Abdominis(DRA): A case series
(June 7th, 2020)
By: Brandi Kirk , Teresa Elliott-Burke
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Four treatments of Visceral Manipulation appear to be effective in decreasing DRA measurements in 3 of women. Patients presented chief complaints of low back pain, abdominal pain, and vulvar burning and itching.  After having 4 Treatments of VM.

These changes remained stable for 6 months to 16 months.

Lymphatic Balancing for the orthopedic patient
(February 25th, 2021)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Lymphatic balancing builds on the principle based concepts of Dr. Still, while incorporating the use of gentle rythmi-cal pumping techniques to encourage a healthy flow of the lymph system.

The lymphatic system is made up of thin tubes that run through our system and organs that collect and filter the lymph. One of the basic tenets of osteopathic medicine in the hierarchy of healing is the principle that the fluids of movement are essential to maintain health.


Behandlung der viszeralen Gefäße aus osteopathischer Sicht
(February 9th, 2021)
By: Rene Assink, DO, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Treatment of the Visceral Vascular Structures from a Manual Osteopathic Viewpoint.

Fascia Focused Manual Therapy Interventions-Proposed Treatment for Post-COVID Syndrome
(August 1st, 2020)
By: John Sharkey
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The Covid Virus has surpassed 57 million globally and numbers are exponentially increasing weekly.

Based on current research this short report proposes that appropriate actions are being taken with the fascia focused manual and movement therapy interventions will assist patients experiencing on-going related pain and a wide range of functional issues.

Case Report: Manual therapies promote resolution of persistent post-concussion symptoms in a 24- year- old athlete
(July 30th, 2020)
By: Susan Vaghn Kratz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This case report illustrates treatment outcomes of athletes with an 18 month history of post concussion syndrome who received a series of mixed therapies. they had persistant symptoms  that were debilitating from school work and leisure activities.

Post Covid -19 Syndrome
(July 6th, 2020)
By: Robert J Hedaya MD, DLFAPA,ABPN,CFM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Some people more women than men are experiencing from acute Covid-19 illness.

The symptoms are similar to Dysautonomia, chronic fatigue syndrome, severe fatigue, brain fog, exercise intolerance, rapid heart rate, and inflammation. There are so many different illnesses Dr's are upside down on the  Post Covid-19 Syndrome.

Did you know that many Covid-19 patients may develop Dysautonomia after they contract the virus?

This article discusses how Dysautonomia may be lingering symptom from Covid-19.

Redefining Covid-19: Months after infection, patients report breathing difficulty, excessive fatigue
(September 13th, 2020)
By: Ryan Prior
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Did you know that many Covid-19 patients may develop Dysautonomia after they contract the virus?

The Dysautonomia Project (TDP- non-profit group) advocates that CranioSacral Therapy/Manual Therapy is one of the top 10 non-pharmacological treatments for this disorder.

This article discusses how dysautonomia may be lingering symptom from Covid-19.

It's been 5 months since Lucy Gahan contracted Covid-19 and her life still hasn't turned back to normal. The disease causes what she calls "STORMS" disabling periods when she feels shortness of breath, numbness in her hands and feet and her heart rate shoots up from simple task. Many hospitalized Covid patients are at risk to become long haulers

Polyvagal Theory and How it Relates to Social Cues
(January 19th, 2021)
By: Jodi Clarke, MA, LPC/MHSP Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

You may not realize it , but you are walking around in the world each day reading thousands of social cues in movement in your environment. In our interacting with others, we pick up different expressions, tones, bodily movement, and more.

We are constantly busy observing and interacting with the world and others as apart of the human experience. Our nervous system helps control things like heart rate, digestion, and salivation. 

Signs You've Already Had Covid, Warns Dr Fauci
(January 19th, 2021)
By: Leah Growth
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While fatigue is one of the initial symptoms signaling an infection, the majority of long haulers continue to experience overwhelming exhaustion long after the virus is gone. The Dysautonomia Project (TDP- a non profit group) advocates that CranioSacral Therapy/ Manual Therapy is one of the top ten non-pharmacological treatments for this disorder.

Do you know that many Covid -19 patients may develop Dysautonimia after they contract the virus

This article discusses how Dysautonomia may be lingering symptom from Covid-19

Ask the Expert: Patricia Rogers of Body to Brain
(January 11th, 2021)
By: Patricia Rogers
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Many approaches to addiction recovery incorporate a variety of practices that improve body awareness, including yoga, meditation, mindfulness-based interventions and CranioSacral therapy. These help to stimulate the nervous system and improve substance abuse disorder. Body Awareness practices have been shown to decrease the stress level and reduce substance cravings.

The Cross-Talk Between Gut Microbiota and Lungs in Common Lung Diseases
(February 25th, 2020)
By: Zhang D, Li S, Wang N, Tan H-Y, Zhang Z and Feng Y (2020)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An emerging area of intense interest is the role of gut–lung
axis in the pathogenesis of lung diseases.
Increasing studies indicated that alterations in the gut microbial
species and metabolites have been linked to changes in immune
responses and inflammation as well as the disease development
in the lungs.

Craniosacral Therapy 101 with Dr. Charles T. Ortiz
(December 21st, 2020)
By: Giselle Natasha B. Buhia
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

  Dr. Charles is a practicing dentist and has been in the profession for over 24 years. He practices therapy for TMJ , arthritis and related stress. In 2014  who was finding out that a patient was having a difficult time with his TMJ condition. Dr. Charles felt he had to find a new way to help patients so he enrolled in Upledger Institute International, and took core classes in CranioSacral Therapy(CST).

Effect of visceral manipulation on pain, mobility and functional disability in subjects with right shoulder Adhesive Capsulitis
(September 19th, 2020)
By: Aarti Ghillodia and Balaji Karunanithi Gandhi
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 This research article explores the effect of organ specific visceral manipulation on adhesive capsulitis, in subjects with right shoulder  capsulitis. Visceral manipulation of liver has shown to increase right shoulder or called frozen shoulder. It seems to peak at the age of 56 yrs. It is believed that inflammation in the rotator interval, results in painful motion and subsequent fibrosis, and stiffness that limits movements.

Visceral Manipulation of liver has shown to increases in right shoulder range of motions. Adhesive Capsulitis is a common  painful and debilitating condition .


Top 10 Non-Pharmacological Treatments
(December 1st, 2020)
By: A 501 (c) 3 not for profit organization aimed at speeding the time to diagnosis through local education
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cranio-Sacral/Manual Therapy

Increasing relaxation and reducing stress with a light touch therapy in regions of the spinal cord associated with parasympathetic nerves.

Some evidence that heart rate variability may improve. More research is needed.

The Body Tells Our Story
(July 1st, 2020)
By: Susan Steiner
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an article about research on Epigenetics.

Science is in the infancy of epigenetic research, the first step is to upgrade our inner environment. Lifestyle choices will effect epigenetics. With these changes we heal in a cellular level.

Our electromagnetic field affect our beliefs and emotions, which affects our biology. 

Dr. John Upledger taught us to include the dimensions beyond biochemistry

CranioSacral Therapy for Newborns
(April 2nd, 2019)
By: Dr. Colleen Hart, ND
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 Dr. John Upledger and CranioSacral Therapy for Newborns has been around for years. It can heal infants with all kinds of issues including Colic,  Constipation, Tongue tie, Torticollis, Hip Dysplasia.

The light touch help babies to relax and leads to an unwinding of restriction patterns.

Silent Killers - Carrie Ann Inaba
(September 29th, 2020)
By: Katrina Schollenberger, SEO reporter
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Carrie Ann Inaba on Dancing with the Stars, has had an autoimmune illness for years - Sjogren's Syndrome and Fibromyalgia.  She has created a regime of CranioSacral Therapy, acupuncture, yoga, Pilates and Reiki to deal iwth the pain she experiences as a result of her conditions.

Direct Measurement of the Rhythmic Motions of the Human Head Identifies a Third Rhythm
(October 13th, 2020)
By: Thomas RosenkildeRasmussen, Karl ChristianMeulengracht
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

A central concept in CranioSacral Therapy, and at the same time controversial, is the concept of a unique rhythmic movement separate from arterial and respiratory rhythms. Palpation of the unique rhythm is central and used worldwide by a high number of therapists. A significant source of the criticism and controversy of both the existence and reported range of a unique rhythm in humans is the subjective approach to study rhythmic movements by palpation.

The aim of this study was:

1. to characterize the rhythmic movements on the head relating to the arterial, respiratory and a possible third rhythm.

2. to describe the nature of the third rhythm.

3. to define the normative range of the third rhythm in humans using an objective method.

In humans, a third rhythm separate from arterial and respiratory rhythms was observed. The third rhythm was characterized by its normative range in a population (n=50) and its dynamic range within each individual. Having developed an objective approach for studying this third rhythm might form the future basis for clinical and physiological studies of craniosacral function and dysfunction.

Inside The Exclusive German Spa Victoria Beckham Can’t Get Enough Of
(September 29th, 2020)
By: Hannah Coates, Olivia Singer
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Post-Fashion Week

Victoria Beckham has return to Villa Stephanie in Germany for a 7 day retreat, with all the holistic and spa treatments anyone would desire. CranioSacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, and other treatments are offered there!

A Comment on the Relationship of Recent Research on CSF Production and Reabsorption to the Pressurestat Model
(February 1st, 2013)
By: Tim Hutton, PhD, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Interesting research has come out on how cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced and reabsorbed in the central nervous system (CNS). This research totally transformed our understanding of this neurological process. I wanted to comment briefly on the relationship of this recent research to the pressurestat model that is taught in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy classes.

Treatment of Panic Disorder by Trigeminal nerve manipulation: A case Series
(January 28th, 2020)
By: Emmanuel Birstein, Judith Gusky
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Two patients with Panic Disorder relieved their symptoms by manual manipulation of the nerve branches.

The Manipulation was performed on the Oral cavity of both patients who had molar issues in their pastimes. Within the first session, both were able to relieve their Panic Disorder significantly.

PT Classroom-Muscle Balancing: Criterion-Based Evaluation and Treatment of the Knee Complex
(November 20th, 2019)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP and Trisha Becker, PT, DPT, MHS, OCS
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Muscle Balancing is part of the extensive manual-therapy curriculum. When Indicated on a criterion-based evaluation. The muscle Balancing treatment approach helps to reduce muscle tenderness, protective muscle spasm, fascial tension, and pain. Muscle Balancing increases joint mobility, decreases swelling restores proper joint biomechanics, improves functional ROM, and normalizes posture alignment.

Energetic Balancing Total Body
(September 20th, 2020)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP,PT,DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Energy Medicine perspective refers to subtle forces frequently described as a vital force or life force that flows through the body. Since all matter and psychological processes ( thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and consciousness) are composed of energy, the physical body, therefore, the manifestation or representation of an energy field made of dynamic segments of vibration. Total  Energetic Body Balancing bridges the gap between traditional bodywork and energy medicine.

Muscles, Connective Tissue Between Organs Influence Illness
(January 28th, 2020)
By: Marcia Frellick
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers have begun to pay attention to Fascia, but connective tissue may hold the clues to a wide array of diseases including IBD.

Fascia with mechanical forces is usually thought of as it pertains to the musculoskeletal system. The function is being realized throughout all body systems!!

Cerebrospinal Fluid "What is it and Where to Find it"
(August 25th, 2020)
By: John E Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The brain is about 80% water and 20% of the water is extracellular. The cranial system also contains blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid. Each of these fluids serves as very specific functions of the brain. The cerebrospinal fluid serves as a shock absorber in head "jolts". It also serves as a vehicle to transfer hormones and peptides of all kinds.

The Pathway to Healing The Importance of Treating the Lymphatic System ( for the Orthopedic Patient)
(July 15th, 2020)
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

How does the body heal after an injury? Trauma and Injury affect multiple body systems.

For health, homeostasis, and healing, all tissues need unobstructed inflow supply and unobstructed outflow return of all vital structures(nerves, arteries, veins, and lymphatic system). Another key factor for tissue healing is that there must be a balanced nerve flow or nerve conduction to/from the tissues, brain, and spinal cord.

The State of Affairs-Alzheimer's Research
(July 15th, 2020)
By: Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

When it comes to Alzheimer's research there are some interesting facts to consider.

In the past 10 years, there have been some exciting discoveries in the field of neurology and brain science. Dr. John Upledger researched and pointed out the role of cerebral spinal fluid as it circulates throughout the body.

As we age there are so many different factors that can cause Alzheimer's.

Reading this article will help explain all of the factors and research.

The Vagus Nerve and Our Digestive Tract
(July 15th, 2020)
By: Lorilynn Dowiak, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

It is clear that our digestive system is dependent upon the healthy vagal tone.

Visceral manipulation of the organs of the digestive system stimulates the environment surrounding the organs. Gentle yet specific techniques mobilize the wall of the digestive tract also stimulating the nerve receptors in these muscles.

This article focuses on how the vagus nerve impacts our digestive system with massage therapy and visceral manipulation.

CPTST, PTSD and Intergenerational Trauma: We Are in This Together(and 8 tips for Healing)
(July 3rd, 2020)
By: Jenna Grace
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

It's been a tough few weeks for all of us. I have noticed how important it is for those of us suffering to know there are other people struggling just like us. If you suffer trauma sometimes you feel alone! 

There are 8 tips to help the healing process! CST helps to regulate the Nervous System.

Money and Worth : What stories do you tell yourself about financial success?
(June 25th, 2020)
By: Robyn Scherr and Kate Mackinnon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Money is a deeply emotional subject for most of us because it is so intimately woven in with the concept of worthiness.

Clients value what they pay for to put it simply if you don't have a fair exchange, people won't value what you have to offer.

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion
(February 20th, 2020)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion

CranioSacral Therapy - Vertigo
(March 4th, 2020)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Vertigo

CranioSacral Therapy - Spastic Cerebral Palsy
(March 3rd, 2020)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Spastic Cerebral Palsy

CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Processing Disorder
(January 17th, 2020)
By: Alyssa Frey MS, OTR/L, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Sensory Processing Disorder

CranioSacral Therapy - Lactation & Torticollis
(December 30th, 2019)
By: Alyssa Frey MS, OTR/L, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Lactation & Torticollis

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches, Fatigue and Vision Issures
(February 3rd, 2020)
By: Jane Gatanis MA, OTR/L, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches, Fatigue and Vision Issues

CranioSacral Therapy - Difficulty Feeding & Latching Bottle
(January 9th, 2020)
By: Rob Fournier OTR, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Difficulty Feeding & Latching Bottle

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety and Nervous System
(February 27th, 2020)
By: Rob Fournier OT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety and Nervous System

CranioSacral Therapy - Tremors, Lower Back Pain & stiffness
(March 4th, 2019)
By: Kerstin S Tracy MS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Tremors, Lower Back Pain & Stiffness

CranioSacral Therapy - Severe Jaw Pain
(September 18th, 2019)
By: Jill Mabry CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Severe Jaw Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Severe Headaches/Weaknesss in Left Side
(May 7th, 2019)
By: Kerstin S Tracy MS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Severe Headaches/Weakness in Left Side

CranioSacral Therapy - Relieve Symptoms Caused by Unexpressed Mourning and Fear
(September 18th, 2019)
By: Patricia Churavy PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Relieve Symptoms Caused by Unexpressed Mourning and Fear

CranioSacral Therapy - Preventive Treatment for Aging
(December 19th, 2018)
By: Catherine Whelan BS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Preventive Treatment for Aging

CranioSacral Therapy - Mild Cerebral Palsy
(May 22nd, 2019)
By: Kerstin S Tracy MS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Mild Cerebral Palsy

CranioSacral Therapy - Low Suction During Nursing
(April 30th, 2019)
By: Jill Mabry, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Low Suction During Nursing

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches & Net Pain with No Energy
(March 8th, 2019)
By: Kerstin S Tracy MS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache & Neck Pain with No Energy

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Unbalanced Feeling
(June 15th, 2019)
By: Giora Segev CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Unbalanced Feeling

CranioSacral Therapy - Head Injury
(July 31st, 2019)
By: Jill Mabry CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Head Injury

CranioSacral Therapy - Dizziness
(May 22nd, 2019)
By: Jill Mabry CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Dizziness

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion and Facial Surgery
(December 27th, 2018)
By: Patricia Churavy PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion and Facial Surgery

CranioSacral Therapy - Conception, Pregnancy and Birth
(August 2nd, 2019)
By: Patricia Churavy PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Conception, Pregnancy and Birth

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Back Pain
(February 4th, 2019)
By: Catherine Whelan BS, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Back Pain

Celebrity Pilates Instructor Nona Gleyzer Shares How to Get Your Mind and Body in Shape
(May 1st, 2020)
By: Carly Sloane
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The fitness guru Nonna Gleyzer has worked with many Celebrities, going for all things Mind Body and Soul. Her work is creating a complete balance of the body. She uses CranioSacral therapy and other therapies including conditioning and training.

Comparative Study of Muscle Energy Technique, CranioSacral Therapy, and sensory-motor training effects on postural control in patients with Nonspecific chronic low back pain
(February 28th, 2020)
By: Cobra Hasemi, Ali Amiri, Javad Sarrafzadeh, Mehdi Dadgoo, and Hasan Jafari
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Malalignment in the pelvic and spinal regions exist in 90/80 % of the adult population. CST is one of the treatments that is believed to release the tension of the muscles, ligaments, and fascia in the sacral zone. After the last treatment and after 2 months follow-up, all the parameters of COP were measured. The results showed CST had a significant difference in recovery.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study - Childhood Sexual Trauma
(September 13th, 2019)
By: Catherine Whelan, BS, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Childhood Sexual Trauma

CranioSacral Therapy - Back Pain
(April 1st, 2019)
By: Giora Segev CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Back Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Back and Neck Pain
(May 7th, 2019)
By: Kerstin S Tracy MS. LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Back and Neck Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Vertigo
(November 15th, 2019)
By: Catherine Whelan BS, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Vertigo    

CranioSacral Therapy - Sacral Concussion
(April 25th, 2019)
By: Patricia Churavy PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Sacral Concussion

CranioSacral Therapy and TORTICOLLIS: Gently Unraveling Tension without Tears
(April 28th, 2020)
By: Kelly O'Brien Pahman
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy in treating babies with torticollis, the shortening or tightening of the neck muscles on one side or the other causing the babies head to tilt.

This is an article about Brandon diagnosed with asymmetries in the face and cranium. He was treated with CranioSacral Therapy and improved rapidly from the 5th percentile to the 50th percentile in 40 days.

It was noted that CranioSacral Therapy was more cost-efficient and less intrusive than traditional treatment. 

Mobile Doc to the Rescue
(April 27th, 2020)
By: Mark DeLap
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Millie Woody takes her talents as CranialSacral Therapy(CST) to equine injuries.

Equine CranioSacral Therapy(CST) is a hands-on technique to the horse's body to release restrictions in the musculoskeletal system in the fascia. It is a tissue that weaves the whole body like a spider web.

Millie did CranioSacral Therapy on a horse who had a hematoma on her left inner leg the size of a basketball. Within a few months of CST and other work, she was able to stimulate pain and restore motion.

Stress, Solitude, and Being Single
(April 16th, 2020)
By: Jenn Moff
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

I've been through enough traumatic situations in my life to see the value in a spiritual and self-care toolbox to support my well being during periods of anxiety or depression.

It was a hug from an acquaintance at a networking lunch we hugged and then a painful thought washed over me, I don't know when I will be touched again.

CranioSacral Therapy - Panic
(April 29th, 2019)
By: Hsiang-Fei Hung PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Intenational Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Panic

CranioSacral Therapy - Migraine
(April 29th, 2019)
By: Hsiang-Fei Hung PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Migraine    

CranioSacral Therapy - Lower Abdominal Pain
(June 1st, 2017)
By: Patricia Churavy PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Lower Abdominal Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches
(May 26th, 2019)
By: Giora Segev CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Focusing Problems
(February 1st, 2019)
By: Giora Segev CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Focusing Problems

CranioSacral Therapy - Fibromyalgia
(February 15th, 2019)
By: Giora Segev CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Fibromyalgia

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion
(April 23rd, 2019)
By: Jill Mabry CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Neck Pain
(September 18th, 2019)
By: Vivien Henderson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Neck Pain

CranioSacral Therapy Chronic Low Back Pain
(April 23rd, 2019)
By: Hsiang-Fei Hung PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Low Back Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Insomnia
(July 18th, 2019)
By: Hsiang-Fei Hung PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Insitute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Insomnia

CranioSacral Therapy - Breast Cancer Chronic Pain
(March 16th, 2019)
By: Vivien Henderson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Breast Cancer Chronic Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Bipolar Disorder
(November 30th, 2019)
By: Hsiang-Fei Hung
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Insitute Intenational Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Bipolar Disorder

CranioSacral Therapy - Auto Accident Neck Lower Back Pain
(March 16th, 2019)
By: Vivien Henderson LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Intenational Case Study

Craniosacral Therapy - Auto Accident Neck Lower Back Pain

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety
(February 1st, 2019)
By: Catherine Whelan, BS, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute International Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Anxiety

Visceral Manipulation 101 Address A Lifetime Of Strains
(March 17th, 2020)
By: Barral, Jean-Pierre
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Visceral Manipulation is a technique that addresses visceral dysfunction. Visceral dysfunction is when fluids, nutrition, and nerve conductivity are compromised. The visceral dysfunctional area will also have multiple parameters of restricted motion and thermal changes and fluid movement associated with neurological changes.

The BODY produces many strains over a lifetime. Treating the most important strain on the body will have the largest effect on the body.

Osteopathy and Influenza
(September 30th, 2017)
By: Walter Mckone
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Osteopaths treated Influenza by Osteopathic Manipulation making sure that the circulation in the body is functioning. So Influenza is the response of the accumulation of dead cells caused by the Virus; not the virus itself. The Osteopath keeps the circulation and the white cells moving at their best to deal with the rapid accumulation of the EC Cells. As long as the EC cells are cleared at a rate that your body is comfortable with you will not exhibit the signs and symptoms of Influenza.ury

Great Read for this Era !!!

BI Inspire April 2020
(April 4th, 2020)
By: Ron Mariotti ND, BI-D; Eric Marlien PT, DO, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Follow up materials to Online Meeting offered April 4-5, 2020

BI Inspire | By Ron Mariotti, ND, BI-D

~ Exploring the general vascular system and how the Barral approach will help facilitate function in the respiratory, circulatory and immune systems

BI Inspire | By Eric Marlien, PT, DO, BI-D

~ Global Integration of the stress response and how to reach physiological equilibrium

Visceral Inflammation and Immune Activation Stress the Brain
(April 3rd, 2020)
By: Peter Holzer, Aitak Farzi, Ahmed M Hassan, Geraldine Zenz, Angela Jacan & Florian Reichmann
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Stress is a dynamic process that affects an organism, the outcome depending on the severity and duration of the stressors involved. The relationship between stress and the immune system is bidirectional and has an impact on the immune function. The Gut and the brain have interactions between peripheral immune activation especially in the visceral system and the brain functions of behavior and stress coping.

Can Natural remedies bring an end to migraines??
(March 2nd, 2020)
By: Hannah Charmin
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Migraines affect 1 in 7 people in the UK. Hormones have been linked to the issue. Migraines can be extremely debilitating.  Hannah Charman has met a number of patients who suffer Migraines after a head or spinal injury. Often times these people do well with CranioSacral Therapy.

Safety of Osteopathic Cranil Manipulative Medicine as an adjunct to Conventional Post-concussion Symptom Management: A Pilot Study
(January 4th, 2018)
By: Komal G Patel, DO, Rosanna C. Sabini DO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients who sustained a concussion were recruited from an outpatient clinic by a neuropsychologist specializing in concussions. All were said to have Cranial dysfunction in their concussions. They self-reported adverse events during or after 1 session. Osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine was considered safe treatment option.

Treatment and Prognosis for Post Concussion Syndrome
(March 10th, 2020)
By: Elizabeth Sandel MD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

People with mild traumatic brain injury may later develop Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS).

Symptoms of PCS may develop several weeks or months after the injury.

Treatment of PCS focuses on relieving the individual symptoms. CranioSacral Therapy may be effective at treating headaches , as well as neck and back pain that are common in PCS

Effects of CranioSacral therapy as adjunct to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: amulticenter,single blind, randomnized controlled trial
(March 31st, 2020)
By: Helen Elden, Hans Christian Ostgaard, Anna Glantz, Pia Marciniak, Ann-Charlotte Linner & Monika Fagevik Olsen
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Effects of CranioSacral therapy as an adjunct to standard treatment for pelvic girdle pain in pregnant women: a multicenter, single-blind, randomized controlled trial. Our study shows less pain intensity in the morning and less deteriorated function, both reaching a degree of significance when CranioSacral therapy was combined with standard treatment for PGP in pregnancy.

CranioSacral Therapy Bishop University Gaiters
(February 26th, 2019)
By: Bishops University Gaiters Sports Medicine Program
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Bishops University Gaiters' sports medicine program speaks about CranioSacral Therapy.

The main goal of CST is to remove restrictions along the dural tube that runs from the cranial bones to the sacrum in order to enhance the flow of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Using a gentle hands-on approach a professional trained in CST will release restrictions along the dural tube to facilitate the flow which can lead to more efficient nourishinf=g of the nervous system.

CranioSacral Therapy and Physical Therapy: An Integrative Approach
(March 27th, 2020)
By: Mary Ruth Velicki
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As a physical therapist, I specialized in the rehab of adults with neurological disorders. But then debilitating pelvic pain pulled me out of my regular life.

I discovered the connection between my body, mind, and Spirit. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) developed by Dr. John Upledger, became a major route for this discovery. I witnessed the power of CST on the other side of the treatment table and was feeling well enough to go back to treating my patients.

CranioSacral Therapy and Physical Therapy: An Integrative Approach
(March 27th, 2020)
By: Mary Ruth Velicki
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As a physical therapist, I specialized in the rehab of adults with neurological disorders. But then debilitating pelvic pain pulled me out of my regular life.

I discovered the connection between my body, mind, and Spirit. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) developed by Dr. John Upledger, became a major route for this discovery. I witnessed the power of CST on the other side of the treatment table and was feeling well enough to go back to treating my patients.

I Went to Sleep Boot Camp to Find Insomnia Cures That Actually Work to Sleep Boot Camp to Find Insomnia Cures That Actually Work
(March 6th, 2020)
By: Sarah Wu
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

My morning routine is consistent: I roll out of bed after a little sleep this has been going on for 8 yrs.

Everything I have tried stops working after a month or 2. I rotate different supplements and meds switching back and fort. Nothing seems to work for me.

After being pegged as a stress sleeper. I was ready for a science backed solution.

CranioSacral Therapy and Physical Therapy : An Integrative Approach
(March 6th, 2020)
By: Mary Ruth Velecki MS, DPT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As a physical therapist, I specialize in adults  with disorders for several therapy programs. Over the healing years, I discovered the connection between body, mind and spirit and learned how to use this connection to heal on all levels.

Awesome Read !!

(March 3rd, 2020)
By: UII BI DAI Institutes
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,


Earn Tuition Vouchers  - Learn Details now.

Anatomy and physiology of cerebrospinal fluid
(November 18th, 2011)
By: L. Sakkaa, G. Coll, J. Chazala
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is containee in the brain ventricles and the cranial and spinal subarachnoid spaces. Cranial and spinal arachnoid villi have been considered for a long time to be the predominant sites of CSF absorption into the venous outflow system. Experimental data suggest that cranial and spinal nerve sheaths, the cribriform plate and the adventitia of cerebral arteries constitute substantial pathways of CSF drainage into the lymphatic outflow system.  

The function and structure of the cerebrospinal fluid outflow system
(March 1st, 2010)
By: Michael Pollay
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This review traces the development of our understanding of the anatomy and physiological properties of the two systems responsible for the drainage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the systemic circulation. The roles of the cranial and spinal arachnoid villi and the lymphatic outflow systems are evaluated.

CranioSacral Therapy Benefits The Central Nervous System
(March 18th, 2013)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The human body is an incredible machine, and each system within the human body plays a key role in overall health and function.

This is for good reason, because the brain and spinal cord are key players in what is known as the central nervous system.

Manual Therapy and Athletic Injury Rehabilitation: Benefits of a Class of Therapy
(February 28th, 2020)
By: Jerry Holt
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 By definition, manual refers to hands, especially work done by the hands. Within the per view of athletic training, Holglum set forth the following definition : "Manual Therapy is the use of hands-on techniques to evaluate, treat, and improve the status of neuromusculoskeletal conditions.

In the past few decades athletic training as a profession has become enamored with the large variety and apparent effectiveness of modalities that are more technology advanced than human hands!!

Cranial Sutures and Sutural Movement
(February 20th, 2020)
By: Compiled by Avadhan Larson from various Authors
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John E. Upledger, along with other researchers, discovered connective tissue, as well as neural and vascular tissues within the intra-sutural material. In some circles these findings are still under question, however there is a wealth of sources which confirm and validate his findings.  

Specialized Touch Helped This client Avoid Surgery
(October 18th, 2019)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

My Client Jeff had back Surgery in 2013 including multilevel lumbar laminectomy with decompression of the dura, and spinal canal extending down to S1.

He had weakness, numbness in his major muscle groups . His Surgeon was recommending another surgery when he decided to seek the help with orthopedic manual therapy.

Cloe aligned his body and he was feeling better and improving.

Web extra: Symptoms and treatment options for CTE patients
(September 30th, 2019)
By: Matthew Haave
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Omaha Nebraska In a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)  in 87% of the deceased former football players that they examined . The disease has been linked to a number of Physical and Nuerological diseases.

The CLF say the disease cannot be diagnosed until after death.

Very interesting Read  !!!

Blows to Head Damage Brain’s ‘Garbage Truck,’ Accelerate Dementia
(December 2nd, 2014)
By: co-authors include Michael Chen, Lijun Yang, Itender Singh, and Rashid Deane with the University of Rochester, and Douglas Zeppenfeld with the Oregon Health and Science University.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A new study is out that traumatic Brain Injury can disrupt the function of the brains waste removal system.When this occurs, toxic proteins may accumulate in the brain, setting the stage for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

As with the rest of the body, the timely removal of waste from the Brain is essential to prevent unchecked accumulation of toxic proteins and other debris.

Recent studies have shown that the glymphatic system is more active during sleep which is why sleep is so refreshing to the mind and that it's function declines with age. 

Mum-of-three left partially blind after hitting head on bedroom shel
(September 12th, 2018)
By: Sophie Barnett
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mother of 3 accidentally caught her head on the metal hinge of her bedroom shelf. Initially Dr's said nothing was wrong and was asked to return if  if she felt a problem continued. She saw a retinal specialist who sent her off for surgery the very next day.

She had many issues after her surgery to which she turned CST (CranioSacral Therapy).

She now works as a Therapist in CST since 2017.

(August 6th, 2018)
By: Pawel Dziadon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Study has shown that the visceral Manipulations are likely to increase the level of serotonin as a consequence of their execution.

Future studies with a larger population can prove the validity of the thesis in this study and support the research of other authors on the effect of Visceral Manipulation on Neuroendocrine Secretion.

This study provides preliminary evidence for the influence of Visceral Manipulations on serotonin secretion due to enteric nervous system stimulation.

Chronic Pain in Migraine May Be Mitigated by Craniosacral Therapy
(January 27th, 2020)
By: Sarah Karlovitch
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Chronic Pain, which is the leading global cause of disability, is increasing in prevalence. Migraine Headaches and low back and neck pain all fall into the chronic pain category and, according to researchers, all age groups can be affected.

Specifically, CST showed better post-intervention effect on different types of pain.

A comprehensive physical therapy approach including visceral manipulation after failed biofeedback therapy for constipation
(June 24th, 2015)
By: L. Archambault-Ezenwa1, J. Brewer, A. Markowski1
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

A 41 year old female was referred to Visceral Manipulation for sever constipation rectal pain and levator ani spasm. She had an 8 year history of constipation following Cholecystectomy and a 4 year of rectal pain following a hemmorrhoidectomy. The decreased visceral mobility may be contributing to her abdominal bloating and pain and can be treated with visceral and nerve manipulation techniques.

Treatment goals were the following:

1. Improved ability to relax the external anal sphincter

during bearing down

2. Decreased pain with bowel movement

3. Decreased abdominal bloating and related pain with


Neural and visceral manipulation in infants with congenital muscular torticollis: a feasibility study
(January 15th, 2020)
By: Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA, Patricia A. Burtner PhD, OTR/L, Gail Stockman MS, OTR/L, Prisca Werbelow, MOTS, Jessie sSwartzentruber, MOTS, Jean R. Lowe PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

 As an alternative to manual stretching, the aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of using neural/visceral manipulation as a safe and effective intervention to increase neck range of motion of infants with congenital muscular torticollis. [Participants and Methods] Ten 4-month old infants with congenital muscular torticollis received eight sessions of neural/visceral manipulation administered for 30–50 minutes without observed pain. Specific palpation techniques addressed restricted tissue areas of neck, head, trunk and extremities. Neck rotation and lateral flexion were assessed by still photography and a computer program calculating ROM angles before, immediately following, and 4 months post intervention. Motor development and social competence were monitored over time using the Alberta Infant Motor Scale and Bayley-III Social Emotional Scale. [Results] Results of analysis of variances revealed significant improvements in passive and active neck rotation and lateral flexion. Significant increases were also found on the Alberta Infant Motor Scale and Bayley-III Social-Emotional scale. [Conclusion] Neural/visceral manipulation can be used safely in infants with congenital muscular torticollis to improve neck range of motion. 

CranioSacral Therapy Research Flyer
(January 20th, 2020)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This flyer provides a list research articles about CranioSacral Therapy. For more articles and research papers, please visit our searchable database 

Visceral Manipulation Research Flyer
(January 20th, 2020)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This flyer provides a list of research articles about Visceral Manipulation. Please visit our searchable database. For more articles and research papers. 

D'Ambrogio Institute Fact Sheet
(January 20th, 2020)
By: D'Ambrogio Institute
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, FI,

Learn about D'Ambrogio Institute facts and discover our manual therapy techniques. This flyer is information for your clients.

Barral Manual Therapies Fact Sheet
(January 20th, 2020)
By: Barral Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Learn the facts about Barral Institute Therapies. Discover our Manual Therapy Techniques and their benefits. This flyer is informative for your clients.

Visceral Manipulation in the Chronic Pain Patient
(January 17th, 2020)
By: By Janice Webber, BScPT, Janice Webber Physiotherapy Services
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Very interesting Read !!

Chronic pain patients typically show altered patterns of breathing such as Cardiac function with little to no lateral-costal expansion.  When assessed they often present low CO2 values and often have a difficult time breathing with stress as Hyperventilating and talking.                                            

  Like a big snag in a sweater, the strain incrementally spreads outward across the very fabric of the body. Visceral restriction are often the un-examined root of the physical pain.

Blows to the Head Damage Brain's Garbage Truck, Accelerate Dementia
(January 16th, 2020)
By: University of Rochester Medical Center
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Traumatic brain injury can disrupt the function of the brains waste removal system. When this occurs, toxic proteins may accumulate in the brain, setting the stage for the onset of Neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Chronic traumatic encephalopathy.


CranioSacral Therapy explores the History of your body while easing Pain and Stress
(April 30th, 2018)
By: Nicole Tsong
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

After several years of seeing skilled bodyworker and body experts-sometimes with pain from an injury, often without-my advise on bodywork is to go before anything hurts !!!

And if something HURTS Go NOW !!!

US Physician Recommendations to their Patients About the Use of Complementary Health Approaches
(January 8th, 2020)
By: Barbara J Stussman BA, Richard R Nahin PHD,MPH, Patricia M Barnes MA, Brian W Ward PhDD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Complementary and integrative health practices, interventions, and natural products including mind-body interventions such as massage therapy, acupuncture , and yoga. Natural products such as fish Oil or pro-biotics are widely used bu US Adults. Therapies asked include massage therapy, herb, and other non vitamin supplements. Chiropractic/Osteopathic manipulation, yoga and acupuncture, mind body therapies, guided imagery, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation.

Massage therapy was the most commonly recommended

Chiropractic, Zentherapy, CranioSacral Treatments
(January 8th, 2020)
By: Lim Li Ying
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy relies on the philosophy that the body heals itself naturally.

It is great for all ages and genders, including newborns> We all are formed from past life experiences, for example birth traumas, accidents, drug abuse and wars. If these issues are not resolved, our body will experience a lot of physical and emotional pain in the long run.

CranioSacral is a powerful tool!!

CranioSacral Therapy for Health and Wellness
(January 16th, 2020)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This informative flyer talks about the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and what a CST session is typically like.

Opioid Drugs or Manual Therapies?
(January 15th, 2020)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Neural ManipulationT, Zero Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Learn about alternatives to opioids with this informative flyer. Safe long-term pain relief doesn't have to come in a prescription drug bottle. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends safer non-opioid approaches like manual therapy for the long-term treatment of most chronic pain (CDC Guidelines for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain; 2016).

Craniosacral therapy for chronic pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
(December 1st, 2019)
By: Heidemarie Haller, Romy Lauche, Tobias Sundberg, Gustav Dobos & Holger Cramer
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This research article is to systematically assess the evidence of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) for the treatment of chronic pain.

Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain–Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders
(March 1st, 2018)
By: Sigrid Breit, Aleksandra Kupferberg, Gerhard Rogler and Gregor Hasler
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions, including control of mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate. It establishes one of the connections between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract and sends information about the state of the inner organs to the brain via afferent fibers. In this review article, we discuss various functions of the vagus nerve which make it an attractive target in treating psychiatric and gastrointestinal disorders. There is preliminary evidence that vagus nerve stimulation is a promising add-on treatment for treatment-refractory depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and inflammatory bowel disease. Treatments that target the vagus nerve increase the vagal tone and inhibit cytokine production. Both are important mechanism of resiliency. The stimulation of vagal afferent fibers in the gut influences monoaminergic brain systems in the brain stem that play crucial roles in major psychiatric conditions, such as mood and anxiety disorders. In line, there is preliminary evidence for gut bacteria to have beneficial effect on mood and anxiety, partly by affecting the activity of the vagus nerve. Since, the vagal tone is correlated with capacity to regulate stress responses and can be influenced by breathing, its increase through meditation and yoga likely contribute to resilience and the mitigation of mood and anxiety symptoms.

The association between autonomic dysfunction and survival in male patients with advanced cancer: a preliminary report.
(February 1st, 2010)
By: Nada Fadul, MD, Florian Strasser, MD, J. Lynn Palmer, PhD, Syed Wamique Yusuf, MD, Ying Guo, MD, Zhijun Li, MS, Julio Allo, MPH, and Eduardo Bruera, MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Autonomic nervous system dysfunction (AD) is a common syndrome in patients with advanced cancer. It is associated with decreased survival in several patient populations, including diabetes mellitus, heart failure, and neurological diseases. Based on this evidence, we hypothesized that autonomic dysfunction is associated with decreased survival in patients with advanced cancer.

Vagal nerve activity predicts overall survival in metastatic pancreatic cancer, mediated by inflammation
(November 22nd, 2015)
By: Marijke De Coucka, Raphaël Maréchalb , Sofie Moorthamersc , Jean-Luc Van Laethemb , Yori Gidron
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Recent research findings suggest neuro-modulation of tumors. Finding new modifiable prognostic factors paves the way for additional treatments, which is crucial in advanced cancer, particularly pancreatic cancer. This study examined the relationship between vagal nerve activity, indexed by heart rate variability (HRV), and overall survival (OS) in patients (N = 272) with advanced pancreatic cancer. A “historical prospective” design was employed, where vagal activity and other confounders were retroactively obtained from medical charts at diagnosis, and subsequent OS was examined. HRV was obtained from 10 sec ECGs near diagnosis. Levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were measured as an inflammatory marker. OS and survival date were obtained from medical charts and the Belgian national registry. Patients with high HRV (>20 msec) survived on average more than double the days (133.5) than those with low HRV (64.0). In a multivariate cox regression, higher initial HRV was significantly correlated with lower risk of death, independent of confounders including age and cancer treatments. This relationship was statistically mediated (accounted for) by CRP levels. Importantly, in patients who lived up to one month from diagnosis only, HRV was unrelated to CRP, while in patients surviving longer, HRV was significantly inversely related to CRP (r = −0.20, p < 0.05). These results are in line with possible vagal nerve protection in a fatal cancer, and propose that the mechanism may involve neuroimmuno-modulation. Future studies must test whether vagal nerve activation may help patients with advanced cancers.

CranioSacral Therapy Effectively Treats Chronic Pain
(January 3rd, 2020)
By: Kaitlyn D'Onofrio
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

“Patients suffering from chronic pain may benefit from CranioSacral Therapy according to a new report. Chronic Pain Disorders are the leading global cause of disability and are still increasing in prevalence. Low back and neck pain headaches and Migraines affect all age groups.

A Great Read DSF

(December 2nd, 2019)
By: Tala Skari/Paris
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Very Interesting Read!!

Probably the only thing most people care to know about their gurgling inner organs is that they are functioning properly. But for Jean-Pierre Barral, an osteopath practicing in Grenoble, France, the body's vital viscera are like a beautifully complicated timepiece, your Liver alone travels 600 meters.

An organ that loses its mobility can throw the whole organism out of whack," he says. "Our task is to help it get back on track.

Helping the Brain Drain: How CranioSacral Therapy Aids ADD/ADHD
(November 21st, 2019)
By: John Upledger, DO OMM, Tad Wanveer LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Read This Article!!

Ina a gentle manner CST can help release restritions to natural enhance brain function, decrease levels ADD and ADHD, and in many cases, alleviate the disorder all together.

CranioSacral Therapy can have a profoundly positive effect on brain and spinal cord function. It has been used successfully in the treatment of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since 1975.

How Yoga Can Give You The Benefits Of CranioSacral Therapy
(April 12th, 2017)
By: Nora Isaacs
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 This is a great Read !!

"Yoga helps us do the preliminary work so we're not starting at square one," explains Yolanda Marie Vazquez, a bodyworker and yoga teacher in Oakland, California, who leads workshops on cranioSacral therapy and yoga. 

Waves of CSF Flow Into The Brain During Sleep
(November 1st, 2019)
By: Judy George
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

During Sleep the Brain Shows large Scale Waves of blood oxygen red, followed by waves of cerebrospinal fluid blue.

These findings may have implications for nuerodegenerative deseases, including Alzheimers's and dementia.

Brain wave stimulation may improve Alzheimer's symptoms
(March 14th, 2019)
By: Gabrielle Drummond
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

When exposing mice to a combination of light and sound, MIT neuroscientists have shown that they can improve cognitive and memory impairments.

The researchers also tested the effect of auditory stimulation on the mice's cognitive abilities. They found that after one week of treatment, the mice performed much better when navigating a maze requiring them to remember landmarks. They were also better able to recognize objects they had previously encountered.


Willingness to try and lifetime use of complementary and alternative medicine in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in Germany: A survey of parents
(October 1st, 2019)
By: Juliana Hofer, Christian Bachman,Inge Kamp-Becker,Luise Poustka,Viet Roessner,Sanna Stroth,Nicole Wolff,Falk Hoffman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Regardless of their limited evidence and potential adverse effects, use of complementary and alternative medicine is common in children with autism spectrum disorder. Nevertheless, data on complementary and alternative medicine use in children with autism spectrum disorder in Germany are lacking. 

CST is an Alternative for Children with Autism.

Pippa Midleton Is Treating Her Son With Cranial Osteopathy Therapy To Rebalance His Body
(October 30th, 2019)
By: Krissie Mick
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pippa Middleton's baby had issues with sleeping and favored one side when sleeping. She was fascinated how calming it was for Arthur.

Apparently Pippa was so impressed with her baby's treatment she wants to spread the Word.

Meet Tammy Schreiber of RestoraVida Therapies in Fort Worth
(October 22nd, 2019)
By: Voyage Dallas
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While working as a RN surgical floor of a local hospital. She saw many patients that did not improve after the Dr's performed surgery or gave them medicine that should have relieved their pain. She realized most  if not all patients had suffered various Traumatic events in their lives.

She began her journey with CST CranialSacral Therapy when she began having debilitating headaches.

Through research she found The Upledger Clinic and worked with a CranioSacral Therapist. Headaches were gone. She was so impressed with the results she was inspired to become a therapist herself.

Manual Therapies Promote Continence and Mobility in a Patient with Cerebellar Agenesis
(October 25th, 2019)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a case review of a 26 yr old woman with lifelong incontinence who gained control and measurable improvements in mobility after an extended series of CranioSacral Therapy.(CST)

The purpose of this case report is to stimulate thought around the unexpected outcomes from a method that directly treats the nervous system and wonder about the neuroplasticity elements at play with such intervention.

Osteopathic approach with a patient undergoing cardiac transplantation: the five diaphragms
(August 9th, 2019)
By: B Bordoni, B Morabito, M Simonelli, L Nocoletti, R Rinaldi, F tobbi and P Caiazzo
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered Therapy,

This is an Abstract Article Very interesting Read !

A possible cause of chronic post-sternotomy pain syndrome is the formation of adhesions in themediastinum, between the sternum and the retrosternal tissues up to the pericardium.

With  postsurgicaladhesions can help stabilize the pericardium in the mediastinum, they can also cause neuropathic pain. The

new adhesions are vascularized and innervated, generating unforeseeable proprioceptive or nociceptiveafferents.

This is the first case report that uses osteopathic treatment in a patient with sternalpain associated with an undergoing cardiac transplantation.

This patient was admitted to the cardiorespirtory dept on Jan. 2019

The reasons for this artificial heart are related to continuous heart failure, due to previous inoperable stenoses (stenosis on small caliber coronaries) and a probable previous infant rheumatic disease.

In the months leading up to heart transplant surgery, the patient had been treated with antibiotics to reduce the infection derived from the drive line.

Specialized Touch Helped This client Avoid Surgery
(October 24th, 2019)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Qigong T'chings,

CranioSacral Therapy techniques are applied based on communication and synergy between the client and therapist. It's a conversation through touch where the therapist listens to what the body is saying.

This is an article of a patient named Jeff(name changed) who had surgery in 2013, including a multilevel lumbar laminectory with decompression of the dura and spinal canal extending down to S1.

He had decreased sensation, numbness and weaknesses in his major muscle muscle groups.

His Dr. wanted him to have another surgery but he chose an alternative treatment.

Cloe worked with orthopedic manual therapy and focused on alignment,working with the sheath of the nerves at their roots. She applied a complementary combination of CranioSacral, Qigong Therapy and Neural Manipulation. 

Healing Energies: What is CranioSacral Therapy(CST)
(October 15th, 2019)
By: Sonalie Figueiras
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

You may have heard of CranioSacral Therapy if you have see a Physiotherapist to help with rehabilitation after an accident or injury.

Why CST ?

Through the modality has its roots in medical and anatomical studies, it actually involves energy work in order to manipulate the alignment in the body correctly.

Massage for Breast Cancer Patients
(October 22nd, 2015)
By: Cheryl Chapman RN, HN-BC, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Massage and touch at any age of Breast Cancer will take a woman to another to another place than her disease. Massage can assist her throughout her entire journey, from diagnosis to recovery.

When to Massage?

Ideally, the approach is to massage a few days pre- surgery and another the day before surgery.

CranioSacral Therapy to Address Post- Concussion Syndrome
(October 15th, 2019)
By: Melinda Roland MPT,LA-c,OMD-Ac, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Clinically, we see significant and far-reaching results regularly in the treatment of post-concussion syndrome when the rehabilitation approach includes CranioSacral Therapy.

For Better Health : Specialist Shares Simple Self Techniques to Alleviate Pain
(October 15th, 2019)
By: Alissa Silber
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Janet Shroeder, a chronic pain specialist with more than 25 yrs experience.

CranioSacral Therapy

Ms Schroeder said she does this "profoundly relaxing" method on all her patients and has found it brings relief to even most extreme cases.

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy gave my child recovery from an autism spectrum diagnosis
(November 1st, 2018)
By: Emily Francis, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

READ this truly inspiring story presented by Emily Francis, LMT, about her daughter's incredible developmental improvement after adding CranioSacral Therapy to her treatment plan. 

Is Visceral Manipulation beneficial for patients with Low Back Pain?
(September 2nd, 2019)
By: Jacob Marten Switters, Stefan Podar, Luke Perraton,Zuzana Machotka
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Visceral manipulation may reduce non-specific low back pain in the short term.

Visceral dysfunction may be an underlying cause or contributing factor

for some non-specific LBP and can be treated by osteopathic manipulative treatment.

PT Classroom - Effects of Neural Manipulation in the Body
(August 14th, 2013)
By: Jean-Pierre Barrall D.O.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Nerves are the body's great communicators,conveying vital information between the brain and all other structures.

If a person is feeling pain, it is because the nerves are reporting this information to the brain.Our purpose with Neural Manipulation is to facilitate the body's to self correct.

Neural Manipulation aims to gently create movement and freedom within the central and peripheral nervous system by finding points that are restricting the nerves.

Symptoms and Treatment Options for CTE Patients
(October 1st, 2019)
By: Matthew Haave
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Our investigation into concussions what symptoms and treatment options for it.

Headaches A variety of treatments options exist : Craniosacral Therapy, massage,acupuncture, or Meds.

Working with a Dr. to determine the type of headache is helpful for determining the best treatment options.

How Yoga Can Give You The Benefits Of Cranisacral Therapy
(October 1st, 2019)
By: Nora Isaacs
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a great article to read !!!

Craniosacral Therapy has similar benefits to yoga and can help release tension in the body.Yoga can give you a head start on the benefits of Craniosacral therapy (CST). Yoga helps us do the preliminary work so we are not starting at square one.

These two complement each other in several ways, since CST is likely to have similar benefits to yoga.

How Long Does Colic Last? Don't Worry This Too Shall Pass
(September 9th, 2019)
By: Grace Gallagher
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

If you are reading this , there's a high probability that you frantically googled How long does Colic Last.

Believe it or not , experts still aren't totally sure what colic is; it's Clinical definition is Frequent and prolonged crying of fussiness in a healthy infant.

CST appears to be effective and safe for Infantile Colic by reducing the number of crying hours.

Life in the Bones
(September 18th, 2019)
By: David Lauterstein
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure,

Great Read!!

Zero Balancing is unique in that it focuses especially on the experience of the person as evoked through the skeletal system, as well as soft tissues.

In our work, it is easy to see we are helping to free and relax our clients through the muscles and fascia. Since our tissues act like guide wires that position and move the bones

Zero Balancing is a form of bodywork that focuses on the skeletal side of the musculoskeletal equation and emphasizes contacting energy as well as structure.

Zero Balancing A Conversation with Founder Fritz Smith MD
(September 18th, 2019)
By: David Lauterstein
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure,

This is an excellent read!

Zero Balancing seems to engage the person in profound ways through apparently simple hands on work. Smith says that comes from the Zero Balancing working tool, called a fulcrum. “A fulcrum is a field of tension that we create in the client’s body and then hold it stationary to allow the opportunity for the person to respond to it. Some of the fulcrums I’ve developed come from listening to people who have a worldview that makes sense to me, like Deepak Chopra or the Dalai Lama. 

Developing Zero Balancing many years ago, I had no idea where it was going to go,” he says. “It started out as a bio-mechanical system that was very good at stopping pain and helping function. But now I’m seeing it as a holistic system.

Mum-of-3 left partially blind after hitting head on bedroom shelf
(September 18th, 2019)
By: Sophie Barnett
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mother of 3 accidentally caught her head on the Metal hinge of her bedroom shelf while trying to dig out her children's presents on Christmas Eve,

The 54 yr old saw the cut but brushed it off, even the Nausea and carried on with her day not wanting to spoil the festivities.

After Surgery and after her life was torn apart she turned to Craniosacral therapy.

Cranial Therapy and Heart Rate Variability
(September 13th, 2019)
By: Vaness Bayo-Tallon, Jordi Esquirol-Caussa, Montserrat Pamias-Massana, Kalia Planells-Keller, Diego J. Palao-Vidal
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Background: and purpose: Heart rate variability represents a marker activity, self-regulation and psychiatric illness. Few studies of manual therapy have investigated the neurophysiological effects of manual cranial therapy. This study assessed the neurophysiological short/medium-term effects of two manual therapy interventions: massage therapy . Materials and methods: A double-blind clinical trial was conducted with 50 healthy children, randomized into two groups who received a Mss-t intervention or MC-t.

The variables analysed included vital signs (temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, blood pressure) and HRV components, including the root mean square ofsuccessive differences (RMSSD), high frequency (HF), low frequency (LF) and LF/HF ratio.

Results: Both interventions produced short-term parasympathetic effects, although the effects of MC-t were more persistent.

Conclusion: The persistence of the MC-t intervention suggested a prominent vagal control and better self-regulation. Autonomic imbalances in mental pathologiesmay benefit from the neurophysiological effects of MC-t.

Effects of manual cranial therapy on heart rate variability in children without associated disorders: Translation to clinical practice
(August 19th, 2019)
By: Vanessa Bayo-Tallóna, Jordi Esquirol-Caussaa, Montserrat Pàmias-Massanab , Kalia Planells-Kellerb , Diego J. Palao-Vidalb
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The autonomic nervous system (ANS) controls unconscious body functions by innervating cardiac and smooth muscles, as well as exo-crine and endocrine glands, through three main efferent pathways:sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric pathways. The equilibrium between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems is responsible for maintaining homeostasis and regulating adaptive responses to internal/external environmental changes. Sympathetic activation promotes a "defense" response, while parasympathetic activation is related to protective and relaxation functions.

Type of relationship between the different factors that potentially influence heart rate variability.

Giles focused their research on the relationship between the vagus nerve and musculoskeletal structures with vagal functions using the Vagus Nerve is a mixed nerve (10th cranial nerve) joining the glossopharyngeal and accessory nerves to constitute asystem with a primarily parasympathetic function.

A way to heal trauma | Live Well
(July 16th, 2019)
By: Jennifer Mulson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Avadhan Larson offers somatic experiencing, which can potentially help people heal from trauma. The healing modality looks like talk therapy from the outside, but doesn't ask the client to relive the traumatic experience repeatedly.

So what does a session look like? To an outside observer, it would look a lot like talk therapy, Larson said, with the practitioner and patient sitting and quietly talking.But it’s not. Talk therapy can only help resolve trauma to a point, and it might even worsen it, as talking about and reliving the trauma can reinforce its neural pathways in the brain, making the memory stronger.

This is very interesting read !!!

New Pain Organ discovered in the Skin
(August 20th, 2019)
By: Karolinska Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have discovered a new sensory organ that is able to detect painful mechanical damage, such as pricks and impacts.The discovery is being published in the Journel "Science".

Pain causes suffering and results in substantial costs for society. Our study show that sensitivity to pain does not occur only in the skin fibres,but also in the pain sensitive organ.

Infant Colic What Works a Systematic Review of Interventions for Breast Fed Infants
(August 20th, 2019)
By: Kim Forehand-van der Linde, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This research article's objective is to determine the strength of evidence for commonly used interventions for Colic in breast-fed and mixed fed infants younger than 6 month.

Kim Forehand-van der Linde, PHD, follows up on the Colic Study and this research study. The study compared CST enhanced treatment with normal treatment with amazing results. However, how does that compare to other treatment options? Why is that important, well, if CST enhanced treatment gives you 3.5 hours less crying, but modality XXX enhanced treatment gives you 6 hours improvement, I would recommend to people to get modality X enhanced treatment unless that is not working. Because I want the best for those infants.

So, what works best if not using CST? The review indicates that probiotic (overall mean difference in crying time at day 21 of −55.8 min/day (95% CI −64.4 to −47.3, P = 0.001) ) and fennel (overall mean difference of −72.1 min/day (95% CI −126.4 to −17.7, P < 0.001)) are best suited.

55.8 min and 72.1 min improvement in crying time. Compare that to the CST enhanced treatment that scored on the same measure an improvement of 3.29 hours = 209 minutes. This is between 2.7 and 3.8 times as much improvement as with the best available alternative options."

There is an excess of information for parents on the internet under the term Infant Colic which gives conflicting advise. This research will help you understand these research studies.

Visceral Lymphatic Balancing Techniques
(August 16th, 2019)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM,AP,PT,DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article is very interesting for our  Lymphatic systems

Many Massage therapist consider lymphatic drainage to be a specialized set of techniques that do not factor into daily massage practice.

Lymphatic System

A properly functioning lymphatic system is critical for the body to maintain Homeostasis and regenerate tissue. An important principle treatment is "Drainage Precedes Supply." This concept is based on understanding that tissues need a healthy inflow of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood for cellular homeostasis and repair. The system responsible for providing this drainage pathway is the lymphatic system 

Lymphatic drainage dates back to the late 1800's

Diastasis recti, the post-pregnancy belly problem, explained
(May 12th, 2018)
By: Allison Yarrow
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The article talks about what Diastasis recti (DR) is. DR is caused by the overstretching of the linea alba, the tissue or fascia at thte center of the rectus abdominis muscles, the "six-pack" muscles to the right and left of the bellybutton. It's most common in pregnant and postpartum women because of the load a growing fetus places on the linea alba, which Bowman likens to a shirt seam. 

Brandi Kirk, PT, PRPC, CVTP , Barral Institute Instructor. refers to Jean-Pierre Barra, Visceral Manipulation, and the Barral Institute.

It's a great read. 


Geriatric Applications of CranioSacral therapy
(August 14th, 2019)
By: Edith G. Walsh PhD, RN
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy in geriatric care. It is found that well-established allied health professionals are integrating CST into their care of older adults. This is a exploratory study and suggest that controlled studies of CST is used as an adjunct to regular care my be worthwhile, particularly for chronic pain. Read more for methods used and for results. 

Humboldt survivors featured in doc say they want to make their "angles' proud
(August 14th, 2019)
By: Victoria Ahearn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the deadly bus crash that devastated a junior hockey team and nation. Saskatoon-based Dahlgren, 22, is undergoing CranioSacral Therapy for a third-degree brain injury that he suffered in the crash.

Visceral Lymphatic Balancing Techniques
(August 12th, 2019)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Many massage therapist consider lymphatic drainage to be a specialized set of techniques that do not factor into a daily massage practice. 

The Lymphatic System

An important principle of Osteopathic treatment is "Drainage Precedes Supply." This concept is based on understanding that tissues need a healthy inflow of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood for cellular homeostasis and repair. The system responsible for providing this drainage pathway is the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic Balancing: The Six-Step Treatment Approach
(March 1st, 2018)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about what Lymphatic Balancing is and the six-step treatment approach. 

Effect of Osteopathic Visceral Manipulation on Pain
(August 2nd, 2019)
By: Andréia Cristina de Oliveira Silva, Danirla Aparecida Biasotto-Gonzolez, Fabio Henrique Monteiro Oliveira, Adriano Oliveria Andrade, Cid Andre Fidelis de Paula Gomes, Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza, Cesar Ferriera Amorim, and Fabio Politti
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Nonspecific neck pain is a musculoskeletal disorder characterized by pain in the structure located between the superior nuchal line and the spinous process of the first thoracic vertebra, which is not associated with a particular disease or modification of the anatomical structure.

Previous studies have reported that visceral disturbances can lead to increased musculoskeletal tension and pain in structures innervated from the corresponding spinal level through viscerosomatic reflexes.

Notes on Visceral adhesions as Fascial Pathology
(July 1st, 2019)
By: Gil Hedley
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fascia is introduced as an organizing anatomical category for visceral mesothelia.

Normal tissue relations are discussed in order to frame the presentation of abnormal visceral adhesions as fascial pathology, 4 types of which are identified laboratory of fixed and unembalmed human cadavers provide the basis for insights into these pathologies as regards self-care and therapeutic techniques.

Effect of Craniosacral Therapy in Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis
(July 30th, 2019)
By: Dr. D. Y. Patil ,Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth,Sant Tukaram Nagar,Palekar Tushar J,Shah Nikhil B,B,,Khandare ShilpaBaxi Gaurangasu Soumik
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Present study was undertaken to add on to available treatment methods for cervical spondylosis and to find out the effectiveness of Craniosacral therapy (CST) for treating cervical spondylosis. Conclusion: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is an effective treatment and can be used for treating patients with cervical spondylosis. Read full article attached.

Neural Mobilization Treatment Decreases Glial Cells and Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Expression in the Central Nervous System in Rats with Neuropathis Pain Induced By CCI Rats
(March 22nd, 2017)
By: Aline Carolina Giardini, Fabio Martinez dos Santos, Joyce Teixeira da Silva, Mara Evany de Oliveira, Daniel Oliveira Martins, and Marucia Chacur
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a research article about nerve injury in humans that often results in persistent or chronic neuropathic pain which is characterized by spontaneous burning pain accompanied by hyperalgesia and allodynia.

These findings may improve the knowledge about the involvement of astrocytes, microglia, and BDNF in the chronic pain and show that NM treatment which alleviates neuropathic pain, affects glial cells and BDNF expression.

Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct her 7 Month old Sons Vision Problems
(July 30th, 2019)
By: Dave Quinn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this story, she tells how CranioSacral Therapy helped improve her sons far-sightedness

The Mother of 3 was prompted to seek help for Hart's vision problems when she noticed he wasn't seeing up close. He wasn't meeting certain milestones.

After speaking to her pediatrician, she was recommended to visit a pediatric ophthalmologist. But before the appt. Dr. MCNamara told her about CranioSacral Therapy which was meant to loosen the muscles that were making his eyes cross-eyed and were making it hard for him to see up close.


Respiratory influence on cerebrospinal fluid flow - a computational study based on long-term intracranial pressure measurements
(July 5th, 2019)
By: Kristinana Lindstrøm, Lars Magnus Valnes, Marie E. Rognes, Per Kristian Eide & Kent-Andre Mardal
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered Therapy,

This research article discusses current theories that waste solutes are cleared from the brain via cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. 

In this study, they explored the importance of respiratory versus cardiac pressure gradients for CSF flow within one of the main conduits of the brain, the cerebral aqueduct.

SomatoEmotional Release
(June 10th, 2019)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes what SomatoEmotional Release is and where it comes from. This article also discusses energy cyst formation.

Specialized connective tissue: bone, the structural framework of the upper extremity
(April 25th, 2012)
By: Alyssa M. Weatherholt, Robyn K. Fuchs, and Stuart J. Warden
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article provides an overview of the structure and function of bone tissue from a macroscopic to microscopic level and discusses the physiological processes contributing to upper extremity bone health. 

Life Lessons: Avril Stanley
(June 7th, 2019)
By: : Avril Stanley
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Life blesses us with all manner of surprises

But I didn't want to have any expectations of myself or my partner, therefore motherhood was more of an unexpected gift than a plan.

A comprehensive physical therapy evaluation for Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome: A case series exploring common findings
(May 16th, 2019)
By: Lyne Archambault-Ezenwa, Alycia Markowski, Jean-Pierre Barral
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Male Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (MCPPS) is a complex condition and difficult to decipher due to the multifactorial etiologies and system interrelationships. A retrospective analysis of evaluative findings for ten men was performed. The men, with an average age of 35 (range 24e46) were referred to physical therapy for MCPPS.

Longer exhalations are an easy way to hack your Vagus Nerv
(May 9th, 2019)
By: Christopher Bergland
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Heart Centered Therapy, FI,

You might be asking "What is HRV"? Heart rate variability represents the healthy fluctuation in beat to beat intervals of a human or animals heart rate.

Craniosacral therapy relieves fibromyalgia pain
(May 28th, 2019)
By: Valerie Destito
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The pain was in charge. That’s how Valerie Destito of Rome describes the 16 years of her life before she discovered craniosacral therapy at Chestnut Commons Physical and Occupational Therapy. The department of Rome Memorial Hospital is located at 107 E. Chestnut St.

CranioSacral Therapy Post Traumatic Stress: Helping Veterans With Dr. John E. Upledger's Legacy
(June 29th, 2018)
By: By Nancy Westphal (LMT, CST-D), Jackie Halderman ,
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John E. Upledger, the founder of the Upledger Institute International, expressed love and respect for veterans that was legendary. To help with the effects of combat, Dr. Upledger developed week-long CranioSacral Therapy (CST) programs designed specifically for veterans. Given that the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has now determined there are approximately 20 veteran suicides per day, finding and practicing effective therapies is crucial.

This is How CST Contributes to a Conscious in Pregnancy
(April 4th, 2018)
By: Carol McLellan CST CST-D, CD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mom-to-be “Tracy” was experiencing anxiety attacks during her pregnancy and did not want to be on high doses of medication while carrying her baby. She said she felt that the baby’s energy was “too strong” and that made her anxious

Visceral massage reduces postoperative ileus in a rat model
(January 1st, 2013)
By: Susan L.Shapelle,RMTa, Geoffrey M.BoveDC, PhDb
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Abdominal surgery invariably causes a temporary reduction of normal intestinal motility, called postoperative ileus. Postoperative ileus extends hospital stays, increases the costs of hospitalization, and may contribute to the formation of postoperative adhesions. We designed experiments to determine if visceral massage affects postoperative ileusin a rat model.

Notes on visceral adhesions as fascial pathology
(July 3rd, 2010)
By: Science Direct
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,


Fascia is introduced as an organizing anatomical category for visceral mesothelia. Normal tissue relations are discussed in order to frame the presentation of abnormal visceral adhesions as fascial pathology, 4 types of which are identified. Laboratory dissections of fixed and unembalmed human cadavers provide the basis for insights into these pathologies as regards self-care and therapeutic technique.

Osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) in treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
(March 16th, 2019)
By: Kjell E Bjørnæs1 , Geir Elvbakken1 , Bård Dalhøi1 , Tor Harald Garberg1 , Joachim Kaufmann1 , Espen Glomsrød1 , Ola Reiertsen2 and Stig Larsen3 *
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) has an obvious negative impact on Quality Of Life (QOL). The prevalence is increasing worldwide [1-3] and may even be reflected in the economy of the society [4,5]

Effect of Osteopathic Visceral Manipulation on Pain, Cervical Range of Motion, and Upper Trapezius Muscle Activity in Patients with Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain and Functional Dyspepsia: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study
(November 11th, 2018)
By: Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2018, Article ID 4929271, 9 pages
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Previous studies have reported that visceral disturbances can lead to increased musculoskeletal tension and pain in structures innervated from the corresponding spinal level through viscerosomatic reflexes. We designed a pilot randomised placebo-controlled study using placebo visceral manipulation as the control to evaluate the effect of osteopathic visceral manipulation (OVM) of the stomach and liver on pain, cervical mobility, and electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius (UT) muscle in individuals with nonspecific neck pain (NS-NP) and functional dyspepsia.

CranioSacral Therapy; Exploring the Evidence Bibliography - BTD19
(April 27th, 2019)
By: Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Bibliography Compilation from Beyond the Dura 2019 Research Presentation

Carrie Ann Inaba Reveals She Suffers From Multiple Autoimmune Diseases On 'The Talk
(May 1st, 2019)
By: Elizabeth Bacharach
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

On Tuesday's episode of The Talk, co-host Carrie Ann Inaba talked about her struggles with autoimmune d.  The show's co-host shared that she feels "so much shame" and is currently battling a fibromyalgia flare.  Despite the challenge of sharing this information, Carrie Ann wants to encourage others to not be embarrassed. On Tuesday, Carrie Ann Inaba, 51, opened up to the audience of The Talk-and the world-about her health, revealing that she suffers from "all of these autoimmune conditions."

Nina Lands Book Deal in US
(February 20th, 2019)
By: Nina Gronning
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

: Nina Grønning from Svendborg, as previously mentioned here in Ugeavisen Svendborg has written a book that has aroused attention outside the duck pond - indeed, so far outside as in the US. According to the US publisher Upledger, its project is groundbreaking - and therefore they have now bought the rights to the book, which lands on the shelves of the American bookstores at the end of April, entitled "Respectful collaboration" - in Danish "As for reality".

The Role of Astrocyte Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease
(March 20th, 2019)
By: Heather Booth, Warren D Hirst, Richard Wade Martins
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Astrocytes are the most populous glial subtype and are critical for brain function. Despite this, historically

there have been few studies into the role that they may have in neurodegenerative diseases, such as

Parkinson’s disease (PD). Recently, however, several studies have determined that genes known to have a

causative role in the development of PD are expressed in astrocytes and have important roles in astrocyte

function. Here, we review these recent developments and discuss their impact on our understanding of the

pathophysiology of PD, and the implications that this might have for its treatment.

Sensory Integration Intervention
(April 20th, 2009)
By: SV Kratz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

This paper is a review of clinical experiences

providing developmental therapy services for three boys

diagnosed with pediatric neurotransmitter disease.

Re-imagining Health Flourishing Pyschological
(April 1st, 2019)
By: T Vanderweele PHD, Eileen McNeely PHD, NP, Howard K Koch MD MPH
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Clinicians spend hours with patients with adverse outcomes. By accessing patients with different diseases absent from health issues.

How Flashing Lights and Pink Noise might Banish Alzhiemers
(February 28th, 2018)
By: Helen Thomson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

 The Neuroscientist are getting excited about NON- Invasive Procedures.

Fascia as an Endocrine Organ
(June 22nd, 2017)
By: Dr Russell Schierling
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, FI,

Super Fascial Fascia the Adipose layer at the hypodermal level beneath the skin is a whole body Endocrine Organ.

Craniosacral Therapy and Concussions
(February 28th, 2019)
By: Hillary Tinapple
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article contains different testimonials of brain injury patients and how Craniosacral Therapy has improved their side effects and overall health. 

How Fascia Can Help Us Unravel Deeply Held Tension
(May 25th, 2018)
By: Jessica Humphries
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, FI,

Once you have experienced the 

AHA  moments the accompany practices that release the bodies Fascia .

Brain Gut Connection
(April 14th, 2019)
By: Michelle Dossett MD, PHD, MPH
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

What exactly is the connection between the Brain and Gut?

Brandi's Drastasis Recti Abdominis
(May 1st, 2019)
By: University of Califronia
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Three women ages 33 to 39 years old with DRA. DRA was measured by figure width. Two of the three cases presented with thoracic pain, lumbar pain, and constipation. One case presented with pelvic pain.

    Case 1 was G2P2 with first birth C Section and second VBAC

    Case 2 was G2P2 with second-degree tear with first child

    Case 3 was G2P2 with greater than 40 hours of labor with the first birth

    Interventions: 4 Techniques of the jejunoileum as taught by the Barral Institute

Cerebrospinal Fluid Circulation
(September 3rd, 2018)
By: Ahmad H Khasawneh, Richard J Garling Carolyn A Harris
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The CNS complicated Design is a double edge sword.

Absorption, Circulation, CFS flow and Production.

The Symbiotic Partnership of Dentistry and Craniosacral Therapy (Part Two)
(April 30th, 2019)
By: Benjaman Shield PHD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A brief introduction of the Craniosacral system and Craniosacral therapy in its importance in the Dental Field (Part Two)

April is CranioSacral Therapy Month
(April 1st, 2019)
By: Cyber PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

April is Craniosacral Therapy Awareness Month

Upledger Clinic, Palm Beach Gardens

Beyond the Dura 

Brain Wave- Alzheimer's symptoms
(March 19th, 2019)
By: Daily Science
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, FI,

Brain Waves and Alzheimer's symptoms

The Symbiotic of Dentistry and CST
(March 19th, 2019)
By: Benjamin Shield PH. D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, FI,

Dentistry and CST

Guts, Wits, Microbiome, and the Vagus Nerve
(January 21st, 2019)
By: Christopher Bergland

Specific gut microbiome may influence social behaviors via the vagus nerve. 

Ventral Vagus Healing & Craniosacral Therapy
(November 8th, 2018)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Our Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), is the conductor of the inner orchestra in our body, responsible for the control of our bodily functions not consciously directed, such as breathing, the heartbeat, blood pressure, sweating and digestive processes. The ANS is always humming at a certain beat and how well it operates, determines our physical, mental and emotional health. 

Traumatic Brain Injury Causes Intestinal Damage
(December 8th, 2017)
By: University of Maryland School of Medicine

Researchers have identified a link between traumatic brain injury and intestinal changes. A new study reports the intestinal changes may contribute to increased risk of developing infections and could worsen brain damage in TBI patients.

Visceral Lymphatic Balancing A Combination of Osteopathic Techniques to Improve Patient Outcomes
(December 9th, 2018)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Visceral Lymphatic Balancing A Combination of Osteopathic Techniques to Improve Patient Outcomes

Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct Her 7-Month-Old Son's Vision Problems
(January 29th, 2019)
By: Dave Quinn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Meghan King Edmonds Claims Chiropractor Helped Correct Her 7-Month-Old Son's Vision Problems

Often overlooked glial cell is key to learning and memory
(June 18th, 2018)
By: Iqbal Pittalwala
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Glial cells surround neurons and provide support -- not unlike hospital staff and nurses supporting doctors to keep operations running smoothly. These often-overlooked cells, which include oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, are the most abundant cell types in the central nervous system. But these cells do more than support neurons. 

New Research Shows tVNS deactivates Tinnitus related brain regions
(February 11th, 2019)
By: Parasym

Article about New Research Shows tVNS deactivates Tinnitus related brain regions

How Craniosacral Therapy Helped Me Deal With Anxiety
(July 19th, 2018)
By: Jenna Igneri
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How Craniosacral Therapy Helped Me Deal With Anxiety-The lightest touch can make the biggest difference.

How Tapping into ‘‘Energy’’ Can Trigger a Paradigm Shift in Biomedicine
(November 6th, 2018)
By: Eric Leskowitz, MD

How Tapping into ‘‘Energy’’ Can Trigger a Paradigm Shift in Biomedicine

Fascia: Why this body tissue may hold health clues
(January 29th, 2019)
By: Rachel Damiani and Ted Spiker
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Americans, who spend about $8 billion a year in massage and chiropractic treatments to relieve pain, may have no idea that they’re all probably experiencing the same thing — a manipulation of their fascia, a three-tiered layer of tissue that encases tissues and organs.

EVERYTHING Is Connected: What is Visceral Manipulation and How Does it Relate to the Pelvic Floor?
(November 21st, 2018)
By: Nicole Davis
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Article about how Everything Is Connected: What is Visceral Manipulation and How Does it Relate to the Pelvic Floor?

Defective glial cells can push neurons toward Parkinson's disease
(January 1st, 2019)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A team of scientists have discovered that astrocytes are linked to the buildup of a toxic protein that is one the hallmarks of Parkinson's disease. The work suggests an important role for glial cells in Parkinson's disease and offers potential new targets for developing therapies.

Visceral Manipulation: The Organ Massage That Heals Pain, Digestion and Other Problems
(January 1st, 2019)
By: Dave Asprey
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

  • Your organs are soft and need to move inside your body to do their jobs.
  • Visceral mobility is how well your organs can contract and release as needed.
  • Overburdened or damaged organs can develop adhesions and scar tissue that makes them less pliable.
  • Visceral manipulation involves abdominal massage that combines pressing, deep strokes, and friction to strip away the adhesions.
  • Read on to find out what’s involved, and how to do visceral manipulation yourself at home. 

Osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) in treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
(January 1st, 2019)
By: Kjell E Bjørnæs, Geir Elvbakken, Bård Dalhøi, Tor Harald Garberg, Joachim Kaufmann, Espen Glomsrød, Ola Reiertsen, Stig Larsen


Background: Osteopathic Manual Therapy (OMT) is a non-pharmaceutical and none-invasive treatment, designed to treat Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). The aims were to determine a Minimum Efficacy Dose (MED) and the longterm effect of OMT in the treatment of GERD.

Materials and method: The study was performed as a two-dimensional, between-patient Response Surface Pathway (RSP) designed multicenter study with “Number of OMTs” and “Treatment Interval” as interventional variables. The main response variable was the percent reduction in the sum of the five GERD-scores from baseline. Three patients on the first design level received six OMT with five days’ interval. The number of OMTs and treatment interval in the second (n=5) and third design levels (n=7) were based on the results of the previous design level. The mean age and duration of GERD were 50.2 and 10.9 years, ranging from 25.7 to 75.7 years and 0.2 to 36.3 years, respectively.

Results: The percent reduction in GERD-score increased with increasing number of OMTs and time intervals, but flattered out after four OMTs and three to four days treatment interval. The estimated MED of OsMT was three treatments with two days interval resulting in a GERD-score reduction of 62.2% (95% CI: 50.3-80.1%). All the five GERD-symptoms and consequently the mean GERD-score were significantly reduced after the first two OMTs, one week, three and 12 months after the last treatment (p<<0.01). One week after last OMT, the GERD-score reduced with 75% and 33% symptoms free patients. At one-year follow-up, the reduction was 63.3% with 46.7% had no GERD-symptoms.

Conclusion: Anti-reflux OMT significantly decreases the GERD-symptoms and the use of PPI. 46.7 percent of the patents had no GERD symptoms one year after treatment. The estimated MED of OMT was three treatments with two days (48 hours) interval. 

Visceral and Neural Manipulation in Children with Cerebral Palsy and Chronic Constipation: Five Case Reports
(February 1st, 2019)
By: Jean Anne Zollars, PT, DPT, MA, BI-D, Margaret Armstrong, MD, Sandra Whisler, MD, MS, and Susan Williamson, MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The purpose of this case study series was to assess improvement in the quality of life, function, and colonic motility before and after visceral and neural manipulation in five children with cerebral palsy and chronic constipation who had Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels of IV and V. Quality of life and function were assessed using the CPCHILD and the WeeFIM respectively. Bowel movement number and quality were assessed through family diaries. All subjects showed some degree of improved quality of life and function on the CPCHILD and WeeFIM at the end of the intervention. Colonic motility assessed radiographically before and after treatment was not statistically significant due to the small number of participants; however, the number of bowel movements increased during the study for 100% of the participants. Visceral and neural manipulation modalities may provide clinicians and families with an alternative to medications and/or other more invasive interventions.

The Top 15 Techniques To Learn Now
(January 3rd, 2019)
By: Technique Articles
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This article explains the top 15 techniques of massage to learn now. Specialization helps you stand out from other massage therapists - and in order to specialize, you must obtain advanced education. Your knowledge will help your practice be seen as one that helps clients feel their best, while your professional reputation will blossom.

How Craniosacral Therapy Helped Me Deal With Anxiety
(July 19th, 2018)
By: Jenna Igneri
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains Jenna Igneri's story how the lightest touch of Craniosacral Therapy can make a big difference, and how it helped her with anxiety.

PT Classroom - Visceral Lymphatic Balancing A Combination of Osteopathic Techniques to Improve Patient Outcomes
(December 9th, 2018)
By: Kerry D'Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article explains the 6 step treatment approach for Visceral Lymphatic Balancing.

A Comprehensive Physical Therapy Approach Including Visceral Manipulation After Failed Biofeedback Therapy for Constipation
(June 24th, 2016)
By: L.Archambault-Azenwa, J.Brewer, A.Markowski
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,


Pelvic floor rehabilitation encompasses the application of specific therapeutic treatments aimed to improve muscle strength, relaxation, and coordination, promotes circulation, and restores the mobility of the fascial, ligamentous, nervous, vascular, and visceral systems, to foster pelvic health and biomechanics. The following case study will illustrate the importance of this approach to pelvic floor rehabilitation.

Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Liver Enzymes on a Child with Cerebral Palsy
(December 10th, 2018)
By: Yousef Salah Salem
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,


Background: Children with cerebral palsy often suffer from seizures so anticonvulsants drugs is a treatment choice and others using them as aprophylaxis if there is suspicion about Increasing possibility for having one and commonly those list of drugs have an impact on liver function if there is long term of them of huge doses due to mal-abuse or any other cause here come the need for liver enzymes monitoring.

Objective: Reducing the liver enzymes for those children who suffered from abnormal ratio using an osteopathic approach.

Methods: The study was done on two children aiming to reduce their liver enzymes as they were on abnormal value as a cause of anti-epileptic drug we use visceral manipulation techniques especially liver technique investigation using liver enzymes as Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) and Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST).

Results: We found dropping with their value to normal ratio after 15 min with the visceral manipulation techniques the approach is done for three times a week for three month.

Visceral Manipulation: Fact and Fantasy
(October 22nd, 2018)
By: Ramona C. Horton PT, MPT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article discusses:

  • The history of visceral mobilization (VM) as a foundational technique within the realm of osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMT).
  • The anatomy of the visceral fascia, its attachment to and effect on the somatic frame.
  • Efficacy for the treatment of the fascial network throughout the body as a component of manual physical therapy.
  • Evidence as it exists for VM and the scientific rational that would support the manual treatment of internal organs within the scope of physical therapy

The effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation in patents with non-specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(October 23rd, 2018)
By: Walkyria Vilas Boas Fernandes, Cleofás Rodríguez Blanco, Fabiano Politti, Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza, Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli, and João Carlos Ferrari Corrêa
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The proposed study is to analyze the effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation (OVM) program on the flexion-relaxation phenomenon in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain and functional constipation. 

Helping to Relieve the Pain of Post-Surgical Breast Cancer with Myofascial/Craniosacral Techniques
(March 24th, 2005)
By: Aaron Dalton
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Health Practitioners can provide significant pain relief for post-surgical breast cancer patients by using a technique called myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. So said Meryle Richman, PT, MS, CST, owner of two Physical Therapy clinics in New York, speaking at a breast cancer rehabilitation seminar at Beth Israel Medical Center. The techniques consist of a series of hand positions with the therapist applying pressure in opposite directions with each hand - so while one hand applies gentle pressure toward the head, the other applies pressure toward the feet, to release tension and soften the facial tissues.   

The Role of the Vagus Nerve in Cancer Prognosis: A Systematic and a Comprehensive Review
(October 11th, 2018)
By: Marijke De Couck, Ralf Caers, David Spiegel, and Yori Gidron
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews the role of the vagus nerve in tumor modulation and cancer prognosis. 

Ultra-fast magnetic resonance encephalography of physiological brain activity - Glymphatic pulsation mechanisms?
(January 4th, 2016)
By: Vesa Kiviniemi, Xindi Wang, Vesa Korhonen, Tuila Keinanen, Timo Tuovinen, Joonas Autio, Pierre LeVan, Shella Keilholz, Yu-Feng Zang, Jurgen Hennig and Mailen Nedergaard
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The Theory on the glymphatic convection mechanism of serebrospinal fluid holds that cardiac pulsations in part pump cerebrospinal fluid from the Peri-arterial spaces through the extracellular tissue into peri-venous spaces facilitated by aguaporin water channels. Since cardiac pulses cannot be the sole mechanism of glymphatic propulsion, we searched for additional cerebrospinal fluid pulsations in the human brain with ultra-fast magnetic resonance ecephalography. We detected three types of physiological mechanisms affecting cerebral cerebrospinal fluid pulsations: cardiac, respiratory, and very low frequency pulsations. The cardiac pulsations induce a negative magnetic resonance encephalography signal change in peri-arterial regions that extends centrifugally and covers the brain in I Hz cycles. The respiratory 0.3 Hz pulsations are centripetal periodical pulses that occur dominantly in peri-venous areas. The third type of pulsation was very low frequency (VLF 0.001-0.023hZ) and low frequency (LF 0.023-0.73 Hz) waves that both propagate with unique spatiotemporal patterns. Our findings using critically sampled magnetic resonance encephalography open a new view into cerebral fluid dynamics. Since glymphatic system failure may precede protein accumulations in diseases such as Alzheimer's dementia, this methodological advance offers a novel approach to image brain fluid dynamics that potentially can enable early detection and intervention in neurodegenerative diseases.  

Cranial osteopathy for childeren with cerebral palsy: a randomised controlled trial of the effects of cranial osteopathy on the health and wellbeing of children with cerebral palsy.
(October 10th, 2018)
By: Cerebra Research Unit
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cerba asked researchers at the Peninsula Medical School to examine the existing scientific evidence on the benefits of cranial osteopathy for children with CP.

The Osteopathy for Children with Cerebral Palsy Trial (OCP Trial) examined the effectiveness of cranial osteopathy on movement, overall quality of life, sleep patterns, pain and fits in children with CP. 

Cranial sacral therapy for your dog
(April 17th, 2018)
By: Rachel Jones, DVM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cranial sacral therapy is a gentle hands - on form of energy healing. It's very subtle and simple, yet it can have profound effects. CST is a safe and non-invasive technique that brings with it many lasting beneficial results. By partnering it with traditional and other alternative therapies, your dog's innate healing abilities can be greatly enhanced. 

Complementary Therapies
(November 16th, 2018)
By: Katherine Larter, CST
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Sometimes all the body needs to activate the healing process is a gentle touch by a skilled hand - one that can read the body's signals and perceive where an underlying restriction may be inhibiting proper functioning.

CarnioSacral therapy works by helping the body's natural healing mechanisms dissipate the negative effects of stress on the cranial nervous system. This is accomplished through utilizing a physiological body system called the CarnioSacral system, which maintains the environment in which the central nervous system functions.

The Ricky Williams Concussion Project
(June 13th, 2013)
By: Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, Sally Fryer PT, DPT, CST-D, SIPT Cert. , George Visger, BS, Wildlife Biologist, TBI Consultant Retired Professional Football Player for the NFL
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The purpose of this recent study is to determine if specific manual therapy techniques would provide an intervention with positive changes to enhance recovery or diminish long - term sequelae for post professional athletes with a history of concussions. 

Closing and Non-closing Sutures in 256 Crania of Known Age and Sex from Amsterdam (A.D. 1883-1909)*
(August 25th, 1983)
By: W.R.K. Perizonius
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

By dividing a Dutch reference collection into to sub samples of different ages, remarkable differences were found in the suture closure process in these sub samples. Spearman rank correlations demonstrated that mean endocranial closure stage is correlated with age in the ages below fifty but not in the ages above fifty. In the latter ages in the closure stage of individual suture sections showed positive as well as negative correlations with age at death. Therefore two different suture closure indices were introduced as age indicators, one for each sub sample. In both indices are correlated with age within their sub sample. It is supposed that the required division into sub samples may be realized with the help of other age indicators. As possible age indicator, especially when used together with others in "complex methods", suture closure has not yet served its turn.  

On the pulsatile nature of intracranial and spinal CSF- circulation demonstrated by MR imaging
(July 1st, 1994)
By: Greitz D, Franck A, Nordell B
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow was studied in 24 healthy volunteers using grated MR phase imaging.

Craniosacral Rythem-Where does it stand?
(December 1st, 2011)
By: Supp, Georg, PT, Dip. MDT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In an article titles "Challenging Myths in Physical Therapy" (Harris 2001), this professor at the University of Vancouver, criticized physical therapists that were using craniosacral therapy in their treatment of musculoskeletal problems, despite the current lack of scientific evidence. Today - about ten years later - the body of evidence has not changed in favor of craniosacral therapy. Nevertheless, the demand for and offer of training courses in this area continues unabated. This article represents a critical personal review of this myth.  

Research Regarding Motion of the Cranial Bones
(September 3rd, 2018)
By: Moskalenko and Frymann
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cranial bone motion has been one of the most controversial aspects of CranioSacral Therapy, but there is ample evidence that the cranial bones do rhythmically move a small, but definite amount. In summary, substantial support for life-long sutural patency and mobility of cranial sutures in healthy human beings is well established within the scientific and medical literature. Cranial bones can move small amounts, and so possess inherent rhythmic motion.  

Slow Rythmic Oscillations within the Human Cranium: Phenomenology, Origin, and Informational Signifigance
(March 1st, 2001)
By: Moskalenko, Y.E., Frymann, V., Weinstein, G.B
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Slow rhythmic oscillations in the human cranial cavity were studied using two noninvasive methods: the bio impedance method (volume ratios between liquid media in the cranial cavity) and trans cranial ultrasound Doppler echography (variation in the blood flow in the middle cerebral artery). The combination of these methods made it possible to estimate the intracranial hemodynamics. Simultaneous recording of these parameters and their spectral analysis were carried out in healthy subjects and patients with intra cranial hypertension syndrome and disturbed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow. The parameters were recorded at rest and immediately after manual (osteopathic) correction.

Detection of skull expansion with increased intracranial pressure
(November 2nd, 1981)
By: Heifetz MD, Weiss M
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A technique is described which uses standard strain-gauge technology to detect skull expansion associated with increased intracranial pressure.

Your gut is directly connected to your brain, by a newly discovered neuron circut
(September 20th, 2018)
By: Emily Underwood
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The human gut is lined with more than 00 million nerve cells- it's practically a brain unto itself. And indeed, the gut actually talks to the brain, releasing hormones into the bloodstream that, over the course of about 10 minutes, tell us how hungry it is, or that we shouldn't have eaten that entire pizza. But a new study reveals the gut has a much more direct connection to the brain through a neural circuit that allows it to transmit signals in mere seconds. The findings could lead to new treatments for obesity, eating disorders, and even depression and autism- all of which have been linked to a malfunctioning gut.

Age changes in the human frontozygomatic suture from 20 to 95 years.
(March 31st, 1976)
By: AM J Orthod
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The frontozygomatic suture of human cadaver material was examined by a combination of histologic, radio graphic, and gross techniques to determine the aging changes in the suture and the approximate age at which sutural fusion occurs.

New cause of chronic stress identified in the brain
(September 13th, 2018)
By: Johannes Angerer, Medical University of Vienna
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In an International collaboration between MedUni Vienna, Semmelweis University in Budapest, the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and ale University, researchers have identified a new process in the brain that is responsible for the delayed stress response on the long-term effects of stress: with a delay of 10 minutes after the "danger", the area of the brain that reacts to stress and responsible for further action is activated via the cerebral fluid. The findings could open up new perspectives for understanding the neuronal processes at play in post- traumatic stress disorder, chronic stress and burnout.  

Researchers unearth secret tunnels between the skull and the brain
(August 27th, 2018)
By: Herisson F
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

NIH- funded study suggests immune cells rush through channels to get to injured tissue quickly. Bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside most of our bones, produces red blood cells as well as immune cells that help fight off infections and heal injuries. According to a new study of mice and humans, tiny tunnels run from skull bone marrow to the ling of the brain and may provide a direct route for immune cells responding to injuries causes by stroke and other brain disorders.

Stress: It's Not in Your Head, it's in your Nervous System
(July 28th, 2018)
By: Melody Walford
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Have you ever been told when you are stressed to stop worrying and just relax? That it's all in your head? It would be nice if it were that simple. But it's not. Physiology research shows that the stress response memory lives in your nervous system. This article discusses Traumatic Memory and How to Heal it. 

Key Reasons to get trained in CranioSacral Therapy
(September 6th, 2018)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

When a professional massage therapist or bodyworker branches out and brings a whole new modality into his or her practice, there are usually several motivating factors for such a change. CranioSacral Therapy is the perfect example of the type of touch therapy massage therapists and bodyworkers are often motivated to learn and bring on board with their won practices. In this article we explore a few of the most common reasons professional massage therapists and bodyworkers choose to learn CranioSacral Therapy and integrate this gentle hands-on method into their own practices. 

Provide more relief from pain with CranioSacral Therapy
(February 1st, 2017)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

John Matthew Upledger (1960-2017) wrote this article for the MASSAGE Magazine's February 2012 issue, and we are republishing it here to honor his memory- and to educate massage therapists about the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy, the technique John Matthew's father, John E. Upledger. D.O., created. John Matthew Upldeger passed away on May 21, 2017. He had been involved in the Upledger Institute International for more than 30 years, in areas including clinical services and education.

Like massage therapy, CranioSacral Therapy is a gently end effective tool to have in a therapist's set of skills for pain relief. CranioSacral and massage both create more space in the body, increase flexibility and decrease pain. 

Manual Therapy for Alzheimer's and Dementia Patients
(April 19th, 2017)
By: Michael DeSocio Terry Pratchett
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

DO you know somebody affected by Alzheimer's disease? I hope you don't. But with 5 million Alzheimer's patients in the United States alone, chances are somebody in your close circle is affected. You likely know how difficult it is to live with this illness. Alzheimer's may start with forgetfulness or the same questions repeated a little too frequently. This disease, the most common cause of dementia among other adults, first eats away memory, then thinking ability and eventually basic everyday skills like brushing your hair. Later, even the ability to recognize a loved one withers away. Over time, the person forgets to eat, drink or even breather. Alzheimer's disease is the sixth leading cause of death in America. Manual therapy is a cost effective, noninvasive, side-effect free therapeutic modality with a light touch which has many Physical, and mental benefits. 

Visceral Influences on Brain and Behavior
(February 20th, 2018)
By: Hugo D. Critchley and Neil A. Harrison
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mental processes and their neural substrates are intimately linked to the homeostatic control on internal bodily state. There are a set of distinct interoceptive pathways that directly and indirectly influence brain functions. The anatomical organization of these pathways and the psychological/behavioral expressions of their influence appear along discrete, evolutionarily conserved dimensions that are tractable to a mechanistic understanding. Here, we review the role of these pathways as sources of biases to perception, cognition, emotion, and behavior and arguably the dynamic basis to the concept of self. 

The vagus nerve and cancer
(August 14th, 2018)
By: David R. Hamilton
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews 12 scientific studies, involving 1822 patients, and suggests a link between high vagus nerve activity and better cancer prognosis. The effect, the authors wrote, was most likely due to an anti-inflammatory effect created by the vagus nerve. 

Generally, the paper found that the higher a persons HRV, or vagus nerve activity (also known as vagal tone), the slower the progression of cancer, and this was true for all cancers studied. The effect was especially pronounced in late stage, metastatic cancers. 

CranioSacral Therapy and Autism: Observations, Experiences, and Concepts
(April 6th, 2000)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is the transcript of Dr. Upledger's presentation on CranioSacral therapy and Autism, with his observations, Experiences, and Concepts that was presented at a Committee Meeting on Topic of Autism before the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress (1999-2000). Dr Upledger testified in the day long session which features testimonies from leaders in autism research and treatment, as well as from the parents of the autistic children.

PT Classroom - Sports Injury and Visceral Manipulation
(August 20th, 2018)
By: Lorrie Harper MSPT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Many athletes suffer from recurrent injuries and persistent muscle and joint discomfort. As a hands-on therapists we know that much of it is related to structural misalignment. We have numerous skills to address muscles and joints to help our active clients; however, when they return time and time again with the same alignment problems we addressed in previous visits do we ever wonder "What am I missing?" The organs (viscera) may be the answer to that question. According to French osteopath John Pierre Barral, 90% of musculoskeletal problems have a visceral component. So how do we treat the organs? Visceral Manipulation often referred to as the missing link in manual techniques, is the answer.

The Real Couse Of Depression Is About Way More Than Just Serotonin
(August 30th, 2018)
By: Ella Vora, M.D. Holistic Psychiatrist
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

If you're feeling sad or blue or suffering from mild to moderate depression, dysthymia, seasonal effective disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, bipolar II, or anxiety, Dr. Ellen Vora has the tips and tools you need to help manage symptoms and feel vibrantly healthy.Many of us have been taught that depression is the result of a genetic chemical imbalance. And while there is certainly a genetic component to depression, and, yes, neurotransmitters like serotonin do play a role in mood, depression, actually has many potential root causes. 

"Got touch?" Mayo Clinic researchers discover importnat trigger for serotonin release
(August 21st, 2018)
By: Advancing the Science Contributor
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers at Mayo Clinic have discovered an important mechanical trigger in the gut for releasing serotonin in the body. Serotonin in an important hormone and neurotransmitter in the human body, believed to help regulate digestion, appetite, mood, social behavior, sleep and other important functions. The researchers' findings were published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academics of Science.

Scientists Have Found Secret Tunnels Between The Skull And The Brain
(August 28th, 2018)
By: Michelle Starr
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Did you know you have tiny tunnels in your head? That's OK, no one else did either until recently! But that's exactly what a team of medical researchers have just found in mice and humans - tiny channels that connect skull bone marrow to the lining of the brain. The research shows they may provide a direct route for immune cells to rush from the marrow into the brain in the event of damage.

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study - Widespread Chronic Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Ben Katz, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Morning Sickness from Pregnancy
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Dee Ahern, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Thoracic Tightness and Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Dawn-Marie Ickes, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Testicular and Hepatic Flexure Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Anne Hammel, Movement Therapist
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Stress Incontinence
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Sarah Labrecque PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Sleep Apnea, Mental Health
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Melody Rudolph HHP, CST, COTA
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Shoulder Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Dora Franco, DO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Shoulder Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Dawn-Marie Ickes, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Severe Reflux
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Jennifer Neta, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Scoliosis and Back Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Gugi Decher, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Neck and Shoulder Pain; Decreased ROM
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Arty Clark, L.M.T.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study - Mid-back & Neck Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Barbara LeVan, P.T.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Leg Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Nancy Redlich, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Left Sided Headaches
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Alison Harvey, DC
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Laxatives Required for Bowel Movement
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Sarah Labrecque PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Laparoscopic Surgery
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Jennifer Shifferd, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Knee Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Dora Franco, DO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Infertility
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Bill Christie, Massage Practitioner
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - IBS and Incontinence
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Tanye Hage Maisel, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study - Hip Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Barbara LeVan, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Heartburn and Reflux
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Nancy Redlich, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Headaches and Neck Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Susan Reiter, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Fractured C1/2, Ruptured Esophagus, Right Rib Cage Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Claudia Mirdita, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Extremity Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Bill Christie, Massage Practitioner
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - The Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Diastasis Recti Abdominis
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Brandi Kirk, PT, CVTP, PRPC; Teri Elliot-Burke, PT, MHS, WCS, PRPC, BCB-PMD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study - DeQuervain's Tendonitis
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Barbara LeVan, P.T.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral/Neural Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Coccyx Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Sarah Labrecque PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Chest Pressure
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Arty Clark, L.M.T.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - CFS
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Alison Harvey, DC
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Car Accident; Neck, Low Back, and Rib Pain
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Sarah Labrecque PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Bilateral OA Knees
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Sarah Labrecque, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Bed Wetting
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Alison Harvey, DC
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Abdominal Pain After Surgery
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Anne Hammel
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Left Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
(July 17th, 2018)
By: Mike Burggraaf, PT, DPT, LAT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study – Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy  – Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Neck Pain & Thyroid
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation - Neck Pain & Thyroid

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Neck Pain & Headaches
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP 
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation - Neck Pain & Headaches

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Epigastric Pain
(July 13th, 2018)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Epigastric Pain

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Low Back Pain
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Low Back Pain

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Acid Reflux Symptoms
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –   Acid Reflux Symptoms

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Shoulder Pain
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Shoulder Pain

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Atrial Fibrillation & Breathlessness
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation - Atrial Fibrillation & Breathlessness

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Bowel Symptoms
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Bowel Symptoms

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Coccygeal Pain
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Coccygeal Pain

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipultaion Case Study - Sternal Pain
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Anna Cawthorne, PT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation –  Sternal Pain

Anna describes the client's presenting symptoms, initial evaluation, treatment and results.

Interdisciplinary Work and the Scientific Basis for Visceral Manipulation: Soft Tissue Fascial Mobilization
(July 1st, 2009)
By: Diane Beach, MS, PT, MOMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This letter discusses for the need to integrate basic science research with clinical PT practice and how the literature supports Visceral Manipulation; a rationale for a more extensive neurophysiological model in the field of manual therapy; and peer-reviewed research in Visceral Manipulation. 

The letter also talks about mid-range theories relevant to Visceral Manipulation, peer reviewed research supporting Visceral Manipulation and a support bibliography.

Shocking victory for proponents of alternative medicine
(March 8th, 2018)
By: Jon Rappoport
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In Australia, an effort to label all alternative (traditional, complementary) medicine products as "based on pseudoscience" has failed.

This article is important to share, as many times complementary healthcare modalities are maligned by saying there is not enough science behind them. People who watch the news or read mainstream news have the impression that "scientific"medical research is remarkably valid and always progressing. "It simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is publishes, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no please in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and relunctantly over my two decades as an editor of Th New England Journal of Medicine." (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, "Drug Companies * Doctors: A Story of Corruption)

Discover an Integrative Treatment Approach to Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury November 11th – 17th, 2018
(July 6th, 2018)
By: Upledger Foundation
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discover an Integrative Treatment Approach to Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury November 11th – 17th, 2018 

A new look at cerebrospinal fluid circulation
(May 1st, 2014)
By: Thomas Brinker, Edward Stopa, John Morrison and Petra Klinge
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: According to the traditional understanding of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) physiology, the majority of CSF is produced by the choroid plexus, circulates through the ventricles, the cisterns, and the subarachnoid space to be absorbed into the blood by the arachnoid villi. This review surveys key developments leading to the traditional concept. Challenging this concept are novel insights utilizing molecular and cellular biology as well as neuroimaging, which indicate that CSF physiology may be much more complex than previously believed. The CSF circulation comprises not only a directed flow of CSF, but in addition a pulsatile to and fro movement throughout the entire brain with local fluid exchange between blood, interstitial fluid, and CSF. Astrocytes, aquaporins, and other membrane transporters are key elements in brain water and CSF homeostasis. A continuous bidirectional fluid exchange at the blood brain barrier produces flow rates, which exceed the choroidal CSF production rate by far. The CSF circulation around blood vessels penetrating from the subarachnoid space into the Virchow Robin spaces provides both a drainage pathway for the clearance of waste molecules from the brain and a site for the interaction of the systemic immune system with that of the brain. Important physiological functions, for example the regeneration of the brain during sleep, may depend on CSF circulation.

Soldier finds healing through CranioSacral Therapy
(April 5th, 2010)
By: Cheryl Rodewig
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fort Benning, GA- It was during his second mobilization that SFC Dale Kessler, a Reserve Soldier with the 198th Infantry Brigade, was injured. After finishing his term as a drill Sargent on Sand Hill, Kessler relocated to the Warrior Transition Battalion. While there, he found an unexpected treatment that worked wonders for his strained back, thanks to a massage therapy demonstration of CranioSacral Therapy at the battalion Feb 22 that changed his life. 

Cutting Edge: Lymphatic Vessels, Not Blood Vessels, Primarily Mediate Immune Rejections After Transplantation
(December 16th, 2009)
By: Tina Dietrich, Felix Bock, Don Yuen, Deniz Hos, Bjorn O. Beachman, Grit Zahn, Stanley Wiegland, Lu Chen and Claus Cursiefen
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The purpose of this study was to determine the relative importance of blood vessels (hemangiogenesis) versus lymphatic vessels (lymphangiogenesis) in mediatingimmunological responses for transplantation. 

Electric Cures
(March 2nd, 2015)
By: Kevin J. Tracey
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about how Bioelectronic medicine could create an "off switch" for arthritis, diabetes, and even cancer. Stimulation of the nervous system could replace drugs for inflammatory and autoimmune conditions.

Is neuroplasticity in the centeral nervous system the missing link to our understanding of chronic musculoskeletal disorders?
(June 8th, 2015)
By: Rene Pelletier, Joanne Higgins, and Daniel Bourbonnais
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Recent findings suggest that a change in model and approach is required in the rehabilitation of chronic MSD that integrate the findings of neoroplastic changes across the CNS and are targeted by rehabilitative interventions. Effects of current interventions may be medicated through peripheral and central changes but may not specifically address all underlying neuroplastic changes in the CNS potentially associated with chronic MSD.Novel approaches to address these changes show promise and require further investigation to improve efficacy of current  approaches. 

Link Between Brain's Memory Center and Heart Function
(November 8th, 2017)
By: Tom Wilemon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Vanderbilt researchers report elderly people whose hearts pump less blood have reduced blood flow in the temporal lobe. Previous studies report the temporal lobe is a critical brain area for the development of Alzheimer's disease.  

CranioSacral Therapy for Plagiocephaly
(December 31st, 2008)
By: Rebecca Flowers, O.T.R., B.C.P., CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The incidence of infant plagiocephaly, or misshapen heads, is on the rise in the United States, and CranioSacral Therapy can intervene to restore symmetry and facilitate health and healing.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Ankle Pain
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Hip Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 50-year-old male suffering with left ankle pain after tibia and fibula fractures with surgical fixation. His symptoms resolved after manual therapy that included joint mobilization, myofascial release techniques and neural manipulation.


Neural Manipulation Case Study – ADHD/Stuttering/Sleep Disturbance
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  ADHD/Stuttering/Sleep Disturbance

Abstract: A case study of a year 17 y.o. male suffering with symptoms of ADHD, stuttering, sleep disturbance, and R A/C Jt pain that resolved with treatment of cranial sutures, dura, encephalon and associated nerve structures with neural manipulation techniques.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Low Back Pain/Hip Pain
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Low Back Pain/Hip Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 74year old female suffering with Low Back Pain and L hip pain that resolved using treatment techniques of visceral and neural manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Dysphonia & Vocal Cord Dysfunction
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Dysphonia & Vocal Cord Dysfunction

Abstract: A case study of a 21 year old male suffering with dysphonia and vocal chord dysfunction that resolved with treatment of cervical fascial, cranial dura, and cranial nerves with neural manipulation. Signs of possible vagal disequilibrium were also present and decreased after treatment of neural structures.


Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck & Jaw Pain
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Neck & Jaw Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 70-year-old female suffering with neck, jaw pain and disrupted taste after a fall backwards and hitting her head. Her symptoms resolved with treatment of cranial dura and nerve structures with neural manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study– Headaches/Vertigo/Anxiety/
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Headaches/Vertigo/Anxiety/Cervical Pain

Abstract/ Summary: A case study of a 43-year-old female suffering with headaches, vertigo, cervical pain, anxiety after a long history of sinus infections, allergies and mold exposure. Her symptoms improved with treatment of cranial dura, cranial nerves, intracranial induction techniques, and neural manipulation techniques.


Neural Manipulation Case Study – Indigestion/Hip Pain
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Indigestion/Hip Pain

Abstract: A case study of a 30-year-old female with indigestion and hip pain that improved with neural manipulation treatments. Fascial restrictions and involvement of vagus nerve, lumbar plexus, obturator and femoral nerve appear to have been contributing to her symptoms and decreased functional status

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Elbow Pain, Weakness & Paresthesia
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Elbow Pain, Weakness & Paresthesia

Abstract: A case study of a 30-year-old male pitcher suffering with left elbow symptoms including weakness and paraesthesias. His symptoms resolved with treatment of cervical spine, brachial plexus, shoulder complex, ulnar nerve, radial nerve with neural manipulation techniques. Releasing key areas of entrapment allowed full return to pitching and ADL’s without symptoms

A comprehensive physical therapy approach including visceral manipulation after failed biofeedback therapy for constipation
(August 1st, 2016)
By: L. Archambault-Ezenwa, J. Brewer, A. Markowski
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about techniques in coloproctology, and a comprehensive physical therapy after failed surgery. 

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Sciatica/Chronic Headaches
(June 26th, 2018)
By: Veronika Campbell, P.T., C.S.C., CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  Sciatica/Chronic Headaches

Abstract: A case study of a 14-year-old male runner suffering with right lower extremity sciatic symptoms and chronic headaches that resolved after treatment to dura, vagus, and sciatic nerve structures with neural manipulation. This case example demonstrates the possibility of how trauma affecting a distant region can resolve with treatment using neural manipulation. Treatment of structures distant from pain site can have huge implications on symptoms resolving when using the guidance of general and local listening for treatment plan

Structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatics
(July 16th, 2015)
By: Antoine Louveau, Igor Smirnov, Timothy Keyes, Jacob D. Eccles, Sherin J. Rouhani, J Davis Peske, Noel Derecki, David Castle, James W. Mandell, S. Lee Kevin, Tajie H Harris, and Jonathan Kipnisb
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an Author manuscript pertaining to the discovery of structural and functional features of central nervous system lymphatics. This article explains the findings after an experiment with mice. 

Craniosacral Therapy shows promise as concussion treatment - research
(January 11th, 2018)
By: Melinda Sue Gordon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about Actor Will Smith and Bennet Omalu, who played in the film concussion, with producer Peter Landersman. The film raised awareness of the issue of brain injuries in sport, particularly football. This is a study of football players who had sustained a consciousness of mild traumatic Brain injury found that Craniosacral Therapy inproved thier symptoms. 

Structural and functional features of centeral nervous system lymphatics
(July 16th, 2015)
By: Antoine Louveau
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about the CNS (Central nervous system) and the constant immune surveillance that takes place within the meningeal compartment. The mechanisms governing the entrance and exit of immune cells from the CNS remain poorly understood. In searching for T cells gateways into and out of the meninges, we discovered functional lymphatic vessels lining the dural sinuses. These structures express all of the molecular hallmarks of lymphatic endothelial cells, are able to carry both fluid and immune cells from CSF, and are connected to the deep cervical lymph nodes. The discovery of the CNS lymphatic system may call for a reassessment of basic assumptions in neuroimmunology and shed new light on the etiology of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases associated with immune system dysfunction.

CranioSacral Case Study - Autism
(June 21st, 2018)
By: Tami A Goldstein, WLMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy  – Autism

More Evidence That Caraniosacral Therapy Works
(October 28th, 2016)
By: Chris Centeno
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about new discoveries that showed that craniosacral therapy works, how finding new lymph connections in the brain that would further explain why craniosacral therapy si effective and charts a link between the immune system and the brain.  

Therapist treats Hong Kong elderly and China's poor for free with gentle form of chiropractic.
(March 23rd, 2018)
By: Rachel Cheung
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

After 3 years of travel and study, Sampsun Wong developed Yide Therapy. Now he gives free aqua therapy treatment to old people in Hong Kong, runs a medical center and travels around China offering help to the needy. Most of the people in the aqua therapy are in their 60's and some even in their late 70's could not do the same moves on land, but the lukewarm water's buoyancy supports their weight, allowing them to work on their flexibility without the risk of falling. While Wong often recommends exercises for patients, for those with knee pain, regular exercising puts pressure on the kneecap, exacerbating the pain, slowing the recovery process- if it recovers at all. That is when Wong started exploring alternative methods.    

Former NFL star Ricky Williams now pitching same drug that got him banned
(March 20th, 2018)
By: Jennifer Kaplan - The Washington Post
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Former NFL football player Ricky Williams, who played for the New Orleans Saints and the Miami Dolphins among other teams, addresses an audience during a conference on medical marijuana at Harvard Medical School.

Marijuana drained running back Ricky Williams' NFL career, but now the same drug may help launch the next phone of his business career. Williams, 40 is launching a cannabis brand called Real Wellness by Ricky Williams. The line will cater to health-conscious consumers, particularly women, who are interested in using alternative medicine to boost wellness, he said.   

Forest Fires and Aging
(March 22nd, 2018)
By: Michael Morgan, Contributor, Author, Teacher, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about what forest fires and aging have in common, and that forest fires have something to teach us. Forrest Fires offer us a great analogy not only of the population we are referring to, but of a strategy that can help us bring hope and health. 

The healing power of touch
(March 22nd, 2018)
By: Christina Symons
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about the many benefits of appropriate physical contact and how simple touch helps us develop into strong and sensitive individuals, provides comfort, calms us, enhances trust and enables us to bond with one another.

Meniere's Disease 16 Ways the help manage this inner ear disorder
(June 15th, 2018)
By: Dr. Axe
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

As there is no known cure for Meniere's Disease, managing troubling symptoms is key. This article explains What Meniere's Disease is, the signs and symptoms, causes and risk factors, and conventional treatment. 

Sensory Processing Disorder & Autism Parent Support
(April 18th, 2018)
By: Tami Goldstein, WLMT, CST, BCTMB
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a story from one of the parents of a child with Autism/ ASD & Sensory Processing Disorder that talks about recovery, and shares her daughters journey and the therapies that made a difference with Upledger Craniosacral Therapy (CST). Heather was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder and presented shutting down for up to 5 days where she couldn't walk or talk. Her health picture was broad, she produced life-threatening levels of stress hormones, had 40 seizures a day, sleep issues, severe food allergies, attention deficient disorder (ADD), attention deficient hyperactive disorder(ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), obsessive defiance disorder (ODD), anxiety, depression and a very high IQ.


Chronic pain and childhood trauma
(April 18th, 2018)
By: Laura Kisel
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discussed Chronic pain and childhood trauma, understanding the connection, and why addressing pain and trauma should so hand in hand.

Craniosacral Therapy and Autism
(May 1st, 2018)
By: Rebecca Flowers, OTR, BCP, CST, D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a success story of an autistic boy named Mikey (age 2 years, 9 months) and his journey with the power and promise of Cranio sacral therapy and how it helped him incredibly.

Shocking victory of proponents of alternative medicine
(March 8th, 2018)
By: Jon Rappoport
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Allopathic and Complementary Healthcare - Let's Integrate Rather than Diminish

In Australia, an effort to label all alternative (traditional, complementary) medicine products as "based on Pseudoscience" has failed.

This article is important to share, as many times complementary healthcare modalities are maligned by saying there is not enough science behind them. People who watch the news or read mainstream news have impression that "scientific" medical research is remarkably valid and always progressing. 

"It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which i reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine." (Dr. Marcia Angell, NY Review of Books, January 15, 2009, "Drug Companies & Doctors: A story of corruption)

Let's work together to create the healthiest healthcare system.  

Is Neoroplasticity in the CNS the missing Link to Our Understanding of Chronic Musculoskeletal Disorders
(February 12th, 2015)
By: Rene Pelletier, Johanne Higgins and Daniel Bourbonnais
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about recent findings that suggest that a change in model and approach is required in the rehabilitation of chronic MSD that integrate the findings of neuroplastic changes across the CNS and are targeted by rehabilitative interventions. Effects of current interventions may be mediated through peripheral and central changes but may not specifically address all underlying neuroplastic changes in the CNS potentially associated with chronic MSD. Novel approaches to address these neuroplastic changes show promise and require further investigation to improve efficiency of current approaches.

Link Between Brain's Memory Center and Heart Function
(November 8th, 2017)
By: Tom Wilemon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about Vanderbilt researchers who report elderly people whose hearts pump less blood have reduced blood flow in the temporal lobe. Previous studies report the temporal lobe is a critical brain area for the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists discover neuron-producing stem cells in the membranes covering the brain
(November 24th, 2016)
By: VIB- Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about how unexpected cells have been found in the protective membranes that enclose the brain, the so called meninges. These 'neural progenitors' -- or stem cells that differentiate into different kinds of neurons-- are produced during embryonic development. These findings show that the neural progenitors found in the meninges produce new neurons after birth-- highlighting the importance of meningeal tissue as well as these cells' potential in the development of new therapies for brain damage and neurodegeneration. A paper highlighting the results was published in the leading scientific journal Cell Stem Cell.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study – Arthritis/Reflux/PTSD
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Arthritis/Reflux/PTSD

Joanne Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, and results.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study– Headaches/Pain
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headaches/Pain

Joanne Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, and results.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study – PTSD/Anxiety/Depression
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - PTSD/Anxiety/Depression    

Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, and results. 

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study– Traumatic Head Injury/Severe Head  Pain 
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Traumatic Head Injury/Severe Head Pain

Joanne Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, and results.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study - Lyme Disease/Neurological Complications/Chronic Pain
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Joanna Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Lyme Disease/Neurological Complications/Chronic Pain

Joanne Haymore OTR/L, CMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, objective and subjective results.

CranioSacral Therapy - Birth Trauma/Torticollis
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Birth Trauma/Torticollis

Amy Sanders, OTR, LMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and final assessment.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study - Concussion/Pain
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Concussion/Pain

Amy Sanders, OTR, LMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatments and final assessment.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study - Postconcussion/Headaches/Pain
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Post-concussion/Headaches/Pain

Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and final assessment. 

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study – Pain/Numbness/Limited mobility
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Pain/Numbness/Limited Mobility

Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and final assessment.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study– Chronic Pain/Headaches
(June 11th, 2018)
By: Amy Sanders, O.T.R., LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Chronic Pain/Headaches

Amy describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatments and final assessment. 

Evidence for brain glial activation in chronic pain patients
(December 21st, 2015)
By: Marco L. Loggia, Daniel B. Chonde, Oluwaseun Akeju, Grae Arabasz, Ciprian Catana, Robert R. Edwards, Elena Hill, Shirley Hsu, David Izquierdo-Garcia, Ru-Rong Ji, Misha Riley, Ajay D. Wasan, Nicole R. Zurcher, Daniel S. Albrecht, Mark G. Vangel, Bruce R. Rosen, Vitaly Napadow and Jacob M. Hooker
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about brain glian activation in chronic pain patients. Until recently, chronic pain has been thought to arise primarily from neuronal dysfunction within nociceptive path-ways of the nervous system. In the last decade, however, a paradigm shift has occurred in the fields of pain neurobiology.   Animal studies have clearly demonstrated that microglia and astrocytes in the CNS, as well as neuro-glial interactions, play a key role in the establishment and maintenance of persistent pain. This study includes 19 patients diagnosed with chronic LBP for at least 2 years (either with or without radicular pain complaints) and 25 healthy controls with no history of chronic pain were initially screened to participate in the study. The results were that there are higher brain TSPO levels in people with chronic back pain.

CranioSacral Therapy – Parkinson’s Disease
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Parkinson's Disease

Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

CranioSacral Therapy – Headache and Muscle Tension
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Headache and Muscle Tension

 Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

CranioSacral Therapy – Acute Pain and PTSD
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Acute Pain and PTSD

Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

CranioSacral Therapy – Debilitating Pain in Neck and Shoulder
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - Debilitating Pain in Neck and Shoulder

Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study ‐ PTSD
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Amanda Del Castillo LMT, CPT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy - PTSD

Amanda describes patient's history, symptoms, evaluation, treatment and sums it up with the results and analysis.

CranioSacral Therapy Case Study–Panhypopituitarism
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Raquel Rotnes, MA, LMT, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger Institute CranioSacral Case Study about Panhypopituitarism

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Chronic Neck Pain and Headaches
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Chronic Neck Pain and Headaches

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Chronic Neck Pain and Headaches
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Chronic Neck Pain and Headaches

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – ADD/Poor Muscle Tone
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - ADD/Poor Muscle Tone

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Neck Pain/Reflux
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Neck Pain/Reflux

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Digestion problems/Constipation
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI‐D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Digestion problems/Constipation

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Iliotibial Band Syndrome/Low Energy Neck and Knee Pain/Depression
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Low Energy/Neck and Knee Pain/Depression

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Hip injury/Low back immobile
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Hip injury/Low back immobile

Visceral Manipulation Case Study– Hip pain/Ankle weakness
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Hip and ankle pain

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Low back pain/Anxiety attacks/Insomnia/Bruxism
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Low back pain/Anxiety attacks/Insomnia

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Sciatica
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Sciatica

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up  with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Acute back pain/Unable to walk and stand
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case STudy

Visceral Manipulation - Acute back pain/Unable to walk and stand

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up  with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Shoulder Pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Shoulder Pain

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Headaches and muscle spasm
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Headaches and muscle spasm

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Acoustic Neuroma/loss of hearing
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation Manipulation – Acoustic Neuroma/loss of hearing

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Leg pain and severe back pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Leg pain and severe back pain

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results.

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – General muscular pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - General muscular pain

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Low back pain, anxiety and headaches
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Low back pain, anxiety and headaches

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Lack of concentration and short term memory problems
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Lack of concentration and short term memory problems

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results. 

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation, treatment and results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study – Helicopylori Bacterium
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Visceral Manipulation - Helicopylori Bacterium

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up with the results. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study– Numbness in finger tips/Stiffness in cervical spine
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Joanne Enslin de Wet, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Numbness in finger tips/Stiffness in cervical spine

Joanne describes her patient, reason for coming to get treated, evaluation and treatment she did based on the evaluation. She sums it up  with the results. 

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Headache and neck pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Headache and neck pain

A case study of a 32 y.o. female suffering from headache and neck pain after a MVA with resolved using neural manipulation techniques

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Foot pain/gait abnormalities
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Foot pain/gait abnormalities

Case Study about a 53 year old female with pain in right foot that is significant and not allowing her to walk normally that resolved using Neural Manipulation. 

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck and headache pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Neck and headache pain

A case study of a 62 y.o. female suffering from neck and headache pain which was greatly reduced with techniques of neural manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck and arm pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Nerual Manipulation - Neck and arm pain

Case study is about a 45 year old female with neck and arm pain that resolved with treatment including neural manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Penial Pain–
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral institute Case STudy

Neural Manipulation - Penile pain

A case study of a 65 year old male suffering from penile pain that resolved using treatment with Neural Manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Neck Pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Neck Pain

Patient is a 66 y.o. female that works as a volleyball ref with neck and bilateral UE pain which limits her ability to do her job. Her current symptoms began in Feb. of 2017 when she was using her arms to do a lot of sewing with arms held in unsupported positions as she worked.      Patient had a fall on her bike onto her Lt. arm on 06/10/17 which exacerbated her symptoms. She presented in PT on 07/03/17 with complaints of neck pain, pain into Rt. arm and pain into left arm down into hand. Pain complaint was 7 at best and 9/10 at worst in the areas noted.  She also describes frontal headaches. Her pain limits her ability to work as a volleyball ref.  Past medical history in noncontributory except for hypothyroid for which she takes meds.

Neural Manipulation Case Study – Spinal Stenosis/Low back pain
(May 24th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation - Spinal Stenosis/Low back pain

A case study of a 69 year old female with spinal stenosis with leg pain and low back pain that was greatly improved with techniques of Visceral and Neural Manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - SI/Low back pain
(May 25th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study

Neural Manipulation -  SI/Low back pain

A case study of a 61 year old femal suffering from SI/Low back dysfunction after a fall that developed sudden arm pain and distal weakness in her hands that revolved with treatment of neural manipulation. 

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Bell's Palsy
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is a Barral Institute case study about Neural Manipulation and Bell's Palsy. Bell's Palsy at times has no apparent cause but factors such as strain through the sinuses or meninges can predispose someone to this condition, as can trauma such as a lengthy or invasive dental procedure. Bell's Palsy is often terrifying for the patient and affects their social interaction greatly. For this reason, it is imperative to relieve the strain on the facial nerve as quickly as possibly and before any lasting nerve damage occurs.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - TMJ Hypoglossal Nerve
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is a Barral Institute Case study about Neural Manipulation and how it can help TMJ Hypoglossal  Nerve. Lenora talks about how we see that cervical and TMJ mobility can be greatly influenced by a restriction in the mobility of the hypoglossal nerve and how immediate improvements were rendered in rage of movement of both the TMJ and tongue.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Anxious Bladder
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is a Barral Institute Case Study about Neural Manipulation and helping an anxious bladder. Ankle sprains are a very common effect for many children, as is a bladder dysfunction of varying types. This case study showed the connection of the tibial nerve to the level of activation of the bladder.

Neural Manipulation Case Study- Pudendal Neuralgia
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is a Barral Institute case study about Neural Manipulation and pudendal neuralgia..  It is a case study about a fall on the buttock that resulted in pudendal neuralgia and inability to perform daily activities.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Plantar Faciitis
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Barral Institute Case Study is about how Neural Manipulation can help Plantar Fasciitis, Lenora talks about Plantar Fasciitis and how it is often a chronic issue before it gets any treatment. By then, treatment can become quite difficult due to the adaptive changes. In this case study we see the impact of the plantar nerves on pain producing tensions in the foot and the effect of  neural tension on gait patterns.

Dr. John E Upledger Compassionate Touch Program New Glarus Study Glarus Elementary School in New Glarus, Wisconsin New Glarus - Study
(May 1st, 2018)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A program conducted recently in New Glarus, WI demonstrated the efficiency of the Compassionate Touch, which is based on the Direction of Energy technique outlined in the text CranioSacral Therapy. One hundred and one children attending kindergarten and first grade at New Glarus Elementary School comprised the initial subject population for this study. The data analysis showed a very clear and statistically significant increase in the demonstration of pro-social behaviors and similarly significant reduction in behavior problems reported by the classroom teachers. Read full study.

Children’s Program and Book Demonstrate the Power of Compassionate Touch
(May 2nd, 1999)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the Compassionate Touch study and program and how children who apply compassionate touch to playmates can help relieve pain, strengthen self-esteem and positive behaviors, according to studies conducted by The Upledger Foundation based in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. 

The article discusses the children's book  "I Can Show You I Can" and the importance of touch to children, teachers and parents.

At the end of the article, the results of the Compassionate Touch Program are provided.

The Compassionate Touch Program; Defusing Violence by Enhancing Self-Esteem, Self-Worth and Self-Image in Children
(May 2nd, 1996)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about The Compassionate Touch program conducted in the Midwest in the 1990s. The children involved experienced a greater sense of belonging and connection with others by the study's conclusion. Teachers also observed more than twice as many acts of compassion and empathy and only half the acts of aggression or behavioral problems they reported at the study's onset. Read more about this program

(May 2nd, 2016)
By: Russell A. Bourne, Jr., Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Russel Bourne talks about the Dr. John E. Upledger Compassionate Touch program. In the Spring of 1997, The Upledger Foundation initiated a simple and straight-forward investigation into the use and instruction of Compassionate Touch with preschool children. The pilot project was design to evaluation the effect of Compassionate Touch on the demonstration of increased pro-social behaviors and the reduction of aggressive behaviors and behavioral problems in children.

Neoral Manipulation Case Study - Suprascapular Nerve Impingement
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Mannipulation and Supraxcapular Nerve Impingement. This work can help improve in impingement syndromes that can be made quickly with manual therapy on the nerve. In this case, a supra-scapular nerve impingement, first the impingement site had to be identified and released. Following this, specific, gentle treatment on the nerve itself as it passes through the area of impingement helps to restore movement of surrounding tissue, restore normal nutritive flow to the nerve and helps restore proprioceptive information about the nerve to the brain. This case study demonstrates the rapid success of such treatment.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Pronator Teres Syndrome
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and Pronator Teres Syndrome. I talks about how overuse injuries can be difficult to treat. They are complicated by many adaptive responses to the tissues and altered movement patterns. This case study shows the effectiveness of neural manipulation to treat such injuries within a short time frame, to help change the movement patterns to restore a more efficient pattern with less strain in the tissues.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Post fracture neural restrictions of the elbow
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and post fracture neural restrictions of the elbow. Neural restrictions can occur following a fracture and fixation following injury. Increasing the mobility of the neural structures in the area can be an important step in restoring function. This case study is a 15 month old who sustained a fracture due to a fall. Neural development at this age is very dependent on the child's ability to explore their world. Thus, it is critical to restore upper extremity Range of Motion quickly to ensure function of the arm but also continued brain development.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Trigeminal Neuralgia
(May 17th, 2018)
By: Lenora Klassen, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This Barral Institute case study is about Neural Manipulation and Trigeminal Neuralgia.  Trigeminal Neuralgia is a condition that can become quite debilitating. Finding a nonsurgical effective way to treat this condition would be quite welcomed. In this case study we see the effectiveness of manual therapy on the whole nervous system to reduce the tensions on the trigeminal nerve.  

Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin
(May 1st, 2008)
By: Joel Alcantara, Renata Anderson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This case study is about a mother who took her 3 month old girl in for chiropractic care with a medical diagnosis of gastroesophageal re flux disease. (GERD) Notable improvements in the patient's symptoms were observed within four visits and total resolution of symptoms within three months of care. 

(May 1st, 2018)
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

KERRY D’AMBROGIO DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP explains Muscle Balancing (MB) and gives the criteria for using this technique with shoulder dysfunction and how to perform the technique. He also provides a Shoulder Dysfunction Case Study. 

"Concussion" Movie Spurs Interest in Dr. Ronald Murray's Manual Regulation Therapy
(December 31st, 2015)
By: Dr. Ronald Murray
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Thanks to the latest Hollywood release, "Concussion," starring Will Smith, and the prevalent role that NFL football plays in American culture, more and more people are becoming aware of the impact of concussions on those who play impact sports, including football, at all levels.

Murray, author of "A Colloid Fluid Model: The Bridge Between Biological and Energy Medicine," published internationally in Explore Magazine, and pioneer of Manual Regulation Therapy (MRT), explains how the model gave birth to MRT.  MRT is a unique and integrative therapy that combines conventional physical therapy, cranial sacral therapy, visceral manipulation, and myofascial release to provide a totally unique approach to treatment. These treatments prove highly effective in helping those suffering from the effects of concussions, both as a result of violent hits and smaller repetitive blows, to experience relief, and even complete recovery.

Effectiveness of a Treatment Involving Soft Tissue Techniques and/or Neural Mobilization Techniques in the Management of Tension-Type Headache: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(February 18th, 2017)
By: Alejandro Ferragut-Garcıas, PT, PhD,Gustavo Plaza-Manzano, PT, PhD, Cleofas Rodrı´guez-Blanco, PT, PhD, Olga Velasco-Roldan, PT, PhD, Daniel Pecos-Martın, PT, PhD, Jesus Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, PT, PhD, Bartomeu Llabre´s-Bennasar, PT, Angel Oliva-Pascual-Vaca, PT, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,


To evaluate the effects of a protocol involving soft tissue techniques and/or neural mobilization techniques in the management of patients with frequent episodic tension-type headache (FETTH) and those with chronic tension-type headache (CTTH).


The application of soft tissue and neural mobilization techniques to patients with FETTH or CTTH induces significant changes in pressure pain threshold (PPT), the characteristics of pain crisis, and its effect on activities of daily living as compared with the application of these techniques as isolated interventions.

CranioSacral Therapy & Autism: A story of Success
(May 1st, 2018)
By: Rebecca Flowers, OTR, BCP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article, we'll look at CranioSacral Therapy's effect on Autism and sensory processing disorder, a condition experienced by most people diagnosed on the autism spectrum. 

Can CranioSacral therapy improve symptoms of concussion and mild TBI among football players
(January 9th, 2018)
By: Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., publis
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This invited commentary references a preliminary study in which the integrative medicine technique known as CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was tested on a group of ex-National Football League (NFL) players who showed significant improvement in range of motion, pain, sleep, and cognitive function. The need for more clinical research data to better understand the potential effectiveness of CST in post-concussive syndrome, mild and more severe traumatic brain injury, and even perhaps chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is emphasized in the article published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (JACM).

Modalities: Athletic Therapists
(April 2nd, 2018)
By: Revelstoke Mountaineer staff
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how  Athletic Trainers can do a variety of manual therapy modalities from CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and soft tissue release, fascial release, joint traction, trigger point release amongst many more.

Athletic Therapists help active people with the rehabilitation of both chronic and acute musculoskeletal condition. 

Case Series: The Effect  of Visceral Manipulation on Diastasis on REcti Abdominis (DRA)
(July 3rd, 2017)
By: Brandi Kirk, PT, CVTP, PRPC; Teri Elliott‐Burke, PT, MHS, WCS, PRPC, BCB‐PMD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Case Series: The Effect of Visceral Manipulation on Diastasis Recti Abdominis (DRA)

(April 17th, 2018)
By: Casey Nighbor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article, we'll look at CranioSacral Therapy's effect on sensory processing disorder, a condition experienced by most people diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

(December 21st, 2017)
By: Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article, Tim Hutton, PHD, LMP, CST-D talks about the immune system, CranioSacral Therapy and how it is a helpful modality for treating inflammation. 


Engage Specific Tissues

A Brief History of CranioSacral Therapy

On the Nature of CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy and Musculoskeletal Pain

CranioSacral Therapy in Action

The CranioSacral Rhythm

Chronic vs. Acute Inflammation

Palpating and Treating the Immune System Using CranioSacral Therapy
(November 1st, 2017)
By: Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article, Tim Hutton, PHD, LMP, CST-D talks about the immune system, CranioSacral Therapy and how it is a helpful modality for treating inflammation. 


Engage Specific Tissues

A Brief History of CranioSacral Therapy

On the Nature of CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy and Musculoskeletal Pain

CranioSacral Therapy in Action

The CranioSacral Rhythm

Chronic vs. Acute Inflammation

An Ideal Vehicle

Becoming a CranioSacral Therapist

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Facial Numbness
(April 12th, 2018)
By: Linda Oberdorfer PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case study  -  Neural Manipulation to help facial numbness. The Patient is a 45 y.o. female referred to PT for treatment of facial numbness and tingling which is much improved with treatment techniques of neural manipulation.

Neural Manipulation Case Study - Pain and Pressure in Ear
(May 16th, 2018)
By: Linda Keahey- Oberdorfer, PT, CNMP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Case Study - Neural Manipulation - Pain in ear/TMJ crepitation/hearing loss. A case study of a 66 y.o. male with jaw pain and crepitation with jaw motion and a feeling of "fluid" in the ear. He most significantly had a reduction in his ability to hear as documented in a recent hearing test. He had a long standing history of hearing loss, but this recent diagnostic was demonstrably worse. Symptoms resolved with neural manipulation treatment.

Case Study 1 Pain and Pressure in Lt. ear with some TMJ crepitation and pain.
(June 8th, 2018)
By: Linda Keahey-Oberdorfer, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

A case study of a 66 y.o. male with jaw pain and crepitation with jaw motion and a feeling of "fluid" in the ear. He most significantly had a reduction in his ability to hear as documented in a recent hearing test. He had a long standing history of hearing loss, but this recent diagnostic was demonstrably worse. Symptoms resolved with neural manipulation treatment. 

(April 2nd, 2018)
By: Carol McLellan, CMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Carol McLellan CMT, CST-D talks about how CranioSacral Therapy helps assist with pregnancy, childbirth, labor, delivery and postpartum depression or the baby blues.

Changes in alpha band activity associated with application of the compression of the fourth ventriculat (CV-4)
(July 1st, 2013)
By: Luiz Miana PT, Sergio Machado, MD, PhD, Pedro Ribeiro, MD, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

The aim of this study was to measure the effects of CV-4 in 10 healthy subjects through quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG), specifically in alpha band.

Point:Counterpoint Comments
(August 1st, 2006)
By: Aurelien Pichon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

The following letter is in response to the Point: Counterpoint series "Cardiovascular variability is/is not an index of auto-nomic control of circulation"

A review of the physiology of cranial osteopathy
(October 1st, 2003)
By: DO, MSc Andrew Ferguson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

The models generally used to explain the practice of cranial osteopathy have not been supported by reliable research. This article reviews and explores the relevant physiology and finds much to advance knowledge in this field. 

The Inherent Rhythmic Motion of the Cranial Bones
(March 27th, 2018)
By: Hollis H. King, DO, PhD, FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

This article is about the most controversial phenomenon of the PRM from a scientific perspective, and the concept of palpable cranial bone motion.

Cranial Bone Mobility
(March 27th, 2018)
By: Moskalenko and Frymann
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Cranial bone motion has been the most controversial phenomenon of the Primary Respiratory Mechanism (PRM), but there is ample evidence that the cranial bones do rhythmically move a small but definite amount.

Historically, cranial bone motion was considered an anatomic impossibility. Respected scientists, anatomists, and anthropologists have always assumed that the cranial bones fuse and cannot move however, a thorough examination of the experimental data gives a totally different point of view.

Effectiveness of Craniosacral Therapy in Cervicogenic Headache
(December 14th, 2017)
By: Keerthi Rao and Subhash Katri
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract Background: Headache is common phenomenon experienced by everyone at some point in their lives. Hence it’s not surprising that the global estimate of headache sufferers is around 46% and prevalence of Cervicogenic headache is 2.5-4.1% among all headache types. This prevalence might appear to be relatively low as compared to other headache types like migraine or tension type headache but the associated disability is alarming and high. Craniosacral therapy is a light touch modality which is fairly safe, non-invasive and non-pharmacological mode of treatment which can cure a wide array of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions including headaches but which has limited evidence of effectiveness in literature especially in Cervicogenic Headache. Hence this study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of craniosacral therapy as a treatment modality in the management in Cervicogenic headache. Methods: This study hypothesized that Craniosacral Therapy will demonstrate better improvement in all sub-sections of the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6) which measures the quality of life and also demonstrate reduced frequency and duration of Cervicogenic headache as measured by a self-maintained headache diary. Selection criteria for inclusion in the study were subjects of both gender, age 18 and above and meeting the Cervicogenic Headache International Study Group diagnostic criteria for Cervicogenic Headache. All subjects were treated 3 times a week on alternate days for 3 weeks. Results: 94 individuals were screened for eligibility of which 49 met the selection criteria for the study. Headache-related disability was present 3.4±4.1 days during the 3 week period. The average of the HIT-6 score pre- treatment was 67.6±7.8 points and post- treatment was 42.7±3.6. The Correlation analysis of the frequency of headache attacks and duration of disability according to the headache diary significantly correlated with the severity of headache-related disability at each attack. Conclusion: Craniosacral therapy is an effective treatment strategy for patients of Cervicogenic Headache as measured on HIT-6 during a 3 week treatment program. 

Terapia cranio sacrală și pierderea totală a diagnosticului de autism
(January 3rd, 2018)
By: Daniela
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an article written by Daniela in Romanian. This is the real story of a heroine mother and her daughter diagnoses with Autism and how CranioSacral Therapy helped

CranioSacral Therapy and Autism
(January 3rd, 2018)
By: Daniela
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an article written by Daniela in Romanian translated to English. This is the real story of a heroine mother and her daughter diagnoses with Autism and how CranioSacral Therapy helped.


Mindfulness Is Aetna CEO’s Prescription for Success
(January 18th, 2018)
By: Sandy Abrams
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Soon after becoming CEO, Bertolini began Aetna's mindfulness-based wellness programs with a study. He brings those experiences with him in leading Aetna's 49000 employees with his unique sense of mindfulness and empathy. Craniosacral therapy proved to be Bertolini’s gateway into the realm of mindfulness and other forms of care.

Read his story…

(August 27th, 2013)
By: Jean-Pierre Barral, DO, MRO(F), RPT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about Neural Manipulation and its applications and and contraindications. Jean-Pierre also talks about the variety of disorders clients seek neural manipulation that affect nervous system issues.

Neural Manipulation Hands-On Work to Promote Nerve Tissue Health
(February 1st, 2018)
By: Judy Russell, RPT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about Neural Manipulation and how the acquisition of this new and precise assessment and treatment techniques will enhance the overall well-being of the clients. 

Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Incontinence
(March 23rd, 2018)
By: Donna Waldrop LMT, CVTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Barral Institute Visceral Manipulation Case Study - Incontinence

The intent of this case report is to illustrate the use of Visceral Manipulation (VM) for the treatment of incontinence. 

Are You Treating Your Patients Right?
(March 16th, 2018)
By: Jack Ryan LMT
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Jack Ryan LMT talks about Total Body Balancing (TBB) and why it is important to start and end each Total Body treatment with evaluation. When you use a combination of evaluation techniques and critical thinking to discover the underlying cause of a person’s dysfunction your treatment approach will be more successful. Kerry talks about the benefits of evaluation.

 Jack Ryan, LMT is the owner of the Soar Point Massage Clinic in Sarasota FL. He is a teaching assistant and instructor for the D’Ambrogio Institute. Jack lectures and teaches on the topics of Total Body Balancing, Muscle Balancing, Joint Balancing and pain-free foam roller techniques. His practice is based on pain relief and rehabilitation.

When Modalities are not an Option
(March 16th, 2018)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Kerry D’Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P. gives a case study using Muscle Balancing/Positional Release Therapy.

Joint Balancing: Reduces Hypomobility, Restores Biomechanics
(March 16th, 2018)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Kerry D’Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P. talks about Joint Balancing. He discusses Whole-Body Evaluation is essential as well as application of Joint Balancing. 

Total Body Balancing An integrative approach to optimum treatment and balance
(March 16th, 2018)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

  Kerry D'Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P. talks about Total Body Balancing (TBB)

- TBB is based in classical osteopathy

- TBB addresses interconnections and contributing lines of tension

- TBB uses A.R.T.S. to evaluate

- TBB follows a five-phase treatment template

Total Body Balancing
(February 1st, 2018)
By: Jack Ryan, LMT
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Jack Ryan talks about Total Body Balancing and the Curriculum developed by Dr. Kerry D'Ambrogio. 

(March 14th, 2018)
By: Casey Nighbor
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about what CranioSacral Therapy is and how it has helped football players address concussion and CTE injuries. 

Growth and Learning in Unpreserved Dissection
(March 13th, 2018)
By: Eric Moya, CST-D, MS/MFCT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Eric talks about his experiences in Upledger CranioSacral Dissection classes and the dissection lab. He talks about his personal and professional stories working with unpreserved cadavers.


Upledger Institute Aquatic CranioSacral Therapy
(March 13th, 2018)
By: Ann Wister LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy and CranioSacral Aquatic Therapy.   CranioSacral Aquatic Therapy combines multi-hand therapy, floating, sea water/pool water, giving and receiving, group sharing and altered brain wave states with craniosacral hands-on techniques to produce a unique and powerful healing modality.

Osteopathic management of chronic constipation in women patients. Results of a pilot study
(February 16th, 2017)
By: Aurélie Belvauxa, Michel Bouchouchaa, Robert Benamouzig
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Summary Background and aims:

Constipation is a common problem in western countries. The aim of this pilot study was to determine the effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) for the treatment of constipated women with functional constipation (FC) or defeation disorders (DD). Methods: Twenty-one constipated females referred to a tertiary center were recruited. A course of OMT, weekly for four weeks, was given. Clinical questionnaire, Bristol stool form scale and patients’ subjective perception of constipation, bloating and abdominal pain, were recorded. Total and segmental colonic transit time (CTT) were performed before and after OMT. Results: Eleven patients had FC and 10 DD, as defined by Rome III criteria. After OMT, the Knowless Eccersley Scott Symptom score (P = 0.020), the oro-anal transit time (P = 0.002), the right (P = 0.005) and left (P = 0.009) CTT had decreased while the stool frequency (P = 0.005) and the Bristol Stool Form scale (P = 0.003) had increased. After OMT, the intensity of constipation, and the Patient assessment of constipation symptoms score did not change but a decrease of abdominal pain, bloating, quality of life score and drug use was found. Conclusions: This study shows OMT has potential benefit for treating functional constipation in women. Further randomised trials are required to confirm these results. 

The Lost Years: One family’s journey to recovery from autism
(March 8th, 2018)
By: Tami A Goldstein, WLMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tami tells the journey of her daughter's recovery from Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder to Functioning Recovery and independent living. She talks about what is Sensory Processing Disorder, CranioSacral Therapy and Bio-Medical Therapy, and what roles they play on the road to Functioning Recovery and independent living.

Upledger CranioSacral Immersion Report for Dr. John E. Upledger Program for Military Post-Traumatic Stress
(March 8th, 2018)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger Foundation/The Upledger Military Veterans Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Program
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Immersion Program Report graphs from the The Upledger Military Veterans Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Program.  The Upledger Military Veterans Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Program was a five-day Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Intensive Program that ran from Tuesday, November 8th through Sunday, November 13th 2016. The first day was a short meet and greet of the therapists and the veterans. The five-day intensive started the next day. Six military veterans participated in the program. Two were Vietnam veterans and the remaining four were in more recent conflicts. There were approximately 20 therapists. Each veteran received Upledger CranioSacral Therapy from a team of three Upledger CranioSacral therapists, with each team led by a Primary Therapist who was an Upledger CranioSacral Therapy Diplomate. Support therapists all were a minimum of an Upledger CranioSacral Therapist Techniques certified. Each day, veterans received Upledger CranioSacral Therapy for approximately 2.5 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon

Dizziness: Natural Treatment for Vertigo and BPPV
(March 5th, 2018)
By: BodyQuirks
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about vertigo and how CST can help. 

The effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain and functional constipation: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
(March 2nd, 2018)
By: Walkyria Vilas Boas Fernandes, Cleofás Rodríguez Blanco, Fabiano Politti, Fernanda de Cordoba Lanza, Paulo Roberto Garcia Lucareli and João Carlos Ferrari Corrêa
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The aim of the proposed study is to analyze the effect of a six-week osteopathic visceral manipulation (OVM) program on the flexion-relaxation phenomenon in individuals with non-specific chronic low back pain (LBP) and functional constipation.

Feeding in the NICU: A Perspective from a Craniosacral Therapist
(March 1st, 2016)
By: Quraishy, Karyn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: Completing full feedings is a requirement for discharge for babies in the NICU. interaction between the nerves and the muscles of the jaw, tongue, and the soft palate is required for functional sucking and swallowing. Jaw misalignment, compressed nerves, and misshapen heads can interfere with these interactions and create feeding difficulties. craniosacral therapy (CST) is a noninvasive manual therapy that is perfect for the fragile population in the NICU. CST can be used as a treatment modality to release fascial restrictions that are affecting the structures involved in feeding, thereby improving feeding outcomes.

Available for purchase from ingenta:

(November 26th, 2017)
By: Eracle Onlus
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article was published in a NICU journal in Italy, about the CST research! 

The Association for Neonatology in Reggio Calabria feels that Craniosacral Therapy is a precious tool especially on premature babies and newborns as well as all ages. The Reggio Calabria TIN is positioning itself in a position of Leader in world research.  Craniosacral therapy has been practiced for some years in all the most renowned TIN and neonatal pathologies in Italy and in the world. Upledger CST is practiced at their facility. Upledger CST has two levels of pediatric specialization and various levels of obstetric and meningeal specialization

(November 26th, 2017)
By: Eracle Onlus TIN Reggio Calabria Craniosacral dott.ssa Giovanna Fontanelli
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article was published in a NICU journal in Italy, about the CST research! 

The Association for Neonatology in Reggio Calabria feels that Craniosacral Therapy is a precious tool especially on premature babies and newborns as well as all ages. The Reggio Calabria TIN is positioning itself in a position of Leader in world research.  Craniosacral therapy has been practiced for some years in all the most renowned TIN and neonatal pathologies in Italy and in the world. Upledger CST is practiced at their facility. Upledger CST has two levels of pediatric specialization and various levels of obstetric and meningeal specialization

(October 2nd, 2017)
By: Brent Stevenson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about what Visceral Manipulation is and the therapeutic value of Visceral Manipulation.

How anger affects your brain and body
(January 1st, 2017)
By: The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains the many different ways that anger changes your brain. Elevated cortisol causes neurons to accept too much calcium through their membrane. A calcium overload can make cells fire too frequently and die. It also discusses how stress hormones affect your body. 

Grounding Techniques
(February 27th, 2018)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This article is about the simple grounding techniques that help you re balance and get out of your funk.

Glia, not neurons, are most affected by brain aging
(January 10th, 2017)
By: unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The difference between an old brain and a young brain isn't so much the number of neurons but the presence and function of supporting cells called glia. In this article, researchers found that the state of someone's glia is so consistent through the years that it can be used to predict someones age.

Genetic influence on immune system appears to be higher than previously thought
(January 5th, 2017)
By: Kings College London
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Kings College London reveals nearly three quarters of immune traits are influenced by genes. 

Four simple steps to Preventing Alzheimer's Desease
(April 10th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Is it possible to prevent Alzheimer's disease? Research is giving us more and more reason to hope that Alzheimer's is not only preventable, but quite possibly reversible. And alternative approaches are supporting this with simple steps that can be taken. It could change your life, or the life of your loved ones.

Entrainment and the science of energy healing
(February 27th, 2018)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This article is about the heart of the connection between energy healing and entrainment. A new physics principle was discovered in 1965 when a Dutch Physicist and Scientist named Christian Huygens made many well known breakthroughs in the field of physics and astronomy.

Do our bones influence our minds?
(November 3rd, 2018)
By: Amanda Schaffer
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about new ground in how researchers view the skeleton: Not only do bones provide a structural support and serve as a repository for calcium, they issue commands and talk to our brain. They also play a huge role in regulating our blood sugar. 

Craniosacral therapy for migraine: Protocol development for an exploratory controlled clinical trial
(June 9th, 2008)
By: John D Mann, Keturah R Faurot, Laura Wilkinson, Peter Curtis, Remy Coeytaux, Chirayath Suchindran and SUsan Gaylord
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Carniosacral therapy (CST) is a popular non-pharmacological approach to the treatment or prevention of migraine headaches for which there is limited evidence of safely and efficacy. In this article they describe on ongoing feasibility study assess the safety and efficacy of CST in the treatment of migraine. 

CranioSacral Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
(November 28th, 2017)
By: Eloise Stager, BA, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) is a genetic, connective tissue disorder affecting collagen production. Since collagen is found throughout the body, all systems, structures and bio mechanics can be effected.

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) proven to relieve chronic neck pain and migraines
(March 15th, 2017)
By: Sara Vincent
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A recent study has shown craniosacral therapy to be effective in improving pain intensity, functional disability, and health related quality of life. It is a non invasive approach that uses gentle manual palpitation techniques to release fascial restrictions between the cranium and the sacrum. 

Concussion Foundation: 91 Percent of ex-college players studied have CTE
(October 19th, 2016)
By: Nick Bromberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about chronic traumatic encephalopathy, more commonly known as CTE. CTE is a degenerative condition that can be caused by repeated head trauma. CTE can lead to memory loss, dementia and erratic behavior.

Cognitive Emulation in the Frontoparietal Network
(June 12th, 2017)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is an original story from UNIGE about our brains frontoparietal network and its responsibility for a range of highly diverse functions from planning and executing movements to mental rotation, and from spatial attention to working memory.

Clinical and symptomatological reflections: the fascial system
(September 18th, 2014)
By: Bruno Bordoni, Emiliano Zanier
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article is about the functions and interactions between the fascial continuum and the body system.

Changes in elongation of falx cerebri during craniosacral therapy techniques applied on the skull of an embalmed cadaver
(February 28th, 2016)
By: Kostopoulos DC, Keramidas G
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Zero Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Craniosacral therapy supports that light forces applied to the skull may be transmitted to the dura membrane having a therapeutic effect to the cranial system.

CranioSacral Therapy- A Conversation Between Therapist and Client
(January 5th, 2018)
By: Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a  CranioSacral Therapy session, listening may be the most important tool for both the client  and the therapist.  The conversation begins with spoken words between therapist and client, but then the experienced hands of the CranioSacral Therapist “listen” through layers of tissue and tension.  That’s when the story unfolds.

To fully understand why communication is essential in CranioSacral Therapy, Lori looks at the craniosacral system in the body and its impact on the body. She also talks about the birth of CST, Upledger CST and what it is.

Prime Cut Productions and Tinderbox Theatre explore the edges of male mental health
(February 13th, 2018)
By: NewsLetter
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST in the NEWS


Prime Cut Productions and Tinderbox Theatre explore the edges of male mental health

Edgefest is a 3-week festival of explosive new theatre by leading independent companies Prime Cut Productions and Tinderbox Theatre that dares to take audiences to the very edge of human experience.

Activities include yoga, mindfulness, CranioSacral Therapy and meditation sessions, a social pop-up pharmacy and a panel discussion on the interface between mental health and emotional wellbeing and the arts.


A Visceral Perspective
(January 2nd, 2018)
By: Alison Harvey DC, CST-D,BI-D, AK
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this introduction to Barral’s work Alison Harvey, a CST instructor with the Upledger Institute, who also runs the UK branch of the Barral Institute, shares some of her insights into the therapy and how it can integrate with CST.”

Stephanie Fowler (Fulcrum editor)

What Happens to a Womas's Brain when she becomes a Mother
(February 8th, 2018)
By: Adrienne Lafrance
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

This article is about the changes that take place when a woman becomes pregnant and becomes a Mother. A lot of things change, of course, but for new mothers, some of the starkest differences are also the most intimate ones- the emotional changes. Which, it turns out, are also largely neurological. Even before a woman gives birth, the pregnancy tinkers with the very structure of her brain. The maternal feelings of overwhelming love, fierce protectiveness, and constant worry begin with reactions in the brain. So many new mothers experience serious anxiety and depression. Becoming a parent looks- at least in the brain- a lot like falling in love.     

The Glymphatic System in Central Nervous System Health and Disease: Past, Present, and
(February 2nd, 2017)
By: Helene Benveniste, Hedok Lee, Nora D. Volkow
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The overall premise of this review is that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is transported within a dedicated peri-vascular network facilitating metabolic waste clearance from the central nervous system while we sleep. The anatomical profile of the network is complex and has been defined as a peri-arterial CSF influx pathway and peri-venous clearance routes, which are functionally coupled by interstitial bulk flow supported by astrocytic aquaporin 4 water channels. The role of the newly discovered system in the brain is equivalent to the lymphatic system present in other body organs and has been termed the “glymphatic pathway” or “(g)lymphatics” because of its dependence on glial cells. We will discuss and review the general anatomy and physiology of CSF from the perspective of the glymphatic pathway, a discovery which has greatly improved our understanding of key factors that control removal of metabolic waste products from the central nervous system in health and disease and identifies an additional purpose for sleep. A brief historical and factual description of CSF production and transport will precede the ensuing discussion of the glymphatic system along with a discussion of its clinical implications.

The Glymphatic Pathway
(January 1st, 2017)
By: Benveniste H, Lee H, Volkow ND
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


The overall premise of this review is that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is transported within a dedicated peri-vascular network facilitating metabolic waste clearance from the central nervous system while we sleep. The anatomical profile of the network is complex and has been defined as a peri-arterial CSF influx pathway and peri-venous clearance routes, which are functionally coupled by interstitial bulk flow supported by astrocytic aquaporin 4 water channels. The role of the newly discovered system in the brain is equivalent to the lymphatic system present in other body organs and has been termed the "glymphatic pathway" or "(g)lymphatics" because of its dependence on glial cells. We will discuss and review the general anatomy and physiology of CSF from the perspective of the glymphatic pathway, a discovery which has greatly improved our understanding of key factors that control removal of metabolic waste products from the central nervous system in health and disease and identifies an additional purpose for sleep. A brief historical and factual description of CSF production and transport will precede the ensuing discussion of the glymphatic system along with a discussion of its clinical implications.

Glymphatic system disruption as a mediator of brain trauma and chronic traumatic encephalopathy
(August 16th, 2017)
By: Molly J. Sullan, Breton M. Asken , Michael S. Jaffee , Steven T. DeKosky, Russell M. Bauer,
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


A model of the mediating effect of disrupted sleep on GS functioning and CTE pathology is proposed.

Sleep disruption affects the ability of the GS to clear metabolic waste.

Protein waste accumulates in perivascular spaces in CTE, which is one pathway used by the GS.

Chronic disruption of the GS following brain trauma may increase the risk for developing CTE-like pathology and clinical symptomatology


Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an increasingly important issue among veterans, athletes and the general public. Difficulties with sleep onset and maintenance are among the most commonly reported symptoms following injury, and sleep debt is associated with increased accumulation of beta amyloid (Aβ) and phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in the interstitial space. Recent research into the glymphatic system, a lymphatic-like metabolic clearance mechanism in the central nervous system (CNS) which relies on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), interstitial fluid (ISF), and astrocytic processes, shows that clearance is potentiated during sleep. This system is damaged in the acute phase following mTBI, in part due to re-localization of aquaporin-4 channels away from astrocytic end feet, resulting in reduced potential for waste removal. Long-term consequences of chronic dysfunction within this system in the context of repetitive brain trauma and insomnia have not been established, but potentially provide one link in the explanatory chain connecting repetitive TBI with later neurodegeneration. Current research has shown p-tau deposition in perivascular spaces and along interstitial pathways in chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), pathways related to glymphatic flow; these are the main channels by which metabolic waste is cleared. This review addresses possible links between mTBI-related damage to glymphatic functioning and physiological changes found in CTE, and proposes a model for the mediating role of sleep disruption in increasing the risk for developing CTE-related pathology and subsequent clinical symptoms following repetitive brain trauma.

Steps To Health By Burn Loeffke 'The Peace General'
(December 1st, 2017)
By: Burn Loeffke
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Burn Loeffke is a retired military officer. He talks about some of his stories in the military, how he got hydocephalus and how CranioSacral Therapy helped him and how it can help others. 

Nedergaard Explores Why We Need Sleep
(April 10th, 2015)
By: Rich McManus
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard thinks she knows why the rest of mankind needs sleep, and why without it, we die. At NIH, she reviewed a number of theories about what makes sleep a biological imperative, including benefits to memory, the immune system and the sheer preservation of human energy, given that a sleeping person’s metabolism slows by 15 percent vs. waking hours. Read more on her findings. 

The Effect of Body Post Alzheimer’s disease
(August 5th, 2015)
By: Hedok Lee, Lulu Xie, Mei Yu, Hongyi Kang, Tian Feng, Rashid Deane, XJean Logan, XMaiken Nedergaard, and XHelene Benveniste
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The glymphatic pathway expedites clearance of waste, including soluble amyloid(A) from the brain. Transport through this pathway is controlled bythe brain’s arousal level because, during sleep or anesthesia,the brain’sinterstitial space volume expands (compared with wakefulness), resulting in faster waste removal. Humans, as well as animals, exhibit different body postures during sleep, which may also affect waste removal. Therefore, not only the level of consciousness, but also body posture, might affect CSF–interstitial fluid (ISF) exchange efficiency. We used dynamic-contrast-enhanced MRI and kinetic modeling to quantify CSF-ISF exchange rates in anesthetized rodents’ brains in supine, prone, or lateral positions. To validate the MRI data and to assess specifically the influence of body posture on clearance of A, we used fluorescence microscopy and radioactive tracers, respectively. The analysis showed that glymphatic transport was most efficient in the lateral position compared with the supine or prone positions. In the prone position, in which the rat’s head was inthe most upright position (mimicking posture duringthe awake state),transport was characterized by “retention” ofthetracer, slower clearance, and more CSF efflux along larger caliber cervical vessels. The optical imaging and radiotracer studies confirmed that glymphatic transport and A clearance were superior in the lateral and supine positions. We propose that the most popular sleep posture (lateral) has evolved to optimize waste removal during sleep and that posture must be considered in diagnostic imaging procedures developed in the future to assess CSF-ISF transport in humans.

Interstitial fluid drainage is impaired in ischemic stroke and Alzheimer's disease mouse models
(September 2nd, 2013)
By: Michal Arbel-Ornath, Eloise Hudry, Katharina Eikermann-Haerter, Steven Hou, Julia L. Gregory, Lingzhi Zhao, Rebecca A. Betensky, Matthew P. Frosch, Steven M. Greenberg, and Brian J. Bacskai
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The interstitial fluid (ISF) drainage pathway has been hypothesized to underlie the clearance of solutes and metabolites from the brain. Previous work has implicated the perivascular spaces along arteries as the likely route for ISF clearance, however it has never been demonstrated directly. The accumulation of amyloid β (Aβ) peptides in brain parenchyma is one of the pathological hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD), and it is likely related to an imbalance between production and clearance of the peptide. Aβ drainage along perivascular spaces has been postulated to be one of the mechanisms that mediates the peptide clearance from the brain. We therefore devised a novel method to visualize solute clearance in real time in the living mouse brain using laser guided bolus dye injections and multiphoton imaging. This methodology allows high spatial and temporal resolution and revealed the kinetics of ISF clearance. We found that the ISF drains along perivascular spaces of arteries and capillaries but not veins, and its clearance exhibits a bi-exponential profile. ISF drainage requires a functional vasculature, as solute clearance decreased when perfusion was impaired. In addition, reduced solute clearance was observed in transgenic mice with significant vascular amyloid deposition; we suggest the existence of a feed-forward mechanism, by which amyloid deposition promotes further amyloid deposition. This important finding provides a mechanistic link between cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer disease and suggests that facilitation of Aβ clearance along the perivascular pathway should be considered as a new target for therapeutic approaches to AD and CAA.

The Paravascular Pathway for Brain Waste Clearance: Current Understanding, Significance and Controversy
(November 17th, 2017)
By: Andrew Bacyinski, Maosheng Xu, Wei Wang and Jiani Hu
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The paravascular pathway, also known as the “glymphatic” pathway, is a recently described system for waste clearance in the brain. According to this model, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) enters the paravascular spaces surrounding penetrating arteries of the brain, mixes with interstitial fluid (ISF) and solutes in the parenchyma, and exits along paravascular spaces of draining veins. Studies have shown that metabolic waste products and solutes, including proteins involved in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases such as amyloid-beta, may be cleared by this pathway. Consequently, a growing body of research has begun to explore the association between glymphatic dysfunction and various disease states. However, significant controversy exists in the literature regarding both the direction of waste clearance as well as the anatomical space in which the waste-fluid mixture is contained. Some studies have found no evidence of interstitial solute clearance along the paravascular space of veins. Rather, they demonstrate a perivascular pathway in which waste is cleared from the brain along an anatomically distinct perivascular space in a direction opposite to that of paravascular flow. Although possible explanations have been offered, none have been able to fully reconcile the discrepancies in the literature, and many questions remain. Given the therapeutic potential that a comprehensive understanding of brain waste clearance pathways might offer, further research and clarification is highly warranted.

Glymphatic distribution of CSF-derived apoE into brain is isoform specific and suppressed during sleep deprivation
(December 8th, 2016)
By: Thiyagaragan M. Achariyar , Baoman Li , Weiguo Pen1 , Philip B. Verghese , Yang Shi , Evan McConnel , Abdellatif Benraiss , Tristan Kasper , Wei Song , Takahiro Takana , David M. Holtzman , Maiken Nedergaard and Rashid Deane
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Background: Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is a major carrier of cholesterol and essential for synaptic plasticity. In brain, it’s expressed by many cells but highly expressed by the choroid plexus and the predominant apolipoprotein in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The role of apoE in the CSF is unclear. Recently, the glymphatic system was described as a clearance system whereby CSF and ISF (interstitial fluid) is exchanged via the peri-arterial space and convective flow of ISF clearance is mediated by aquaporin 4 (AQP4), a water channel. We reasoned that this system also serves to distribute essential molecules in CSF into brain. The aim was to establish whether apoE in CSF, secreted by the choroid plexus, is distributed into brain, and whether this distribution pattern was altered by sleep deprivation. Methods: We used fluorescently labeled lipidated apoE isoforms, lenti-apoE3 delivered to the choroid plexus, immunohistochemistry to map apoE brain distribution, immunolabeled cells and proteins in brain, Western blot analysis and ELISA to determine apoE levels and radiolabeled molecules to quantify CSF inflow into brain and brain clearance in mice. Data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA or Student’s t- test. Results: We show that the glymphatic fluid transporting system contributes to the delivery of choroid plexus/ CSF-derived human apoE to neurons. CSF-delivered human apoE entered brain via the perivascular space of penetrating arteries and flows radially around arteries, but not veins, in an isoform specific manner (apoE2 > apoE3 > apoE4). Flow of apoE around arteries was facilitated by AQP4, a characteristic feature of the glymphatic system. ApoE3, delivered by lentivirus to the choroid plexus and ependymal layer but not to the parenchymal cells, was present in the CSF, penetrating arteries and neurons. The inflow of CSF, which contains apoE, into brain and its clearance from the interstitium were severely suppressed by sleep deprivation compared to the sleep state. Conclusions: Thus, choroid plexus/CSF provides an additional source of apoE and the glymphatic fluid transporting system delivers it to brain via the periarterial space. By implication, failure in this essential physiological role of the glymphatic fluid flow and ISF clearance may also contribute to apoE isoform-specific disorders in the long term.

Cerebrospinal and Interstitial Fluid Transport via the Glymphatic Pathway Modeled by Optimal Mass Transport
(May 15th, 2017)
By: Vadim Ratnerc , Yi Gao, Hedok Lee, Rena Elkin, Maiken Nedergaard, Helene Benveniste, and Allen Tannenbaum
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The glymphatic pathway is a system which facilitates continuous cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and interstitial fluid (ISF) exchange and plays a key role in removing waste products from the rodent brain. Dysfunction of the glymphatic pathway may be implicated in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease. Intriguingly, the glymphatic system is most active during deep wave sleep general anesthesia. By using paramagnetic tracers administered into CSF of rodents, we previously showed the utility of MRI in characterizing a macroscopic whole brain view of glymphatic transport but we have yet to define and visualize the specific flow patterns. Here we have applied an alternative mathematical analysis approach to a dynamic time series of MRI images acquired every 4 min over 3 hrs in anesthetized rats, following administration of a small molecular weight paramagnetic tracer into the CSF reservoir of the cisterna magna. We use Optimal Mass Transport (OMT) to model the glymphatic flow vector field, and then analyze the flow to find the network of CSF-ISF flow channels. We use 3D visualization computational tools to visualize the OMT defined network of CSF-ISF flow channels in relation to anatomical and vascular key landmarks from the live rodent brain. The resulting OMT model of the glymphatic transport network agrees largely with the current understanding of the glymphatic transport patterns defined by dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI revealing key CSF transport pathways along the ventral surface of the brain with a trajectory towards the pineal gland, cerebellum, hypothalamus and olfactory bulb. In addition, the OMT analysis also revealed some interesting previously unnoticed behaviors regarding CSF transport involving parenchymal streamlines moving from ventral reservoirs towards the surface of the brain, olfactory bulb and large central veins.

Vascular basement membranes as pathways for the passage of fluid into and out of the brain
(March 16th, 2016)
By: Alan W. J. Morris · Matthew MacGregor Sharp · Nazira J. Albargothy · Rute Fernandes1 · Cheryl A. Hawkes3 · Ajay Verma · Roy O. Weller1 · Roxana O. Carare
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The objective of this study is to differentiate the cerebral vascular basement membrane pathways by which fluid passes out of the brain from the pathway by which CSF enters the brain.

In the absence of conventional lymphatics, drainage of interstitial fluid and solutes from the brain parenchyma to cervical lymph nodes is along basement membranes in the walls of cerebral capillaries and tunica media of arteries. Perivascular pathways are also involved in the entry of CSF into the brain by the convective influx/ glymphatic system.


 Experiment 1: 0.5 µl of soluble biotinylated or fluorescent Aβ, or 1 µl 15 nm gold nanoparticles was injected into the mouse hippocampus and their distributions determined at 5 min by transmission electron microscopy. Aβ was distributed within the extracellular spaces of the hippocampus and within basement membranes of capillaries and tunica media of arteries. Nanoparticles did not enter capillary basement membranes from the extracellular spaces. Experiment 2: 2 µl of 15 nm nanoparticles were injected into mouse CSF. Within 5min, groups of nanoparticles were present in the pial-glial basement membrane on the outer aspect of cortical arteries between the investing layer of pia mater and the glia limitans. The results of this study and previous research suggest that cerebral vascular basement membranes form the pathways by which fluid passes into and out of the brain but that different basement membrane layers are involved. The significance of these findings for neuroimmunology, Alzheimer’s disease, drug delivery to the brain and the concept of the Virchow–Robin space are discussed.

Effects of the Fourth Ventricle Compression in the Regulation of the Autonomic Nervous System: A Randomized Control T
(January 14th, 2015)
By: Ana Paula Cardoso-de-Mello-e-Mello-Ribeiro, Cleofás Rodríguez-Blanco, Inmaculada Riquelme-Agulló, Alberto Marcos Heredia-Rizo, François Ricard, and Ángel Oliva-Pascual-Vaca
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system is an important factor in the development of chronic pain. Fourth ventricle compression (CV-4) has been shown to influence autonomic activity. Nevertheless, the physiological mechanisms behind these effects remain unclear. Objectives. This study is aimed at evaluating the effects of fourth ventricle compression on the autonomic nervous system. Methods. Forty healthy adults were randomly assigned to an intervention group, on whom CV-4 was performed, or to a control group, who received a placebo intervention (nontherapeutic touch on the occipital bone). In both groups, plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, and heartrate were measured before and immediately after the intervention. Results. No effects related to the intervention were found. Although a reduction of norepinephrine, systolic blood pressure, and heart rate was found after the intervention, it was not exclusive to the intervention group. In fact, only the control group showed an increment of dopamine levels after intervention. Conclusion. Fourth ventricle compression seems not to have any effect in plasmatic catecholamine levels, blood pressure, or heart rate. Further studies are needed to clarify the CV-4 physiologic mechanisms and clinical efficacy in autonomic regulation and pain treatment.

Cell Therapy 2.0: Repragraming the Brain's Own Cells for Parkinson's treatment
(April 10th, 2017)
By: Knvul Sheikh
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

This article is about a major breakthrough that researchers show it possible to make dopamine cells from astrocytes, accelerating traditional stem cell procedures and improving disease symptoms.  

Flowers, sound, touch: Urban India's unusual remedies to tackle stress
(April 16th, 2017)
By: Rhythma Kaul & Anesha George
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

This article pertains to the alternative therapies and remedies being used to alleviate aches and pains, stress, and treat seasonal allergies.

Healing Concussions in our Hands...Literlly
(March 7th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, Contributor Author, Teacher, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

Our high impact culture feeds on the same gratification in our sports. In fact, game enthusiasts hunger for the impact- the great tackle, the head long dive for the base, the willingness of our athletes to sacrifice their bodies for the win, the score and the memorable play. One of the prices paid is to the head in the form of concussions and Traumatic brain injuries. Some prevention and rehabilitation therapies available to us include: Acupuncture, Massage, Healing touch, Visceral Release Manipulation, and Cranio-Sacral Therapy.   

It Takes a Village
(January 1st, 2018)
By: Tami A. Goldstein, WLMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tami tells the journey of her daughter's recovery from Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder to Functioning Recovery and independent living and how it takes a village to raise a child but it takes an autistic child to change the conciseness of the village.  She talks about what is Sensory Processing Disorder, CranioSacral Therapy and Bio-Medical Therapy, and what roles they play on the road to Functioning Recovery and independent living.

Sports Injury & Visceral Manipulation
(January 1st, 2018)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about what Visceral Manipulation is and how it can help treat sports injuries

Lymphatic balancing for the orthopedic patient
(November 1st, 2017)
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

This article talks about D'Ambrogio Lymphatic Balancing and the channeling the power of the lymph system. Kerry D'Ambrogio talks about what the lymphatic system is, application of Lymphatic Balancing and the Lymphatic Balancing courses offered by D'Ambrogio Institute. 

Líkami og tilfinningar eru ein
(September 20th, 2016)
By: Kynningardeild DV
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about CranioSacral Therapy. The body and emotions as a whole.

Evaluation of behavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms in autistic children after visceral osteopathic treatment
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Iona Bramati Castellarin,, Ian Drysdale, Vinood Patel
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,



Autism or Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) with abnormal or impaired development in reciprocal social interaction, abnormal or impaired social communication and social imagination. Recent theories focused on the possibility of autism being linked with gastrointestinal (GI) abnormalities. Moreover, the problem behaviour typical of autism might be linked to the underlying medical symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and bloating typical of GI dysfunction.

Faecal Calprotectin and a Twenty-Four-Parameter Questionnaire in Autistic Children with Gastrointestinal
(August 19th, 2017)
By: Ioná Bramati-Castellarin, Vinood Patel and Ian P Drysdale
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


This study investigated potential correlation between the inflammatory marker, Calprotectin, and a S.O.S questionnaire from forty-nine Autistic children. Symptom and behavioral questionnaires were completed contemporaneously with stool sample collection. Mixed Model data analysis showed strong correlation between some questionnaire parameters and Calprotectin. ‘Need for a fixed routine’ was highly significantly correlated with Calprotectin (

Faecal Calprotectin and a Twenty-Four-Parameter Questionnaire in Autistic Children with Gastrointestinal Symptoms
(August 19th, 2017)
By: Ioná Bramati-Castellarin, Vinood Patel and Ian P Drysdale2
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


This study investigated potential correlation between the inflammatory marker, Calprotectin, and a S.O.S questionnaire from forty-nine Autistic children. Symptom and behavioral questionnaires were completed contemporaneously with stool sample collection. Mixed Model data analysis showed strong correlation between some questionnaire parameters and Calprotectin. 'Need for a fixed routine' was highly significantly correlated with Calprotectin (í µí±<0.00009) with Multivariate Coefficient of 3.227, whilst paradoxically 'constipation' indicated significant change (í µí±<0.02) with negative Multivariate Coefficient (-1.584). The negative 'constipation' appears to associate with the positive 'need for a fixed routine' indicating possibility of reciprocal, independent prediction of gastrointestinal inflammation. Results suggest that 'need for a fixed routine' and 'constipation' be included in a screening questionnaire as independent predictors of bowel dysfunction in these children. 

Compression of the Fourth Ventricle Using a Craniosacral Osteopathic Technique: A Systematic Review of the Clinical Evidence
(October 17th, 2017)
By: Anna Żurowska, Roksana Malak, Anna Kołcz-Trzęsicka, WłodzimierzSamborski, and Małgorzata Paprocka-Borowicz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an article about CV4


Compression of the fourth ventricle (CV4) is a well-known osteopathic procedure, utilized by osteopaths, osteopathic physicians, craniosacral therapists, physical therapists, and manual therapists as part of their healthcare practice based on some evidence suggesting impact on nervous system functions. The main objective of the study was to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) assessing the clinical benefits of CV4 and to show the evidence supporting clinical prescriptions, guides, and advice in treating. A computerized search of the PubMed, CINAHL Complete, Scopus, Web of Science, and ScienceDirect databases was performed. Two filters were used (article type: RCTs; species: humans). The methodological quality of the trials was assessed using the Downs and Black quality checklist for healthcare intervention studies. Only six studies met the inclusion criteria, of which four were RCTs and two were observational studies. The Downs and Black score ranged from 17 to 24 points out of a maximum of 27 points. The present review revealed the paucity of CV4 research in patients with different clinical problems, as five out of six included studies investigated healthy adults. According to the results of the included studies, CV4 may be beneficial for patients with different functional problems.

Is Lymphatic Balancing the Missing Ingredient to Success in Your Practice?
(August 20th, 2016)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio, DOM, AP, PT, DO-MTP & Tracey Clark DO (MP), DCMOEB
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article talks about Lymphatic Balancing history and development and how the lymphatic system works. Dr. Kerry D’Ambrogio said “The ability to incorporate lymphatic balancing into treatment will also promote healing from the inside out by helping to create an internal environment that is conducive to healing.”

The Effects of CranioSacral Therapy on Brain Function Quotient of Elderly with Long-term Care Insurance Service/ Korea Science
(January 1st, 2016)
By: Lee, Jung-eun
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study was performed to identify the effects of the improvement of brain function by CST on the elderly with the 2nd or 3rd grade of long-term care insurance service. A quasi-experimental design using a nonequivalent control group, a pre-post test was used. A total of 12 elders. (6 in the experimental group, and 6 in the control group) were recruited. Upledger CST (10 step protocol) was performed on each subject for 50 minutes per session, once a week for a total of 8 treatments over an 8 week period. 

Treating childhood traumatic brain injury early to avoid lifelong cognitive deficits
(March 15th, 2017)
By: Medical Express
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Some children with traumatic brain injury take longer to transfer visual perception information between the brain hemispheres. Special MRI scans show that these children have structural changes in their brains that result in cognitive deficits. Children with delayed visual perception as a result of serious head injuries may end up with structural changes in their brains that interrupt normal development, a new Keck School of Medicine of USC study shows. 

CST and Headaches from Dental Braces
(January 3rd, 2018)
By: Case Studies by Dr. Weiner
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a case history about a 14-year-old girl who had been suffering from headaches for over a year and how CranioSacral Therapy helped.

Whether a child or an adult is planning to wear orthodontic braces, CranioSacral Therapy is highly recommended as a conjoint therapy to minimize any side effects of the dental work. In fact, CST prior to receiving braces can start to correct any functional restrictions present, and in some cases, may even eliminate the need for braces!

CPD: Autism and the visceral connection – An overview of recently published research
(June 1st, 2016)
By: Dr Ioná Bramati-Castellarin PhD, BSc (Hons) Ost Med D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

In this article, the author discussed the research behind the effectiveness of osteopathic visceral treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) signs and symptoms as well as behavior patterns in autistic children via manipulation of the ‘gut-brain axis’, and may represent a significant contribution to the evidence base for osteopathic treatment.

Visceral factors in rehabilitation & health
(October 1st, 2016)
By: Matthew Sorenson, PT, VM, DipRM and Matt Wallden, MSc Ost Med, DO, ND
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral health on rehab and prevention.

Article Outline

I.        Digestive organs lungs and pleura

II.        Adhesions and infertility

III.        Ovaries and endometriosis

IV.        Pelvic pain

V.        Leg pain

VI.        Viscera-brain connections

VII.        Beyond manual work to the viscera

VIII.        How common is visceral dysfunction?

IX.        Abdominal neurological connections

X.        Conclusion

XI.        References

CranioSacral Therapy, Brain Injury, and American Football: Time for a Convergence
(November 11th, 2017)
By: Eric Leskowitz, MD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Editor’s Note: Psychiatrist and chronic pain specialist, Eric Leskowitz, MD, retired  recently after 20 years as a member of the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical  School. He continues to lead the Integrative Medicine Task Force at the Harvard affiliated Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and maintains an avid interest in the  potential of integrative practices in sports‐related contexts. His first column for JACM, in  the May 2017 issue, ‘‘The Zone: A Measurable (and Contagious) Exemplar of Mind‐Body  Integration,’’ examined emerging evidence on athletes seeking that special level of ‘‘in  the zone’’ performance through integrative strategies. In  this, Dr. Leskowitz turns to what may be viewed as the other end of contact sports  performance: concussion and brain injury. The focus is on football, though the  applications may extend to the military. Again, the evidence is only emerging, and begs  more thorough exploration.    —John Weeks, Editor‐in‐Chief, JACM 

Ricky Williams won the Heisman Trophy in 1995, America's highest award for college football players. He went on to have a distinguished professional career with the Miami Dolphins. He was named to the Pro Bowl before he retired in 2011. His unusual career was marked by a 2-year leave of absence during which he studied a range of holistic therapies, including Ayurvedic medicine in India. He found particular benefit from a variant of traditional osteopathy in the cranial field, a technique known as CranioSacral Therapy (CST).2 Williams went on to receive training in CST. In subsequent collaboration with the primary training center for this technique, the Upledger Institute (UI) in Palm Beach, FL, he has organized a CST-based residential treatment program for ex-NFL players with suspected mild TBI.

East Side therapy clinic opens door to inmates
(May 10th, 2016)
By: Patty Machelor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how an Arizona PT clinic helps inmates in need of treatment. They specialize in helping people with orthopedic, geriatric and neurological conditions. Therapy is offered by way of both traditional and alternative techniques, including massage, myofascial release, CranioSacral therapy and reiki.

The Benefits of CranioSacral Therapy for Babies
(November 25th, 2015)
By: Venetia Moore
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the benefits for CranioSacral Therapy for Babies. It also explains what CranioSacral Therapy is and how it is very helpful for all babies as well as for those that have had complicated births. 

CranioSacral Applications for Autism
(November 1st, 2017)
By: Tami A. Goldstein, W.L.M.T., C.S.T.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tami explains Autism and how CranioSacal Therapy can help!!

“Physicians are beginning to recognize CST for addressing conditions such as autism. I had the opportunity to educate Geoffrey Bouc, M.D., who practices in Beloit, Wisconsin, about CST. I asked him why he now recommends CST for an individual with autism and he said, “It is an invaluable part of recovery and maximizing potential function.” Upledger said, “The shortest distance between two points is intention.” It is my intention to teach the world how to connect with those on the autism spectrum. If you understand autism spectrum disorder and sensory processing disorders, and have the intention to help those with autism through CranioSacral Therapy, you can open the world for these beautiful individuals who often live trapped inside themselves.”


Tami A. Goldstein, W.L.M.T., C.S.T., is certified in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and therapeutic massage. She is an advocate, speaker, and educator on autism and bodywork for autism. She’s the international award-winning author of the book Coming Through the Fog and a contributing author in Cutting Edge Therapies for Autism (2014 Edition). She wrote this article on behalf of Upledger Institute International (

(November 1st, 2017)
By: Tami Goldstein
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is written by two credentialed massage and craniosacral therapists who also happen to be mothers who had children diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

They talk about their journey finding Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and how it helped their children. Tami also talks about sharing and networking with the doctors effectively.

Compassion for self
(January 1st, 2017)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Compassion for self is to admit deeply the suffering that we feel from our own imperfections, and to accept the reality of our own fragility and mortality and to simply be and feel it. Compassion is about the presence of being, this non-describable spiritual connection where we can meet, this deep place of suffering that we share and will experience sometimes, somewhere, someplace in the greater depth of our lives and the greater depth of our being and that is ok. 

How craniosacral therapy can help reduce a child's stress
(November 7th, 2016)
By: Mike
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

For most parents, raising calm, thoughtful and mindful children in today's technology-obsessed society is a real challenge. Everything seems rushed and children don't have the time or space they need to really slow down and enjoy life. Craniosacral therapy can provide tools for those struggling to cope growing up. 

The Silver Lining: Connections Between the Gut, Brain and Immune System
(October 7th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Michael talks about the connections between the gut, brain and immune system. Where there is stress in one, the other will be influenced. That is certainly the down side. But the up side is that the opposite is also true. Where health prevails in one, the other will be influenced. And techniques working with the meningeal and CranioSacral systems reach through the body all the way to the gut. This is one way healthy eating can contribute to a healthy brain. And when modalities such as CranioSacral Therapy are utilized the cleansing and balancing for the brain reaches the gut. In turn the immune system is free to do its job with TRUE invaders.

Craniosacral Therapy for Depression, Neck Pain & Headaches
(October 17th, 2017)
By: Dr. Axe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Axe talks about what CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is, the benefits of CST, how CST works, CST for Infants and CST Training.

Is There Life In The Bones? - A Biography of Dr Fritz Smith and Zero Balancing
(October 6th, 2017)
By: David Lauterstein CERT ZB LMT
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing,

David Lauterstein talks about his biography he wrote about Fritz Smith's life: Life in the Bones: A Biography of Dr. Fritz Smith and Zero Balancing. 

Craniosacral Therapy May Help Lesson Symptoms of Post-Concussion Syndrome
(January 21st, 2012)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dorothy talks about her daughter suffering from a concussion and how CranioSacral Therapy helped her daughter.

She also talks how concussions effects the CST system.

She found that this approach allowed her to determine the most effective sequence of treatment in a way that didn't overwhelm but naturally strengthened the whole system's own self-corrective mechanisms. A closely targeted sequence of treatment is invaluable in order for the body to be able to make corrections that occur locally as well as globally throughout the body and brain.

Care for a concussion NOW will save you from LONG TERM effects
(February 10th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, Contributor Author, Teacher, LMT, CST - D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

One of the most common injuries incurred in sports is concussions. They are so common that their potential long-term effects can be overlooked as an ice pack is put upon the head until the player gets their wits back enough to run back on the field. More and more sufferers of such trauma to the brain are finding long-term effects surfacing years after retirement from their beloved sport. Gentle manipulation and craniosacral therapy work with the Cerebro-spinal fluid. We are made up largely of water, so why not use the greatest force within us to bring the body back into balance.     

Building Blocks for a New Paradigm of Aging
(May 15th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While paradigms may seem very solid they are only constructs created by us as we observe patterns and what seems to be. They can be helpful in some ways and limit in other ways. To create new Paradigm means we need to be open to a new pattern of looking at things. This article talks about random damage, normal aging, and cellular aging and the interest in a factor called homeostatic imbalance or allostatic load. This is the way the body deals with incoming stress and how long it takes to recover from the influence.   

CranioSacral Therapy and the High- Performance Athlete
(July 9th, 2012)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

High-performance athletes have grueling training schedules, intense focus, sheer athleticism and an unbelievable commitment level. This is the story of a 49-year-old cyclist and high-performance athlete in peak condition who started feeling off until he had a CST session and became completely centered again. 

Brain Injuries aren't obvious, but they affect 13.5 million Americans
(March 13th, 2017)
By: Sarah Kilch Gaffney, Special to the BDN
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Knowledge and awareness of Brain injuries have come a long way, but there is still so much work to do. Brain injury can be an incredibly isolating experience for both the survivor and the caregiver/ family members. Brain injuries can affect anyone at any time. Sarah Kilich Gaffney shares her story of losing her husband to a TBI and how she started working with the Brain Injury Association of America. 

As the Brain Ages, Glial-Cell Gene Expression Changes Most
(January 10th, 2017)
By: Ashley P Taylor
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Neurodegenerative diseases are often associated with aging. To learn what happens within the aging brain and potentially gain information relevant to human health, researchers examined the gene - expression patterns in postmortem brain samples. Overall, the researchers found, gene expression of glial cells changed more with age than did with neurons. These gene- expression changes were most significant in the hippocampus and substania nigra, regions damaged in Alzheimer's  and Parkinson's diseases. 

Brain Toxins Be Gone! The Role of the Glymphatic System Revealed
(August 31st, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Michael Morgan describes CranioSacral Therapy and how it can stop Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia in their tracks-perhaps even reverse prior brain damage.

Manual Therapy as a Proposed Treatment for Chronic Migraine
(August 31st, 2017)
By: Espí-López GV, Bermell-Salvador C and Cortés-Amador S
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The impact of migraine on the life of the person, is the reason why those affected seek complementary treatments to the pharmacological symptom relief, especially the muscular tensions of the cervical and pericranial. Manual therapy such as craniosacral techniques, spinal manipulation or myofascial manipulation have proven to be an effective intervention strategy in the treatment of MC. Being aware of the impact that chronic migraine has on the quality of life of the person, it is necessary for the professionals to acquire the commitment to carry out new investigations, in which they develop and establish which treatment strategies are effective and decrease the symptolatology derived from chronic migraine.

Twenty patients participated in six sessions of craniosacral therapy and were evaluated four times with the headache impact test (HIT- 6), the study lasted four weeks.

The authors concluded that craniosacral therapy may alleviate migraine symptoms, finding that HIT-6 scores were significantly lower after treatment. (p = 0.004). That is, the patients in the study had an improvement in pain, social participation, general activity, vitality, intellectual activity and biological suffering. This treatment could be considered as a potential therapy in improving the quality of life of patients with migraine. 

Massage Helps Burn Survivors Rediscover Touch
(September 20th, 2017)
By: Allison Payne
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how manual therapy and touch can help burn victims at time of trauma and after. 

What Is Visceral Organ Massage & Is It As Weird As It Sounds?
(September 22nd, 2017)
By: Lindsay Kellner
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

An article about Visceral Manipulation by MindBodyGreen, a positive online community for wellbeing.

To Err on the Side of Listening
(September 14th, 2017)
By: Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Lori Leitzel Rice, LMT, CST talks about her journey with chronic pain and how she became a better listener to her own body.

Care for a concussion NOW will save
(February 10th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, Contributor
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

The long-term effects of concussions can be overlooked and can surface years after retirement. Bumps, blows, and jolts to the head can lead to full range painful and debilitating symptoms. 

Cure Your Headaches + 7 Other Benefits Of Craniosacral Therapy
(September 13th, 2017)
By: Liivi Hess
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article talks about what CranioSacral Therapy is and the benefits. 

This is a great article to share with everyone!!!


(August 29th, 2017)
By: Phyllis Hanlon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks how bodywork can help addicts recover and rebuild. The author notes that CranioSacral therapy is particularly useful for people in recovery and goes deep within and helps individuals align themselves.

CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation: A New Treatment Intervention for Concussion Recovery
(August 28th, 2017)
By: Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, Melinda Roland, MA, PT, LAc, OMD, Dipl-Ac, CST-D, Sally Fryer-Dietz, PT, DPT, CDT-D, SIPT Cert, and Dee Dettmann-Ahern, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: Military service members and veterans face health issues related to traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially during combat, use of heavy equipment, and exposures to environmental hazards and explosives. There were 400,000 TBIs reported in deployed U.S. troops in 2012. Athletes are also subject to TBI. Studies have indicated that some manual therapies could be helpful for treating patients who have postconcussive syndrome.

Objective: This case series report describes the effects of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), Visceral Manipulation (VM), and Neural Manipulation (NM) modalities for treating patients who have post-concussion syndrome. The goal of this study was to evaluate these effects on immobility, pain intensity, quality of life, sleep disorders, and cognition in these patients.

Materials and Methods: This single-blinded case series was conducted at the Upledger Institute, in West Palm Beach, FL. The patients were 11 male retired professional football players from the National Football League and the Canadian Football League who had been medically diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome. Each participant received a morning and afternoon 2-hour session of these three specific manual therapies, which were capable of accessing and addressing the structural, vascular, and neurologic tissues of the cranium and brain—as well addressing far-reaching ramifications throughout the body following trauma. The main outcome measures were scores on the: Impact Neurocognitive Test; Dynavision Test; Short Form–36 Quality of Life Survey, Headache Impact Test, Dizziness Handicap Inventory; a numeric pain rating scale; orthopedic range of motion tests (ROM); and vestibular testing. Hours of sleep were also checked. These outcome measures were registered at baseline, after treatment, and after a 3-month follow up.

Results: Statistically significant differences were seen with a decrease in overall pain rating scale scores (P=0.0448), and cervicogenic pain levels decreased (P=0.0486). There were statistically significant increases in Dynavision Average Reaction Time (P=0.0332), Memory Test (P=0.0156) scores, and cervical ROM scores (P=0.0377). Hours of sleep averaged 2 hours on the first day of treatment and increased to 4.0 hours at the end of treatment and were continuing to increase, as noted at a 3-month evaluation.

Conclusions: Ten sessions of specific CST/VM/NM therapy resulted in statistically greater improvements in pain intensity, ROM, memory, cognition, and sleep in concussed patients

CranioSacral Therapy and the High-Performance Athlete
(August 28th, 2017)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

CST can be a key part of overall maintenance and healing in addition to deep tissue sports massage. CST is extremely beneficial to athletes. The approach to body work can benefit people in all walks and seasons of life, and will keep you centered.   

An Introduction of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome for the CST Practitioner
(December 1st, 2016)
By: Eloise Stager, BA, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a genetic, connective tissue disorder affecting collagen production. One of the primary and most debilitating symptoms of EDS is a widespread, unrelenting and varying pain, with episodes of acute, excruciating pain when there is a direct joint injury, subluxation, or dislocation.   Many people with EDS do not realize they have it. 

Brain gives up more secrets
(August 28th, 2017)
By: McGill University Health Centre
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

New Ground has been broken in our understanding of the complex functioning of the brain. The research demonstrates that brain cells, known as astrocytes, which play fundamental roles in nearly all aspects of brain function, could be adjusted by neurons in response to injury and disease. 

How ANGER affects your Brain and Body
(January 1st, 2017)
By: The National Institute for the clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine
Curriculum/s: Healing from the Core, Neural ManipulationT, Heart Centered Therapy,

8 Reasons Why We Need Human Touch More Than Ever
(March 28th, 2017)
By: Ray Williams

Physical touch is the foundational element of human development and culture. The growing preoccupation with digital media versus personal physical contact, combined with the social and legal media versus personal contact in our schools and workplaces, may unintentionally affect these factors negatively. To foster a safe social environment in a climate of mediated communication, we should intentionally hold onto physical touch.   

Massage Therapy & Bodywork Applications for Autism
(August 4th, 2017)
By: Tami Goldstein, WLMT, CST
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article talks about Autism Spectrum Disorder and the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and other bodywork provide. 

Post-concussion story
(August 1st, 2017)
By: Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Post-concussion story by Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D

Systematic review of randomized clinical trials of complementary/alternative therapies in the treatment of tension-type and cervicogenic headache
(September 1st, 1999)
By: C.S. McDermaid. C. Hagino. Howard Vernon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,



To conduct a systematic review of the randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) of complementary/alternative (CAM) therapies in the treatment of non-migrainous headache (i.e. excluding migraine, cluster and organic headaches).


Systematic review with quality scoring and evidence tables. Main outcome measures: Number of RCTs per therapy, quality scores, evidence tables.


Twenty-four RCTs were identified in the categories of acupuncture, spinal manipulation, electrotherapy, physiotherapy, homeopathy and other therapies. Headache categories included tension-type (under various names pre-1988), cervicogenic and post-traumatic. Quality scores for the RCT reports ranged from approximately 30 to 80 on a 100 point scale.


RCTs for CAM therapies of the treatment of non-migrainous headache exist in the literature and demonstrate that clinical experimental studies of these forms of headache can be conducted. Evidence from a sub-set of high quality studies indicates that some CAM therapies may be useful in the treatment of these common forms of headache.

Qualitative Evaluation of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy in a Patient With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Brief Report
(March 1st, 2014)
By: Leonardo Rios Diniz, DO (Brazil); Jacson Nesi, DO (Brazil); Ana Christina Curi, DO (Brazil); Wagner Martins, OMS V (Brazil), PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Context: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition that affects a growing number of people and is currently among the most common disorders seen in clinical practice.

Objective: To develop a protocol for the management of GERD with osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMTh) applied to the diaphragm and esophagus, and to evaluate the protocol's effectiveness using the quality of life scale (QS-GERD) for the disease.

Methods: In this single-blinded prospective study, an OMTh protocol focusing on the diaphragm and esophagus was applied to a single patient, who had received a diagnosis of GERD 4 years previously. Outcomes were measured using the QS-GERD, which has a total possible score ranging from 0 to 45 (the lower the score, the better the quality of life) and a level of satisfaction from very satisfied to incapacitated. The OMTh protocol was applied at 3 sessions (initial session, second session 1 week after the first, and third session 2 weeks after the second), and the patient completed the QS-GERD 4 times (before the first session, before the third session, and 2 and 4 weeks after the third session).

Results: The OMTh protocol was administered without adverse events, and the patient reported positive outcomes after the third session. The QS-GERD showed a score improvement from 13 of 45 to 4 of 45.

Conclusion: The results in the present report show that OMTh applied to the diaphragm and esophagus may improve symptoms of GERD and should be added to the somatovisceral approach to the care of patients with this condition.

Qualitative Evaluation of Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy in a Patient With Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Brief Report
(March 3rd, 2014)
By: Leonardo Rios Diniz, DO (Brazil); Jacson Nesi, DO (Brazil); Ana Christina Curi, DO (Brazil); Wagner Martins, OMS V (Brazil), PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Context: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic condition that affects a growing number of people and is currently among the most common disorders seen in clinical practice.

Objective: To develop a protocol for the management of GERD with osteopathic manipulative therapy (OMTh) applied to the diaphragm and esophagus, and to evaluate the protocol's effectiveness using the quality of life scale (QS-GERD) for the disease.

Methods: In this single-blinded prospective study, an OMTh protocol focusing on the diaphragm and esophagus was applied to a single patient, who had received a diagnosis of GERD 4 years previously. Outcomes were measured using the QS-GERD, which has a total possible score ranging from 0 to 45 (the lower the score, the better the quality of life) and a level of satisfaction from very satisfied to incapacitated. The OMTh protocol was applied at 3 sessions (initial session, second session 1 week after the first, and third session 2 weeks after the second), and the patient completed the QS-GERD 4 times (before the first session, before the third session, and 2 and 4 weeks after the third session).

Results: The OMTh protocol was administered without adverse events, and the patient reported positive outcomes after the third session. The QS-GERD showed a score improvement from 13 of 45 to 4 of 45.

Conclusion: The results in the present report show that OMTh applied to the diaphragm and esophagus may improve symptoms of GERD and should be added to the somatovisceral approach to the care of patients with this condition.

Why Is Self Care Important
(August 1st, 2017)
By: Tanya Drayton, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Tanya shares her story. Self  care  is  important,  and  not  only  for  your  own  well  being.  Its  importance  reaches  out  into  your  practice  and   improves  your  ability  to  facilitate  your  clients  and  patients  to  a  better  state  of  wholeness.  It  makes  you  the  best   practitioner  you  can  possibly  be,  each  and  every  day.  

Organ massage is the next big wellness trend, and we're absolutely fascinated
(March 6th, 2017)
By: Krista Jensen
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about what is Visceral Manipulation and what it has shown to be helpful for. 

Does fascia hold memories?
(August 1st, 2014)
By: School of Osteopathy C.R.O.M.O.N., Italy(1). Electronic address:
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

The idea that tissues may possess some sort of memory is a controversial topic in manual medicine, calling for research and clinical exploration. Many bodyworkers, at some point in their practice, have experienced phenomena that may be interpreted as representing a release of memory traces when working on dysfunctional tissues. This feeling may have been accompanied by some type of sensory experience, for the therapist and/or the patient. In some cases, early traumatic experiences may be recalled. When this happens, the potency of the memory may be erased or eased, along with restoration of tissue function. Hence the questions: can memories be held in the fascia? And: are these memories accessible during manual fascial work? Modern research has proposed a variety of different interpretations as to how memory might be stored in soft tissues, possibly involving other forms of information storage not exclusively processed neurologically (Box 1).

Soft Hands, Soft Words
(March 13th, 2017)
By: Rob Williamson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the therapist-healer facilitating client's transformation process through therapeutic language, imagery and dialogue.

Rob gives many examples how to dialogue with the client/patient.

The Effects of Cranio-Sacral Therapy on Brain Function Quotient of Elderly with Long-term Care Insurance Service
(August 1st, 2016)
By: Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study was performed to identify the effects of the improvement of brain function by CST on the elderly with the 2nd or 3rd grade of long-term care insurance service. A quasi-experimental design using a nonequivalent control group, pre-post test was used. A total of 12 elders (6 in the experimental group and 6 in the control group) were recruited. Upledger CST(10-Step Protocol) was performed on each subject for 50 minutes per session, once a week, for a total of 8 treatments over an 8 week period from Jan to Feb 2015. The brain function quotient was measured before the 1st CST and after the last CST by portable EEG measurement device using a 2 Channel neuro-feedback system. The data was analyzed by SPSS (Ver. 18.0) program. After CST intervention, the attention quotient (AQ), level of tension, anti-stress quotient (ASQ), emotion quotient (EQ) and brain quotient (BQ) of the experimental group was significantly better than that of the control group. These results showed that the CST was effective in reducing the level of fatigue by the AQ, increasing the physical and psychological stress relief by the ASQ, emotional balance by the EQ, and improving the total brain function by the BQ. Therefore, CST can be used as an effective intervention for improving the health and brain function of the elderly in health facilities.

What Exactly is Visceral Manipulation (Organ Massage) and Is It Safe?
(March 9th, 2017)
By: Lauren Mazzo
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is an article written in Shape Magazine about Visceral Manipulation. It is meant for the lay person to understand through gentle stimulation, Visceral Manipulation is shown to help a host of issues including women’s health condition, sleep, mood, digestion, pain, trauma, and stress.

What Exactly Is Visceral Manipulation (Organ Massage) and Is It Safe?
(March 9th, 2017)
By: Lauren Mazzo
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is an article written in Shape Magazine about Visceral Manipulation. It is meant for the lay person to understand through gentle stimulation, Visceral Manipulation is shown to help a host of issues including women’s health condition, sleep, mood, digestion, pain, trauma, and stress.

Meet the Weirdest Wellness Craze of the Moment: Organ Massage
(March 6th, 2017)
By: Lauren Mechling
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an article written in Vogue Magazine about Visceral Manipulation.

It is meant for the lay person to understand through gentle stimulation, Visceral Manipulation is shown to help a host of issues including sleep, mood, digestion, pain, trauma, and stress.

It is wonderful to see that Visceral Manipulation and Jean-Pierre Barral have gone mainstream in  Vogue magazine. The article also mentions CranioSacral Therapy.

The writer interviewed Gail Wetzler, PT, DPT, EDO, BI-D, Director of Curriculum for BI, for the article. According to the writer, in the more trendy cities such as Los Angeles and NYC, there is a surge in models, actresses and actors, and dancers seeking this "new" Organ Massage, aka Visceral Manipulation.

Visceral Manipulation Treatment to Patients With Non-specific Neck Pain With Functional Dyspepsia
(February 1st, 2017)
By: Fabiano Politti, University of Nove de Julho, Andréia Cristina de Oliveira Silva, Claudia Santos Oliveira Daniela Aparecida Biasotto-Gonzalez Marco Antônio Fumagalli Cid André Fidelis de Paula Gomes
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Background: Non-specific neck pain (NS-NP) is characterized by pain in structures located in the region between the superior nuchal line and the spinal process of the first thoracic vertebra, without association with any specific systemic disease provided by multifactorial and/or little known causes.

 Objective: The objective of the present study will be to verify the clinical effects of MV through visceral nociceptive inhibition in NS-NP patients with functional dyspepsia.

Methods: In this study sixty NS-NP patients with functional dyspepsia (age: 18 and 50 years) will be randomized in into two groups: visceral manipulation group (VMG) (n =30) and control group (CG) (n =30). The VMG will be treated with visceral manipulation to the stomach and liver wile CG received placebo treatment. The immediate effects and 7 days after treatment will be evaluated through pain, cervical range, and electromyographic activity of the upper trapezius.

Healing GERD; just as nature designed
(July 26th, 2017)
By: Kim Furtado
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article talks about the natural approach to heal reflux, GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Visceral manipulation, a form of gentle bodywork to help alleviate GERD symptoms with a hiatal hernia.

The Effect of Visceral Osteopathic Manual Therapy Applications On Pain
(March 30th, 2017)
By: Tamer S, Oz M., Ulger O.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,



The efficacy of osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) applications on chronic nonspecific low back pain (LBP) has been demonstrated. However, visceral applications, which are an important part of OMT techniques, have not been included in those studies.


The study's objective was to determine the effect of OMT including visceral applications on the function and quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic nonspecific LBP.


The study was designed with a simple method of block randomization.


Thirty-nine patients with chronic nonspecific LBP were included in the study. OMT group consisted of 19 patients to whom OMT and exercise methods were applied. The visceral osteopathic manual therapy (vOMT) group consisted of 20 patients to whom visceral applications were applied in addition to the applications carried out in the other group. Ten sessions were performed over a two-week period. Pain (VAS), function (Oswestry Index) and QoL (SF-36) assessments were carried out before the treatment and on the sixth week of treatment.


Both of the treatments were found to be effective on pain and function, physical function, pain, general health, social function of the QoL sub-parameter. vOMT was effective on all sub-QoL parameters (p<0.05). Comparing the groups, it was determined that the energy and physical limitations of the QoL scores in vOMT were higher (p< 0.05).


Visceral applications on patients with non-specific LBP gave positive results together with OMT and exercise methods. We 

The effect of visceral osteopathic manual therapy applications on pain, quality of life and function in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pa
(July 1st, 2017)
By: Tamer S, Öz M, Ülger Ö.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,



The efficacy of osteopathic manual therapy (OMT) applications on chronic nonspecific low back pain (LBP) has been demonstrated. However, visceral applications, which are an important part of OMT techniques, have not been included in those studies.


The study's objective was to determine the effect of OMT including visceral applications on the function and quality of life (QoL) in patients with chronic nonspecific LBP.


The study was designed with a simple method of block randomization.


Thirty-nine patients with chronic nonspecific LBP were included in the study. OMT group consisted of 19 patients to whom OMT and exercise methods were applied. The visceral osteopathic manual therapy (vOMT) group consisted of 20 patients to whom visceral applications were applied in addition to the applications carried out in the other group. Ten sessions were performed over a two-week period. Pain (VAS), function (Oswestry Index) and QoL (SF-36) assessments were carried out before the treatment and on the sixth week of treatment.


Both of the treatments were found to be effective on pain and function, physical function, pain, general health, social function of the QoL sub-parameter. vOMT was effective on all sub-QoL parameters (p<0.05). Comparing the groups, it was determined that the energy and physical limitations of the QoL scores in vOMT were higher (p< 0.05).


Visceral applications on patients with non-specific LBP gave positive results together with OMT and exercise methods. We 

The effect of visceral osteopathic manual therapy applications on pain, quality of life and function in patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain.
(July 1st, 2017)
By: Tamer S, Öz M, Ülger Ö.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Low back pain is a problem for individuals  in developed societies.

Chronic low back pain comprises of 85% of all back pain. there are many treatment options for coping with the pain, some therapy's include exercise, cognitive therapy, massage training schools etc.

Visceral Manipulation has been proven to help those individuals with quite a bit of improvement within the first session.

IBCLCs and Craniosacral Therapists: Strange Bedfellows or a Perfect Match?
(November 3rd, 2016)
By: Berg-Drazin, P
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and babies with tongue-tie. CST complements IBCLCs working with the families of babies with tongue-tie all too often are the first ones to notice the symptoms and suggest treatment. Even after the tongue has been released, these infants continue to struggle with breastfeeding. The tongue plays an integral role in breastfeeding, but it is also crucial to other oral functions such as speech, respiration, oral hygiene, swallowing, and chewing. The tongue is connected through the extrinsic muscles to bone both above and below the oral cavity. The restriction of the tongue results in associated strains in the body. We will follow the muscular connections and origins to understand the influences in the body. Craniosacral therapy (CST) has its origin in osteopathy, which teaches that structure and function are reciprocally interrelated. When structure is compromised, function will be as well. CST is a perfect complement to help these infants' bodies release the tensions created as well as to aid in rebalancing structurally and somatically. A case study will illuminate the tremendous impact CST can have on children suffering from tongue-tie

(September 18th, 2014)
By: Karen Axelrod, C.S.T.-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While there are many reasons a woman might have difficulty becoming pregnant, one reason has to do with stress levels and hormones in the future mother’s body.

This article talks about how CranioSacral Therapy can contribute to balancing a woman’s stress levels—and can therefore help improve fertility. 

CranioSacral Therapy for Decreasing Stress and Improving Fertility
(September 18th, 2014)
By: Karen Axelrod, BA, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While there are many reasons a woman might have difficulty becoming pregnant, one reason has to do with stress levels and hormones in the future mother’s body.

This article talks about how CranioSacral Therapy can contribute to balancing a woman’s stress levels—and can therefore help improve fertility. 

How Can Craniosacral Therapy Help with Stress?
(September 12th, 2011)
By: Jamison Shults
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains in simplistic terms how CranioSacral Therapy can help reduce stress.   

Four Simple Steps to Preventing Alzheimer’s Disease
(April 27th, 2017)
By: Michael Morgan, Contributor Author, Teacher, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Michael Morgan talks about four simple steps to preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Research is giving us more and more reason to hope that Alzheimer’s is not only preventable but quite possibly reversible.

Glia, not neurons, are most affected by brain aging
(January 10th, 2017)
By: Cell Press
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The difference between an old brain and a young brain isn't so much the number of neurons but the presence and function of supporting cells called glia. In a new article, researchers who examined postmortem brain samples from 480 individuals ranging in age from 16 to 106 found that the state of someone's glia is so consistent through the years that it can be used to predict someone's age.

Equine Wellness Craniosacral Therapy 101
(June 14th, 2017)
By: Equine Wellness Magazine
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about what CranioSacral therapy is and how it is effective treating horses.  It also talks how the cerebrospinal fluid from cranium to sacrum impacts the system.


Connection between the spinal dura mater and suboccipital musculature: evidence for the myodural bridge and a route for its dissection--a review
(May 25th, 2012)
By: KOUROSH KAHKESHANI AND PETER J. WARD* Department of Biomedical Sciences, West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lewisburg, West Virginia
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


A connective tissue link between the spinal dura mater and the rectus capitis posterior minor muscle was first described in 1995 and has since been readily demonstrated via dissection, magnetic resonance imaging, and plastinated cross-sections of the upper cervical region (Hack et al. [1995] Spine 20:2484-2486). This structure, the so-called "myodural bridge," has yet to be included in any of the American anatomy textbooks or dissection guides commonly used in medical education. This direct anatomic link between the musculoskeletal system and the dura mater has important ramifications for the treatment of chronic cervicogenic headache. This article summarizes the anatomic and clinical research literature related to this structure and provides a simple approach to dissect the myodural bridge and its attachment to the posterior atlanto-occipital membrane/spinal dura mater complex and summarizes the case for its possible inclusion in medical anatomy curricula.

Craniosacral therapy (CST) proven to relieve chronic neck pain and migraines
(March 15th, 2017)
By: Sara Vincent
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A recent study has shown craniosacral therapy to be effective in improving pain intensity, functional disability, and health-related quality of life. It is a non-invasive approach that uses gentle manual palpation techniques to release fascial restrictions between the cranium and the sacrum

In this study, 54 patients were randomized into either 8 weekly units of craniosacral therapy or light-touch sham treatment. Outcomes were assessed before and after treatment (week 8) and again 3 months later (week 20). It was observed significant effects on reducing neck pain intensity for up to 3 months after the intervention.

(June 15th, 2009)
By: James M. Whedon, DC, Donald Glassey, MSW, DC, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


We hypothesize that stasis of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) occurs commonly and is detrimental to health. Physiologic factors affecting the normal circulation of CSF include cardiovascular, respiratory, and vasomotor influences. The CSF maintains the electrolytic environment of the central nervous system (CNS), influences systemic acid-base balance, serves as a medium for the supply of nutrients to neuronal and glial cells, functions as a lymphatic system for the CNS by removing the waste products of cellular metabolism, and transports hormones, neurotransmitters, releasing factors, and other neuropeptides throughout the CNS. Physiologic impedance or cessation of CSF flow may occur commonly in the absence of degenerative changes or pathology and may compromise the normal physiologic functions of the CSF. CSF appears to be particularly prone to stasis within the spinal canal. CSF stasis may be associated with adverse mechanical cord tension, vertebral subluxation syndrome, reduced cranial rhythmic impulse, and restricted respiratory function. Increased sympathetic tone, facilitated spinal segments, dural tension, and decreased CSF flow have been described as closely related aspects of an overall pattern of structural and energetic dysfunction in the axial skeleton and CNS. Therapies directed at affecting CSF flow include osteopathic care (especially cranial manipulation), craniosacral therapy, chiropractic adjustment of the spine and cranium, Network Care (formerly Network Chiropractic), massage therapy (including lymphatic drainage techniques), yoga, therapeutic breathwork, and cerebrospinal fluid technique. Further investigation into the nature and causation of CSF stasis, its potential effects upon human health, and effective therapies for its correction is warranted.

How craniosacral therapy can help reduce a child's stress
(November 7th, 2016)
By: Healthy Pages
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how CST can help reduce a child's stress

Arnold Chiari Malformation Case Study
(January 14th, 2015)
By: Jan Camus CST-D MCS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Jan Camus talks about Arnold Chiari Malformation and how CraniosSacral Therapy will help. He provides an extensive case history of a 55 year old adult.

(December 1st, 2016)
By: Kenneth R. Koles, PhD, DSc, RAc, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ken Koles talks about what Craniosacral Therapy is and the benefits of this work. 

It's all in your gut
(July 1st, 2017)
By: Nikki Kenward
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article talks about how the enteric brain, now referred as the second brain, will guide you to optimum health.  It seems the gut plays a central role in all aspects of our health and that it is where most ill health or dis-ease begins.

(January 4th, 2017)
By: Katja Puolakka, CST, UI Finland Inkeri Lappi, Midwife
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST article in Finnish

Manual Therapies Reduce Pain Associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia
(November 24th, 2016)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Introduction: Trigeminal Neuralgia {TN) can be an extremely debilitating condition effecting quality of life, emotional well-being, and engagement in daily occupation. Surgical and medication treatments are cited extensively through the literature but can have undesired side effects, can lose effectiveness over time, or are quite invasive. Little is reported about craniosacral therapy, lymphatic drainage, or other gentle manual techniques as treatment options. 

Objective: This paper introduces and summarizes the experiential process and outcomes of three adults receiving manual therapies to treat TN. This review investigates low-risk, conservation clinical options and explores for treatment guidelines for TN. 

Method: Chart review and client interviews in multiple follow-up contacts of a convenience sample to explore immediate and long term outcomes. All treatment techniques utilized per clients are summarized, and include: Upledger's CranioSacral Therapy (U-CST); Chikly's brain curriculum for lymphatic enhancement and nerve down-regulation techniques; and Wanveer's glia structure and glymphatic mobilization techniques. One occurrence of a spontaneous Somato-Emotional Release technique was also called for. Measurement of baseline and outcomes was conducted using: Verbal descriptor scale; Verbal numeric rating scale; Visual analog scale (VAS); and Self-report of quality of life and pain's impact upon performing daily activities. Data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis 

Conclusion: Three adults reported individual positive changes or resolution of TN pain. All three reported restoration of quality of life and emotional well-being. One made use of techniques for self-help Comparison to other methods, or variations of these methods utilizing the same names or terminologies, should be avoided. This report is an attempt to aid in the needed clarification between different approaches used in clinical practices. Positive responses suggest that these methods hold value for further study as a viable treatment option to address the agony of neuralgia. 

Utility of craniosacral therapy in treatment of patients with non-specific low back pain. Preliminary report.
(February 6th, 2017)
By: Biafoszewski D, Bebelski M, Lewandowska M, Sfupik A
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


BACKGROUND: Non-specific low back pain is an increasingly common musculoskeletal ailment. The aim of this study was to examine the utility of craniosacral therapy techniques in the treatment of patients with lumbosacral spine overload and to compare its effectiveness to that of trigger point therapy, which is a recognised therapeutic approach. 

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study enrolled 55 randomly selected patients (aged 24-47 years) with low back pain due to overload. Other causes of this condition in the patients were ruled out. The participants were again randomly assigned to two groups: patients treated with craniosacral therapy (G-CST) and patients treated with trigger point therapy (G-TPT). Multiple aspects of the effectiveness of both therapies were evaluated with the use of: an analogue scale for pain (VAS) and a modified Laitinen questionnaire, the Schober test and surface electromyography of the multifidus muscle. The statistical analysis of the outcomes was based on the basic statistics, the Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon's signed rank test. The statistical significance level was set at ps0.05. 

RESULTS: Both groups demonstrated a significant reduction of pain measured with the VAS scale and the Laitinen questionnaire. Moreover, the resting bioelectric activity of the multifidus muscle decreased significantly in the G-CST group. The groups did not differ significantly with regard to the study parameters. 

CONCLUSIONS: 1. Craniosacral therapy and trigger point therapy may effectively reduce the intensity and frequency of pain in patients with non-specific low back pain. 2. Craniosacral therapy, unlike trigger point therapy, reduces the resting tension of the multifidus muscle in patients with non­specific lumbosacral pain. The mechanism of these changes requires further research. 3. Craniosacral therapy and trigger point therapy may be clinically effective in the treatment of patients with non-specific lumbosacral spine pain. 4. The present findings represent a basis for conducting further and prospective studies of larger and randomized samples. 

General Movements in preterm infants undergoing craniosacral therapy: a randomised controlled pilot-trial
(January 13th, 2016)
By: Wolfgang Raith, Peter B. Marschik, Constanze Sommer, Ute Maurer-Fellbaum, Claudia Amhofer, Alexander Avian, Elisabeth Lowenstein, Susanne Soral, Wilhelm Muller, Christa Einspieler, and Berndt Urlesberger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: The objective of this study was to investigate neurological short-term effects of craniosacral therapy as an ideal form of osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) due to the soft kinaesthetic stimulation. 

Methods: Included were 30 preterm infants, with a gestational age between 25 and 33 weeks, who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of the University Hospital of Graz, Austria. The infants were randomized either into the intervention group (IG) which received standardised craniosacral therapy, or the control group (CG) which received standard care. To guarantee that only preterm infants with subsequent normal neurodevelopment were included, follow up was done regularly at the corrected age (= actual age in weeks minus weeks premature) of 12 and 24 months. After 2 years 5 infants had to be excluded (IG; n = 12; CG: n = 13). 

General Movements (GMs) are part of the spontaneous movement repertoire and are present from early fetal life onwards until the end of the first half year of life. To evaluate the immediate result of such an intervention, we selected the General Movement Assessment (GMA) as an appropriate tool. Besides the global GMA (primary outcome) we used as detailed GMA, the General Movement Optimality Score (GMOS- secondary outcome), based on Prechtl's optimality concept. To analyse GMOS (secondary outcome) a linear mixed model with fixed effects for session, time point (time point refers to the comparisons of the measurements before vs. after each session) and intervention (IG vs. CG), random effect for individual children and a first order autoregressive covariance structure was used for calculation of significant differences between groups and interactions. Following interaction terms were included in the model: session*time point, session*intervention, time point*intervention and session*time point*intervention. Exploratory post hoc analyses (interaction: session*time point*intervention) were performed to determine group differences for all twelve measurement (before and after all 6 sessions) separately. 

Results: Between groups no difference in the global GMA (primary outcome) could be observed. 

The GMOS (secondary outcome) did not change from session to session (main effect session: p = 0.262) in the IG or the CG. Furthermore no differences between IG and CG (main effect group: p = 0.361) and no interaction of time*session could be observed (p = 0.658). Post hoc analysis showed a trend toward higher values before (p = 0.085) and after (p = 0.075) the first session in CG compared to IG. At all other time points GMOS were not significantly different between groups. 

Conclusion: We were able to indicate that a group of "healthy" preterm infants undergoing an intervention with craniosacral therapy (IG) showed no significant changes in GMs compared to preterm infants without intervention (CG). In view of the fact that the global GMA (primary outcome) showed no difference between groups and the GMOS (detailed GMA-secondary outcome) did not deteriorate in the IG, craniosacral therapy seems to be safe in preterm infants. 

Exploring clients’ experiences of craniosacral therapy: A qualitative study (2012)
(October 6th, 2014)
By: Nicola Brough, Antje Lindenmeyer, Jill Thistlethwaite , George Lewith, Sarah Stewart-Brown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Introduction: Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a ‘body based’ complementary or alternative medical practice which aims to support natural healing mechanisms. There is limited evidence regarding its effectiveness or mechanisms of action.

Methods: Qualitative study based on constant comparative methods informed by grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews explored 29 participants’ experiences with CST. Inductive thematic analysis resulted in themes, concepts and illustrative quotes.

Results: Participants consulted for pain relief, emotional and psychological issues and help with rehabilitation. All but four participants reported improvement in at least two of the three dimensions of holistic wellbeing: body, mind and spirit, others in one. Experiences during CST included altered perceptual states and other specific sensations and emotions. The importance of the therapeutic relationship was emphasized. Theory emerging from this study regarding CST and the ways in which healing can be enabled holistically suggests that the establishment of a trusting therapeutic relationship enables CST to take clients into altered perceptual states; these in turn facilitate a new level of awareness regarding the interrelatedness of body, mind and spirit, together with an enhanced capacity to care for self and manage health problems.

Conclusion: All participants in this study observed positive changes in their health status and most attributed these to CST; these changes were frequently accompanied by new levels of health awareness which enhanced participants’ capacity to self-care. Interviewees were self-selected users of CST and the data are therefore subject to certain methodological biases.

Effects of craniosacral therapy as experienced by pregnant women with severe pelvic girdle pain: An interview study
(June 24th, 2014)
By: Helen Elden, Ingela Lundgren, Eva Robertson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: Pelvic girdle pain (PGP) affects 50% of pregnant women worldwide. PGP increases with advancing pregnancy with considerable impact on quality oflife, interfering with sleep, daily activities, work, motherhood and close interpersonal relationships. The use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is increasingly prevalent among pregnant women, particularly for pregnancy-induced back pain. Craniosacral treatment (CST) is a CAM that has shown symptom relieving effects in pregnancy-related back pain. The purpose of this study was to describe women's experiences of the treatment. 

Methods: Twenty-seven women receiving CST plus standard treatment (ST) were interviewed following 3 of5 treatments with CST by two qualified and experienced CST practitioners. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis. 

Results: The experience of CST by pregnant women diagnosed with severe PGP can be described in three categories: An unfamiliar and different treatment method; description of treatment effects, and regaining a personal and social life. 

Women described how CST provided them with new awareness of their widespread muscle tension. They told of how they experienced increased body awareness, distraction from pain, relaxation and calm, and feelings of security and optimism. These factors may have helped them actively improve posture and lower muscle tension thereby relieving the symptoms of PGP. 

Conclusions: The present study reports a contextual interpretation of previously published quantitative data, as it provides a deeper understanding of total symptom relief from PGP during pregnancy. 

The use of craniosacral therapy in a physically-impaired population in a disability service in Southern Ireland
(November 1st, 2007)
By: Vicki McManus & Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with children is increasing (Nickel 1996). The use of craniosacral therapy is common in children with special needs for relief from daily or weekly symptoms (Sinha et al 2005, Hurvitz et al 2003). Carlson and Krahn found that their sample of people with physical disabilities used CAM including CST because it fitted their lifestyles and because they perceived it to be more effective than conventional medicine for treating symptoms or treating decreased function (Carlson et al 2006).

The article describes families’ reasons for using CST and their perceptions of its effectiveness. 

“Our study shows that families perceive improvements in all areas of daily functioning after using CST.”

Craniosacral therapy in welfare and autonomous nervous system of fighters of mixed martial arts: cases study
(March 30th, 2014)
By: Diane Nogueira Paranhos Amorim, Lia Medeiros Brandim Mendon, Ludmilla Karen Brandao Lima de Matos, Iara Sayuri Shimizu
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Introduction: The Craniosacral Therapy uses tender and accurate touches to diagnose and treat the craniosacral system. The Mixed Martial Arts athletes are exposed at risk of injury during competitions, which can affect your wel­fare. The Craniosacral Therapy improves the functioning of the Central and Autonomic Nervous System, that promotes relaxation, sense of welfare and homeostasis in the body. Objective: to evaluate the effect of Craniosacral Therapy in welfare and Autonomic Nervous System in Mixed Martial Arts fighters. Method: We conducted a case study by an­alyzing the heart rate and general welfare of OS Mixed Martial Arts fighters, eight sessions with Craniosacral Thera­py, using respectively a frequency Polar RS800 and a Range of Subjective Well-Being for collection data, posteriorly it was submitted to the calculation of mean and standard deviation and "T Studant" test to compare the data before and after the treatments. Results: The initial evaluation of the athletes showed a high subjective well-being, that re­mained after the therapy. There was a statistically significant increase in one of the athletes with respect to positive affect (from 4.048 ± 0.5896 to 4.429 ± 0.5071). As for the negative affects three increased the score. There was a statistically significant reduction (p <0.001) between the initial and final heart rates in each service, with averages of 68.50 and 63.28 respectively. Conclusion: The Craniosacral Therapy increases the activity of the parasympatic ner­vous system, promoting decreased heart rate, providing better coronary flow and that al

Craniosacral therapy for migraine: Protocol development for an exploratory controlled clinical trial
(June 9th, 2008)
By: John D Mann, Keturah R Faurot, Laurel Wilkinson, Peter Curtis, Remy R Coeytaux, Chirayath Suchindrans and Susan A Gaylord
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: Migraine affects approximately 20% of the population. Conventional care for migraine is suboptimal; overuse of medications for the treatment of episodic migraines is a risk factor for developing chronic daily headache. The study of non­pharmaceutical approaches for prevention of migraine headaches is therefore warranted. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a popular non-pharmacological approach to the treatment or prevention of migraine headaches for which there is limited evidence of safety and efficacy. In this paper, we describe an ongoing feasibility study to assess the safety and efficacy of CST in the treatment of migraine, using a rigorous and innovative randomized controlled study design involving low-strength static magnets (LSSM) as an attention control intervention. 

Methods: The trial is designed to test the hypothesis that, compared to those receiving usual care plus a treatment with low­strength static magnets (attention-control complementary therapy), subjects receiving usual medical care plus CST will demonstrate significant improvement in: quality-of-life as measured by the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6); reduced frequency of migraine; and a perception of clinical benefit. Criteria for inclusion are either gender, age > I I, English or Spanish speaking, meeting the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD) criteria for migraine with or without aura, a headache frequency of 5 to 15 per month over at least two years. After an 8 week baseline phase, eligible subjects are randomized to either CST or an attention control intervention, low strength static magnets (LSSM). To evaluate possible therapist bias, videotaped encounters are analyzed to assess for any systematic group differences in interactions with subjects. 

Results: 169 individuals have been screened for eligibility, of which I 09 were eligible for the study. Five did not qualify during the baseline phase because of inadequate headache frequency. Nineteen have withdrawn from the study after giving consent. 

Conclusion: This report endorses the feasibility of undertaking a rigorous randomized clinical trial of CST for migraine using a standardized CST protocol and an innovative control protocol developed for the study. Subjects are able and willing to complete detailed headache diaries during an 8-week baseline period, with few dropouts during the study period, indicating the acceptability of both interventions. 

Complementary and alternative medicine use in Irish pediatric patients
(June 1st, 2008)
By: E. Low, D. M. Murray, 0. O'Mahony, J. O'B Hourihane
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,



Although very little scientific data exists on the efficacy and side effects of complementary and alternative medicines, their profile and availability is increasing. Use among Irish children is unknown. 


To determine the nature and prevalence of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) use in our pediatric population. 


Parental questionnaires were distributed in 13 pediatric settings over a 4 months period

Asking the experts: A qualitative analysis of patient-centered outcomes for Craniosacral Therapy research
(September 1st, 2015)
By: Heidemarie Haller, Romy Lauche, Holger Cramer, Bettina Berger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Introduction: Research in body based complementary ther­apies such as Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is often focused on physical outcome measures. This study therefore investigated patients' experiences of CST to reveal additional outcome domains for further clinical trials. 

Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial
(November 8th, 2016)
By: Adelaida Marı´a Castro-Sa´nchez, PT, PhD, Inmaculada Carmen Lara-Palomo, PT, PhD, Guillermo A. Matara´n-Pen˜arrocha, MD, PhD, Manuel Saavedra-Herna´ndez, PT, PhD, Jose´ Manuel Pe´rez-Ma´rmol, OT, and Marı´a Encarnacio´n Aguilar-Ferra´ndiz, PT, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Objectives: To evaluate the effects of craniosacral therapy on disability, pain intensity, quality of life, and mobility in patients with low back pain. Design: A single-blinded randomized controlled trial. Patients: Sixty-four patients with chronic nonspecific low back pain (mean age–SD, 50–12 years; 66% female) who were referred for physical therapy at a clinical unit of the Health Science School of the University of Almeria (Spain). Interventions: Participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (10 sessions of craniosacral therapy) or a control group (10 sessions of classic massage). Outcome measures: Disability (Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire [RMQ, primary outcome] and Oswestry Disability Index), pain intensity (10-point numeric pain rating scale), kinesiophobia (Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia), isometric endurance of trunk flexor muscles (McQuade test), lumbar mobility in flexion, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, hemodynamic measures (cardiac index), and biochemical estimation of interstitial fluid. These outcomes were registered at baseline, after treatment, and 1-month follow-up. Results: No statistically significant differences were seen between groups for the main outcome of the study, the RMQ (p=0.060). However, patients receiving craniosacral therapy experienced greater improvement in pain intensity (p£0.008), hemoglobin oxygen saturation (p£0.028), and systolic blood pressure (p£0.029) at immediate- and medium-term and serum potassium (p=0.023) level and magnesium (p=0.012) at short-term than those receiving classic massage. Conclusions: Ten sessions of craniosacral therapy resulted in a statistically greater improvement in pain intensity, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, serum potassium, and magnesium level than did 10 sessions of classic massage in patients with low back pain.

Integrative Approaches to Caring for Children with Autism
(June 1st, 2016)
By: NadavKleinBS (MD Candidate). Kathi J.Kemper MD, MPH
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Parents commonly integrate complementary and alternative medical (CAM) treatments for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with conventional care. The aims of this article are to (1) describe the most commonly used treatments, (2) assess their efficacy and safety, and (3) organize the information in practical format for practitioners. We organized treatment modalities into four categories: recommended, monitored, tolerated, and therapies that should be avoided. These four categories are based on a two by two table weighing a therapy׳s effectiveness and safety. To meet the threshold for “recommended,” its effectiveness needed to be supported by two or more randomized, controlled trials. In addition to promoting an overall healthy lifestyle via nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress management, social support, and avoiding neurotoxins (healthy habits in a healthy habitat), the most promising therapies recommend are applied behavior analysis, parent-implemented training, melatonin supplements to improve sleep, supplements to correct deficiencies, and music therapy. Medications and restrictive diets may be helpful for some children, but use should be monitored given the risk of side effects. Most complementary therapies including craniosacral therapy are safe, so they can be tolerated, but additional research is needed before they should be recommended. Given their risks, costs, and limited evidence of efficacy, chelation, secretin, and hyperbaric oxygen should be avoided.

Services for children with autism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
(October 20th, 2016)
By: Fahad M Alnemary, Hesham M Aldhalaan, Gabriela Simon-Cereijido, Faisal M Alnemary
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Little information is available about autism spectrum disorder services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A sample of 205 parents completed an online survey about the use of autism spectrum disorder services for their children. The results revealed that on average, children began services by 3.3 years. Most parents reported utilizing non-medical treatments followed by biomedical treatments and cultural and religious treatment. The age at the initiation of services and the type of treatments used differed by parent’s income, educational attainment, the extent of knowledge about autism spectrum disorders, and geographic location. Some child characteristics also influenced the use of services. The disparities in service utilization in Saudi Arabia point to the need to develop policy and interventions that can mitigate the paucity of services for children with autism spectrum disorders. More research is needed to better understand service use and the decision-making processes that underlie treatment selection by parents of children with autism spectrum disorders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Perspectives on the effects and mechanisms of craniosacral therapy:A qualitative study of users’ views
(October 7th, 2014)
By: Nicola Brougha,, Antje Lindenmeyera,, Jill Thistlethwaiteb, George Lewithc,Sarah Stewart-Brown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Introduction: Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a ‘body based’ complementary or alternative medical practice which aims to support natural healing mechanisms. There is limited evidence regarding its effectiveness or mechanisms of action.

Methods: Qualitative study based on constant comparative methods informed by grounded theory. Semi-structured interviews explored 29 participants’ experiences with CST. Inductive thematic analysis resulted in themes, concepts and illustrative quotes. 

Results: Participants consulted for pain relief, emotional and psychological issues and help with rehabilitation. All but four participants reported improvement in at least two of the three dimensions of holistic wellbeing: body, mind and spirit, others in one. Experiences during CST included altered perceptual states and other specific sensations and emotions. The importance of the therapeutic relationship was emphasized. Theory emerging from this study regarding CST and the ways in which healing can be enabled holistically suggests that the establishment of a trusting therapeutic relationship enables CST to take clients into altered perceptual states; these in turn facilitate a new level of awareness regarding the interrelatedness of body, mind and spirit, together with an enhanced capacity to care for self and manage health problems.

Conclusion: All participants in this study observed positive changes in their health status and most attributed these to CST; these changes were frequently accompanied by new levels of health awareness which enhanced participants’ capacity to self-care. Interviewees were self-selected users of CST and the data are therefore subject to certain methodological biases.

Treating the Sequelae of Postoperative Meningioma and Traumatic Brain Injury: A Case of Implementation of Craniosacral Therapy in Integrative Inpatient Care
(July 1st, 2015)
By: Heidemarie Haller, MSc, Holger Cramer, PhD, Marc Werner, MD, and Gustav Dobos, MD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a commonly used but under-researched therapeutic approach. This case study explores the implementation of CST in the integrative inpatient treatment of sequelae of postoperative meningioma and traumatic brain injury. 

Case: A 50-year-old woman was admitted for 2 weeks of integrative inpatient treatment following meningioma resection and traumatic brain injury. In addition to the integrative treatment approach, which included conventional as well as complementary and alternative medicine, she received five sessions of CST for refractory headaches, vertigo, and cervicobrachial syndrome during this time. At discharge, the reported intensity of her headaches on a 10-cm visual analogue scale decreased from 6–9cm to 2–4cm and her level of vertigo decreased from 6–10cm to 2cm. Her cervical mobility and muscle tension, sleep quality, and general wellbeing also improved. The attending physicians saw CST as having contributed greatly to this improvement alongside use of phytotherapy and hyperthermia. 

Conclusion: Implementation of CST in integrative inpatient care could benefit patients with headache and vertigo from intracranial injuries.

The comparison of the therapeutic massage with the craniosacral method in treating the pain syndrome of the cranial part of the spine
(April 17th, 2016)
By: Miszewski Waldemar, Miszewska Agnieszka, Śniegocki Maciej, Siedlecki Zygmunt, Grzyb Sebastian, Siminska Joanna, Pietkun Katarzyna, Głowacka Iwona, Nowacka Krystyna, Hagner Wojciech
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Massage has been used for several thousand years at least, aiming at relief in suffering and decreasing all kinds of ailments, including health problems with the cervical vertebrae. 

Craniosacral therapy is quite a new method of treatment since it was founded in the first half of the 20th century. It is different from other methods because it treats energetic changes and lessens the pathological tension in the fascia. Whereas, other methods used by physiotherapists begin working with the patient much later, after functional changes have advanced – contractures or structural degenerations, which cannot be fully removed. And the organism will not be able to come back to full efficiency. 

Pains of the cervical part of the spine occur quite often in modern societies, including the Polish one. What is more, this troubles younger and younger people. 

The results of the research conducted on two groups of twenty people, which were described by Method T – Student, proved that both the therapeutic massage and the craniosacral therapy are effective ways of treating the pain syndrome of the cranial part of the spine. 


Subgrouping fibromyalgia patients according to response to therapeutic interventions: a new concept for a disease with low treatment‑response rates
(July 10th, 2015)
By: Michael Schirmer
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients with fibromyalgia (FM) are usually difficult to treat, and new concepts are needed to improve patients’ outcome.

Only recently they reported a promising therapeutic approach in patients with long-standing FM according to the ACR 1990 criteria and limited C1–C2 range of motion based on the flexion–rotation test. After stratification of patients primarily on pre-medication and age, the patients completed a 12-week multimodal program with education, cognitive behavior therapy and exercise. In addition to the multimodal program, patients in the experimental group also received upper cervical manipulative therapy. 

Pilot study of the effects of mixed light touch manual therapies on active duty soldiers with chronic post-traumatic stress disorder and injury to the head.
(October 2nd, 2014)
By: Davis L, Hanson B, Gilliam S.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This pilot study was designed to examine the effects of mixed Light Touch Manual Therapies (LTMT) on headache, anxiety and other symptoms suffered by active duty United States service members experiencing chronic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Ten service members diagnosed with PTSD and having a self-reported injury to the head acquired at least two years prior, were provided with two hour-long sessions of mixed LTMT given a week apart. Data to assess the immediate and durable effects were gathered before and after the LTMT sessions. Results indicate that headache, anxiety, and pain interference were significantly reduced during the course of the pilot study. This suggests that mixed LTMT may be helpful in reducing some of the symptoms of PTSD and injury to the head. Further studies will be needed to determine if LTMT is an effective non-pharmacological treatment for headache, anxiety or other problems associated with PTSD or injury to the head.

Factors related to parents’ choices of treatments for their children with autism spectrum disorder
(April 30th, 2011)
By: Victoria A.Millera,.Kimberly A.Schrecka, James A.Mulickb. Eric Butterb
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The history of autism treatment has been plagued with fad therapies which waste parents’ and children's time, energy, and money. To determine if referral sources, such as professionals’ recommendations, media, or scholarly sources, have influenced parents’ treatment decisions, parents of at least one child with an autism spectrum disorder (N = 400) were surveyed to determine the sources they used to obtain treatment. Recommendations from professionals in non-medical fields and autism books were the most popular sources of information. Due to the diverse range of influences on parents’ treatment decisions, a multifaceted dissemination strategy for the most effective therapies is warranted.


► Our examination of parental treatment decisions for children with autism spectrum disorders indicated that less than 1/2 of surveyed parents reported choosing a scientifically supported treatment. ► Sources of influence for treatment choices most often came from popular media, anecdotal reports, and professional recommendations. ► Demographic factors (e.g., child age, parent education, family income) had little relationship to treatment choices. ► The most influential group of professionals, educators, tended to recommend treatments with less scientific support than treatments with scientific support.

Exploring clients’ experiences of craniosacral therapy: A qualitative study (2012)
(July 18th, 2017)
By: Nicola Brough, Sarah Stewart-Brown, Antje Lindenmeyer, Jill Thistlethwaite, George Lewith
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Introduction: Current social and political factors are influencing the need for research within the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and more specifically CraniosacralTherapy (CST).CST is one of a number of‘ body based’ or energy medicine practices which aim to support the body’s natural healing mechanisms. The mindset of practitioners and their beliefs about health, illness and bodily functions are different from those of conventional medical practitioners. It was essential to identify what outcomes and changes are important to clients having CST. There is limited published literature and gaps remain in understanding and knowledge surrounding CST.

Developing and evaluating a health related quality of life (HRQOL) questionnaire for craniosacral therapy (CST): Evaluating a conceptual framework
(November 7th, 2015)
By: Nicola Brough, Helen Parsons, Sarah Stewart-Brown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Introduction: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a complementary therapy which is increasing in popularity. Clients anecdotally report health improvement,but CST lacks a research evidence base. One barrier to developing an evidence base is a lack of suitable Patient Reported Outcome(PRO)measures.This project is part of a larger study to develop a new PRO for CST and will fulfill part of the FDA guidance for PRO development. This paper will establish if a conceptual framework (CF) is an appropriate representation of CST outcomes.

Credibility of a comparative sham control intervention for Craniosacral Therapy in patients with chronic neck pain.
(October 6th, 2014)
By: Haller H, Ostermann, Lauche , Cramer H, Dobos G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Determining efficacy in complementary medicine research requires valid placebo/sham control groups that are credible to patients and ensure successful blinding. Within the scope of this study, a light touch sham-control intervention for trials of Craniosacral Therapy (CST) was developed and tested for its credibility.


Patients' expectancy, credibility and therapeutic alliance did not appear to affect study outcomes, blinding patients to group allocation was possible, and sham intervention was tolerable and safe. The design can therefore be recommended as control for non-specific treatment effects in future CST clinical trials.

A Craniosacral Therapy Perspective on Migraine and Complex Headaches
(October 1st, 2016)
By: Erin Riley PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Erin Riley talks about the history of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy and CST work. She talks about the functional manifestation of migraine and complex headaches and how CST is well placed to effectively threat these disorders.

4 Ways to Keep Your Lymphatic System Healthy
(May 4th, 2017)
By: Ty Bollinger
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Having a fully functioning lymphatic system is critical for your overall health and ability to fight cancer. Yet so few people are knowledgeable about the lymphatic system. What’s even more concerning is that only a small percentage of health care practitioners ever discuss lymph health with their patients.

This article discusses 4 ways to keep your lymphatic system healthy.

How Trauma Lodges in the Body
(March 15th, 2017)
By: Bessel van der Kolk
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Human memory is a sensory experience, says psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk. Through his longtime research and innovation in trauma treatment, he shares what he’s learning about how bodywork like yoga or eye movement therapy can restore a sense of goodness and safety. What he’s learning speaks to a resilience we can all cultivate in the face of the overwhelming events — which, after all, make up the drama of culture, of news, and of life.

What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother
(January 8th, 2015)
By: Adrienne LaFrance
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

From joy and attachment to anxiety and protectiveness, mothering behavior begins with biochemical reactions.

Mapping the maternal brain is also, many scientists believe, the key to understanding why so many new mothers experience serious anxiety and depression.

In other words, the act of simply caring for one's baby forges new neural pathways—undiscovered rooms in the parental brain.

Why Dyslexia Is More Than a Reading Disorder
(December 21st, 2016)
By: Alice Park
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the latest research published in the journal Neuron, scientists led by John Gabrieli, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found that dyslexia may be due to a much broader difference in brain function. 

But in the latest research published in the journal Neuron, scientists led by John Gabrieli, a professor of brain and cognitive sciences at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found that dyslexia may be due to a much broader difference in brain function. 

Study finds altered brain growth patterns that predict autism
(February 17th, 2017)
By: Autism
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Experimental brain-imaging method predicts autism based on early differences in brain growth; potential for earlier diagnosis and therapy for high-risk infants

The study’s findings may stimulate further research into the relationship between early brain overgrowth and autism, which some previous studies have likewise documented.

Craniosacral Therapy: The Science of Belief
(November 30th, 2012)
By: Brittany Cooley Pacific University Brielyn Jensen Pacific University Leah Kresse Pacific University Abby Ritter Pacific University Justin Teerlinck Pacific University
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a research article on Craniosacral Therapy. The article has an overview of What CST is, the history of CST, Educational requirements for Upledger Certification, Condition treated with CST, and a summary of research articles.

15 Soothing Mindfulness Quotes That Will Calm Your Anxious Feelings
(January 14th, 2017)
By: The Power of Ideas
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Anxiety is becoming a big problem for people in America. This article provides you 15 Soothing Mindfulness Quotes That Will Calm Your Anxious Feelings.

7 Huge Benefits of An Undisturbed First Hour After Birth
(January 16th, 2017)
By: CureJoy Editorial
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The way your baby is cared for and nurtured immediately after birth significantly impacts their transition from the womb to life outside.

In a culture that commonly separates mothers and babies for routine procedures such as cleaning, weighing and measuring, most babies are missing that critical time of being skin to skin with their mothers, which has short and long term consequences for all.

This article talks about the first hour should be focused on baby’s first breastfeed and mother-baby and family bonding. Unless mother or baby is in need of medical assistance, hospital protocols should support this time of new beginnings for both vaginal and caesarean births.

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Helps You Heal
(December 4th, 2016)
By: Conscious Reminder
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This article talks about positive body talk for healing.

(April 1st, 1995)
By: John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this, the second installment of a three part series on CranioSacral Therapy, I have discussed the status of CranioSacral Therapy as a treatment modality today. Also included in the discussion are some of the reasons for its current status, political and control issues that have arisen, its clinical applications, its progeny and integration with other therapeutic approaches, and explorations that are currently underway.

Why Sleep Deprivation Eases Depression
(May 1st, 2013)
By: David Levine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How to Make Friends with Your Reptilian Brain
(January 31st, 2017)
By: Edwina Shaw
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the reptilian brain and how to tame it.

The sacral autonomic outflow is sympathetic
(November 18th, 2016)
By: I. Espinosa-Medina O. Saha, F. Boismorea
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A kinship between cranial and pelvic visceral nerves of vertebrates has been accepted for a century. Accordingly, sacral preganglionic neurons are considered parasympathetic, as are their targets in the pelvic ganglia that prominently control rectal, bladder, and genital functions. Here, we uncover 15 phenotypic and ontogenetic features that distinguish pre- and postganglionic neurons of the cranial parasympathetic outflow from those of the thoracolumbar sympathetic outflow in mice. By every single one, the sacral outflow is indistinguishable from the thoracolumbar outflow. Thus, the parasympathetic nervous system receives input from cranial nerves exclusively and the sympathetic nervous system from spinal nerves, thoracic to sacral inclusively. This simplified, bipartite architecture offers a new framework to understand pelvic neurophysiology as well as development and evolution of the autonomic nervous system.

Craniosacral therapy for migraine: Protocol development for an exploratory controlled clinical trial
(June 9th, 2008)
By: John D Mann, Keturah R Faurot, Laurel Wilkinson, Peter Curtis, Remy R Coeytaux, Chirayath Suchindran, and Susan A Gaylord
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Migraine affects approximately 20% of the population. Conventional care for migraine is suboptimal; overuse of medications for the treatment of episodic migraines is a risk factor for developing chronic daily headache. The study of non-pharmaceutical approaches for prevention of migraine headaches is therefore warranted. Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a popular non-pharmacological approach to the treatment or prevention of migraine headaches for which there is limited evidence of safety and efficacy. In this paper, we describe an ongoing feasibility study to assess the safety and efficacy of CST in the treatment of migraine, using a rigorous and innovative randomized controlled study design involving low-strength static magnets (LSSM) as an attention control intervention.

Applications of Craniosacral Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
(January 26th, 2017)
By: Eloise Stager, BA, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Eloise Stager, BA, LMT, CST talks about what Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is and how CranioSacral Therapy can help.

Lip Tie and Tongue Tie and CranioSacral Therapy – OH MY!
(February 1st, 2016)
By: Dr. Jackie Hines
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Jackie Hines talks about Lip or Tongue tie and how CranioSacral Therapy can help.

The 5 Non-Negotiable Disciplines of a High Achiever
(May 2nd, 2016)
By: Patrick Allmond
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Daily interruptions are inevitable. Acting on a fear of missing out, we allow the beeps, dings and vibrations to interject, to assure us that we’re connected, and subconsciously we tell ourselves that that constant connection has no impact on the amount of work we can accomplish. But, in reality, we’re so bombarded with outside noise, it becomes almost impossible to avoid—and our productivity suffers because of it.

The mesentery: A &#39;new&#39; organ you didn&#39;t know you had
(January 5th, 2017)
By: Ashley Strickland
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The research of Dr. J. Calvin Coffey, foundation chair of surgery at the University of Limerick, is reclassifying this part of the digestive system as a contiguous organ. In a new study, Coffey has established the anatomy and structure of the mesentery, using images and compiling research to show that the organ&#39;s continuity can be seen only when it&#39;s exposed in a certain way. The article talks about What the mesentery does and why it has been misunderstood.

New role identified for scars at the site of injured spinal cord
(April 7th, 2016)
By: NIH/National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

For decades, it was thought that scar-forming cells called astrocytes were responsible for blocking neuronal regrowth across the level of spinal cord injury, but recent findings challenge this idea. According to a new mouse study, astrocyte scars may actually be required for repair and regrowth following spinal cord injury.

Gut Decision: Scientists Identify New Organ in Humans
(January 3rd, 2017)
By: Sara G. Miller
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. J. Calvin Coffey, a professor of surgery at the University of Limerick in Ireland, has concluded that the mesentery, which is a membrane found in the gut, is its own organ. The mesentery connects the small and large intestines

Missing Link Between Gut and Brain Discovered With Big Implications for Disease
(December 19th, 2016)
By: University of Virginia
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers have identified immune cells in the membranes around the brain that could be a ‘missing link’ in the gut-brain axis. The immune cells also appear to have a positive impact on recovery following spinal cord injury.

Brain changes seen in youth football players without concussion
(October 24th, 2016)
By: Radiological Society of North America
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers have found measurable brain changes in children after a single season of playing youth football, even without a concussion diagnosis, according to a new study.

Embryonic cerebrospinal fluid in brain development: neural progenitor control
(August 1st, 2014)
By: Angel Gato,M. Isabel Alonso, Cristina Martín, Estela Carnicero, José Antonio Moro, Aníbal De la Mano, José M. F. Fernández, Francisco Lamus,and Mary E. Desmond
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Due to the effort of several research teams across the world, today we have a solid base of knowledge on the liquid contained in the brain cavities, its composition, and biological roles. Although the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is among the most relevant parts of the central nervous system from the physiological point of view, it seems that it is not a permanent and stable entity because its composition and biological properties evolve across life. So, we can talk about different CSFs during the vertebrate life span. In this review, we focus on the CSF in an interesting period, early in vertebrate development before the formation of the choroid plexus. This specific entity is called “embryonic CSF.” Based on the structure of the compartment, CSF composition, origin and circulation, and its interaction with neuroepithelial precursor cells (the target cells) we can conclude that embryonic CSF is different from the CSF in later developmental stages and from the adult CSF. This article presents arguments that support the singularity of the embryonic CSF, mainly focusing on its influence on neural precursor behavior during development and in adult life.

In NFL Players, Brain Inflammation May Persist Years After Head Trauma
(December 2nd, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research has shown that sports-related head injuries lead to future amyloid and tau pathology, as well as a higher risk of dementia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. However, the link between traumatic brain injury (TBI) and these ensuing problems is unclear. Could inflammation play a role? Scientists led by Martin Pomper, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, report online in the November 28 JAMA Neurology that NFL players’ brains are replete with activated glial cells even without obvious neuropsychiatric problems. This finding suggests that neuroinflammation could be a marker for problems down the road.

Scientists discover neuron-producing stem cells in the membranes covering the brain
(November 28th, 2016)
By: VIB - Flanders Institute for Biotechnology
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a cross-domain study researchers discovered unexpected cells in the meninges. These &#39;neural progenitors&#39; (stem cells that differentiate into different kinds of neurons) are produced during embryonic development.

Pain is not just a matter of nerves
(November 10th, 2016)
By: Medical University of Vienna
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The sensation of pain occurs when neural pathways conduct excitation generated by tissue damage to the spinal cord, where the nociceptive information is extensively preprocessed. From there, the information is transmitted to the human brain, where the sensation of "pain" is finally created. This is the general belief. However, researchers have now discovered that pain is not just a matter of nerves but that non-neuronal cells, the glial cells, are also involved in clinically relevant pain models and their activation is sufficient to amplify pain.

Study reveals role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress
(November 13th, 2016)
By: Provided by The Ohio State University
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this study, the trio of scientists determined that the immune cell changes persisted for almost a month after the mice experienced the stress.

Study reveals role of spleen in prolonged anxiety after stress
(November 13th, 2016)
By: Provided by The Ohio State University
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this study, the trio of scientists determined that the immune cell changes persisted for almost a month after the mice experienced the stress.

Having my head rubbed like a baby cured my stress: After her father died and she lost her job at a glossy magazine all in the same year, one woman tries craniosacral therapy
(November 16th, 2016)
By: Niki Browes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Niki Browes writes in the The Daily Mail News about her continual low-level anxiety — which manifested in tense head and neck aches even painkillers couldn’t help — that made her decide something needed to be done to make her to feel like herself again. She said “A friend mentioned she’d been having craniosacral therapy — George Clooney was an advocate! — and found it restorative, even healing.” This is her story.

Unwinding the Meridians With CranioSacral Therapy to Release Old Blocks
(June 2nd, 2008)
By: Ken Koles, PhD, DSc, RAc, Dipl. NCCAOM, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and acupuncture being effective avenues of strengthening the flow of energy throughout the body to enhance health. Combining the two can dramatically increase your ability to resolve musculoskeletal problems, organ issues, systemic imbalances and, as you’ll see, even the oldest blocks.

Unwinding the Meridians With CranioSacral Therapy to Release Old Blocks
(June 2nd, 2008)
By: Ken Koles, PhD, DSc, RAc, Dipl. NCCAOM, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and acupuncture being effective avenues of strengthening the flow of energy throughout the body to enhance health. Combining the two can dramatically increase your ability to resolve musculoskeletal problems, organ issues, systemic imbalances and, as you’ll see, even the oldest blocks.

Unwinding Meridians to Reverse Anemia
(April 7th, 2009)
By: Kenneth R. Koles, PhD, DSc, RAc, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article provides a case story about anemia and treating her with unwinding the meridians using the craniosacral rhythm.

Untangling the Meridians With CranioSacral Therapy
(March 5th, 2008)
By: By Kenneth R. Koles, PhD, DSc, RAc, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Acupuncture and CranioSacral Therapy (CST) are two wonderfully effective modalities of healing that utilize the body&#39;s wisdom to heal itself. Both of them use cycles of energy flow rhythms Untangling the meridians has been very useful in musculoskeletal problems, organ issues and also in systemic imbalances. Ken offers one case study.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cell Patterns
(January 15th, 2008)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

PTSD is caused by a traumatic event. When a portion of the body, perhaps even a single cell, maintains a pattern of trauma, it can create an inner feeling of the traumatic event. Craniosacral therapy can help the body change cell shape through gentle techniques that improve inherent pathways of self-correction. As cells change and correct their shapes, the trauma imbedded within the cells can be processed with greater efficiency.

The Very Intelligent Choroid Plexus Epithelial Cell
(September 20th, 2015)
By: Jon Lieff, M.D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The choroid plexus has many different functions. It eliminates waste products from brain tissues. It controls the travel of immune T cells in the CSF that promote cognition and fight infections. It regulates the travel of critical microglia and neural stem cells that create new brain cells of all types. It is the major determinant of critical neuroplasticity time windows during brain development. It is vital for the health of the brain regulating the immune surveillance and the maintenance and pruning of synapses. Jon Lieff, M.D. is a practicing psychiatrist, with specialties in geriatric psychiatry and neuropsychiatry.

Chronic Pain Associated with Activation of Brain&#39;s Glial Cells
(January 13th, 2015)
By: Will Boggs MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients with chronic pain show signs of glial activation in brain centers that modulate pain, according to results from a PET-MRI study

What Veterans Want You To Know About PTSD
(November 11th, 2016)
By: Carolyn Gregoire
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Here are five things vets wish others knew about PTSD.

There&#39;s a single nerve that connects all of your vital organs — and it might just be the future of medicine
(June 1st, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Operating far below the level of our conscious minds, the vagus nerve is vital for keeping our bodies healthy. It is an essential part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming organs after the stressed ‘fight-or-flight’ adrenaline response to danger. “Because the vagus nerve, like all nerves, communicates information through electrical signals, it meant that we should be able to replicate the experiment by putting a nerve stimulator on the vagus nerve in the brainstem to block inflammation in the spleen,” he explains. “That’s what we did and that was the breakthrough experiment.”

How can visceral manipulation help my massage clients?
(November 7th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

Gail talks about Visceral Manipulation, history and the curriculum.

How can visceral manipulation help my massage clients?
(November 7th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

Gail talks about Visceral Manipulation, history and the curriculum.

Gut microbiota may have role in neurodegenerative diseases: study
(October 8th, 2016)
By: Relaxnews
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Could neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer&#39;s and Parkinson&#39;s originate in the gut? New research from the U.S., published in the journal Nature, shows that certain proteins produced by gut bacteria may be linked to neurodegeneration in rats.

Cross Bite Resulting from Abnormal Foot Pronation
(October 20th, 2016)
By: Athlepedia
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Frontal Plane Distortion of the Maxilla (Cross Bite) Resulting from Abnormal Pronation (Pure Ascending Postural Distortional Pattern)

The retina as a window to the brain-from eye research to CNS disorders.
(January 9th, 2013)
By: London A , Benhar I, Schwartz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: Philosophers defined the eye as a window to the soul long before scientists addressed this cliché to determine its scientific basis and clinical relevance.

The Symbiotic Partnership of Dentistry And Craniosacral
(October 17th, 2016)
By: Benjamin Shield, Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article will explore the symbiotic partnership between the dental profession and craniosacral therapy. With the simple integration of craniosacral techniques, the dental professional will significantly enhance the effectiveness of existing modalities, increase the economic return in their practice, and benefit from greater patient satisfaction. The goal is to better serve our patients. In addition to enhanced dental care, CST offers the dental professional the ability to solve many instances of craniocervical pain and dysfunction. The dental professional is in an unique position to correct underlying anatomical and functional dysfunction that may have been unseen or mistreated by other professionals.

Characterisation of interface astroglial scarring in the human brain after blast exposure: a post-mortem case series
(June 9th, 2016)
By: Sharon Baughman Shively, MD, Robert V Jones, MD James P Kelly, MD Regina C Armstrong, PhD Daniel P Perl, MD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this post-mortem case series, we investigated several features of traumatic brain injuries, using clinical histopathology techniques and markers, in brain specimens from male military service members with chronic blast exposures and from those who had died shortly after severe blast exposures. We then compared these results with those from brain specimens from male civilian (ie, non-military) cases with no history of blast exposure, including cases with and without chronic impact traumatic brain injuries and cases with chronic exposure to opiates, and analysed the limited associated clinical histories of all cases. Brain specimens had been archived in tissue banks in the USA.

Osteopatia trzewna według autorskiej metody Jean-Pierre Barrala
(October 14th, 2016)
By: Mariusz Kurkowski , Adam Polański
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Article about Jean-Pierre Barral, Visceral Manipulation and the Barral Institute.

What if PTSD Is More Physical Than Psychological?
(June 10th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A new study supports what a small group of military researchers has suspected for decades: that modern warfare destroys the brain. The scarring from a blast is different from concussion

Why Sleep Deprivation Eases Depression
(May 1st, 2013)
By: David Levine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Glial activity reveals how sleep deprivation elevates mood

Biologists Discover Bacteria Communicate Like Neurons in the Brain
(October 21st, 2015)
By: University of California - San Diego
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Biologists have discovered that bacteria -- often viewed as lowly, solitary creatures -- are actually quite sophisticated in their social interactions and communicate with one another through similar electrical signaling mechanisms as neurons in the human brain.

Scientists Find Vessels That Connect Immune System and Brain
(June 3rd, 2015)
By: Stephen Luntz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The authors say the vessels, “Express all of the molecular hallmarks of lymphatic endothelial cells, are able to carry both fluid and immune cells from the cerebrospinal fluid, and are connected to the deep cervical lymph nodes.”

New Players in the Obesity Puzzle: The Brain’s Glial Cells
(August 19th, 2016)
By: Diana Kwon
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discoveries about the roles they play in appetite and metabolism could unlock new strategies against obesity Despite major advances in understanding how neurons control the body’s metabolic processes, scientists are still far from finding a cure for obesity, which has reached pandemic levels in many countries. Researchers investigating glia hope that focusing on these long-overlooked cells will provide some much-needed advances.

A neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier
(September 26th, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

UCLA neuroscience researcher Alex Korb has some insights that can create an upward spiral of happiness in your life. A neuroscience researcher reveals 4 rituals that will make you happier

Kraniosakralni Terapie
(April 1st, 2016)
By: Helena Touskova
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST and Upledger Institute in a Czech lifestyle magazine

Science Finally Confirms That People Absorb Energy From Others
(September 28th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way. THE ARTICLE GIVES YOU FIVE ENERGY TOOLS TO USE TO CLEAR YOUR SPACE AND PREVENT ENERGY DRAINS WHILE RELEASING PEOPLE’S ENERGY.

Neuroscientists gain insight into cause of Alzheimer&#39;s symptoms
(November 23rd, 2015)
By: Virginia Tech
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Scientists have uncovered a mechanism in the brain that could account for some of the neural degeneration and memory loss in people with Alzheimer&#39;s disease.

How Neurons Talk to Each Other
(September 24th, 2016)
By: Max Planck Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Summary: A new paper offers an overview as to how neurons ‘communicate’ with one another. Neurons are connected to each other through synapses, sites where signals are transmitted in the form of chemical messengers. Reinhard Jahn, Director at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen, has investigated precisely how the process works.

Support cells found in human brain make mice smarter
(March 7th, 2013)
By: University of Rochester Medical Center
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

"The role of the astrocyte is to provide the perfect environment for neural transmission," said Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc. Glial cells -- a family of cells found in the human central nervous system and, until recently, considered mere "housekeepers" -- now appear to be essential to the unique complexity of the human brain. Scientists reached this conclusion after demonstrating that when transplanted into mice, these human cells could influence communication within the brain, allowing the animals to learn more rapidly.

Long-term aerobic exercise prevents age-related brain changes
(October 29th, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Numerous studies have correlated the development of Alzheimer&#39;s disease with vascular dysfunction during aging. This study suggests that this dysfunction might be driven by astrocyte dysfunction and/or pericyte loss leading to a breakdown of the blood-brain barrier.

The Mystery and Magic of Glia: A Perspective on Their Roles in Health and Disease
(September 21st, 2016)
By: Ben A. Barres
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article, Ben Barres reviews recent evidence that glial cells are critical participants in every major aspect of brain development, function, and disease. Far more active than once thought, glial cells powerfully control synapse formation, function, and blood flow. They secrete many substances whose roles are not understood, and they are central players in CNS injury and disease. I argue that until the roles of nonneuronal cells are more fully understood and considered, neurobiology as a whole will progress only slowly.

Brain function: First look at how astrocytes function in humans
(September 21st, 2016)
By: Cell Press
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pretty much everything happening in the brain would fail without astrocytes. These star-shaped glia cells are known to have a critical role in synapse creation, nervous tissue repair, and the formation of the blood-brain barrier. But while we have decades of data in mice about these nervous system support cells, how relevant those experiments are to human biology (and the success of potential therapies) has been an open question.

Fight-or-flight chemical prepares cells to shift the brain from subdued to alert state
(September 21st, 2016)
By: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Brain cells, called astrocytes because of their star-shaped appearance, can monitor and respond to nearby neural activity, but only after being activated by the fight-or-flight chemical norepinephrine. Because astrocytes can alter the activity of neurons, the findings suggest that astrocytes may help control the brain’s ability to focus.

Fight-or-flight chemical prepares cells to shift the brain from subdued to alert state
(June 18th, 2014)
By: Johns Hopkins Medicine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Brain cells, called astrocytes because of their star-shaped appearance, can monitor and respond to nearby neural activity, but only after being activated by the fight-or-flight chemical norepinephrine. Because astrocytes can alter the activity of neurons, the findings suggest that astrocytes may help control the brain’s ability to focus.

How the brain stabilizes connections in order to learn better
(July 17th, 2014)
By: Université de Genève
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Throughout our lives, our brains adapt to what we learn and memorize. The brain is indeed made up of complex networks of neurons and synapses that are constantly re-configured. However, in order for learning to leave a trace, connections must be stabilized. A team researchers has now discovered a new cellular mechanism to help understand this.

The empty brain
(May 18th, 2016)
By: Robert Epstein
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An interesting essay by a psychologist Robert Epstein. Your brain does not process information, retrieve knowledge or store memories. In short: your brain is not a computer Epstein tackles the miseries that afflict any effort to understand the brain and its function when we think and speak in terms of the metaphor of the brain as some sort of computer.

The Spoon Theory
(August 1st, 2003)
By: Christine Miserandino
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Christine Miserandino’s personal story and analogy of what it is like to live with sickness or disability.

Tinnitus is the result of the brain trying, but failing, to repair itself
(January 15th, 2011)
By: Georgetown University Medical Center
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tinnitus appears to be produced by an unfortunate confluence of structural and functional changes in the brain, say neuroscientists.

There&#39;s a single nerve that connects all of your vital organs — and it might just be the future of medicine
(June 1st, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Operating far below the level of our conscious minds, the vagus nerve is vital for keeping our bodies healthy. It is an essential part of the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for calming organs after the stressed ‘fight-or-flight’ adrenaline response to danger. Because the vagus nerve, like all nerves, communicates information through electrical signals, it meant that we should be able to replicate the experiment by putting a nerve stimulator on the vagus nerve in the brainstem to block inflammation in the spleen, he explains. Thats what we did and that was the breakthrough experiment."

When Gut Bacteria Changes Brain Function
(July 24th, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Some researchers believe that the microbiome may play a role in regulating how people think and feel. Many people know that these microbes influence digestion, allergies, and metabolism. A growing group of researchers around the world are investigating how the microbiome, as this bacterial ecosystem is known, regulates how people think and feel.

Manual Therapies Promote Continence and Mobility in a Patient with Cerebellar Agenesis
(June 13th, 2016)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz, OTR, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Objective: Present single case study of a 26 year old female with congenital agenesis of cerebellum and other congenital malformations who achieved fecal continence and measurable mobility improvements following a prolonged series of craniosacral therapy. Design: Retrospective review of data based on several interviews with the patient’s mother, her primary caregiver and review of the medical record. Results: Craniosacral Therapy over the course of 4 years contributed to unexpected attainment of fecal continence as well as other areas of functional improvements. The patient was 22 years of age at the time this therapy series began and had life-long neurogenic bowel and bladder dysfunction. Gains were indirectly achieved. Treatment had been initiated to address chronic pain from an older spinal surgery and sessions continued long term for health and wellness. Mobility improvements beyond pre-surgery status and fecal continence were a surprise to all parties involved. Conclusion: Clinical significance of these outcomes stimulates curiosity as to the actual type of stimulation CST actually provides to the central nervous system and its effect upon neuroplasticity.

Gabor Mate: How to Build a Culture of Good Health
(November 16th, 2015)
By: Gabor Mate, M.D.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Physical well-being depends on more than keeping our bodies fit. Emotions and the people who come into our lives matter just as much. This article talks about how health or illness reflects our relationship with the world we inhabit—including all the variables of family, class, gender, race, political status, and the physical ecology of which we are a part.

Preliminary Reflections on the Adaptation of one form of Osteopathic palpation to Acupuncture
(September 5th, 2016)
By: Daniel Bensky, D.O.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fondateur du Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine The goal of this brief article is to accomplish two simple things. First, introduce a type of palpation adapted from the osteopathic world to serve the practice of acupuncture. While simple and easy to practice, it does take some time to become proficient at this technique. After practicing it for over ten years, I believe I have achieved a modicum of proficiency; enough in any case to present it to the audience of the NAJOM which is well versed in various palpatory techniques. After a brief description of the background to this technique and going over how to practice it, I would like to both talk about some clinical ramifications and use some of my findings utilizing it to look at some of meridian therapy&#39;s basic assumptions from a slightly different perspective

Ten-year Retrospective Study on the Efficacy of a Manual Physical Therapy to Treat Female Infertility.
(February 17th, 2015)
By: Rice AD, Patterson K, Wakefield LB, Reed ED, Breder KP, Wurn BF, King Iii R, Wurn LJ.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Female infertility is a complex issue encompassing a wide variety of diagnoses, many of which are caused or affected by adhesions. Objectives • The study intended to examine the rates of successful treatment of infertile women using a protocol of manual physical therapy to address underlying adhesive disease leading to infertility. Methods • The research team designed a retrospective chart review. Setting • The study took place in a private physical therapy clinic. Participants • Participants were 1392 female patients who were treated at the clinic between the years of 2002 and 2011. They had varying diagnoses of infertility, including occluded fallopian tubes, hormonal dysfunction, and endometriosis, and some women were undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF). Intervention • All patients underwent whole-body, patient-centered treatments that used a protocol of manual physical therapy, which focused on restoring mobility and motility to structures affecting reproductive function.

Manual Physical Therapy for Non-Surgical Treatment of Adhesion-Related Small Bowel Obstructions: Two Case Reports
(December 28th, 2012)
By: Amanda D. Rice Richard King Evette D&#39;Avy Reed Kimberley Patterson Belinda F. Wurn And Lawrence J. Wurn
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Reports: Two patients presenting with SBO symptoms due to abdominal adhesions secondary to abdominal and pelvic surgery were treated with manual soft tissue physical therapy focused on decreasing adhesions. Conclusions: Successful treatment with resolution of symptom presentation of partial SBO and sustained results were observed in both patients treated.

Increasing Orgasm and Decreasing Dyspareunia by a Manual Physical Therapy Technique
(December 14th, 2004)
By: Lawrence J. Wurn, LMT, Belinda F. Wurn, PT, C. Richard King, MD, Amanda S. Roscow, MPT, Eugenia S. Scharf, PhD, Jonathan J. Shuster, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract Context: Female sexual pain and dysfunction Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a new site-specific, manual soft-tissue therapy in increasing orgasm and reducing dyspareunia (painful intercourse) in women with histories indicating abdominopelvic adhesion formation.

Clearing Bowel Obstruction and Decreasing Pain in a Terminally Ill Patient via Manual Physical Therapy
(November 3rd, 2013)
By: Amanda D. Rice, PhD, Evette D’Avy Reed, PT, Kimberly Patterson, PTA, LMT, Belinda F. Wurn, PT, and Lawrence J. Wurn, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Decreasing pain and improving function and quality of life are important topics for patients that refuse, or are not candidates for traditional medical interventions, and those at end stages of disease. The article talks about treating a patient using a manual soft tissue physical therapy with goals of decreasing her pain and alleviating symptoms of bowel obstruction secondary to adhesions successfully, using a protocol they developed initially to open fallopian tubes that were blocked by adhesions

The Brain Drain; An Internal Plumbing System Rids the brain of toxic wastes. Sleep is when this cleanup ritual occurs
(March 9th, 2016)
By: Maiken Nedergaard & Steven A. Goldman
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about: • Where do these wastes go if the brain lacks the elaborate network of lymph vessels that transports wastes outside the nervous system? New research has recently found detritus-carrying passages in the brain that are most active during sleep. • The glymphatic system, as these fluid vessels are known, may become a critical target for the treatment of neurological diseases such as Alzheimer&#39;s or Parkinson&#39;s that result from the buildup of toxic proteins that are not cleared from the brain.

Treatment of refractory irritable bowel syndrome with visceral osteopathy: Short-term and long-term results of a randomized trial
(December 14th, 2013)
By: Attali TV, Bouchoucha M, Benamouzig R
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE: In light of the low efficiency of available drugs in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), there has been a growing interest in its alternative therapies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of visceral osteopathy for IBS. CONCLUSION: This study suggests that visceral osteopathy improves short-term and long-term abdominal distension and pain, and also decreases rectal sensitivity in IBS patients.

Time to Change from a Symptom-based Concussion Assessment to a Structured Physical Examination
(April 23rd, 2016)
By: Willer BS, Leddy JJ
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This editorial on concussion assessment for this issue of Academic Emergency Medicine. The research is focused on physiological aspects of concussion and mTBI1

New Treatment For Post-Concussion Syndrome Pioneered At UB
(October 16th, 2006)
By: University of Buffalo
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Sports medicine specialists in the University at Buffalo&#39;s Sports Medicine Institute have developed a new method for treating athletes who sustain post-concussion syndrome that, unlike the conventional approach, allows athletes to maintain conditioning while recovering gradually from the injury.

Manual Therapy for Post-Concussion Syndrome
(October 23rd, 2011)
By: Amy Garrigues, Pt, DPT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Objectives: Discuss evidence for manual therapy in patients with symptoms of headache, dizziness, oculomotor impairments and neck pain Learn and practice manual techniques  Discuss integration of manual therapy evaluation and treatment of patients following concussion

Lymphatic Vessels Discovered in Central Nervous System
(June 15th, 2015)
By: Carol Torgan, Ph.D
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

At a Glance • Scientists discovered that the brains of mice contain functional lymphatic vessels that can carry fluid and immune cells from cerebrospinal fluid. • Further work will explore whether problems in this system might play a role in neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease, meningitis, and multiple sclerosis.

New Craniosacral Therapy Research—This Duck Doesn’t Quack Anymore
(August 30th, 2016)
By: Chris Centeno, M.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Chris Centeno, M.D. is a specialist in regenerative medicine, wrote this article supporting CST. CranioSacral Therapy shown to be effective for neck pain in new high level study. Even I, who have become more and more open to alternative therapies, need to give a hat tip to the CST practitioners, as I also couldn’t get my head completely wrapped around this one. So the next time one of my patients tells me about the relief he or she gets with CST, I’ll be sure to swallow some pride and say, “Wow, that’s awesome!” -Chris Centeno, M.D

Hands On Research: The Science of Touch
(September 29th, 2010)
By: Dacher Keltner
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dacher Keltner explains how compassion is literally at our fingertips. He elaborates on cutting-edge research into the ways everyday forms of touch can bring us emotional balance and better health. 

Craniosacral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Sham-controlled Trial
(April 18th, 2016)
By: Heidemarie Haller, MSc, Romy Lauche, PhD, Holger Cramer, PhD, Thomas Rampp, MD, Felix J. Saha, MD, Thomas Ostermann, PhD, and Gustav Dobos, MD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An Abstract Study: With growing evidence for the effectiveness of craniosacral therapy (CST) for pain management, the efficacy of CST remains unclear. This study therefore aimed at investigating CST in comparison with sham treatment in chronic nonspecific neck pain patients.

Walking on ice takes more than brains: &#39;Mini-brain&#39; in spinal cord aids in balance
(January 29th, 2015)
By: Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Scientists have discovered how a "mini-brain" in the spinal cord aids in balance. Much of the balancing act that our bodies perform when faced with a task such as walking on an icy surface happens unconsciously, thanks to a cluster of neurons in our spinal cord that function as a "mini-brain" to integrate sensory information and make the necessary adjustments to our muscles so that we don&#39;t slip and fall, researchers report.

Mechanism that repairs brain after stroke discovered
(October 10th, 2014)
By: Lund University
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A previously unknown mechanism through which the brain produces new nerve cells after a stroke has been discovered by researchers. A stroke is caused by a blood clot blocking a blood vessel in the brain, which leads to an interruption of blood flow and therefore a shortage of oxygen. Many nerve cells die, resulting in motor, sensory and cognitive problems. The researchers have shown that following an induced stroke in mice, support cells, so-called astrocytes, start to form nerve cells in the injured part of the brain.

Physical Therapy Management of Post-Concussion Syndrome
(March 31st, 2014)
By: Jason A. Hugentobler, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Physical Therapy Management of Post-Concussion Syndrome Presentation by Jason A. Hugentobler, PT, DPT, SCS, CSCS At the 4th Annual Pediatric Sports Physical Therapy Conference: April 4-5, 2014 Outline • Evidence Review • Symptom/Vital Assessment • Role of Manual Therapy • Role of stretching/strengthening • Sport-specific/Interval Exercise

A Novel Massage Therapy Technique for Management of Chronic Cervical Pain: A Case Series
(September 30th, 2011)
By: William R. Thompson, DPT, PhD, Ronald Carter, LMT, NCBTMB, CPT, Benjamin Rohe, MS,Randall L. Duncan, PhD, and Carlton R. Cooper, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract article talks about how massage therapy is helpful for chronic neck pain and a provides a case report.

Reduction of Current Migraine Headache Pain Following Neck Massage and Spinal Manipulation
(March 31st, 2012)
By: Younes Jahangiri Noudeh, MD,,* Nasibeh Vatankhah, MD, and Hamid R. Baradaran, MD, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This abstract talks about how some manual therapies are helpful for headaches and migraines.

New study shows severity of tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is related to emotional processing
(February 25th, 2016)
By: Lisa Packer
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tinnitus, also called ringing in the ears, is sound perceived by the brain that is not present in the environment. A recent study out of the University of Illinois revealed not only that those who have tinnitus process emotional sounds differently than those who do not have tinnitus, but also that among those who have tinnitus, there are significant differences in which regions of the brain are used when processing emotions.

Researchers just doubled what we know about the map of the human brain
(July 20th, 2016)
By: Amy Ellis Nutt
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a study online in Nature, a team of researchers more than doubled the number of distinct areas known in the human cortex, from 83 to 180. This new map of the brain combines data from four different imaging technologies to essentially bring high-definition to brain scanning for the first time. The immediate implications, say those familiar with the results, include the possibility of identifying biological markers for a host of neurological diseases and mental illnesses, and the new knowledge may aid neurosurgeons who need to know exactly what sort of tissue they are operating on.

Science Finally Proves Meridians Exist
(April 20th, 2016)
By: Azriel ReShel
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Recently scientists at Seoul National University confirmed the existence of meridians, which they refer to as the “primo-vascular system.” They say that this system is a crucial part of the cardiovascular system. Perhaps now with the scientific proof of meridians, acupuncture will become more widespread for all ailments, along with other great healing modalities based on the energetics of the body, supporting more people to have vibrant health and wellbeing. This article talks about the energy channels, scientific research, the meridian system and how the meridians are related to health.

How to Hold Space for Yourself
(August 5th, 2016)
By: Azriel ReShel
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Zero Balancing,

We all need to hold space for ourselves if we are going to be able to live life in a healthy and balanced way. This article gives you 9 Vital keys to holding space for yourself.

Cerebrospinal Fluid Signals Control the Behavior of Stem Cells in the Brain
(July 21st, 2016)
By: University of Basel
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The choroid plexus, a largely ignored structure in the brain that produces the cerebrospinal fluid, is an important regulator of adult neural stem cells, research indicates. The study also shows that signals secreted by the choroid plexus dynamically change during aging which affects aged stem cell behavior.

Your Brain Has A "Delete" Button—Here&#39;s How To Use It
(May 11th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about the fascinating way that your brain makes space to build new and stronger connections so you can learn more.

Gut bacteria regulate nerve fibre insulation
(April 5th, 2016)
By: Mo Costandi
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research suggests that gut bacteria may directly affect brain structure and function, offering new ways to treat multiple sclerosis and psychiatric conditions. The surprising new findings, published today in the journal Translational Psychiatry, provide what is perhaps the strongest evidence yet that gut bacteria can have a direct physical effect on the brain, and suggest that it may one day be possible to treat debilitating demyelinating diseases such as multiple sclerosis, and even psychiatric disorders, by altering the composition of the gut’s microbial menagerie in some way or another.

How the brain processes emotions
(March 31st, 2016)
By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Neuroscientists identify circuits that could play a role in mental illnesses, including depression. A new study reveals how two populations of neurons in the brain contribute to the brain&#39;s inability to correctly assign emotional associations to events. Learning how this information is routed and misrouted could shed light on mental illnesses including depression, addiction, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder.

Amazing new brain imaging technique shows synaptic density
(July 20th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This breakthrough could help scientists see exactly how depression, Alzheimer&#39;s, and autism transform our brains

Effectiveness of Combined approach of CraniosacralTherapy (CST) and Sensory-Integration Therapy (SIT) on reducing features in Children with Autism
(January 1st, 2015)
By: Durga Prasad Mishra (M.O.T.), Co-Author : Anurupa Senapati (M.O.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study was undertaken to investigate the effectiveness of combined approach of Craniosacral Therapy(CST) and Sensory-Integration Therapy(SIT)on reducing features in Children with Autism. From the above experiment it has been concluded that combined approach of CST and SI therapy(SIT) is more effective then SIT alone. Thus CST can be incorporated in the usual practice to get better improvement in autism.

CranioSacral Therapy and the Upledger Institute Czech and Slovak Republic
(February 15th, 1987)
By: Helena Touskova and Petra Bihary
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An article about CranioSacral Therapy and the Upledger Institute Czech and Slovak Republic. The article is by Helena Touskova (our Czech and Slovak Republic Affiliate) and an Upledger CST student - Petra Bihary

Clearing the Fog: Craniosacral Therapy Aims to Ease Dementia
(June 1st, 2016)
By: Susan Heitler Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An interview with Michael Morgan about applying CranioSacral techniques to the treatment of Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia.

Scoliosis Traced to Problems in Spinal Fluid Flow
(July 18th, 2016)
By: Dr. Francis Collins
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about experiments show, for the first time, that mutation of a gene associated with spinal curvature in both zebrafish and humans has its effect by altering the function of the tiny hair-like projections, known as cilia, that line the spinal cord. Without the cilia’s normal, beating movements, the fluid that bathes the brain and spinal cord doesn’t flow properly, and zebrafish develop abnormal spinal curves that look much like those seen in kids with scoliosis. However, when the researchers used genetic engineering to correct such mutations and thereby restore normal cilia function and flow of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF), the zebrafish did not develop spinal curvature.

The role of astrocytes in the developing brain
(February 9th, 2016)
By: Laurie Doering and Angela Scot
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

"Astrocytes are brain cells that manufacture the substances that enable and secure proper communication between other brain cells. In the developing brain, astrocytes are extremely important for the organ’s proper growth and function and, as an alteration of communication between brain cells can lead to many of the defects associated with autism, astrocytes have been identified as an interesting topic of focus."

Vagus Nerve Stimulation Dramatically Reduces Inflammation
(July 6th, 2016)
By: Christopher Bergland
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Inflammatory responses play a central role in the development and persistence of many diseases and can lead to debilitating chronic pain. This article talks about Vagus Nerve Stimulation gives healthcare providers a potentially more effective way to improve the lives of people suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases.

Resiliency Building Skills to Practice for Trauma Recovery
(June 30th, 2016)
By: Heidi Hanson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Much of trauma healing is helping the nervous system become more “resilient.” Rather than spend a few hours or even days drowning in a state of terror, tension and nervousness after getting triggered, doing one or more of these exercises can help the nervous system shift into a different state sooner. This article has activities and exercises that will help the nervous system to be more flexible and rebound from activation sooner.

The use of CranioSacral therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders: Benefits from the viewpoints of parents, clients, and therapists
(June 6th, 2016)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz, OTR, CST, Jane Kerr, MSc, Bsc, MSCP, HCP, Lorraine Porter, BSc
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The objectives of this preliminary study were to explore: the use of CranioSacral Therapy for persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder, the demographics of participants, and the retrospective interpretation of reported changes related to the intervention. Participants included therapists, parents, and clients.

Treating the sequelae of postoperative meningioma and traumatic brain injury: a case of implementation of craniosacral therapy in integrative inpatient care.
(February 21st, 2015)
By: Haller H1, Cramer H, Werner M, Dobos G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,


Background: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a commonly used but under-researched therapeutic approach. This case study explores the implementation of CST in the integrative inpatient treatment of sequelae of postoperative meningioma and traumatic brain injury. Case: A 50-year-old woman was admitted for 2 weeks of integrative inpatient treatment following meningioma resection and traumatic brain injury. In addition to the integrative treatment approach, which included conventional as well as complementary and alternative medicine, she received five sessions of CST for refractory headaches, vertigo, and cervicobrachial syndrome during this time. At discharge, the reported intensity of her headaches on a 10-cm visual analogue scale decreased from 6–9cm to 2–4cm and her level of vertigo decreased from 6–10cm to 2cm. Her cervical mobility and muscle tension, sleep quality, and general wellbeing also improved. The attending physicians saw CST as having contributed greatly to this improvement alongside use of phytotherapy and hyperthermia. Conclusion: Implementation of CST in integrative inpatient care could benefit patients with headache and vertigo from intracranial injuries.

Swapping sick for healthy brain cells slows Huntington&#39;s disease
(June 7th, 2016)
By: University of Rochester Medical Center
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers have successfully reduced the symptoms and slowed the progression of Huntington&#39;s disease in mice using healthy human brain cells. The findings could ultimately point to a new method to treat the disease

Change in the brain: Astrocytes finally getting the recognition they deserve
(April 25th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Astrocytes help control the strength of connections between neurons, new research shows. The study used cultured cells and brain slices to show that astrocytes in the hippocampus regulate changes in the brain brought on by neural activity.

Talking sense: What sensory processing disorder says about Autism
(June 1st, 2016)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Some children are highly sensitive to sound, sight or touch, whereas others seem almost numb. This article explores the differences and may offer insights into autism.

The Power of Touch
(March 11th, 2013)
By: Rick Chillot
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

We have an innate ability to decode emotions via touch alone. Rick Chillot said “We begin receiving tactile signals even before birth, as the vibration of our mother&#39;s heartbeat is amplified by amniotic fluid. No wonder then that touch plays a critical role in parent-child relationships from the start.”

Brain’s immune cells show intriguing links to autism
(August 13th, 2013)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

"Emerging evidence indicates that microglia are altered in some individuals with autism, raising questions about their potential role in brain development."

Science Says Silence Is Much More Important to Our Brains Than We Think
(May 27th, 2016)
By: Rebecca Beris
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about regenerated brain cells may be just a matter of silence. According to the attention restoration theory when you are in an environment with lower levels of sensory input the brain can ‘recover’ some of its cognitive abilities. In silence the brain is able to let down its sensory guard and restore some of what has been ‘lost’ through excess noise.

Not enough YAP means too much deadly inflammation inside the brain
(December 22nd, 2015)
By: Medical College of Georgia at Georgia Regents University
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Lack of YAP can disrupt regulation of astrocyte inflammation so "The brake is gone and over-inflammation can occur." This can lead to a break down of the blood-brain barrier, neuroinflammation and possibly hydrocephalus" Inside the brain, a protein called YAP, best known for its ability to help right-size our developing hearts and livers, appears to have the different but equally important task of helping control inflammation.

A Comment on the Relationship of Recent Research on CSF Production and Reabsorption to the Pressurestat Model
(January 15th, 2016)
By: Tim Hutton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tim Hutton discusses the Recent Research on CSF Production and Reabsorption to the Pressurestat Model Tim also talks about how the pressurestat model and the classical neurological model of CSF production and reabsorption are two separate and distinct things.

DETOXING FOR BRAIN HEALTH – NEW RESEARCH FINDINGS: CranioSacral Therapy Improves Glymphatic Cleansing of Brain Tissue
(May 16th, 2016)
By: Carolyn Simon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how craniosacral therapy improves glymphatic cleansing of the brain tissue and effectively promotes brain health by invigorating this active fluid cleansing system.

Cells carry &#39;memory&#39; of injury, which could reveal why chronic pain persists
(May 12th, 2016)
By: Medicine & Health
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A new study from King&#39;s College London offers clues as to why chronic pain can persist, even when the injury that caused it has gone. Although still in its infancy, this research could explain how small and seemingly innocuous injuries leave molecular &#39;footprints&#39; which add up to more lasting damage, and ultimately chronic pain.

INSPIRE: Barbara Huntress Tresness
(May 2nd, 2016)
By: Lorna Oppedisano
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Baraba Huntress shares her journey with her son. “And the only thing I’d done differently was the dolphin therapy with Upledger. So I knew then that there was something really magical about this,” she said. She continued on her journey with Graham, becoming a licensed massage therapist and learning craniosacral therapy.

Astrogliopathology in neurological, neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders
(January 15th, 2016)
By: Verkhratsky A, Parpura V.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract article on Astroglial cells representing a main element in the maintenance of homeostasis and providing defense to the brain.

The Gift of Presence, the Perils of Advice
(April 27th, 2016)
By: Parker J. Palme
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Palmer talks about his personal experience about giving advice. Don’t give advice, unless someone insists. Instead, be fully present, listen deeply, and ask the kind of questions that give the other a chance to express more ...

New Research will Change the Way We Think About Depression. (Finally!)
(March 25th, 2016)
By: Hey Sigmund
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The researchers found that depression affects the whole body on a cellular level. When we change the way we think about depression – as an illness of the whole body, not just an illness of the mind – we open up new possibilities for treatment. The body can heal and so can the mind.

Going Home: Zero Balancing takes the Body Back
(April 1st, 2004)
By: Karrie Osborn
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing,

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Missing link found between brain, immune system; major disease implications
(June 1st, 2015)
By: University of Virginia Health System
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. The discovery could have profound implications for diseases from autism to Alzheimer&#39;s to multiple sclerosis.

Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics
(April 18th, 2016)
By: Schleip R, Klingler W, Lehmann-Horn F
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dense connective tissue sheets, commonly known as fascia, play an important role as force transmitters in human posture and movement regulation. There is some evidence to suggest that fascia may be able to actively contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and consequently influence musculoskeletal dynamics.

Blame it on the astrocytes: does brain&#39;s most abundant cell type have role in neurological disorders?
(July 11th, 2014)
By: Publicase Comunicação Científica
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The demonstration that astrocytes, the brain&#39;s most abundant cell type, participate in the formation of inhibitory synapses in the cortex suggests an important role for these cells in some neurological disorders. Astrocytes, named for their star-like shape, are ubiquitous brain cells known for regulating excitatory synapse formation through cells. Recent studies have shown that astrocytes also play a role in forming inhibitory synapses, but the key players and underlying mechanisms have remained unknown until now.

Inspiration is the major regulator of human CSF flow
(February 1st, 2015)
By: Dreha-Kulaczewski S, Joseph AA, Merboldt KD, Ludwig HC, Gärtner J, Frahm J.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract article on CSF

A Sensitive Subject
(March 28th, 2016)
By: Sonia Fernandez
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

UCSB researchers catalog for the first time patterns of vibration on the skin of the hand that are part of how we sense the world through touch

Involvement of astrocytes in neurovascular communication
(March 22nd, 2016)
By: M. Nuriya*, H. Hirase
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: Neuroscientists suggest possible functional roles of astrocytes including astrocytic modulation of the vasculature.

Healing from the freeze, The vagus nerve, emotions and the difficulty with mindfulness practices
(August 18th, 2011)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Van der Kolk believes that bodywork and somatic re-education are essential components to releasing, and restoring function to tissues and organs that have lost mobility due to years of fleeing from those physical sensations.

Structure of Brain Explains Ability to Regulate Emotions
(July 24th, 2015)
By: Structure of Brain Explains Ability to Regulate Emotions
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Previous studies have shown that people diagnosed with emotional instability disorders exhibit a decrease in the volume of certain brain areas. The scientists wanted to know if these areas are also associated with the variability in the ability to regulate emotions that can be seen in healthy individuals

Sixth Sense: Science begins to Explain How We Sense Electric Fields
(March 24th, 2016)
By: The Mind Unleased
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Scientists are starting to figure out what is going on inside our cells when we sense electrical fields.

How chronic stress predisposes brain to mental disorders
(February 11th, 2014)
By: University of California
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

University of California, Berkeley, researchers have shown that chronic stress generates long-term changes in the brain that may explain why people suffering chronic stress are prone to mental problems such as anxiety and mood disorders later in life.

Feeling small: Fingers can detect nano-scale wrinkles even on a seemingly smooth surface
(September 16th, 2013)
By: KTH The Royal Institute of Technology
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a ground-breaking study, Swedish scientists have shown that people can detect nanoscale wrinkles while running their fingers upon a seemingly smooth surface. The findings could lead such advances as touch screens for the visually impaired and other products. When a finger is drawn over a surface, vibrations occur in the finger. People feel these vibrations differently on different structures. The friction properties of the surface control how hard we press on the surface as we explore it. A high friction surface requires us to press less to achieve the optimum friction force.

Astrocytes As the Main Players in Primary Degenerative Disorders of the Human Central Nervous System
(March 14th, 2016)
By: Francisco Capani, Cecilia Quarracino, Roberto Caccuri and Roberto E. P. Sica
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Along the last years it has been demonstrated that non-neural cells play a major role in the pathogenesis of the primary degenerative disorders (PDDs) of the human central nervous system. In this mini review they summarize the astrocytic behavior in PDDs, with special consideration to the experimental observations where astrocytic pathology precedes the development of neuronal dysfunction.

Memory relies on astrocytes, the brain&#39;s lesser known cells: supportive cells vital in cognitive function
(June 28th, 2014)
By: Salk Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

When you&#39;re expecting something -- like the meal you&#39;ve ordered at a restaurant -- or when something captures your interest, unique electrical rhythms sweep through your brain. Gamma oscillations reflect a symphony of cells -- both excitatory and inhibitory -- playing together in an orchestrated way. Though their role has been debated, gamma waves have been associated with higher-level brain function, and disturbances in the patterns have been tied to schizophrenia, Alzheimer&#39;s disease, autism, epilepsy and other disorders.

How to Control Inflammation with Your Brain
(November 30th, 2015)
By: Dr. Shawna Darou, ND
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article the author talks about the power of the vagus nerve. Activating the vagus nerve which works through the parasympathetic nervous system, we can greatly influence inflammation and the immune system. The role of the brain on body inflammation can be profound.

The Brain Waste-Disposal System May Be Enlisted to Treat Alzheimer and Other Brain Illnesses | An internal plumbing system rids the brain of toxic wastes. Sleep is when this cleanup ritual occurs
(March 1st, 2016)
By: Maiken Nedergaard, Steven A. Goldman
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The human brain weighs only about three pounds, or roughly 2 percent of the average adult body mass.Yet its cells consume 20 to 25 percent of the body's total energy. In the process, inordinate amounts of potentially toxic protein wastes and biological debris are generated. Each day, the adult brain eliminates a quarter of an ounce of worn-out proteins that must be replaced with newly made ones, a figure that translates into the replacement of half a pound of detritus a month and three pounds, the brain's own weight, over the course of a year.
Read more:

Complaining Is Terrible for You, According to Science
(March 8th, 2016)
By: Jessica Stillman
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article explains how complaining can harm your health.

Concussion and Post-concussion Syndrome Is craniosacral therapy an appropriate treatment modality?
(November 2nd, 2011)
By: Yonina Chernick
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients with concussion and post-concussion need to be treated to assist healing of the neurological, vascular and autonomic components of these injuries. This article talks about how Craniosacral therapy is one approach that may be applied by experienced therapists to facilitate this process.

Eight Fascinating Facts About Fascia
(July 24th, 2014)
By: Derrick Price, MS
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This articles gives you facts about fascia. Fascia forms a whole-body, continuous three-dimensional matrix of structural support around our organs, muscles, joints, bones and nerve fibers.

Your Cells Are Listening: How Talking To Your Body Can Help You Heal
(February 1st, 2016)
By: Therese Wade, MSc
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researcher Backster tested human cells for signs of consciousness. He collected white blood cells from human donors, electroded them in a test tube and then recorded the cells’ reactions as the donors experienced different emotional states. He found that spontaneous emotions were necessary in order to elicit an electrical reaction in the cells.

Viva Vagus: Wandering nerve could lead to range of therapies
(September 13th, 2015)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article on the importance of the Vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is the nervous system’s superhighway. About 80 percent of its nerve fibers — or four of its five “lanes” — drive information from the body to the brain. Its fifth lane runs in the opposite direction, shuttling signals from the brain throughout the body.

Changes in elongation of falx cerebri during craniosacral therapy techniques applied on the skull of an embalmed cadaver
(January 10th, 1992)
By: Kostopoulos DC, Keramidas G
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract Craniosacral therapy supports that light forces applied to the skull may be transmitted to the dura membrane having a therapeutic effect to the cranial system.

A Tongue Restriction Isn&#39;t Always a Tongue Tie
(October 11th, 2015)
By: Carol Smyth, IBCLC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article looks at the role of bodywork and explain why a tongue restriction isn’t always down to a tight frenulum. There is a before and after photo of the woman&#39;s tongue to illustrate the difference one CST appointment made.

The Science of Happiness: Why complaining is literally killing you
(November 1st, 2015)
By: Steven Parton
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article talks about how your thoughts reshape your brain, and thus are changing a physical construct of reality.

Role of glia in memory deficits following traumatic brain injury: Biomarkers of glia dysfunction
(February 5th, 2016)
By: Venkata Siva Sai Sujith Sajja, Nora Hlavac and Pamela J. VandeVord
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mini article on the role of glia.

Find Your Own Rhythm
(June 15th, 2014)
By: Gina Flores, CA, CST, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An article about CranioSacral Therapy

Radiographic Evidence of Cranial Bone Mobility
(January 2nd, 2002)
By: Sheryl Lynn Oleski, B.S., Gerald H. Smith, D.D.S., William T. Crow, D.O.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The purpose of this retrospective chart review was to determine if external manipulation of the cranium alters selected parameters of the cranial vault and base that can be visualized and measured on x-ray. Kragt, et al, (1) showed that movement was possible at the sutures in a macerated human skull, and Retzlaff, et al,(2) documented that the cranial sutures do not fuse with age. Taking this information a step further, Zanakis, et al,(3) attached infrared markers to the skin over selected skull bones, and used a 3-D kinematic system to analyze individual bone motion. Motion of the cranial bones was labeled complex, involving more than one axis of movement and not a simple hinge-operation.

The Baby Angel in Maleny
(February 5th, 2016)
By: Gay Liddington
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Gay writes about a CranialSacral Therapist that works with newborns.

Effect of osteopathic maneuvers in the treatment of asthma: review of literature
(February 22nd, 2016)
By: Rodrigo Medina Vasconcelos Lago; Marco Antônio Figueiredo da Silva Filho; Alan Carlos Nery dos Santos
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Their findings suggest that osteopathic manipulative techniques can be used as non-medicated additional resource in the treatment of patients with asthma. The reviewed studies have identified improving the quality of life, subjective perception of symptoms and reduce the use of drugs.

Visceral Manipulation
(February 22nd, 2016)
By: Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Warren Hammer describes Visceral Manipulation based on Jean Pierre Barral’s books

Principles of Visceral Manipulation
(April 15th, 2013)
By: By Marc Heller, DC
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Marc Heller, DC describes the principles of Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation
(September 1st, 1994)
By: Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Warren Hammer describes Visceral Manipulation based on Jean Pierre Barral’s books

Scientists Discover Children’s Cells Living in Mothers’ Brains
(December 4th, 2012)
By: Robert Marlone
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The link between a mother and child is profound, and new research suggests a physical connection even deeper than anyone thought. The profound psychological and physical bonds shared by the mother and her child begin during gestation when the mother is everything for the developing fetus, supplying warmth and sustenance, while her heartbeat provides a soothing constant rhythm.

10 Signs That Your Baby needs CranioSacral Therapy
(February 13th, 2016)
By: Vivien Ray, RCST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

10 Signs That Your Baby needs CranioSacral Therapy 1 Baby has difficulty latching onto the breast 2 Baby makes a lot of “slurpy” or clicking noises during feeds 3 Baby has a lot of wind after feeding 4 Breast feeding is uncomfortable or painful for the mother 5 Baby is in pain after feeding, cries or curls up in pain 6 Baby can take one breast but is uncomfortable on the other one. May need the “rugby hold” on one side 7 Baby is unable to sleep or restless when sleeping 8 Baby seems tense and restless, it is difficult to cuddle her/him 9 Baby vomits or brings up some of the feed 10 It seems that your baby is suffering from “tongue tie”

How Can CranioSacral Help
(February 7th, 2016)
By: Barabara Coon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

She explains how CST can best be described by sharing a moment from the table during a session with a Parkinson&#39;s client.

Atrial Fibrillation, the Stomach and Visceral Manipulation
(February 14th, 2016)
By: Barral
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia which results in over 5 million office visits per year and hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations. In 2012 A.J. de Koning, DO, an instructor for the Barral Institute and osteopathic practitioner in Italy, was approached by a renowned Italian cardiologist for treatment due to not being able to stand during long surgeries. The treatment was successful. He invited De Koning to do research with 40 AF patients at his hospital and they observed significant positive changes in patient outcomes. A.J. de Koning is finalizing his research and preparing it for publication.

Barral Visceral and Neural Manipulation and New Manual Articular Approach
(January 25th, 2016)
By: Barral
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

Visceral Manipulation is a modality that assists functional and structural imbalances throughout the body including musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive and lymphatic dysfunction. Neural Manipulation (NM) examines mechanical relationships between the cranium/spine hard frame to the dura and neural elements. New Manual Articular Approach (MAA) is a manual therapy modality that applies a comprehensive approach to the treatment of joints. It integrates all aspects of the joint including the nerve, artery, bone, capsule, and ligaments, as well as visceral and emotional connections.

An Overview of Visceral Manipulation
(February 10th, 2016)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Visceral manipulation is organ-specific fascial mobilization, and is based on the premise that free movement within the body is vital, and thus any restriction will adversely affect health. Visceral manipulation treats functional and structural imbalances throughout the body, with an aim to affect musculoskeletal, vascular, nervous, urogenital, respiratory, digestive, and lymphatic dysfunction. The goal of visceral manipulation is to help the body return to normal function and thereby remove compensatory symptoms, whatever their source, leading to improved health and optimal body functioning.

What If (An article about Upledger and CranioSacral Therapy)
(January 14th, 2016)
By: Brenda Zarth
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger states that “by complementing the body’s natural healing processes, Craniosacral Therapy is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and is effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction. SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of Craniocacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma.”

Do we think in Electrical Waves? A Break Through Discovery
(January 16th, 2016)
By: The Mind Unleased
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Researchers may have just made a breakthrough discovery about how our brains send information. This discovery could both help us better understand how memory works and how information is spread without the use of a direct connection or synapses. Researchers found that information can be transferred in electrical waves throughout the neural tissue without following the traditional synaptic pathways.

(January 27th, 2016)
By: Shawna Darou
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The vagus nerve which works through the parasympathetic nervous system, we can greatly influence inflammation and the immune system. The role of the brain on body inflammation can be profound.

Rethinking which cells are the conductors of learning and memory
(August 11th, 2015)
By: Ashley Yeager
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Brain cells called glia may be center stage when it comes to how humans learn and remember. Brain cells called glia may be center stage when it comes to how humans learn and remember. ... Glia are thought of as the support staff for the brain’s nerve cells, or neurons, which transmit and receive the brain’s electrical and chemical signals. Glial cells perform many of the brain’s most important maintenance jobs.

(December 21st, 2015)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Everyone knows that the bond between a mother and her child is a powerful one. “THE WAY WE SPEAK, SING, HOLD, AND PLAY WITH OUR BABIES SHAPES THE VERY FOUNDATIONS OF THE BRAIN AS OUR CHILD GROWS.”

Polyvagal theory: The biological fingerprint for compassion and empathy
(March 9th, 2015)
By: Emiliana R. Simon-Thomas
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

What happens in Vagus... may make or break compassion. The Vagus nerve is the cranial nerve in the body with the widest reach, influencing speech, head positioning, digestion, and—importantly for these two studies—the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system&#39;s influence on the heart. The UC Berkeley psychologist and Faculty Director of the Greater Good Science Center shares his research on the vagus nerve, a key nexus of mind and body, and a biological building block of human compassion.

What it means to “hold space” for people, plus eight tips on how to do it well
(March 11th, 2015)
By: Heather Plett
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

What does it mean to hold space for someone else? It means that we are willing to walk alongside another person in whatever journey they’re on without judging them, making them feel inadequate, trying to fix them, or trying to impact the outcome. When we hold space for other people, we open our hearts, offer unconditional support, and let go of judgement and control. Holding space is a key part of what we do in Upledger CranioSacral Therapy: being &#39;in neutral&#39;, supporting the client&#39;s intuition and inner wisdom, creating a safe space - rather than trying to fix, to give advice, to judge or even to know. This post on how to hold space for others - applies far beyond the treatment room. Lots of wisdom here.

Is the Power to Heal ourselves increasing?
(October 26th, 2015)
By: acob Devaney
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The mind, our beliefs, emotions, and lifestyle play a much larger role in our well being than we tend to recognize. While researchers are wondering how to avoid the dreaded monkey-wrench of the placebo effect in testing new drugs, the general public is recognizing that taking charge of ones health doesn’t need to always start with a call to the doctor or a new prescription.

Farewell: Keep Sharing the Love
(November 1st, 2009)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

After nearly nine years of contributing as a columnist for Massage Today, Dr. John Upledger tells his readers farewell and leaves us with inspiring insight to this special field of work.

Ann Romney’s Book “In this Together”
(January 4th, 2016)
By: Caroline Howe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ann Romney was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998 and mentions in book how she pursued Craniosacral therapy as part of her alternative therapies.

Ann Romney, Multiple Sclerosis and Craniosacral Therapy
(January 4th, 2016)
By: Lud Deppisch
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ann Romney, the wife of the presumptive 2012 Republican nominee for president, spoke about her multiple sclerosis (MS) and the treatments she has used to combat it. Some of the therapies she has employed fall under the rubric of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In addition to acupuncture and reflexology, craniosacral therapy has been helpful to her.

Ann Romney’s Book “In this Together” Article
(December 30th, 2015)
By: Caroline Howe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Caroline Howe</p>Ann Romney was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998 and mentions in book how she pursued craniosacral therapy as part of her alternative therapies.

Ann Romney, Multiple Sclerosis and Craniosacral Therapy
(May 21st, 2012)
By: Lud Deppisch
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ann Romney, the wife of the presumptive 2012 Republican nominee for president, spoke about her multiple sclerosis (MS) and the treatments she has used to combat it.Some of the therapies she has employed fall under the rubric of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). In addition to acupuncture and reflexology, craniosacral therapy has been helpful to her.

Mindful Speech, Using Words Therapeutically
(December 29th, 2015)
By: Robyn Scherr, CMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Language is a potent tool that can be used within our scope of practice as bodyworkers to encourage greater awareness and foster health in our clients. As bodyworkers, we create conditions and provide resources for healthy change to occur. We do this in myriad ways: maintaining a comfortable, peaceful atmosphere; holding a nonjudgmental, witnessing presence; and, of course, using effective hands-on techniques. We also foster our clients’ connection with themselves in body, mind, and spirit, helping them become aware of what it feels like to have their core needs met. Our skillful, well-intentioned touch, our speech can be a resource for our clients. What we say has impact. Skillful use of speech lowers the power differential inherent in all therapeutic relationships and fosters greater autonomy and self-reliance in our clients.

(December 1st, 2015)
By: John E. Upledger, D.O., O.M.M.; Barry S. Kaplan, M.D.; Russell A. Bourne, Jr., Ph.D., A.B.P.S.; Richard B. Zonderman, Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

The Upledger Institute has provided two week intensive treatment for Vietnam veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as diagnosed by the Veteran's Affairs (VA) medical division. These patients received psychological evaluation tests at the times of entry and exit into and out of the program. The intensive treatment was about six-seven hours per day for eight full days, with approximately three-four hours on the first and last days of the program. The therapy used was primarily CranioSacral Therapy and its progeny Energy Cyst Release, SomatoEmotional Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue. The results obtained strongly suggest that PTSD may be more successfully treated when the therapy includes corrections of the CranioSacral system, the release of foreign energies and conscious-non-conscious integration.

Is Your Pregnancy Missing Craniosacral Therapy
(December 22nd, 2015)
By: Kelly Marie O’Brien Pahman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

During pregnancy CST can bring relief to a myriad of issues for several reasons. Because of its ability to help your body release tensions and imbalances it invites your body to be in alignment which enables optimal fetal positioning and can alleviate painful pregnancy complications such as migraines, severe pubic pain, low back pain and sciatic pain. While it would be ideal to receive treatment throughout your entire pregnancy, many women find exceptional benefit from even one treatment finding a great provider and discussing your goals will help you discern what frequency of visits you desire. You can find a care provider near you by checking out the Upledger website.

The Mindset for Craniosacral Therapy
(December 3rd, 2015)
By: Judah Lyons
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The most important tool for therapists practicing cranial work is the cultivation of our state of mind, or what we call the practice of holding stillness. It is a reflective practice by nature. In cranial work we are asked to change our focus to an internal place of quiet, so that the person’s system we are holding feels safe and willing to reveal its story, or history, held within the fluid of the body. Our breath is the bridge to this place of healing power. Naturally, everyone’s mind wanders; however, the more powerfully we can control our thoughts, the more profoundly we can be involved in the therapeutic process with our clients.

Endometriosis and Physical Therapy
(June 1st, 2012)
By: Michele McGurk, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Endometriosis is a female reproductive disorder affecting approximately 176 million women and girls world-wide. Scar tissue and adhesions can develop due to Endometriosis. This fibrous connective tissue that forms between different surfaces in the body can distort or restrict the movement of a woman’s internal anatomy. Visceral Manipulation is a technique that could treat or prevent the formation of adhesions and could lead to fewer post-operative complications.

Alleviating Ear Infections Through Craniosacral Therapy
(July 26th, 2010)
By: Tad Wanveer, L.M.B.T., C.S.T.-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Craniosacral therapy can help children overcome ear infections by improving Eustachian tube (ET) shape. Chronic ear infections may be related to speech, language and learning disabilities, plus over time they can excessively strain the immune system. Craniosacral therapy is a gentle method of freeing a child’s ET of obstruction or congestion, which can promote drainage of substances out of the middle ear and relieve excessive pressure from inside the middle ear.

The Chronically Depleted Client
(December 1st, 2015)
By: Eric Moya, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy, with its philosophy and core beliefs of a person having the inner resources, or inner wisdom, necessary for healing, as well as a chosen value of using the least amount of influence necessary to get the job done, is a perfect approach to both conceptualize and work with the problem of chronic depletion.

PT Classroom - Hope for the Treatment of Retired Athletes
(November 24th, 2015)
By: Melinda Roland, MA, PT, LAc, OMD, Dipl-Ac, CST-D & Sally Fryer Dietz, PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Attention to concussions has increased dramatically over the past 10 years, in part due to the media coverage of high profile athletes and the effect of multiple concussions and Post-Concussive Syndrome on long term health. The Upledger Institute, in conjunction with the Ricky Williams Foundation, combined resources with the goal of demonstrating the effect an intensive Upledger based, manual therapy program, might have on retired elite athletes with concussive history. The intensive manual therapy program utilized 3 cutting edge therapies: Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, and Neural Manipulation, all modalities aimed at facilitating the body’s self healing abilities.

Abdominal Visceral Manipulation Prevents and Reduces Peritoneal Adhesions
(December 14th, 2015)
By: Michael A. Seffinger, DO; Amy Jemelka Martin, OMS IV
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

One of the major complications of abdominal surgery is abdominal adhesions, which can negatively impact a patient&#39;s quality of life. Unfortunately, the only intervention currently available is further abdominal surgery—adhesiolysis.1 Diamond et al2 noted, “Adhesions are a major health care burden, and their reduction is a significant unmet need in surgical therapeutics.” Additionally, there are limited options for preventing adhesion formation, and none are consistently reliable.3 However, one relatively unexplored option is visceral manual manipulation. This article explores the efficacy of visceral manipulation in preventing and managing abdominal adhesions

CranioSacral Work Distinguishing between techniques and therapy
(May 1st, 2014)
By: Robyn Scherr, CMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

I’m inspired every day by what the Upledger Institute calls “the power of a gentle touch.” Moving my practice from a “doing to” approach to CST’s “supporting and being with” approach empowers my clients in ways traditional manual therapies simply aren’t set up to do. I find this process-oriented work to be extremely effective and efficient. But both ways of working are needed in the world. m&b

(November 1st, 2014)
By: Robyn Scherr
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cultivating neutrality encourages us to be aware of our choices and challenge our habitual reactions and assumptions. While the goal of complete neutrality is not for every bodyworker in every situation, I believe we all could benefit from being more neutral in the ways we approach and interact with our clients. When we focus less on outcome and more on being present with our clients as they are, the outcomes they experience actually tend to improve.

Visceral Manipulation and NDT
(March 7th, 2011)
By: Nancy Dilger, MA, PT, PCS, CKTP
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

So what makes Neuro-Developmental Treatment and visceral manipulation complementary therapies? NDT is based on the sensori-motor development of postural control with emphasis on biomechanical alignment for efficiency of movement. Furthermore, with the organization of movement comes the recognition that the development of movement is multi-planar: sagittal, frontal and transverse. This concept is one of the many commonalities between NDT and VM. Dealing with the visceral system includes, but is not exclusive to, nutrition, digestions, absorption and elimination. All too frequently our patients may have feeding issues and more often than not, problems with constipation. More specifically with developmental delay, there is a decrease in mobility, which translates to decreased visceral motility.

Evaluating and Correcting Sacral Misalignments: A Motion Palpation Approach
(December 11th, 2015)
By: Russ Kalen, DC, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The movements of the sacrum within the pelvis are complex and often overlooked in chiropractic care. They are difficult to differentiate from other sacroiliac joint problems; however, once the pelvis is aligned, the remaining restrictions of the sacrum and coccyx are more straightforward to assess. The sacrum can be readily evaluated using the craniosacral rhythm (CSR).

The Womb As a Classroom
(March 27th, 2014)
By: Nina Staneva
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Our health, emotional responses, intelligence and even our artistic talents are laid down in the 9 months between conception and birth Even before a person is born, they are equipped with crucial knowledge of the world. They have gained that knowledge through the mother, who serves as a medium "transmitting" via biochemical signals information from the outside world. Everything the mother eats and the emotions she experiences influence the child and long before it is born into this world, the baby is prepared for some situations. The latest research in prenatal psychology sheds light on the experience we gain during the nine months spent in our mother`s womb.

The Sound of Silence
(December 1st, 2003)
By: Julian Cowan Hill
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

After receiving help for his tinnitus through CranioSacral Therapy he decided to become a therapist and create a study of how CST can help patience experiencing this challenging condition.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - Fact Sheet
(October 27th, 2015)
By: Editor - National Institute Neurological Disorders and Strokes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article found on the website for National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Strokes gives information on Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) ; symptoms, causes, and possible treatment options. The online article can be found at

The Effect of General Osteopathic Treatment on pain in Veterans Diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
(May 1st, 2014)
By: Andrea Kim Mounce-Halasz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In May of 2014 Andrea Kim Mounce-Halasz successfully defended for the College Etudes Osteopathique(Canadian College of Osteopathy) her thesis entitled: The Effect of General Osteopathic Treatment on pain in Veterans Diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This thesis was awarded the William Garner Sutherland Award. They hypothesis: General osteopathic treatment will reduce pain in veterans diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder.

The Brain-Gut Connection for Mental Well-being
(October 22nd, 2015)
By: Editor - Fractal Enlightenment
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes why changes to your diet, stress levels, and therefore the environment in your gut can create changes to your brain and brain function.

Considering CranioSacral Therapy in Difficult Situations
(August 1st, 2001)
By: Carol Brussel, BA, IBCLC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This articles asserts that babies who seem unable or unwilling to nurse at birth and babies who are unable to nurse properly may benefit from CranioSacral Therapy. And that CST is an option when traditional techniques for correcting latch-on problems are not completely successful.

CranioSacral Therapy for Infants
(January 1st, 2015)
By: Editor- Birth Injury Guide
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article CranioSacral Therapys (CST) is described as well as how it can help some of the cranial injuries sustained by infants during birth. Some of the issues that CST can help treat are: Vomiting Seizures Fine motor skills problems Torticollis Cerebral palsy Down’s Syndrome ADD or ADHD Erb’s palsy Colic Klumpke’s palsy Reflux Constipation Teething problems Acid reflux Misshapen head Ear pain It also explains how CST can help with feeding issues.

The Connections Between Emotional Stress, Trauma and Physical Pain
(April 8th, 2010)
By: Susanne Babbel, PhD, MFT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author states "Since trauma has been found to have a strong correlation to chronic pain, a combination of psychotherapy and physical therapy would be the most logical pain management option for stress and chronic pain relief. Psychotherapy that uses imagery, addresses the nervous system, and facilitates cognitive behavioral therapy is recommended." CranioSacral Therapy was mentioned as one of the recommended treatments as it helps to calm the nervous system.

Craniosacral Therapy Helps PTSD
(October 16th, 2015)
By: Gloria Flores HHP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses Craniosacral Therapy as a proven way to address a myriad of health problems, specifically those with PTSD. The author believes this is because it contributes to general health and well-being by increasing the body&#39;s natural ability to heal old wounds and traumas.

Craniosacral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Randomized Sham-controlled Trial
(September 1st, 2015)
By: Research: Haller H, Cramer H, Lauche R, Rampp T, Saha F, Ostermann T, Dobos G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Clinical Journal of Pain Abstract link: CST was both specifically effective and safe in reducing neck pain intensity and may improve functional disability and quality of life up to 3 months post intervention

Researchers Find Textbook-Altering Link Between Brain, Immune System
(June 1st, 2015)
By: Josh Barney
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article discusses a new finding of a structure in the human body that in the past was not seen. This structure links the brain to the lymph system through vessels. This has immense potential for new research in neuro-immune reactions.

(April 16th, 2001)
By: Time Magazine
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John E. Upledger and Jean-Pierre Barral were chosen as two of the top 100 Innovators of the new Millennium by Time Magazine. They were singled out due to their work in CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation.

Neurons and Glia - An Essential Partnership
(September 3rd, 2015)
By: Tad Wanveer LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes the four primary types of glia within the CNS (astrocytes, ependymal cells, oligodendrocytes, and microglia) and how each of these glial cell types function.

Total Body Balancing An Integrative Approach to Optimum Treatment and Balance
(September 3rd, 2015)
By: Kerry D’Ambrogio D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Written by the developer of Total Body Balancing (TBB), this article presents the full-body evaluation and five-phase treatment approach of TBB. The philosophy, principles and concepts are presented, which highlight how this approach influences all systems of the body - craniosacral, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, myofascial, and visceral, which supports the integration of specific techniques and treatments.

PTSD could be treated with Craniosacral Therapy according to a research study
(August 21st, 2009)
By: American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains that according to Dr. Chavez, CranioSacral Therapy can be an effective treatment for trauma including PTSD.

Prospective study of superior cluneal nerve disorder as a potential cause of low back pain and leg symptoms.
(December 31st, 2013)
By: Kuniya H, Aota Y, Kawai T, Kaneko K, Konno T, Saito T
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation,

Link to online: The conclusion to this article is that the superior cluneal nerve (SCN) disorder is not a rare clinical entity and should be considered as a cause of chronic LBP or leg pain. Approximately 50% of SCN disorder patients had leg symptoms.

Parkinson&#39;s may Begin in Gut and Spread to the Brain Via the Vagus Nerve
(June 23rd, 2015)
By: Elisabeth Svensson PhD, Erzsébet Horváth-Puhó PhD, Reimar W Thomsen PhD, Jens Christian Djurhuus DMSc, Lars Pedersen PhD, Per Borghammer DMSc and Henrik Toft Sørensen DMSc
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

The research has presented strong evidence that Parkinson’s disease begins in the gastrointestinal tract and spreads via the vagus nerve to the brain. Many patients have also suffered from gastrointestinal symptoms before the Parkinson’s diagnosis is made. “Now that we have found an association between the vagus nerve and the development of Parkinson’s disease, it is important to carry out research into the factors that may trigger this neurological degeneration, so that we can prevent the development of the disease. To be able to do this will naturally be a major breakthrough,” says Elisabeth Svensson.

Parkinson’s May Begin in Gut and Spread to the Brain Via the Vagus Nerve
(June 23rd, 2015)
By: Elisabeth Svensson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Previous hypotheses about the relationship between Parkinson’s and the vagus nerve have led to animal studies and cell studies in the field. However, the current study is the first and largest epidemiological study in humans. The research project is an important piece of the puzzle in terms of the causes of the disease. In the future the researchers expect to be able to use the new knowledge to identify risk factors for Parkinson’s disease and thus prevent the disease. The interpretation of this study is that the full truncal vagotomy is associated with a decreased risk for subsequent PD, suggesting that the vagal nerve may be critically involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson&#39;s Disease.

A Comparison of Still Point Induction to Massage Therapy in Reducing Pain and Increasing Comfort in Chronic Pain
(January 1st, 2014)
By: Carolyn S. Townsend, DNP, RN, WHNP-BC, CNE; Elizabeth Bonham, PhD, RN, PMHCNS, BC; Linda Chase, PhD, RN; Jennifer Dunscomb, MSN, RN; Susan McAlister, DNP, RN
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A quantitative study was completed to determine whether complementary techniques provide pain relief and comfort in patients with chronic pain. Subjects participated in sessions including aromatherapy and music therapy. Massage or cranial still point induction was randomly assigned. Statistically significant improvement in pain and comfort was noted in both groups.

A systematic review to evaluate the clinical benefits of craniosacral therapy
(August 24th, 2012)
By: Anna Jakel, Philip von Hauenschild
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Summary Objective Craniosacral therapy (CST) is an alternative treatment approach, aiming to release restrictions around the spinal cord and brain and subsequently restore body function. A previously conducted systematic review did not obtain valid scientific evidence that CST was beneficial to patients. The aim of this review was to identify and critically evaluate the available literature regarding CST and to determine the clinical benefit of CST in the treatment of patients with a variety of clinical conditions. Methods Computerised literature searches were performed in Embase/Medline, Medline® In-Process, The Cochrane library, CINAHL, and AMED from database start to April 2011. Studies were identified according to pre-defined eligibility criteria. This included studies describing observational or randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in which CST as the only treatment method was used, and studies published in the English language. The methodological quality of the trials was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. Results Only seven studies met the inclusion criteria, of which three studies were RCTs and four were of observational study design. Positive clinical outcomes were reported for pain reduction and improvement in general well-being of patients. Methodological Downs and Black quality scores ranged from 2 to 22 points out of a theoretical maximum of 27 points, with RCTs showing the highest overall scores. Conclusion This review revealed the paucity of CST research in patients with different clinical pathologies. CST assessment is feasible in RCTs and has the potential of providing valuable outcomes to further support clinical decision making. However, due to the current moderate methodological quality of the included studies, further research is needed.

Effect of craniosacral therapy on lower urinary tract signs and symptoms in multiple sclerosis
(June 1st, 2009)
By: Gil Raviv a,b,*, Shai Shefi a , Dalia Nizani b , Anat Achiron b
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: To examine whether craniosacral therapy improves lower urinary tract symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. A prospective cohort study. Out-patient clinic of multiple sclerosis center in a referral medical center. Hands on craniosacral therapy (CST). Change in lower urinary tract symptoms, post voiding residual volume and quality of life. Patients from our multiple sclerosis clinic were assessed before and after craniosacral therapy. Evaluation included neurological examination, disability status determination, ultrasonographic post voiding residual volume estimation and questionnaires regarding lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life. Twenty eight patients met eligibility criteria and were included in this study. Comparison of post voiding residual volume, lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life before and after craniosacral therapy revealed a significant improvement (0.001 > p > 0.0001). CST was found to be an effective means for treating lower urinary tract symptoms and improving quality of life in MS patients.

10 Influential Women Share the Wellness Practices They Learned From Their Mothers
(May 7th, 2015)
By: Jamie McKillop
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article from Yahoo Beauty page from Well + Good asked 10 Women in the fashion and Beauty industry what things they learned from their mothers to keep them well. One woman, Tata Harper, found of Tata Harper Skincare, had this to say about CranioSacral Therapy: ”Cranial sacral massage is a wellness practice that my mother shared with me that I’ve really found to be helpful. It’s not your typical form of massage that involves muscle work, it’s all about aligning your brain and spinal fluids. It’s mainly used to reduce stress and tension and to bring your energy back into alignment. The results are very mental. It’s so easy to get overly stressed about things that don’t really matter, so cranialsacral treatments help shift my brain back to a place where my priorities are aligned and my stress is reduced.“<strong></strong>

The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems
(June 1st, 1978)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The conclusion of this article: 1. The use of standardized quantifiable craniosacral motion examination represents a practical approach to the study of relationships between craniosacral motion restrictions and a variety of health problems which may or may not be related to the central nervous function. 2. In general, the accuracy of school authorities' opinions which classify children as "normal" or "not normal" are supported by these data points. 3. The probabilities calculated support the existence of a positive relationship between elevated total craniosacral motion restriction scores and classification of "not normal," "behavioral problems," and "learning disabled" by school authorities, and motor coordination problems, as diagnosed by the MSU Motor Coordination Clinic. 4. There is a positive relationship between an elevated total craniosacral motion restriction score and a history of an obstetrically complicated delivery. 5. The total quantitative craniosacral motion restriction score is most positively related to those children presenting with multiple problems.

Mechano electric patterns during craniosacral osteopathic diagnosis and treatment
(July 2nd, 1979)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cranial osteopathic manipulative diagnosis and treatment is associated with palpatory sensations perceived by the cranially oriented osteopathic physician at various locations on the patient&#39;s body. The nature of these palpatory sensations and ranges from smooth, regular, and rhythmic to quick, jerky and/or irregular motion. A study of mechano-electric measurements performed on patients in an inactive state of the body shows that distinct strain gauge, electrocardiography, electromyography, and integrated-electromyography, patterns correspond with each one of the palpatory sensations. This correlation far exceeds random probability.

The Principles of Palpatory Diagnosis and Manipulative Technique
(June 17th, 2015)
By: Edited by Myron C. Beal, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This Academy publication is devoted to materials dealing with the training of manipulative skills. It is designed to be a resource for students, teachers, and physicians in practice. Included in this volume are the glossary of terminology, objectives for a core curriculum from the document by the Educational Council on Osteopathic Principles, the principles of psychomotor skills teaching, a discussion of practical examinations in osteopathic skills, osteopathic diagnosis and manipulative treatment, articles on osteopathic research, and a listing of textbooks on manipulation and other educational items. In selecting materials for this volume, I have tried to include those which are basic to the teaching of osteopathic skills. They represent a personal judgement based upon my experience as a teacher of osteopathic palpatory and treatment skills. The contents of this yearbook have been reviewed by several other osteopathic educators to try and obtain a broad consensus on the materials to be included. However, after reviewing the educational syllabi of several colleges, I am aware that each college employs and orders materials for their curriculum in an individual manner. Thus, I am sure that I have inadvertently left out items which other osteopathic educators would have included. The intent of this book is to be selective of the large amount of resource material available. The reader shall judge whether I have succeeded in presenting the pertinent materials dealing with manipulative skills training. Myron C. Beal, D.O., F.A.A.O.

Thoracic outlet syndrome--a myofascial variant
(March 1st, 1993)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Thoracic outlet syndrome involves more than just local neurovascular compression. Myofascial release treatments and stretching exercises may be only partially or temporarily successful unless all related components of somatic dysfunction, including craniosacral mechanisms, are addressed. Structural and postural abnormalities in the frontal plane, as with a short leg, and in the sagittal plane, such as lumbopelvic imbalances, as well as neural involvement all contribute to thoracic outlet syndrome symptoms. Once segmental restrictions are treated and symptoms diminish, postural correction and strengthening exercises may be initiated. Osteopathic diagnosis and treatment of the local, regional, and remote structural problems is necessary for optimal treatment of thoracic outlet syndrome and the maintenance of a symptom-free status.

The craniosacral mechanism and the temporomandibular joint
(August 1st, 1986)
By: STEPHEN D. BLOOD, DD., FAAO Alexandria, Virginia
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A review of the extensive work by dentists Fonder and Smith to resolve temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome shows awareness of the unity of the body and the effect of TMJ dysfunction on all body systems. However, the role of the craniosacral mechanism has not been appreciated sufficiently. Results of a retrospective study of 130 TMJ patients evaluated for craniosacral dysfunction over a 9-year-period are reported. More than 57 percent of the patients had a history of trauma. The number of upper cervical restrictions was also impressive. A viscerosomatic reflex is postulated as a mechanism for the association of cervical and cranial restrictions and TMJ dysfunction. Osteopathic cranial treatment will assist resolution of TMJ symptoms and improve results with the dental splint. The benefits of a team approach by dentists and physicians are discussed

Layers of the abdominal wall: anatomical investigation of subcutaneous tissue and superficial fascia
(December 23rd, 2010)
By: Luca Lancerotto • Carla Stecco • Veronica Macchi • Andrea Porzionato • Antonio Stecco • Raffaele De Caro
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Abstract: Introduction In recent times new surgical approaches have been developed, in which subcutaneous tissue is the primary object, such as flaps and fat removal techniques, but different descriptions and abundance of terminology persist in Literature about this tissue. Aim and methods In order to investigate the structure of abdominal subcutaneous tissue, macroscopic and microscopic analyses of its layers were performed in 10 fresh cadavers. Results were compared with in vivo CT images of the abdomen of 10 subjects. Results The subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen comprises three layers: a superficial adipose layer (SAT), a membranous layer, and a deep adipose layer (DAT). The SAT presented fibrous septa that defined polygonal-oval lobes of fat cells with a mean circularity factor of 0.856 ± 0.113. The membranous layer is a continuous fibrous membrane rich in elastic fibers with a mean thickness of 847.4 ± 295 lm. In the DAT the fibrous septa were predominantly obliquely-horizontally oriented, defining large, flat, polygonal lobes of fat cells (circularity factor: mean 0.473 ± 0.07). The CT scans confirm these findings, showing a variation of the thickness of the SAT, DAT and membranous layer according with the subjects and with the regions. Discussion: The distinction of SAT and DAT and their anatomic differences are key elements in modern approaches to liposuction. The membranous layer appears to be also a dissection plane which merits further attention. According with the revision of Literature, the Authors propose that the term ‘‘superficial fascia’’ should only be used as a synonym for the membranous layer.

Morphology, quality, and composition in mature human peritoneal adhesions
(June 29th, 2007)
By: Marcel Binnebösel & Uwe Klinge & Rafael Rosch & Karsten Junge & Petra Lynen-Jansen & Volker Schumpelick
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Abstract Background and aim Peritoneal adhesions are caused by intra-abdominal surgery and can lead to relevant complications. Adhesions are supposed to consist of avascular scar tissue. The aim of the present study was to analyze whether mature postsurgical adhesions even after years still reveal a dynamic remodeling process. Materials and methods In a prospective analysis, we investigated tissue specimen of peritoneal adhesions in 40 patients after abdominal surgery. Expression of five parameters representing wound healing and remodeling were examined (MMP-2, Ki-67, apoptosis, collagen/protein ratio, and collagen type I/III ratio). Results Gender, age, and the number of previous operations had no impact on the parameters measured. Adhesion specimens were cell rich, containing mononuclear round cells, fibroblasts, adipose cells, and vascular endothelial cells. There was a positive expression of MMP-2 and apoptosis, whereas Ki-67 was marginal irrespective of adhesion maturity or quality. Adhesions classified as dense showed a significant increase in total collagen (118.2± 4.9 μg/mg) and collagen type I/III ratios (3.9±0.2), whereas there were no significant differences regarding the adhesion maturity. Conclusion The distinct composition of cellular components as well as of extracellular matrix proteins may reflect an interactive cross-talk between adhesion- and stromaderived cells even in mature adhesions. Our findings support the hypothesis that the disabilities of appropriate repair of the peritoneal surface leading to persistent adhesions are a consequence of a permanent process of disturbed remodeling.

The Formation of Peritoneal Adhesions
(June 1st, 2015)
By: Christian DellaCorte, Ph.D., C.M.T.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article discusses peritoneal adhesions and re-epithelialization and suggested that the rate of injury determines the rate and extent of the inflammatory response to that injury.

3D reconstruction of the crural and thoracolumbar fasciae
(January 4th, 2011)
By: L. Benetazzo • A. Bizzego • R. De Caro • G. Frigo • D. Guidolin • C. Stecco
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Abstract Purpose To create computerized three-dimensional models of the crural fascia and of the superficial layer of the thoracolumbar fascia. Methods Serial sections of these two fasciae, stained with Azan-Mallory, van Gieson and anti-S100 antibody stains,were recorded. The resulting images were merged (Image Zone 5.0 software) and aligned (MatLab Image Processing Toolkit). Color thresholding was applied to identify the structures of interest. 3D models were obtained with Tcl/Tk scripts and Paraview 3.2.1 software. From these models,the morphometric features of these fasciae were evaluated with ImageJ. Results In the crural fascia, collagen fibers represent less than 20% of the total volume, arranged in three distinct sub-layers (mean thickness, 115 lm), separated by a layer of loose connective tissue (mean thickness, 43 lm). Inside a single sub-layer, all the fibers are parallel, whereas the angle between the fibers of adjacent layers is about 78. Elastic fibers are less than 1%. Nervous fibers are mostly concentrated in the middle layer. The superficial layer of the thoracolumbar fascia is also formed of three thinner sub-layers, but only the superficial one is similar to the crural fascia sub-layers, the intermediate one is similar to a flat tendon, and the deep one is formed of loose connective tissue. Only the superficial sub-layer has rich innervation and a few elastic fibers. Discussion Computerized three-dimensional models provide a detailed representation of the fascial structure, for better understanding of the interactions among the different components. This is a fundamental step in understanding the mechanical behavior of the fasciae and their role in pathology.

CST for Kids with Special Needs
(September 28th, 2014)
By: Nancy Shatz Alton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes what CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is in layman terms as it relates to working with children. It also explains that children all along the spectrum of autism and learning disabilities, including ADD, ADHD, dyslexia and dyscalculia respond well to CST.

The Structure and Development of Cranial and Facial Sutures
(June 9th, 2015)
By: J. J. PRITCHARD, J. H. SCOTT AND F. G. GIRGIS Anatomy Department, Queen&#39;s University, Belfast
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The cranial sutures are full examined and its structure and development described.

Histological techniques for cranial bone studies
(February 2nd, 1976)
By: JOHN P. POPEVEC, D. o. THOMAS P. BIGGERT, B.A. ERNEST W. RETZLAFF, PH.D. Department of Biomechanics Michigan State University—College of Osteopathic Medicine East Lansing, Michigan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Proceedings: histological techniques for cranial bone studies Author: Popevec JP; Biggert TP; Retzlaff EW; Department of Biomechanics, Michigan State University-College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, Michigan, USA Subject(s): Animal; Haplorhini; Saimiri; Skull; Staining Journal Info: JAOA: The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association v. 75, pt. 6 (1976 Feb), p. 606-607; J Am Osteopath Assoc; JAOA

Cranial findings and iatrogenesis from craniosacral manipulation in patients with traumatic brain syndrome
(March 1st, 1995)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cranial findings and iatrogenesis from craniosacral manipulation in patients with traumatic brain syndrome Abstract: Craniosacral findings were recorded for all patients with traumatic brain injury entering an outpatient rehabilitation program between 1978 and 1992. The average cranial rhythmic impulse was low in all 55 patients (average, 7.2 c/min). At least one cranial strain pattern was exhibited by 95%, and 87% had one or more bony motion restrictions. Sacral findings were similar to those in patients with low back pain. Although craniosacral manipulation has been found empirically useful in patients with traumatic brain injury, three cases of iatrogenesis occurred. The incidence rate is low (5%), but the practitioner must be prepared to deal with the possibility of adverse reactions. (Key words: Craniosacral manipulation, traumatic brain injury, iatrogenesis, manual medicine) Author: Greenman, Philip E.; McPartland, John M. Date: 1995 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 95, no.3 (March1995) p. 182-192

Classification of diagnostic tests used with osteopathic manipulation
(June 9th, 2015)
By: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Classification of diagnostic tests used with osteopathic manipulation Abstract: In an effort to characterize methods and decision-making used in osteopathic manipulative diagnosis, videotapes were made of a group of osteopathic physicians individually examining patients who complained of pain considered to be related to musculoskeletal problems. The diagnostic tests used fell into five classes: I—General impression; II—Regional motion testing; III—Position of landmarks; IV—Superficial and deep tissue evaluation; and V—Local response to motion demand. The first three classes are not unique to osteopathic diagnosis. Tests in classes IV and V, however, require high levels of sensory skill and precise anatomic knowledge and are subject to considerable individuality in their application by different physicians. Such differences are consistent with low levels of interexaminer agreement on findings unless special care is taken to adopt detailed criteria for use of a test and for interpretation and recording of findings. The differences may also explain why osteopathic physicians when communicating with other medical professionals rely mainly upon findings obtained with the first three classes of tests. Author: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G. Date: 1980 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.7 (March1980) p. 451/71-455/79

Autistic children: Preliminary physiologic, structural, and craniosacral evaluations
(October 1st, 1979)
By: Upledger, John E.; Vredevoogd, Jon D.; Retzlaff, Ernest; Raynesford, Alice K.; Howard, Thomas F.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Autistic children - Preliminary physiologic, structural, and craniosacral Abstract: The Twenty-Third National Osteopathic Research Conference was held on March 15-17, 1979, at the Holiday Inn, Chicago City Center. Part 3 of the Proceedings appeared in the September JAOA. Publication will continue in the November JAOA. Author: Upledger, John E.; Vredevoogd, Jon D.; Retzlaff, Ernest; Raynesford, Alice K.; Howard, Thomas F. Date: 1979 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.2 (October1979) p. 123/114-123/114

The Reproducibility of Craniosacral Examination Findings: A Statistical Analysis
(August 1st, 1977)
By: Upledger, John E.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The reproducibility of craniosacral examination findings - a statistical analysis Abstract: A statistical analysis of the data derived from 50 craniosacral examinations on 25 preschool children is presented. These data would seem to support the reliability and reproducibility of the examination findings when the examinations are performed by skilled examiners. During all 50 examinations, the rate of the cranial rhythmical impulse (CRI) was counted and compared with the pulse and respiratory rates of both the subject and the examiner. The results of this comparison would tend to help establish the CRI as an independent physiologic rhythm. A single-blind protocol was employed. All reasonable precautions were taken to control variables. Author: Upledger, John E. Date: 1977 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 76, no.12 (August1977) p. 890/67-899/76

JAOA book reviews-Pressure points-by JEU 1978
(October 1st, 1978)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Book reviews are given on several topics

Letter to Editor against CS Findings in Children Research and JEU response
(February 1st, 1979)
By: John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this letter to the editor, Dr. John E Upledger responds to the srticle by Dr. Northup: "The relationship of craniosacral examination findings in grade school children with developmental problems" (JAOA 77:760-76, June 1978) by John E. Upledger failed to meet the normal standards of research design necessary to a scientific paper.

Age-related changes in human cranial sutures
(September 3rd, 1979)
By: ERNEST RETZLAFF, PH.D. JOHN UPLEDGER, D.O. FRED L. MITCHELL, D.O. JANE WALSH, B.S. JON VREDEVOODG, MFA Michigan State University—College of Osteopathic Medicine East Lansing, Michigan

Age-related changes in human cranial sutures Abstract: The Twenty-Third National Osteopathic Research Conference was held on March 15-17, 1979, at the Holiday Inn, Chicago City Center. Part 2 of the Proceedings appeared in the September JAOA. Publication will continue in the October JAOA. Author: Retzlaff, Ernest; Upledger, John; Mitchell, Fred L.; Walsh, Jane; Vredevoodg, Jon Date: 1979 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.1 (September1979) p. 60/114-61/115

The structures of cranial bone sutures
(February 1st, 1976)
By: Retzlaff, Ernest W.; Michael, David; Roppel, Richard; Mitchell, Fred
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The structures of cranial bone sutures - attached Author: Retzlaff, Ernest W.; Michael, David; Roppel, Richard; Mitchell, Fred There are few studies on cranial bone sutures which have utilized modern histologic techniques. One of the most informative studies on the structure and the development of mammalian cranial sutures was done by Pritchard, Scott, and Girgis in 1956." Their primary concern was the development of the suture, so there was limited discussion of the adult structure. However, this report provided us with a starting point for our investigation. Date: 1976 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 75, no.6 (February1976) p. 607/106-608/108

The Controversy of Cranial Bone Motion
(June 9th, 2015)
By: Rogers JS; Witt PL; Sutherland WG; Upledger JE
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CONCLUSION Anatomic studies on sutural union provide evidence that sutures may not fuse until late in life and perhaps not at all in some cases. Biomechanical evidence clearly shows that adult human suture has properties very distinct from that of cranial bone, making it highly improbable that sutures are completely ossified as some authorities have contended. Research on cranial bone motion has shown that cranial sutures may play a significant role in cranial compliance to increases in intracranial pressure in adult humans and animals, indicating the need for revisiting the concept of a physiologically rigid cranium. Therefore, a small magnitude of motion may be possible between the bones of the cranium. However, a number of those published studies supporting cranial bone motion lacked evidence of scientific rigor. Physical therapists should carefully scrutinize the literature presented as evidence for cranial bone motion. Further research is needed to resolve this controversy. Outcomes research, however, is needed to validate cranial bone mobilization as an effective treatment.

Cranial Findings and Iatrogenesis from Craniosacral Manipulation in Patients with Traumatic Brain Syndrome
(June 9th, 2015)
By: Greenman, Philip E.; McPartland, John M.

Cranial Findings and Iatrogenesis from Craniosacral Manipulation in Patients with Traumatic Brain Syndrome Abstract: Craniosacral findings were recorded for all patients with traumatic brain injury entering an outpatient rehabilitation program between 1978 and 1992. The average cranial rhythmic impulse was low in all 55 patients (average, 7.2 c/min). At least one cranial strain pattern was exhibited by 95%, and 87% had one or more bony motion restrictions. Sacral findings were similar to those in patients with low back pain. Although craniosacral manipulation has been found empirically useful in patients with traumatic brain injury, three cases of iatrogenesis occurred. The incidence rate is low (5%), but the practitioner must be prepared to deal with the possibility of adverse reactions. (Key words: Craniosacral manipulation, traumatic brain injury, iatrogenesis, manual medicine) Author: Greenman, Philip E.; McPartland, John M. Date: 1995 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 95, no.3 (March1995) p. 182-192

The Relationship of Craniosacral Examination Findings in Grade School Children with Developmental Problems -
(June 9th, 2015)
By: Upledger, John E.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The Relationship of Craniosacral Examination Findings in Grade School Children with Developmental Problems - Abstract: A standardized craniosacral examination was conducted on a mixed sample of 203 grade school children. The probabilities calculated supported the existence of a positive relationship between elevated total craniosacral motion restriction scores and the classifications of "not normal," "behavioral problems," and "learning disabled," by school authorities, and of motion coordination problems. There was also a positive relationship between an elevated total craniosacral motion restriction score and a history of an obstetrically complicated delivery. The total quantitative craniosacral motion restriction score was most positively related to those children presenting with multiple problems. Author: Upledger, John E. Date: 1978 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 77, no.10 (June1978) p. 760/69-776/85

Description of fifty diagnostic tests used with osteopathic manipulation
(January 1st, 1982)
By: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell Jr., Fred L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Description of fifty diagnostic tests used with osteopathic manipulation - Abstract: Fifty diagnostic tests used during videotaped examination and treatment of patients with low back complaint by five osteopathic physicians are described. The tests have been assigned to five classes: general impression, regional motion testing, position of landmarks, superficial and deep tissue evaluation, and local response to motion demand. Considerable variation was encountered among the physicians in choice of test and use of a single test in one or more modes or test class. Test selection and sequence were influenced by the conceptual orientation of the physician, patient position, outcome of previous tests, the status of developing hypotheses about the patient's problem(s), and the accessibility of the problem to treatment and to monitoring of its progress. Distinctions among the fifty tests and differentiation between treatment and diagnostic tests were often obscured. Nevertheless, each physician appeared to follow an orderly process of diagnostic inference leading to treatment. The tests and classification system provide a useful descriptive and analytical tool for research into osteopathic manipulation. Author: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell Jr., Fred L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G. Date: 1982 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 81, no.5 (January1982) p. 314/79-321/86

Classification of Diagnostic Tests used with Osteopathic Manipulation
(January 1st, 1980)
By: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Classification of Diagnostic Tests used with Osteopathic Manipulation Abstract: In an effort to characterize methods and decision-making used in osteopathic manipulative diagnosis, videotapes were made of a group of osteopathic physicians individually examining patients who complained of pain considered to be related to musculoskeletal problems. The diagnostic tests used fell into five classes: I—General impression; II—Regional motion testing; III—Position of landmarks; IV—Superficial and deep tissue evaluation; and V—Local response to motion demand. The first three classes are not unique to osteopathic diagnosis. Tests in classes IV and V, however, require high levels of sensory skill and precise anatomic knowledge and are subject to considerable individuality in their application by different physicians. Such differences are consistent with low levels of interexaminer agreement on findings unless special care is taken to adopt detailed criteria for use of a test and for interpretation and recording of findings. The differences may also explain why osteopathic physicians when communicating with other medical professionals rely mainly upon findings obtained with the first three classes of tests. Author: Dinnar, Uri; Beal, Myron C.; Goodridge, John P.; Johnston, William L.; Karni, Zvi; Mitchell, Frederic L.; Upledger, John E.; McConnell, David G. Date: 1980 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 79, no.7 (March1980) p. 451/71-455/79

Mechano-electric Patterns During CranioSacral Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment
(June 9th, 2015)
By: Upldger, John E.; Karni, Zvi
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mechano-electric Patterns During CranioSacral Osteopathic Diagnosis and Treatment Abstract: Cranial osteopathic manipulative diagnosis and treatment is associated with palpatory sensations perceived by the cranially oriented osteopathic physician at various locations on the patient's body. The nature of these palpatory sensations ranges from smooth, regular, and rhythmic to quick, jerky and/or irregular motion. A study of mechano-electric measurements performed on patients in an inactive state of the body shows that distinct strain gauge, electrocardiography, electromyography, and integrated-electromyography patterns correspond with each one of the palpatory sensations. This correlation far exceeds random probability. Author: Upledger, John E.; Karni, Zvi Date: 1979 Publisher: American Osteopathic Association; Chicago Relation: JAOA Vol. 78, no.11 (July1979) p. 782/49-791/58

CranioSacral Therapy - A New Kind of Pulse
(April 16th, 2001)
By: John Greenwald
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the Alternative Medicine Section of TIME magazine, Innovators TIME 100: The Next Wave, Dr. John E. Upledger was interviewed and CranioSacral Therapy is explained.

Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia
(January 1st, 2011)
By: Mataran-Penarrocha, G.A., Castro-Sanchez, A.M., Carballo Garcıa, G., Moreno-Lorenzo, C., Parron Carreno, T., & Onieva Zafra, M.D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article studies the influence of Craniosacral Therapy on anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Synopsis: Craniosacral therapy improves the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia, reducing their perception of pain and fatigue and improving their night rest and mood, with an increase in physical function. Craniosacral therapy . . . also reduces anxiety levels, partially improving the depressive state.

A randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of craniosacral therapy on pain and heart rate variability in fibromyalgia patients
(January 1st, 2011)
By: Mataran-Penarrocha, G.A., Castro-Sanchez, A.M., Carballo Garcıa, G., Moreno-Lorenzo, C., Parron Carreno, T., & Onieva Zafra, M.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explores the influence of Craniosacral Therapy on anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Synopsis: Craniosacral therapy improves the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia, reducing their perception of pain and fatigue and improving their night rest and mood, with an increase in physical function. Craniosacral therapy . . . also reduces anxiety levels, partially improving the depressive state.

A Retrospective Review of Outcomes Following Physical Therapy Treatments of Fibromyalgia Patients
(January 1st, 2004)
By: Silva, M.P., Barrett, J.M., & Williams, J.D.
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain 2004; 12(2):83-92 This research article is a retrospective review of outcomes of fibromyalgia patients following physical therapy treatments. Synopsis: Upledger’s CranioSacral Therapy techniques, in combination with muscle energy techniques, appear to be effective in treatment of fibromyalgia syndrome. Pain levels were reduced with time in therapy in nearly all the patients. Many reported improved energy levels and quality of life.

Credibility of Low-Strength Static Magnet Therapy as an Attention Control Intervention for a Randomized Controlled Study of CranioSacral Therapy for Migraine Headaches
(April 1st, 2011)
By: Mataran-Penarrocha, G.A., Castro-Sanchez, A.M., Carballo Garcıa, G., Moreno-Lorenzo, C., Parron Carreno, T., & Onieva Zafra, M.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on anxiety, depression and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2011; article ID 178769. Synopsis: Craniosacral therapy improves the quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia, reducing their perception of pain and fatigue and improving their night rest and mood, with an increase in physical function. Craniosacral therapy . . . also reduces anxiety levels, partially improving the depressive state.

Comparison of still point induction to massage therapy in reducing pain and increasing comfort in chronic pain
(March 30th, 2014)
By: Townsend, C.S., Bonham, E., Chase, L. Dunscomb, J., & McAlister, S.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study shows that both CranioSacral still point and massage therapy protocols resulted in statistically significant improvement in the participants’ self-reported pain and comfort scores.

Craniosacral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: A Follow-up Study
(May 20th, 2014)
By: Heidemarie Haller (1), Romy Lauche (1), Holger Cramer (1), Thomas Rampp (1), Felix J. Saha (1), Thomas Ostermann (2), Gustav J. Dobos (1)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Follow up study showed that levels of anxiety were significantly less in the CST group. Craniosacral Therapy is more effective in relieving chronic, non-specific neck pain and in improving physical quality of life than an active attention-control condition.

A study of the rhythmic motions of the living cranium
(May 1st, 1971)
By: Viola Frymann, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This paper is intended to present the results of exploration of these three questions regarding an inherent motility of the cranium. Does such a motion really occur? Can it be mechanically recorded? If it exists, what is its relation to known physiologic functions? With regard to the first question, as to the existence of such a rhythmic motion, slower than and different from the thoracic respiratory rhythm, within the living cranium, those trained in skillful palpation of the human body have claimed for nearly 30 years that such inherent motility is detectable. The validity of the palpatory findings of persons with trained hands is, however, subject to question by those who lack such palpatory skill. The doubt is due primarily to the plausible hypothesis that the sense of touch will experience systematic tactile illusions when subjected to small cyclic motions.

Prospective study of superior cluneal nerve disorder as a potential cause of low back pain and leg symptoms.
(December 31st, 2014)
By: Kuniya H, Aota Y, Kawai T, Kaneko K, Konno T, Saito T
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The purposes of this prospective study were to investigate the prevalence of Superior Cluneal Nerve (SCN) disorder and to characterize clinical manifestations of this clinical entity. Conclusions SCN disorder is not a rare clinical entity and should be considered as a cause of chronic Low Back Paim (LBP) or leg pain. Approximately 50% of SCN disorder patients had leg symptoms.

UK Osteopathy Today March 2013 Interview with Jean-Pierre Barral
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Theresa Devereux, DO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

French Osteopath, Jean-Pierre Barral, is in the spotlight as Theresa Devereaux asks him about visceral manipulation and his practice.

Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia
(July 1st, 2009)
By: Guillermo A. Mataran-Pe ´ narrocha, ˜ 1 Adelaida Mar´Ä±a Castro-Sanchez, ´ 2 Gloria Carballo Garc´Ä±a,3 Carmen Moreno-Lorenzo,1 Tesifon Parr ´ on Carre ´ no, ˜ 4 and Mar´Ä±a Dolores Onieva Zafra5
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fibromyalgia is considered as a combination of physical, psychological and social disabilities. The causes of pathologic mechanism underlying fibromyalgia are unknown, but fibromyalgia may lead to reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze the repercussions of craniosacral therapy on depression, anxiety and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients with painful symptoms. An experimental, double-blind longitudinal clinical trial design was undertaken. Eighty-four patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an intervention group (craniosacral therapy) or placebo group (simulated treatment with disconnected ultrasound). The treatment period was 25 weeks. Anxiety, pain, sleep quality, depression and quality of life were determined at baseline and at 10 minutes, 6 months and 1-year post-treatment. State anxiety and trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index were significantly higher in the intervention versus placebo group after the treatment period and at the 6-month follow-up. However, at the 1-year follow-up, the groups only differed in the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Approaching fibromyalgia by means of craniosacral therapy contributes to improving anxiety and quality of life levels in these patients.

Effect of craniosacral therapy on lower urinary tract signs and symptoms in multiple sclerosis
(January 1st, 2009)
By: Gil Raviv a,b,*, Shai Shefi a , Dalia Nizani b , Anat Achiron b
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: To examine whether craniosacral therapy improves lower urinary tract symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. A prospective cohort study. Out-patient clinic of multiple sclerosis center in a referral medical center. Hands on craniosacral therapy (CST). Change in lower urinary tract symptoms, post voiding residual volume and quality of life. Patients from our multiple sclerosis clinic were assessed before and after craniosacral therapy. Evaluation included neurological examination, disability status determination, ultrasonographic post voiding residual volume estimation and questionnaires regarding lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life. Twenty eight patients met eligibility criteria and were included in this study. Comparison of post voiding residual volume, lower urinary tract symptoms and quality of life before and after craniosacral therapy revealed a significant improvement (0.001 > p > 0.0001). CST was found to be an effective means for treating lower urinary tract symptoms and improving quality of life in MS patients.

Special Needs Kids Find Calm with Yoga Therapy
(September 2nd, 2014)
By: Aimee Heckel
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Debbie Stone, a mother of a special needs child with autism has now started a non-profit organization to help parents find affordable options for yoga and therapy for their special-needs children. Stone found that craniosacral therapy, nutrition, yoga and breath work eased her son&#39;s anxiety in new situations, taught him discipline to stay in one place and helped alleviate his rocking movements. The non-profit organization is calle Pop.Earth

In The Spotlight - Interview with Jean-Pierre Barral
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Theresa Devereaux
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

An interview with French Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral that is delightful and insightful. A background on Dr. Barral is given and begins with his explanation of visceral osteopathy.

Treatment Preferences for Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Children with Chronic Pain
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Jennie C. I. Tsao, Marcia Meldrum, Su C. Kim, Margaret C. Jacob, and Lonnie K. Zeltzer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract:  CAM therapies have become increasingly popular in pediatric populations. Yet, little is known about children's preferences for CAM. This study examined treatment preferences in chronic pediatric pain patients offered a choice of CAM therapies for their pain. Participants were 129 children (94 girls) (mean age = 14.5 years ± 2.4; range = 8–18 years) presenting at a multidisciplinary, tertiary clinic specializing in pediatric chronic pain. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine the relationships between CAM treatment preferences and patient's sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, as well as their self-reported level of functioning. Over 60% of patients elected to try at least one CAM approach for pain. The most popular CAM therapies were biofeedback, yoga and hypnosis; the least popular were art therapy and energy healing, with craniosacral, acupuncture and massage being intermediate. Patients with a diagnosis of fibromyalgia (80%) were the most likely to try CAM versus those with other pain diagnoses. In multivariate analyses, pain duration emerged as a significant predictor of CAM preferences. For mind-based approaches (i.e. hypnosis, biofeedback and art therapy), pain duration and limitations in family activities were both significant predictors. When given a choice of CAM therapies, this sample of children with chronic pain, irrespective of pain diagnosis, preferred non-invasive approaches that enhanced relaxation and increased somatic control. Longer duration of pain and greater impairment in functioning, particularly during family activities increased the likelihood that such patients agreed to engage in CAM treatments, especially those that were categorized as mind-based modalities.

Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia
(July 22nd, 2009)
By: Guillermo A. Matarán-Peñarrocha,1 Adelaida María Castro-Sánchez,2 Gloria Carballo García,3 Carmen Moreno-Lorenzo,1 Tesifón Parrón Carreño,4 and María Dolores Onieva Zafra5
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract Fibromyalgia is considered as a combination of physical, psychological and social disabilities. The causes of pathologic mechanism underlying fibromyalgia are unknown, but fibromyalgia may lead to reduced quality of life. The objective of this study was to analyze the repercussions of craniosacral therapy on depression, anxiety and quality of life in fibromyalgia patients with painful symptoms. An experimental, double-blind longitudinal clinical trial design was undertaken. Eighty-four patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an intervention group (craniosacral therapy) or placebo group (simulated treatment with disconnected ultrasound). The treatment period was 25 weeks. Anxiety, pain, sleep quality, depression and quality of life were determined at baseline and at 10 minutes, 6 months and 1-year post-treatment. State anxiety and trait anxiety, pain, quality of life and Pittsburgh sleep quality index were significantly higher in the intervention versus placebo group after the treatment period and at the 6-month follow-up. However, at the 1-year follow-up, the groups only differed in the Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Approaching fibromyalgia by means of craniosacral therapy contributes to improving anxiety and quality of life levels in these patients. FULL ARTICLE IS PROVIDED

(January 21st, 2000)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article the author explains how Unwinding the Meridians uses the craniosacral rhythm and meridian points to to tap into the body's wisdom and healing abilities. The techniques can give access to other levels and dimensions of healing by just feeling the points and meridians while consciously partnering with the patient's inner Qi to heal themselves.

Heart rate variability and the influence of craniosacral therapy on autonomous nervous system regulation in persons with subjective discomforts: a pilot study
(February 20th, 2015)
By: Wanda Girsberger, Ulricke Binziger, Gerhard Lingg, Harald Lothaller, Peter-Christian Endler
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The objective of this clinical research study was to determine any changes in heart rate variability (HRV) in a study on craniosacral therapy. The conclusion was that Craniosacral treatment had a favourable effect on autonomic nervous activity.

Craniosacral Therapy for Better Sleep Recent research reveals the restful benefits of craniosacral therapy
(February 20th, 2015)
By: Brandi-Ann Uyemura
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

According to the National Sleep Foundation "One in five American adults show signs of chronic sleep deprivation, making the condition a widespread public health problem. Sleeplessness is related to health issues such as obesity, cardiovascular problems, and memory problems." CranioSacral Therapy has shown to help people having trouble falling asleep and other sleep problems.

Parental Olfactory Experience Influences Behavior and Neural Structure in Subsequent Generations
(February 18th, 2015)
By: Brian G Dias & Kerry J Ressler
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered Therapy,

New research has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. During the tests they learned that that mice can pass on learned information about traumatic or stressful experiences.

Baby with Plagiocephaly
(January 28th, 2015)
By: Michelle Emanuel OTR/L, CST-T
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

M.C. is a 6 month old female, twin gestation, born via planned c section. M.C. was referred for CST by her pediatrician for plagiocephaly at the age of 4.5 months. She was seen by this therapist on a once per week basis. Each session lasted a total of 60 minutes, and included talking with mom getting a weekly update on home activities. 

Upon conclusion of CST, M.C. was found to have improved cranial symmetry and was classified as grade 2 plagiocephaly. Her transcranial diameter discrepency changed from 15 mm to -7mm. This is a remarkable improvement in a short period of time. M.C.'s parents opted not to have her fitted for a helmet, secondary to their satisfaction with the outcome. Follow up: In real time, this child is now almost one year old. I just spoke to her mother at a local breakfast eatery. She reported that she has had another baby, and she has been very proactive with tummy time positioning, and changing the position that her new baby lays in, to prevent the head flattening problem. M.C. is doing very well and is beginning to take some steps with hand held assistance. Mom reported that she cannot tell that M.C.'s head was flat at all.

A Controlled Camparison Between Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) of Plantar Lymph Flow and Standard Physiological Maps Using Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)/Osteopathic Lymphatic Technique (OLT)
(December 16th, 2014)
By: Bruno Chikly, Jorgen Quaghebeur, and Walter Witryol
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This research article explains some of the structures of the lymph system and outlines the objectives, method, results obtained through a study where a total of 393 newly &#39;trained&#39; manual practitioners were asked to feel the lymphatic flow of the foot and draw arrows showing the direction of the flow. These were then tested against an untrained group of manual therapists drawing the same.

A Controlled Comparison between Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) of Plantar Lymph Flow and Standard Physiologic Maps Using Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)/Osteopathic Lymphatic Technique (OLT)
(December 16th, 2014)
By: Bruno Chikly, Jurgen Quaghebeur and Walter Witryol
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This prospective study evaluates the potential of trained LDT/OLT practitioners to palpate superficial lymphatic flow with MLM. It shows that trained practitioners are able to provide maps of the soles of the feet of healthy volunteers.

The differences between VM, NM, MAA, and CST
(December 2nd, 2014)
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Barral Visceral Manipulation (VM) and Neural Manipulation (NM) , as well as Upledger CranioSacral Therapy (CST), are based on osteopathic principles. They all rely on connecting with, listening to, and following the self-correcting mechanism of the body. This article gives a brief description of each technique and how each connects to this self-correcting mechanism of the body in different ways with the ultimate goal of relieving pain and dysfunction, while improving health and vitality.

The Foundation of Upledger Curriculum: CS1, CS2 and SER1
(December 2nd, 2014)
By: Avadhan Larson, LMT, LAc, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a brief description of the 3 courses; CS1, CS2, and SER1, that make up the foundation of the CranioSacral Therapy curriculum and why it is important to attend and learn the techniques from each of these courses to completely and skillfully apply CST in your practice and support your client&#39;s self healing process.

Upledger Institute International Credo
(November 21st, 2014)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This credo was written by founder, Dr. John E. Upledger, and offers an insight to his beliefs and the goals of the Upledger Institute International.

To Relax You, Devices Apply Pressure to Points in the Neck
(November 17th, 2014)
By: Laura Johannes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article briefly describes devices, such as the Upledger Institute International&#39;s Still Point Inducer, that can be used to help relax the body.

The Right Touch: CranioSacral Therapy for Kids with Special Needs
(October 1st, 2014)
By: Nancy Schatz Alton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article briefly describes how CranioSacral Therapy can be improve socialization and other stresses for children wtih ADD, ADHD and autism.

CranioSacral Therapy for Babies
(November 14th, 2014)
By: Nancy Schatz Alton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article the ways in which CranioSacral Therapy can help babies and new moms are briefly describes. Also some of the symptoms and problems that new moms and babies can experience and that CST can address are listed.

UCLA study finds link between neural stem cell overgrowth and autism-like behavior in mice
(October 9th, 2014)
By: Mark Wheeler

A new study in the journal Stem Cell Reports found that maternal inflammation could trigger the overgrowth of young nerve cells, which has been linked to the development of autism spectrum disorders. To simulate a maternal infection, researchers at UCLA injected pregnant mice with lipopolysaccharide, which led to enlarged brains and an increase in the number of neural stem cells in the pups. These pups also displayed autism-like behaviors. The researchers say that these results add to the body of evidence that&#39;s accumulating that indicates risk for autism may begin before birth and continue afterwards.

Brain Injury (fluroresence imaging)
(March 26th, 2014)
By: Jeffrey Iliff and Maiken Nedergaard
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A close up of fluroresence brain imaging showing the difference in a normal brain and one with a mild traumatic brain injury. It shows glial scar formation.

Is Thera a Cerebral Lymphatic System?
(March 26th, 2014)
By: Jeffrey J. Iliff, PhD; Maiken Nedergaard, MD, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains defines for the first time a brain-wide anatomic pathway that facilitates the exchange of Cerebral Spinal Fluid and interstitial fluid thereby clearing the waste products/interstitial solutes of the brain. The article also looks at different types of brain injury and the resulting effects on the glia cells and their newly termed glymphatic system. Since neurotoxic metabolites and cytotox protein aggregates are the hallmark of neurogenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers, they proposed that the reactive glosis may bet the key driver of pathology under conditions of diffuse ischemic or traumatic brain injury. And this in turn represents a key target for therapeutic intervention.

Bringing Them Home
(November 1st, 2014)
By: Karrie Osborn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses a program offered by the Upledger Institute for Vietnam Vets suffering with Post Traumatic Stress disorder. CranioSacral Therapy was shown helpful for relieving the pain associated with PTSD.

MSU Autism Studies
(April 8th, 1979)
By: Retzlaff
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes several studies conducted by Ernest Retzlaff, PhD and John Upledger,DO,FAAO at Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine. These studies studied some possible keys to learning disabilities, behavioral problems and autism.

CST at Hopi - An Introduction to Techniques Derived from Osteopathic Medicine
(November 1st, 2014)
By: Ali Gabriel

Poster presented at a Rural Health Professions conference at the University of Arizona College of Medicine by Ali Gabriel,MA, MPH, CST-D.An Introduction to Techniques Derived from Osteopathic Medicine

How Cranio Sacral Therapy May Contribute to Brain Health
(September 1st, 2014)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses one likely corrective route by which CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can enhance brain structure through the connective tissue layers, or meninges, surrounding the brain. CST helps improve health and healing by addressing the entire strain pattern in both the biomechanical framework and the neurological patterns formed by the stressor or trauma in the brain.

Surgical Intervention Averted with CranioSacral Therapy
(June 1st, 2012)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article John Matthew Upledger interviews Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D, (a certified CranioSacral Therapy practitioner) and relays the case of a young boy, Matt, who recommended brain surgery was averted using CranioSacral Therapy to find and eliminate his chronic headaches. Also described is the pressurestat model of CSF developed by Dr. John Upledger. Tim Hutton said that this case provides strong evidence for the validity of the pressurestat theory. Matt&#39;s case is also a prime example of how our bodies hold tension from every trauma we have ever experienced.

CST Bibliography
(October 16th, 2014)
By: na
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CST Bibliography

VM Discovery Saves a Life
(October 16th, 2014)
By: Kristin Savory L.Ac.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Case Study

6 Ways CranioSacral Therapy Facilitates Brain Health
(September 1st, 2014)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMBT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author discusses the specific effects of CranioSacral Therapy on brain-related problems, including chronic pain; neurodegenerative disorders; issues related to inflammation; spinal column or nerve problems; and eye conditions.

Concussion and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: MeriJayd O’Connor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy on a Newborn
(September 30th, 2014)
By: MeriJayd O’Connor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sexual Abuse and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: MeriJayd O’Connor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Child Migraines and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Melody Lee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Cerebral Palsy and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Melody Lee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Depression and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Melody Lee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

SomatoEmotional Release
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Melody Lee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Postpartum Depression and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Melody Lee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sinus / Breathing Problems and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Gloria Flores
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sciatic Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Gloria Flores
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Headaches and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Gloria Flores
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Cerebral Menengioma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Gloria Flores
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Low Back Pain / Car Accident and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Lisa Desrochers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Low Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Lisa Desrochers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Left Buttock Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Lisa Desrochers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Head Trauma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Lisa Desrochers
Curriculum/s: Healing from the Core,

Case Study

Automobile Accident Brain Injury and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Microcephaly and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Perianal Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: David Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

SomatoEmotional Release Sessions and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: David Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Fractured Sternum and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: David Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Lethargy, Depression and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: David Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sciatica with Parasthesia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: David Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Poor Digestion and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Herbert M. Carty MT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Diabetes and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Gloria Flores
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Respiratory Allergies, Knee Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Herbert M. Carty MT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Neck Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Herbert M. Carty MT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Pediatric Dizziness and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Herbert M. Carty MT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Athletic Pubalgia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Herbert M. Carty MT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Microcephaly and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Cloe Couturier
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Tension Headaches, Depression and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Nikki Campbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Post-surgery Head Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Nikki Campbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Meningitis, Hydrocephalus, Septicaemia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Nikki Campbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Nikki Campbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Baby Colic and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Nikki Campbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Leg and Hip Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Brian Calderon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Auto Accident Neck Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Brian Calderon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Osteochondritis Desecans and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Shawn D. Axten PT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Torticollis, Plagiocephaly/Facial Asymmetry and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Shawn D. Axten PT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Depression and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: John Hoernemann
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Constant Lower Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: John Hoernemann
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Closed Head Injury and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: John Hoernemann
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Intestinal Problems and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: John Hoernemann
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Torso Twist and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: John Hoernemann
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Autism, Hip Dysplasia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Norma Hayhurst RN, CHT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Herniated Disc and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Norma Hayhurst RN, CHT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

SomatoEmotional Release Session and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Norma Hayhurst RN, CHT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Head Numbness and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Norma Hayhurst RN, CHT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Child Autism and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 30th, 2014)
By: Norma Hayhurst RN, CHT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Pervasive Developmental Delay and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: David Halfon, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Headaches, Anger and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: David Halfon, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Anemia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: David Halfon, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Scottie&#39;s Torticollis
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Brenda Aufderhar RN, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Cervical Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: David Halfon, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Polio and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: David Halfon, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Madullablastoma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Corpus Callosum Agensis and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Cerebral Palsy and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sturge Weber Syndrome and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Maggie Gliksten
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Pregnancy and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Christopher Slate
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Headache and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Christopher Slate
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Sleep Apnea and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: John Rollinson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Asthma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: John Rollinson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Vision Problems and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: John Rollinson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Non-Crawling Baby and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: John Rollinson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Cerebellum Removed and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: John Rollinson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Head Trauma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Ridge
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Loss of Baby SER and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Ridge
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Edema and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Ridge
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Severe Headaches and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Ridge
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Closed Head Injury and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Ridge
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Recurring Ear Infections and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Phil Robison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Left Shoulder Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Phil Robison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Ear Infections & Head Trauma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Phil Robison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Sinus Infections and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Phil Robison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Post Surgical Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Phil Robison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Low Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Shyamala Strack
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Migraines and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Shyamala Strack

Case Study

ADD Child and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Shyamala Strack
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Ovarian Surgery and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Shyamala Strack
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Left Hemiparesis and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 29th, 2014)
By: Fred Stahlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Shoulder Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Fred Stahlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Sinus Infections and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Fred Stahlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Seizure Disorder and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Fred Stahlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Head & Jaw Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Fred Stahlman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Left Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Charles Gilliam
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

TMJ Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Charles Gilliam
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Numbness in Left Side of Body and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Charles Gilliam
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Dyslexia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Charles Gilliam
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Scleroderma and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: John T. Jackson, LMP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Fibromyalgia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: John T. Jackson, LMP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Whiplash & Vertigo and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: John T. Jackson, LMP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Headaches and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: John T. Jackson, LMP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Back Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: John T. Jackson, EMP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Automobile Accident and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Donald Gerken, DC, DACCP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Pediatric Chronic Constipation and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 26th, 2014)
By: Donald Gerken, DC, DACCP, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Bilateral Face Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Donald Gerken, DC, DACCP, CST and Adrienne Young DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Face & Body Numbness, Vertigo, Nausea, Head Pressure and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Donald Gerken, DC, DACCP, CST and Adrienne Young DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Child Temper Tantrums and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Pam Kapoor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Neck & Shoulder Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Pam Kapoor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Back Pain from Auto Accident and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Brian Calderon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Back Pain from Auto Accident and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Brian Calderon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

A Hand Saves A Leg
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Renee Romero, RN, MS, CLT-LANA
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

The Visceral Manipulation Report -- Complex Case Benefits From Slow Approach
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Jeffrey Burch, CR, MS
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Case Study

Sacroiliac Pain, Migraines & PTSD
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Ann Harman, D.O.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, The Feldenkrais Method for CranioSacral Therapists,

Case Study

Survey of Lymphedema Patients Treated with Comprehensive Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP)
(September 25th, 2014)
By: multiple
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Mechanical Link: Pre- and Post-Surgery
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Elizabeth Derringer, PT
Curriculum/s: Mechanical Link,

Case Study

Stroke and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Pam Kapoor

Case Study

Migraines and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Brian Calderon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Migraines and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Shyamala Strack
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Endometriosis and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Pam Kapoor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Hyperhidrosis and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Pam Kapoor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Osteopenia and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Mariann Sisco
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Migraines and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Mariann Sisco
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Uncontrolled Uterine Bleeding and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Mariann Sisco
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Heart Failure and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Christopher Slate
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Pelvic Pain and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Christopher Slate
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Repetitive Stress Syndrome and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Christopher Slate
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy and Migraines
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Jeff Rogers LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy and ADHD
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Jeff Rogers LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

CranioSacral Therapy and Bulging Disc
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Jeff Rogers LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Newborn Eating Trouble
(September 25th, 2014)
By: Karyn Quraishy
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Common Questions regarding CranioSacral Therapy
(January 1st, 2014)
By: John E. Upledger, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an excerpt from the book Entitled Your Inner Physician and You written by Dr. John E. Upledger. Several common questions regarding CranioSacral Therapy (CST) are addressed.

SomatoEmotional Release is not Phychotherapy
(September 22nd, 2014)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this excerpt from the book entitled Your Inner Physician and You by Dr. John E. Upledger, the differences between SomatoEmotional Release (SER)techniques and Psychotherapy are explored. Case studies and observations from Russell Bourne, Jr,PhD and SER instructor, John Page, are presented.

Perry's Alternative Worldview
(August 29th, 2014)
By: People magazine
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Pop star, Katy Perry, uses alternative therapies, including CranioSacral Therapy, while on tour to keep "herself together".

Bilateral Lymphedema of the Legs with Undetermined Cause
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Yolanda Lipari
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Bilateral lymphedema became debilitating, but was maintained with compression stockings for some time. Patient is severely obese and treatment is sporadic.

Lymphedema of Left Arm Over Six Years
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Arlene Frederick
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Lymphedema of Right Arm Over Five Years
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Arlene Frederick
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Morbidly Obese Patient with Secondary Lyphedema Elephantiasis
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Alma Vinje-Harrewijn
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Secondary Lymphedema After Breast Cancer Treatment
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Alma Vinje-Harrewijn
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study.

Lymphedema of Left Arm After Surgery
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Pam McCormack
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Chronic Lymphedema of Right Arm
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Lorna Kerbal, PT, CST, LLCC
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Lymphedema of the Left Upper Extremity
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Lorna Kerbal
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

HCT Changed my Coaching Career and Personal Life
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Eric Kramer
Curriculum/s: Heart Centered Therapy,

Case Study

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and CranioSacral Therapy
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Mariann Sisco
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Severe Bilateral Lower Extremity Lymphedema - Grade Three
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Mike Voelkel
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Lymphedema of the Chest Wall and Right Breast
(September 5th, 2014)
By: Julie A. Whitehill
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Bilateral Mastectomy Leaves Patient with Lymphedema
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Pam McCormack
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Frozen Shoulder and Puffy Bilateral Axillary Areas
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Barbara Korosec
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Biopsy Resulted in Necrotic Wound
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Rich
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to view the case study. Sixty-four year old male was referred for lymphatic drainage following a biopsy to the right leg, resulting in a necrotic wound. Subject had a history of bilateral lower extremity edema, which was managed with compression socks. Treatment plan was isodasorb with lymph drainage and bandaging.

Vertigo and CranioSacral Therapy
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Mariann Sisco
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

<strong>PERSONAL</strong><p></p> <strong>Age:</strong> 60 <strong>Sex:</strong> Female<p></p> <strong>HISTORY</strong><p></p> <strong>Symptoms:</strong><p></p> 1) Constant positional vertigo with cervical rotation to the right in supine.<p></p> 2) Frequent positional vertigo with rolling to the right and forward bending.<p></p> 3) Dizziness upon arising in AM.<p></p> 4) Intermittent dizziness throughout day.<p></p> <strong>Pertinent Medical History:</strong><p></p> 1) Chronic sinusitis.<p></p> 2) Had first symptom of vertigo with cervical rotation to the right in 1997. Exacerbated in 2000 with no improvement.<p></p> 3) Dizziness began in February of 2003 after a fall on her hands and knees.<p></p> 4) Negative brain/ inner ear MRI.<p></p> 5) Unable to tolerate vertigo exercises given to patient by ENT physician.<p></p> <strong>EVALUATION</strong><p></p> <strong>Findings:</strong><p></p> 1) Decreased amplitude and symmetry of the CSR with a sluggish quality.<p></p> 2) Right tentorium moderately restricted.<p></p> 3) Temporal bones counter rotated.<p></p> 4) Sphenoid severely compressed.<p></p> 5) Moderate increased tension of hyoid musculature.<p></p> 6) Pelvic obliquity.<p></p> 7) Decreased cervical ROM.<p></p> 8) Significant increased tension of the sub-occipital musculature.<p></p> <strong>Tools Used:</strong><p></p> 1) Hands<p></p> 2) Eyes<p></p> <strong>Objective Results:</strong><p></p> 1) Restoration of CSR symmetry and amplitude. Quality significantly improved.<p></p> 2) Decrease in tension of right tentorium and hyoid musculature.<p></p> 3) Correction of counter rotated temporal bones and compressed sphenoid.<p></p> 4) Correction of pelvic obliquity.<p></p> 5) Increased cervical ROM.<p></p> 6) Decreased tension in sub-occipital muscles.<p></p> <strong>Subjective Results:</strong><p></p> 1) No positional vertigo with rolling to the right or forward bending after initial visit.<p></p> 2) No dizziness and positional vertigo with cervical rotation to the right after second visit.<p></p> <strong>Length of Sessions:</strong><p></p> 1) Initial Evaluation and Treatment: 1 hour and 45 minutes.<p></p> 2) Subsequent Visits: 1 hour.<p></p> <strong>Number of Sessions:</strong><p></p> 6 visits total for complaints of vertigo and dizziness. Patient continues to be seen for a session once every 6 weeks "just in case".<p></p> <strong>To find a CranioSacral Therapist, visit <a href=""></a></strong><p><p></p></p> <strong>To learn more about CranioSacral Therapy, click <a href="">here</a>.<p><p></p></p>

CranioSacral Therapy and Ear Infections
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Jeff Rogers LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Infant and CranioSacral Therapy
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Charles Gilliam
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Case Study

Chronic Pain and Lymphedema from Tonsillar Fossa Cancer
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Daisy C. Millett
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Abdominal Lymphodynamic Edema
(August 28th, 2014)
By: David Doubblestein
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to view the case study. Morbidly obese patient has worsening edema on the left side. Aquatic exercise looked most promising.

Venous Insufficiency and Multiple Wounds
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Rebecca Rich
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Patient used an Unna boot until toes&#39; swelling worsened. Treatment was Lymph Drainage Therapy and bandaging.

Right Upper Extremity Lymphedema with Loss of Mobility over the Anteropectoral Region
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Mike Voelkel
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

<p>Click the link to view the case study. Patient had two complete bilateral mastectomies and radiation. Experienced significant loss of mobility over the anteropectoral region, symptoms of medial and ulnar nerve tension, and swelling.</p>

Tightness in Left Axilla and Arm
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Barbara Korosec
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click on the link to view the case study. Evaluated by the Local Lymphedema Clinic but found fine. Treatment included Lymph Drainage Therapy, garments for increased activity, aquatic exercise, but no bandaging.

Obese Patient with Bilateral and Axilla Swelling
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Daisy C. Millett
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Progressive Left Arm Lymphedema
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Colleen Pascoe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Progressive Swelling of the Lower Limbs
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Colleen Pascoe
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Observed Edema to Lower Extremities
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Paula Noyes
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Case Study

Primary Tarda Lymphedema of Lower Extremities in Obese Patient
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Anita Spreen
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link for case study. Obese patient has family history of lymphedema. Bandaging and Lymph Drianage Therapy were preformed with much self-treatment.

Bilateral Lymphedema of the Lower Extremities
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Anita Spreen
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to view the case study. After Lymph Drainage Treatment, patient is able to walk and stand longer periods. Patient did not understand compression bandaging so was fitted with compression stockings.

Bilateral Lower Extremity Chronic Venous Insufficiency
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Beverly Waldeisen
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click on the link to view the case study. Swelling continued despite the wearing of a graded compression stocking. Lymph Drainage Therapy was carried out along with therapeutic exercise, and compression wrapping.

Acute Episode of Cellulitis and Lower Extremity Edema
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Beverly Waldeisen
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to view the case study. Patient had developed lower extremity phlebitis with three of her six pregnancies. Never had treatment. Patient was fitted with a compression legging and underwent Lymph Drainage Therapy.

Secondary Lymphedema Post-Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction
(August 28th, 2014)
By: David Doubblestein
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to view the case study. Patient was determined to have co-morbidities of breast lymphedema, wound infection, and left upper extremity lymphedema. Plastic surgery for debridement of infected tissues was preformed. Treatment included compression, Lymphatic Mapping, and Lymph Drainage Therapy.

Lymphedema of the Left Arm
(August 28th, 2014)
By: Sue Corin
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Click the link to read the case study. Patient was diagnosed by District Health Board and treatment consisted of Manual Lymph Drainage and class two compression sleeve and gauntlet.

The Role of Mindfulness, Meditation, and Prayer After Brain Injury
(July 14th, 2014)
By: Victoria Tilney McDonough
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The role of non-traditional treatments to help in recovery after brain injury is finding a more formal place in hospitals and rehabilitation centers. These treatments can include meditation, mindfulness, acupuncture, energy balance, biodfeedback, and craniosacral therapy (basically, gentle manipulation of the skull and its cranial sutures to enhance the circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid, and release restrictions in the connective tissue that protects the brain.) “People tend to look at the brain after TBI as a damaged or pulled muscle, and that’s not right. There is physical damage to the brain, yes, but there is also trauma to the brain that needs to be looked at neurologically and psychologically,” says Rick Leskowitz, M.D., director of the Integrative Medicine Project at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital in Boston. “The use of integrative treatments is really interesting. Clearly, they have benefits for people. We don&#39;t know why or how they work, but we do know that they work and are therefore a very promising line of study.”

Central Action of Peripherally Applied Botulinum Toxin Type A on Pain and Dural Protein Extravasation in Rat Model of Trigeminal Neuropathy
(January 1st, 2012)
By: Boris Filipovic, Ivica Matak, Lidija Bach-Rojecky, Zdravko Lackovic
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation,

A study using rats to investigate if Infraorbital nerve constriction (IoNC) is accompanied by dural estravasation and if botulinum toxin type A (BoNT/A) can reduce pain and dural extravasation is presented. The conclusion of the research shows two different types of pain, IoNC and formalin, are accompanied by dural estravasation. The lasting effect of a unilateral injection of BoNT/A in experimental animals suggest that BoNT/A might have a long-term beneficial effect in craniofacial pain associated with dural neurogenic inflammation. Bilateral effects of BoNT/A and dependence on retrograde axonal transport suggest a central site of its action.

CSF Absorption - new and old idea (Power Point Presentation)
(January 1st, 2013)
By: Dan Greitz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The power point presentation addresses a new view on CSF circulation and production. The old model of CSF circulation is that there is bulk flow of CSF from the intraventricular plexus to the arachnoid granulations. The new model is that CSF is produced and absorbed by the brain capillaries. Studies are shown to support the new model. The conclusion of the presentation is 1. The major part of the CSF is produced and absorbed by the brain capillaries; 2. Brain capillaries actively transport water-soluble molecules from the brain, 3. Active transport from brain to blood is a prerequisite for brain homeostasis.

The Use of CranioSacral Therapy as a Treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(June 1st, 2000)
By: John E. Upledger,DO,OMM, Barry S. Kaplan, MD, Russell A. Bourne, Jr.PhD, ABPS, Richard B. Zonderman, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article outlines the research study conducted between June 7 and December 17, 1999 by the Upledger Institute. The offered four intensive two week treatment programs for Vietnam veterans, all who were diagnosed with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder by the Veteran&#39;s Administration. The study concluded that the therapy program demonstrates CranioSacral Therapy and other non-pharmaceutical modalities that were used during the programs offer positive results to severely disabled patients/clients suffering from PTSD.

The Effects of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptomology in Vietnam Combat Veterans
(May 1st, 2000)
By: John E. Upledger,DO,OMM, Barry S. Kaplan, MD, Russell A. Bourne, Jr.PhD, ABPS, Richard B. Zonderman, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract: The Upledger Institute International has provided two week intensive treatment for Vietnam veterans suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as diagnosed by the Veteran&#39;s Affairs (VA) medical division. These patients received psychological evaluation tests at the times of entry and exit into and out of the program. The intensive treatment was about six-seven hours per day for eight full days, with approximately three-four hours on the first and last days of the program. The therapy used was primarily CranioSacral Therapy and its progeny Energy Cyst Release, SomatoEmotional Release and Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue. The results obtained strongly suggest that PTSD may be more successfully treated when the therapy includes corrections of the craniosacral system, the release of foreign energies and conscious-nonconscious integration.

Inducibility of ventricular arrhythmias after gastric distension
(June 13th, 2014)
By: Maria Silvia Negroni, MD, Giuseppe Bacchioni, MD Antonio Dello Russo, MD, PhD, Carola Gianni, MD

This article describes a study using gastric distension (simulating a large meal) as a challenge to induce ventricular arrhythmias in order to guide docators in Ventricular Premature Beat(VPB)ablation.

Heart rate variability and the influence of craniosacral therapy on autonomous nervous system regulation in persons with subjective discomforts: a pilot study.
(June 12th, 2014)
By: Girsberger W, Banziger U, Lingg G, Lothaller H, Endler PC

A pilot study was conducted to study the the effect of CranioSacral Therapy and the heart rate/autonomic nervous system. The conclusion of the study was that CranioSacral treatment had a favourable effect on the autonomic nervous activity.

CranioSacral Therapy Research
(January 1st, 1995)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a paper that was written by Dr. John E. Upledger in 1995. It is reprinted in its entirety and shares information regarding CranioSacral Therapy and the research that had been done on the subject up to that date. The original title of the paper was RESEARCH AND OBSERVATIONS THAT SUPPORT THE EXISTENCE OF A CRANIOSACRAL SYSTEM.

The function and structure of the cerebrospinal fluid outflow system
(January 1st, 2010)
By: Michael Pollay
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This scientific review discusses the anatomy and physiology of the CSF drainage systems, via both the arachnoid granulation structures as well as the lymph system, and how this may relate to various pathologies. Although this is not a research study, per say, it contains ample research information that may be helpful to other researchers.

New View on CSF Circulation: CSF production and CSF absorption by brain capillaries
(August 16th, 2012)
By: Dan Greitz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

At the Department of Neuroradiology in Stockholm, Sweden, Dan Grietz attempts to make a scientifically-based case that the capillaries of the brain both produce and absorb cerebrospinal fluid,vs the ventricles to the granulation bodies.

Book Excerpt: From my Hands and Heart: Achieving Health and Balance with Craniosacral Therapy
(April 25th, 2014)
By: Kate McKinnon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Excerpt of Kate McKinnon&#39;s book, <em>From my Hands and Heart: Achieving Health and Balance with Craniosacral Therapy</em>

Craniosacral Work: Distinguishing Bewteen Techniques and Therapy
(April 25th, 2014)
By: Robyn Scherr
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Robyn Scherr&#39;s journey into Upledger CST, including how colleagues in various healthcare specialties apply CST in their practices.

The Medical Miracles Delusion
(March 21st, 2014)
By: Jeffrey Braithwaite

This article is a call for a new perspective on healthcare giving evidence from the &#39;viruses of the mind&#39; that keep us held in our old ways of thinking (modern medicine will repair our bodies after decades of mistreatment from stress, alcohol, drugs, sedentary lives, etc.

How Inactivity Changes the Brain
(March 21st, 2014)
By: Gretchen Reynolds
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation,

A study on rats showed that inactivity actually changes the shape of certain neurons that can overstimulate the parasympathetic nervous system which in turn can potentially increase blood pressure and breathing. This can in turn lead to heart disease and brain functioning problems.

MSU Autism Studies
(April 7th, 1979)
By: John Upledger, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A description of the studies conducted at Michigan State University using CranioSacral Therapy techniques with autistic and learning disabled children is offered

CST Sustainable Healthcare - Susan Steiner
(September 21st, 1996)
By: Susan Steiner - interview

Susan Steiner, a Rhode Island occupational therapist, is interviewed regarding healthcare and her views on creating a sustainable healthcare program. Susan explains CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release and her view that these modalities can and should be integrated with western medicine when warranted as she believes in the &#39;Team Approach"

Case Study - The effect of CranioSacral Therapy on a premature boy who stutters.
(January 22nd, 2014)
By: Leah Mahadeo M.S., CCC-SLP
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This case study relates the effect of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) on a premature boy who started stuttering around 2 1/2 years of age, along with nervous systems such as facial contortions and eye blinks . Results of multiple sessions of CST showed a decrease in tension, cessation of developmental types of stuttering, and a calmer cranialsacral system.

Scientist have found that memories may be passed down through generations in our DNA
(January 7th, 2014)
By: ScienceGymnasium Website
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Process Acupressure, Heart Centered Therapy, Integrative Intentions,

New research from Emory University School of Medicine, in Atlanta, has shown that it is possible for some information to be inherited biologically through chemical changes that occur in DNA. The findings suggest transgenerational inheritance exists and is mediated by epigentics, and more research is needed to extrapolate these findings to humans. And if we can find that these relate to humans, the question remains whether or not our DNA carry also spiritual and cosmic memories.

Get Pain Relief With Craniosacral Therapy
(December 8th, 2013)
By: Kate Mackinnon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article Kate Mackinnon relates a story of a mult-hands on CranioSacral Therapy session with Dr. Wayne Dyer. This session is also described in her book titled, From my Hands and Heart: Achieving Health and Balance with CranioSacral Therapy.

Childhood Behavior Problems
(September 1st, 1982)
By: John E. Upledger, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author has spent approximately six months of each of three consecutive years searching for etiologic factors at the Genessee Intermediate School District Center for Autism in Flint, Michigan. The investigation has involved physical examinations of all the children. Hair analysis and blood electrophoretic studies have been done on a large portion of the group under study. The effects of various therapeutic modalities and of changes in the physical environment upon behavior are reported in overview. In this article the results of the analysis for the mineral content of hair for a sample of forty-one children are reviewed in depth.

Craniosacral Function in Brain Dysfunction
(July 1st, 2013)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes several studies conducted by Dr. Upledger and Zvi Karni on the craniosacral system and children know to have brain dysfunction. Significant findings show that their was a direct correlation between restriction in the CS system and the level of dysfunction.

Trace mineral hair analysis in autistic children
(December 1st, 1980)
By: K. Henderson, Sr.A. Brooks, A. Raynesford, J. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A study was conducted utilizing hair analysis for a goup of autistic children to determine if any physiological disturbances were contributing to the emotional and development problems.

A Thermographic View of Autism
(August 1st, 1983)
By: John E. Upledger, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

At a center for autism, 26 children and 2 teachers were studied by thermography. Many unexplained findings, and the questions they raised were discussed. Vasoconstriction and vasodilation of the fingers were observed in response to the application of craniosacral therapy.

Cranial and Structural Evaluation of Newborns
(April 28th, 1987)
By: Catherine M. Kimball, DO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A study was conducted at Waterville Osteopathic Hospital where all infants born receive a routine cranial and structural evaluation and treatment. A review of 54 newborns was conducted and the findings presented. Subjectively the infants all seem to be very conted following treatment and many appear to be less fussy, suck better and show overall improvements in breathing and color.

The Therapeutic Value of the CranioSacral System
(December 1st, 1988)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this excerpt from the book titled CranioSacral Therapy by Upledger and Vredevoogd, CranioSacral Therapy&#39;s (CST) value in a therapeutic practice is described. Also explained is how it is done, and the origins of the technique.

The Art and Structure of Touch: Principles of Energy Work
(September 21st, 1996)
By: Craig Carr and Jil Windsor
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing,

As Zero Balancing (ZB)instructors, the authors list and describe 5 principles of Energy work that they have found to be essential guidelines for both working with their clients and in teaching ZB to practitioners. The first of these 5 principles is: Change is affected by introducing fields into the body that are stronger, clearer, more definite, and more complete than those that currently exist. 2. Touch that communicates trust as well as physical support engenders a sense of safety and the capacity to go beyond known territory. 3. Energy moves in curves. To engage energy more fully through touch, accent a curve. 4. A high energy vector entering the system on top of a strong emotional field may create a "standing wave" that persists over time. 5. Change lasts longer when it originates from within the body-mind.

The Vocabulary of Touch
(September 21st, 1996)
By: Fritz Smith
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing,

In this interview with Fritz Frederick Smith, developer of Zero Balancing, the "vocabulary of touch" and the 4 ways of connecting with others energetically are discussed. The four ways of connecting are interfacing, blending, streaming, and channeling. Dr. Smith believes that of these 4, interfacing is the ideal way to connect in a therapeutic (and social) setting because the intentions and the boundaries are clear.

Healing Hands, CST Helps relieve the Pain
(July 22nd, 1996)
By: Jill Flanagan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Occupational Therapist, Susan Steiner, describes how a gentle technique called CranioSacral Therapy (CST)can alleviate the pain associated with Temporal Mandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJD). Since CST uses a whole body approach, evaluating the body from their head to their feet no matter what the symptom is. Susan also stated that sometimes emotional stress is involved in TMJD, and emotional releases often present themselves during a CST session. This is a bonus of the therapy, something that cannot be addressed by a typical allopathic treatment of TMJD.

LDT The French Connection to Lymph Drainage
(June 3rd, 1996)
By: Claudia Stahl
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In an interview with Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) developer, Dr. Bruno Chikly, the article addresses the difference between LDT and other manual lymph techniques and the numerous applications of LDT. Dr. Chikly feels that LDT has applications for all healthcare professions and that he also hopes that laypeople will eventually learn these techniques so that they can work on their families because everyone needs detoxification and rejuvenation, the benefits of LDT.

An Olympian Comeback
(June 1st, 1996)
By: Jeff Lyttle
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Olympic diver, Mary Ellen Clark, almost lost her opportunity to compete in the 1996 games in Atlanta due to the vertigo that she was experiencing while in the midst of training. Thanks to Dr. John Upledger and the CranioSacral Therapy treatments that she received, her vertigo was cured and her training resumed.

Process Acupressure
(June 1st, 1996)
By: Kay Meddelton, RN
Curriculum/s: Process Acupressure,

Registered Nurse, Kay Meddelton describes how she incorporates Process Acupressure (PA) bodywork into her private practice and in the hospital setting. She has found that PA works well to alleviate pain, release the energetic trauma of surgery, and stimulating peristalsis. But PA does much more. In the words of the Process Acupressure developer Aminah Raheem, "the object of PA is to clear the body of its limitations of personal history so that the soul can be free to heal and get on with its purpose."

An Interview with Bruno Chikly, MD
(April 8th, 1996)
By: Sharon Weiselfish, PhD, PT
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In this interview with Dr. Bruno Chikly, a French physician, he describes the type of Lymph drainage therapy (LDT) that he developed; combining the anatomy and physiology of typical training with deep listening skills. This enables the practitioner to work more effectively and efficiently on the tissue and with less effort. There are many benefits of LDT such as stimulating the immune system, relief from many chronic conditions, and can be helpful to reduce stress and insomnia. LDT complements many other manual techniques.

To Onar, With Love
(March 21st, 2014)
By: Russel A. Bourne
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Onar Bargior, born in Russia as a premature infant, suffered severe cerebral circulation impairment, intercranial hemorrhage, and encephalopathy. He presented with severe spasticity, paralysis among other problems that in turn limited his young life to lying on a bed in a one bedroom apartment with his mother in Russia. Through the International Services of Hope (ISOH) they found the Upledger Healthplex (UH). Through the 2 week intensive, multi-therapists, CranioSacral therapy sessions he received at UH he showed tremendous improvement daily, including increased appetite, decreased spasticity, less crying, and increased range of motion. By the end of the two weeks he was sitting, kneeling and grabbing for toys. Through continued therapy, there is much hope for Onar and the life that is now a possibility for him.

Process Acupressure
(March 1st, 2014)
By: Richard Beaumont
Curriculum/s: Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure,

In an interview with Process Acupressure (PA) developer, Aminah Raheem, the author finds that the essential purpose of PA is to expose and empower people&#39;s souls and fulfill the purpose of their life&#39;s journey on earth. Process Acupressure uses the concepts of Chinese acupressure, the process work of Arnold Mindel, and the touch of Zero Balancing interface with the tissue to find, unblock and process the obstacles that keep us from being who we truly are.

An Exclusive Interview with Judith Aston
(March 29th, 1996)
By: Kris Centeno

In this interview with Aston-Patterning (AP)developer, Judith Aston, she describes how she came to develop her work through her background in teaching dance and her affiliation with Dr. Ida Rolf. She describes how AP is complementary to not just Rolfing, but other types of bodywork. There are many aspects to Judith Aston&#39;s work and fitness is one of them. She believes that HOW we exercise - focusing on exercises that address your body&#39;s uniqueness is the key.

Aston-Patterning: Integrating Aston Concepts into a Massage Therapy Practice
(December 11th, 2013)
By: Judith Aston and Judith Pollock, PT
Curriculum/s: Integrative Intentions,

Aston-Patterning: Integrating Aston Concepts into a Massage Therapy Practice describes the underlying concept of Aston-Patterning; that each individual has a unique structure and movement style. The article also describes the forms of Aston-Patterning in detail. These forms are; Aston Massage, Neuro-Kinetics, Myo-Kinetics, Anthro-Kinetics, Aston Fitness, Facial Toning, and Ergonomics/Environmental Modification.

Movement by Pattern
(March 4th, 1996)
By: Claudia Stahl

Aston Patterning (AP), a unique educational system developed by Judith Aston, is described. Judith believes that the body and mind are asymetrical and nonlinear, and so Aston Patterning appoaches the body and it&#39;s patterns of movement in this way. Overall, Aston Patterning and Aston Movement techniques is about teaching the body&#39;s segments to complement and work with each other.

An Interview with Aminah Raheem, PhD
(January 22nd, 1996)
By: Judy M. Rosinski, PT
Curriculum/s: Process Acupressure,

Dr. Aminah Raheem, a transpersonal psychologist for more than 20 years, describes the technique she developed called Process Accupressure (PA). PA blends the concepts of unblocking the energy meridians using fulcrums in the body and concepts of phychological processing. Dr. Raheem describes how PA work is easily incorportated with CranioSacral work and can help those in the physical therapy profession gain more confidence when a client&#39;s emotional issues arise.

CranioSacral Therapy part 1
(December 1st, 1996)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger, developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST)describes what CST is, how it influences the development and function of the central nervous system which can lead to many types of sensory, motor and other neurological problems. A list of the indications and the 1 contraindication is discussed.

Mind and Body Uniquely Connected in Holoenergetics
(December 11th, 1995)
By: Claudia Stahl

Dr. Laskow, and OBGYN doctor in the San Francisco Bay area, developed a technique he calls Holoenergetics. He believes that people&#39;s illnesses begin when they attempt to suppress or repress aspects of themselves that they find uncomfortable, which he calls holoforms. Using techniques involving recognition, resonance, and release and reformation of the holoforms, clients can resolve their pain and disease. He also describes a series of experiments where he determined that "What you can love, you can heal."

New Therapy Questions Traditional Medical Concepts
(December 13th, 1995)
By: Jane Roodenburg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Jane Roodenburg, a CMT in Alaska describes CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and how this gentle form of bodywork; that addresses problems such as headaches, TMJD, autism, chronic pain, and cerebral palsy; questions the commonly accepted belief that the skull bones are fused together after a certain age.

Clark&#39;s Comeback a Succss
(December 1st, 1995)
By: Dave Sherman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Olympic diver, Mary Ellen Clark is reported to be back on the board and hopefully on her way to the 1996 Summer games in Atlanta thanks to the CranioSacral Therapy she received at the Upledger Institute that "took away all her symptoms" of vertigo.

Aston-Patterning for Chronic and Acute Pain
(December 1st, 1995)
By: Marcia Michael, RN

Aston-Patterning Techniques, which includes analyzing the body&#39;s movement and training the client in utilizing different gaits, sitting position, and different reaching and bending movements, are briefly explained. The nurse practitioner uses this technique almost exclusively and found it to be very effective for conditions stemming from myofascial pain, chronic headaches, TMJ dysfunction, and post-surgical pain.

In or Out of Touch?
(December 5th, 2013)
By: Cathy Pliscof, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Prominent New York physical therapist, Ken Frey, is interviewed on his thoughts regarding the level of manual therapy skills in the physical therapy profession.

Desperate to Dive
(September 6th, 1995)
By: Carolyn Susamn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Platform diver, Mary Ellen Clark, was experiencing vertigo creating problems for her dreams of winning a medal at the Olympics. In searching for treatments to her vertigo, she found the Upledger Institute and CranioSacral Therapy. With trials nine months away she holds tight to her faith and continues to seek treatments.

Why Cant you just pay attention
(December 5th, 2013)
By: Carolyn Susamn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article in a local newspaper describes ADD and ADHD and some alternative types of therapies used to help this syndrome including CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Dr. Upledger is quoted as saying that CST looks for "the origins of the disorder in the craniosacral system." And when "such origins are found-often stemming from trauma at birth or head injury - the therapist works on removing restriction in the system through non-invasive, hands on treatment.

Differences Separate CranioSacral Therapy from Cranial Osteopathy
(October 30th, 1995)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger explains that several of the differences between CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and Cranial Osteopathy is the quality of touch, the focus (dura mater membrane vs. sutures of the skull). Also examined is the qualities needed of a practitioner to practice CST.

Baby Bodywork
(July 1st, 1995)
By: Liz Brody
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy, a very light bodywork technique, is shown to be a helpful technique for common problems in infants such as ear infections, irritability, sucking difficulties, constipation, colic, and hyperactivity.

The Mechanics
(July 1st, 1995)
By: Alice Quaid, PT

Alice Quaid, PT interviews Judith Aston, develop of Aston Patterning. The philosophy and potential results of the technique are discussed.

The Upledger Institute Offers Russian Boy Hope for More Active Life
(June 1st, 1995)
By: Francine Hammond, LMT, LPN
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

<strong>A four-year-old Russian boy with Cerebral Palsy is offered a chance at a better life through the two weeks of CranioSacral Therapy that he received at the Upledger Institute&#39;s Brain and Spinal Cord center.</strong>

An Exclusive Interview with John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
(May 31st, 1995)
By: Ted Koren, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

<p>Dr. John Upledger is interviewed by Ted Koren, DC. Topics covered were Dr. Upledger&#39;s start in Osteopathy, his accomplishments, discovery of the craniosacral system, and how CST can be incorporated into chiropractic care.</p>

Hands-On Healing; Which of These Methods Is Right For You?
(February 1st, 1996)
By: Thomas Claire
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article gives a brief description of several types of Hands-On Healing including; Swedish massage, rolfing, myofascial release, Alexander Technique, CranioSacral Therapy, and shiatsu. The article states that CranioSacral works mailing on the head and is known to help alleviate TMJ pain and migraines.

Creating a Healing Place for the Community
(February 28th, 1995)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article introduces the public to a new healing center founded by Gloria Coppola. She saw a need and created a center to educate people on holistic health and provide treatments. One of the treatments offered at her center is CranioSacral Therapy.

Research that Supports the Existence of A Craniosacral System
(January 1st, 1995)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the present article, the author has reviewed much of the theoretical background and research that support the existence of the craniosacral system. The research summarized here represents work in which the author has either personal knowledge or involvement. The author concludes that positive patient outcomes as a result of CranioSacral Therapy should weigh greater than data from designed research protocols involving human subjects, as it is not possible to control all of the variables of such studies.

Toward An Understanding of Craniosacral Therapy
(March 30th, 1991)
By: Steve Heinrich, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article offers an example of a patient that, through CranioSacral Therapy, experienced significant almost immediate relief of pain and problems with memory and concentration years after a motor vehicle accident. The author also discusses the controversy concerning the efficacy of the work and the hope that with more research and scientific validation will come understanding and more utilization of CranioSacral Therapy.

Changes in Magnitude of Relative Elongation of Falx Cerebri During the Application of External Forces on the Frontal Bone of an Embalmed Cadaver
(March 30th, 1991)
By: Dimitrios Kostopoulos, MA, RPT and George Keramidas, MS (Special to Forum)
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article offers validation to the scientific basis of CranioSacral Therapy. The outcome of the research and measurements of the relative elongation of the falx cerebri with external forces on the frontal bone of an embalmed cadaver present evidence in opposition to the belief that cranial sutures are solidly fused and immobile in adulthood

Bodymind and Soul II: Craniosacral Therapy and Myofascial Release
(March 1st, 1991)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews 4 books; 3 authored by Dr. John Upledger and 1 by John Barnes, and relate them to a development of a new language and a new view of man started with the work of Freud. The article expounds on CranioSacral Therapy and Myofascial release and how it relates to what Freud can to call repression. The author concludes that the books of Dr. Upledger and John Barnes are a very worthwhile read, and that these “four books, of the greatest clinical, intellectual and humanistic value, are the most recent work of men whose minds might change the world.”

The Role of PT in Craniofacial Pain Disorders: An Adjunct to Dental Pain Management
(January 1st, 1991)
By: Steve Heinrich, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews the role of myofascial and craniosacral dysfunction, as well as the function of posture, tension, and stress in the development of syndromes such as dental pain.

Ross McNamara&#39;s Story
(September 10th, 1990)
By: Douglas McNamara
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article relates the story of Ross McNamara and his family’s journey as they search for relief for Ross’s neurological problems and discover the Upledger Institute’s Brain & Spinal Cord Program. The article begins with a letter to Ross’s Pediatric Neurologist requesting him to be open minded as they present Ross’s story in hopes that he will discover the amazing results that CranioSacral Therapy had on Ross’s condition. It also includes explanation of the fundraisers and all that the family went through to collect the necessary funds for the trip to Florida and their time at the Brain & Spinal Cord Center.

Court Case Synopsis on TMJ Dysfunction
(March 1st, 1990)
By: Law offices of Andrew Quiat
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A synoposis of the court case on the use of CranioSacral Therapy for treatment of TMJ Dysfunction is given.

Letter to the Editor:
(February 1st, 1992)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger responds to letters published in 1985 apparently that refute the validity of the craniosacral system and the effectiveness of the therapy. He explains how he came to verify first-hand the movement of the cranial bones and the subsequent research at Michigan State University – College of Osteopathic Medicine. Dr. Upledger also explains why the 10-Step Protocol was developed and the concept of the ‘Energy Cyst’. He concludes with the belief that “Physical Therapists and “hands on” clinicians must learn to trust that the perceptions received through our hands are valid, accurate and reliable.”

BODY WATCH: The Importance of Dialogue and Myofascial Unwinding in Creating a Safe Place to Heal
(January 15th, 1990)
By: Steve Heinrich, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

<p>In this article the author explains how Myofascial Unwinding or SomatoEmotional Release(SER)can be used in physical therapy practice to create a safe place for effective healing. He explains how in giving answers to clients will not work, whereas self generated ones often will. Realizing that therapists often shy away from using techniques such as SER out of fear, he makes a call for courage and strong determination to make wellness the goal in the physical therapy profession.</p>

Can craniosacral treatment improve the general well-being of patients?
(January 1st, 2006)
By: Silvia Candamil Neira; Robert Elliott; Brian Isbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The objective of this research was to evaluate the efficacy of craniosacral therapy in improving the general well-being of patients using a single-blind, randomised, control trial with crossover treatments.

The Effectiveness of Craniosacral Therapy
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Brian Isbell; Sue Carroll
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Using a modified MYMOP (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile) as a measurement, this study shows positive results after craniosacral therapy treatment.

The Therapeutic Potential of Integration
(December 1st, 2004)
By: Donna-Lee Norton; Brian Isbell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This discussion explores the combined use of homoeopathy and craniosacral therapy as a treatment modality.

CranioSacral Therapy: Who Shall Do It?
(January 1st, 1989)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger explains that during his research with CranioSacral Therapy he developed a "10 Step Protocol" as a &#39;cook book&#39; method of CST so that it could be easily taught to non-physician therapist to meet the evident need of patients that would benefit greatly from CST.

Manual Therapy: Rediscovering an Ancient Healing Art
(August 1st, 1989)
By: Barbara Cohn
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains the roots of manual therapy, gives a general description of the myriad types of manual therapy including CranioSacral Therapy.

Energy Cyst
(July 1st, 1989)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In Dr. Upledger&#39;s article he explains the concept of what he calls Energy Cysts. He also discusses how to utilize this concept in Whole Body Diagnosis and how techniques releasing the energy cysts from the body can be used in a clinical practice.

Learning to Let Go
(June 19th, 1989)
By: Steve Heinrich, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses the role of SomatoEmotional Release in a clinic setting.

Palpation of CranioSacral Motion
(May 1st, 1989)
By: Don Cohen, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is the 3nd of a 3 part series on CranioSacral Therapy (CST). In pages 7-9 of the article, Dr. Cohen explains in detail the palpation of the CS motion and how it is done. Topics include; listening stations, palpation of the rhythms and briefly how the practice is accomplished.

The Nature of Palpation
(March 30th, 1989)
By: Don Cohen, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is the 2nd of a 3 part series on CranioSacral Therapy (CST). In pages 4-6 of the article, Dr. Cohen explains the nature of palpation as well as how and why it is vital the CST work.

CranioSacral Rhythmic Impulse
(March 1st, 1989)
By: Don Cohen, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Chiropractor Don Cohen explains the intricacies of the CranioSacral System (CST). Namely the fluid model of the CSF, the physiological motion (motility) of the CST, Cranial flexion and extension, and the sutures or joints of the skull that allow the motion of flexion and extension.

CranioSacral Therapy
(November 11th, 2013)
By: Susan Danese
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article explains how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle type of therapy that has shown to successfully treat a myriad of problems such as; pain related to a car accident, Chronic ear infections, difficulty swallowing, and complications stemming from a difficult birth. Description of what CST is and why it is helpful in these situations is offered.

Fall was physicalization of mental state
(January 16th, 1989)
By: Sandy Cullen
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article is a brief interview of playwright, John Arndt. He describes his fall from a tree a &#39;physicalization of a mental state.&#39; After being told that his fall had made him permanently paralyzed he sought treatment at the Upledger Institute clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. He states that his experience there changed him "mentally, spiritually, as well as physically.

Hands-On Treatment Improves Chronic Low Back Pain, Reduces Medication Use
(April 23rd, 1989)
By: Science News
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

This article discusses a study conducted at UNT Health Sciences Center where 455 adults were treated for their chronic low-back pain. Ultrasound therapy was used on one group and Osteopathic Manipulative Techniques (OMT) was used to treat the other group. Results showed that nearly 2/3 had a least a 30% reduction in their pain level, and 1/2 had a 50% reduction in pain level. These results, coupled with the fact that OMT has few side effects compared with other common treatments is strong evidence for the promotion of this therapy for chronic low-back pain.

Effect of osteopathic manipulative treatment on incidence of postoperative ileus
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Baltazar GA, Betler MP, Akella K, Khatri R, Asaro R, Chendrasekhar A.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA,

The article is a description of a study done to determine whether there is a relationship between postoperative use of Osteopath Manipulative Therapy (OMT)and postoperative outcomes in gastrointestinal surgical patients, including time to flatus, clear liquid diet, and bowel movement and postoperative hospital length of stay. The conclusion is that OMT is related to decrease time to flatus, and decreased postoperative length of stay.

La Terapia Cranio-Sacrale Nel Cardiopatico
(September 26th, 2013)
By: Sonia Lovison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

La Terapia-Tecnica Cranio Sacrale si è dimonstrata efficace nella riabilitazione dei pazienti cardiopatici poiché apporta dei miglioramenti all&#39;apparato cardio-circolatorio e all&#39;apparato respiratorio. Studi condotti inserendo la Terapia Cranio Sacrale sul programma di riabilitazione del paziente cardiopatico, ne hanno dimostrato l&#39;efficacia nei pazienti con cardiopatia ischemica provenienti dal reparto di cardiologia e unità coronarica e dalla cardiochirurgia, dopo infarto miocardico o intervento cardiochirurgico di rivascolarizzazione miocardica (By Pass Aorto-Coronarici).

Combined Manual Therapy Techniques for the Treatment of Women With Infertility: A Case Series
(January 1st, 2012)
By: Mary Ellen Kramp, DPT, CLT-LANA
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article outlines a case study of 10 previously infertile women and the conclusion shows that 6 of 10 previously infertile women were able to conceive within 3 months after receiving various manual therapy techniques to the pelvis. This fertility rate of 60% within a 3-month period is the same as that of fertile couples. These findings suggest that manual therapy applied to the pelvis could be a viable treatment option for infertile women and should be investigated further.

Scolioses - A New Contributing Factor to Consider
(August 23rd, 2013)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discusses the possibility that orthodontic appliances may contribute to the onset of scoliosis.

Examination of the Cranial Rhythm in Long-Standing Coma and Chronic Neurologic Cases
(April 1st, 1980)
By: Karni, Upledger, Mizrahi, Heller, Becker, Najenson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This report details the results of cranial examinations performed by Dr. Upledger on coma patients in the intensive care units of the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Ra&#39;anana, Israel

Aging of Cranial Sutures in Humans
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Retzlaff, Mitchell, Upledger and Walsh
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Offers an analysis of a cranial suture in human cadavers.

Bioelectric and Strain Measurements during Osteopathic Manipulation
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger and Zvi Karni PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discusses the occurrence of a subjective impression of "release" during osteopathic manipulative treatment, and techniques used to record this phenomena bioeletrically and electrocardiographically.

Nerve Fibers and Endings in Cranial Sutures
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Retzlaff, Mitchell, Biggert and Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Describes nerve endings and fibers present in the cranial sutures of squirrel monkeys, with the observation that multiaxial movement can occur.

Cranial Suture Morphology
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Retzlaff, Mitchell, Upledger, Biggert, Vrevoogd,Dinnar, Karni
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Describes a series of topics then under study in the areas of cranial pain, cranial suture compression,and treatment of sacroiliac dysfunction.

The Relationship of Craniosacral Examination Findings in Grade School Children with Developmental Problems
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research Paper undertaken to determine if there is a relationship between restricted mobility of the craniosacral system and the developmental problems in grade school children, particularly "exceptional children" who have learning disabilities and emotional impairments.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporoparietal Suture Head Pain
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger and E.W. Retzlaff PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Describes an uncomplicated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of problems ranging from head pain to cerebral dysfunction.

The Goal of Therapy
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discusses the goal of therapy through both the physician&#39;s and patient&#39;s perspective. Remarks on the healing professions in general.

Early Steps of Craniosacral Therapy in Israel
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Zvi Karni and Dr. John e. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Describes the case of a child who was cranially treated for damage to the skull caused by a past accident, and the substantial improvement that has since taken place.

Subjectivity - Unsound Basis for Craniosacral Research
(August 21st, 2013)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this letter to the editor, Dr. Charles Steiner challenges Dr. Upledger's basis for Craniosacral research as subjective. Dr. Upledger replies to these challenges.

Therapeutic Value of of CranioSacral Therapy
(August 16th, 2013)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger shares history of development of CranioSacral Therapy as well as the mechanical function of the craniosacral system.

“Creating a Healing Place for the Community,”
(August 12th, 2013)
By: Gloria Coppola
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The primary focus of this article is on the use of CranioSacral Therapy at the Garden State Center for Holistic Health Care in Lakewood, NJ.

Correspondences between Chapman&#39;s Reflexes and Acupuncture Points
(August 12th, 2013)
By: John E Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

These related articles report a striking correspondence between Chapman&#39;s Reflex Centers and acupuncture points, both in terms of their specific anatomical locations and their reported effects upon precise organ functions.

Testimonial by Cynthia Rowe, PT
(October 16th, 1999)
By: Cynthia Rowe
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cynthia Rowe writes about her first experience seeing the falx cerebri,tentorium cerebelli and the falx cerebelli of a cadaver, while working as a teacher&#39;s assistant in a gross-anatomy course at Harvard Medical School.

CranioSacral Therapy
(August 12th, 2013)
By: John E. Upledger, DO,FAAO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This Overview directed to the layperson explains the basic concepts of CranioSacral Therapy, the physiology of the CranioSacral system,those who can benefit from it and the therapists who can learn to use it.

Bioelectric Phenomena in Relation to Neural Function
(December 1st, 1976)
By: Roppel and Upledger
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationT,

Briefly describes the hypothesis deducted from the attempts to develop " a unifying view in which a number of bioelectric manifestations may be understood as expressions of more fundamental processes," thus leading to a practical explanation of the mode of action of peripheral-stimulation therapies.

Craniosacral Mechanisms
(March 31st, 1976)
By: Retzlaff,Roppel,Becker,Mitchell,Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Briefly describes the scientific bases for craniosacral research and therapy involving manipulation and it's implications for the treatment of pain. Available online at

Osteopathic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine
(August 1st, 2013)
By: Dr. John E. Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Discusses the applicability of Chinese medical phylosophy and treatment of osteopathic medicine

Integration of Acupuncture and Manipulation
(October 30th, 1997)
By: Dr. John Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger explains the advantages of combining acupuncture techniques with manipulative treatment.He claims that by adding simple needling techniques he will improve clinical results by shortening the length of treatment, reducing patient discomfort and obviating the need for pharmacological and physiotherapuetic adjuncts.

CranioSacral Therapy and the High-Performance Athlete
(July 9th, 2012)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this article the author retells a story of a high performance athlete and professional cyclist that was feeling &#39;off-center&#39; was helped by CranioSacral Therapy. In just one session he was feeling balanced again and continues to receive treatments as part of his regular body-work sessions to alleviate restrictions and keep his feeling of being centered.

CST for Chronic Conditions
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article explains how hyper-irritated nerves of the central nervous system can cause a wide range of dysfunction. These include but are not limited to leg weakness, difficulty remembering, and migraine headaches. CranioSacral Therapy can address and eliminate the nerve irritation thus helping your clients with these common chronic conditions.

Visceral Manipulation: How It Can Help Your Clients
(March 1st, 2013)
By: Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article covers the session highlights that will be presented at the FSMTA 2013 in Orlando, FL by Mariann Sisco, PT, CST-D. Information includes specifics on how certain visceral manipulation (VM) techniques can help your clients. She specifically addresses how VM can help to treat low-back pain, postural distortions as found in the elderly, and how utilizing &#39;listening hands&#39; you can address specific restrictions produced by the organs.

The Importance of Movement in Visceral Manipulation
(February 1st, 2013)
By: Helena Touskova
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This article is written in Czech. It discusses Visceral Manipulation and why the movement of the organs is important for health and pain free living.

Glia Spark Seizures
(June 1st, 2013)
By: Melinda Wenner Moyer
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research found that the zydeco gene in fruit flies inhibit fluctuations in calcium levels of glial cells and were found to trigger a "... glial reaction that spirals into a seizure." Since a version of the gene <em>zydeco</em> also exists in humans, answers to questions this research presents could help to explain epileptic seizures in humans as well.

Without Glia, the Brain Would Starve
(June 11th, 2013)
By: Wenner Meyer
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research on radial glial cells shows a link to ensuring brain energy healthy brain energy metabolism and prevention of degeneration.

Why Patients Use Alternative Medicine
(May 20th, 1998)
By: John A. Astin, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This 1998 survey study showed that an increasing amount of Americans are turning to alternative therapies for relief of their health problems.

Description of fifty diagnostic tests used with osteopathic manipulation
(January 1st, 1982)
By: Uri Dinar, PhD; Myron C. Beal, DO FAAO; John P. Goodrich, DO FAAO; William L. Johnston, DO FAAO; Zvi Karni, PhD; Fred L. Mitchell Jr., DO FAAO; John E. Upledger, DO FAAO; David G. McConnell, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A study conducted by Dr. John Upledger, Zvi Karni and colleagues, wherein styles and methods of ostepathic evaluation are compared.

Neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson&#39;s disease (an evidence based review)
(April 1st, 2006)
By: O. Suchowersky; G.Gronseth; J. Perlmutter; S. Reich; T. Zesiewicz; WJ Weiner
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationT,

This is a review of the literature to determine whether there is any evidence to the benefits of using a variety of alternative therapies to treat Parkinson&#39;s Disease. Therapies considered include Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Physical therapy, Chiropractic, Tai Chi, Homeopathy and Speech therapy. All were found to be inconclusive, and a call for more evidence is made.

Objectification of differences in cranial mobility through the alternative rocking of temporal bones
(September 1st, 2010)
By: Gines Domenech Ratto, MD PhD; Matilde Moreno Cascales, MD PhD; Donato Martinez Mateo, PT DO MRO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This abstract, written in Spanish and translated into English, describes a study wherein alternative rocking of the temporal bones was used to assess the different degree of mobility of the temporal bones in different age groups.

The effect of tissue expansion on skull bones in the paediatric age group from 2 to 7 years old
(April 1st, 2008)
By: M.M. El-saadi; M.A. Nasr
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study, using skull expanders with CT imaging analysis in children ages 2-7, shows that changes do occur at the suture lines, as well as within the bones themselves.

The palpated cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI): Its normative rate and examiner experience
(January 1st, 2011)
By: Nicette Sergueef; Melissa A. Greer; Kenneth E. Nelson; Thomas Glonek
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The study review involves data regarding the palpation of the normal range of the cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI) by different examiners, all in different levels of experience and expertise. Results showed that the more experienced examiners palpated the rhythm with more accuracy and consistency.

Mechano-electric patterns during craniosacral osteopathic diagnosis and treatment
(July 1st, 1979)
By: John E. Upledger, DO FAAO; Zvi Karni, PhD D.Sc.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study showed that the craniosacral motion reported by the palpation of a trained practitioner directly correlated with the mechano-electric changes in patterns recorded from other locations in a patient&#39;s body, far exceeding random probability.

The Use of Craniosacral Therapy To Treat Gastroesophageal Reflux in Infants
(October 1st, 1996)
By: Pat Joyce, OTR/L; Cindy Clark, OTR/L
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article, as part of a seminar on treating infants with craniosacral therapy, cites a case study where craniosacral therapy achieved highly successful results in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.

An investigation of cranial motion through a review of biomechanically based skull deformation literature
(December 1st, 2012)
By: Christina N. Seimetz, Andrew R. Kemper, Stefan M. Duma
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This literature review and biomechanical analysis determines that, indeed, there is movement available along the sutural articulations of the skulls of both animals and humans, when an external force is applied.

The use of complementary and alternative medicine by patients attending a UK headache clinic
(January 1st, 2010)
By: Thomas D. Lambert, Karen E. Morrison, Julie Edwards, C.E. Clarke
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Process Acupressure,

This study looks at the validity of CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) in the treatment of headache patients. Treatment modalities include craniosacral therapy, massage therapy, Reiki, acupressure and osteopathy. The results are favorable.

A systematic review of craniosacral therapy: biological plausibility, assessment reliability and clinical effectiveness
(February 1st, 1999)
By: C. Green, C.W. Martin, K. Bassett, A. Kazanjian
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This research critically reviews the scientific basis of craniosacral therapy as a therapeutic intervention by looking at 33 previous studies and their results. Although their conclusion is that craniosacral therapy is inconclusive as a valid form of therapy, this is a good study for researchers to read to understand some of the "shortcomings" that are cited in the methods previously used to study craniosacral therapy.

Case Study in Pediatric Asthma: The Corrective Aspect of Craniosacral Fascial Therapy
(January 1st, 2008)
By: Barry R. Gillespie, DMD, MSD, MT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A nine year old boy with advanced chronic asthma is treated with craniosacral therapy. Highly favorable results included significant improvements in diaphragmatic movement and nasal passage opening and clearing, as well as an increase in ease of breathing, thus an increase in activities.

Hands-On Treatment Improves Chronic Low Back Pain, Reduces Medication Use
(March 18th, 2013)
By: Science News
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Brief summary: This article outlines one of studies done to show the efficacy of osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) and ultrasound therapy (UST) for chronic low back pain. The conclusions were that the OMT regimen met or exceeded the Cochrane Back Review Group criterion for a medium effect size in relieving chronic low back pain. OMT was safe, parsimonious, and well accepted by patients.

Osteopathic Tx Eases Low Back Pain
(March 18th, 2013)
By: Nancy Walsh, staff writer, MedPage Today
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

This article outlines one of studies done to show the efficacy of osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) and ultrasound therapy (UST) for chronic low back pain. The conclusions were that the OMT regimen met or exceeded the Cochrane Back Review Group criterion for a medium effect size in relieving chronic low back pain. OMT was safe, parsimonious, and well accepted by patients.

Osteopathic Manual Treatment and Ultrasound Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: A randomized Controlled Trial
(January 1st, 2013)
By: John C. Licciardone, DO, MS, MBA, Dennis E. Minotti, DO, Robert J. Gatchel, PhD, Cathleen M. Kearns, BA, and Karan P. Singh, PhD
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

This article outlines one of studies that was done to show the efficacy of osteopathic manual treatment (OMT) and ultrasound therapy (UST) for chronic low back pain. The conclusions were that the OMT regimen met or exceeded the Cochrane Back Review Group criterion for a medium effect size in relieving chronic low back pain. OMT was safe, parsimonious, and well accepted by patients.

Anatomic Relation Between the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor Muscle and the Dura Mater
(January 1st, 1995)
By: Gary D Hack, DDS, Richard T. Koritzer, DDS, PhD, Walker L. Robinson, MD, Richard C. Hallgren, Phd, and Philip E. Greenman, DO, FAAO
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study was designed to verify the connection and possible importance between the Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor and the Dura Matter. The dissection of 10 embalmed subocciptal regions found a connection in each specimen. The conclusion is that the awareness of this relationship should bring lessen potential of risk during surgery. This relationship is also relevant for many types of manual therapies, especially those that work with the dura mater membrane.

The Mini Face-Lift Effects of Lymph Drainage Therapy
(February 1st, 2012)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In this article Dr. Chikly explains how Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT)can have results similar to that of face-lifts. Since LDT has a profound affect on body tissue, at once influencing the connective tissue, lymph and interstitial fluid, results can range from alleviation of swelling/edema, lessening pain, and reducing the appearance of scars and wrinkles. LDT also can improve the skin&#39;s tone and texture.

My search for the Importance of Aftercare in the Treatment of Lymphedema
(April 16th, 2013)
By: Melanie Valentine, OTR/L, LLCC
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Melanie Valentine, OTR/L, LLCC offers a personal account of her experience with Lymphedema and her search for aftercare treatment that is vitally important for all lymphedema patients. She found the Chikly Institute&#39;s LDT work in her search. She emphasizes the need for more therapists to learn this work since it is needed not just during the acute stages of the condition that includes the use of bandaging and compression garments, but as aftercare as well.

Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy and Renal Dysfunction
(January 1st, 2005)
By: Shoshana Pinto Ringel, DDS, MS Acupuncture
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Shoshana Pinto Ringel presents a case study of a 50 year old woman with gastrointestinal symptoms. X-ray confirmed that she had a renal calculus (1cm long) embedded in the walls of the left ureter. The patient went to see the therapist 24 hours before surgery was scheduled. Shoshana, using Advanced LDT procedures for microscopic structures, assisted the calculus in passing painlessly. Surgery was avoided after X-ray confirmed that the calculus was no longer present.

Compression - a Solution for Edema
(April 15th, 2013)
By: Renee Romero, RN, CLT-LANA
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Renee Romero, RN, CLT-LANA explains why and how some edemas, not just lymphedema, can be helped by using short stretch bandages (not the ACE type) to create compression and assist the re-absortion of fluid.

Dr. Chikly&#39;s Brain 1 Desensitizing Technique on RSD Pain
(April 15th, 2013)
By: Keira Lynn, LMT, CST, RYT, BA
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Keira Lynn, LMT, CST, RYT, BA&#39;s presents a case study of a woman with Reflexive Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). Using the down regulation technique taught in Dr. Chikly&#39;s Brain 1 course, the pain was reduced from an 8 out of 10 to 0 out of 10 in just 1 session. Subsequent sessions enabled her to significantly reduce the pain in her other arm.

Applications of Lymph Drainage Therapy For Dental Surgery and Mercury Toxicity
(April 17th, 1976)
By: Arlene Garcia, LMT
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Arlene Garcia, LMT presents a case study using LDT to help a woman with severe swelling, bruising and severe jaw and ear pain due to complications from dental surgery and mercury toxicity. With 3 LDT treatments the face and pain was reported to be 90% better and bruising was eliminated.

UpClose Newsletter
(January 1st, 1997)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Articles and topics include: Staff Assesses Therapy With Dolphins.

Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Opens New Vistas in CranioSacral Therapy
(December 1st, 1996)
By: Russell A. Bourne, Jr., PhD, and Ray Mercurio, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Twenty two clients spent two half-days at a dolphin facility receiving CranioSacral Therapy dockside and in the water with the dolphins. The fascinating results may lend new insight into the future of human-dolphin relations.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
(January 20th, 1997)
By: Älice Quaid, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Älice Quaid, PT, a clinician at UI HealthPlex Clinical Services, recounts her experiences with the clinic’s Vietnam veterans pilot PTSD program.

Dizzying Heights
(January 1st, 1997)
By: Mary Ellen Clark
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

American high diver and Olympic bronze-medallist Mary Ellen Clark describes the mystifying ailment she endured in her struggle to reach the 1996 Summer Games.

UpClose Newsletter
(March 31st, 1997)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Brings Quick Relief to Bell’s Palsy Patient; Who Is Smartest of Them All? by Dr. Upledger.

UpDate Newsletter
(June 1st, 1997)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Who Is Smartest of Them All? By Dr. Upledger; Upledger Foundation Update.

Healing Mind and Body Via the Spirit
(March 29th, 1997)
By: Lee Nugan, MA
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Lee Nugan, MA, staff psychotherapist at UI HealthPlex Clinical Services and instructor of the Spirituality and Healing workshop, discusses how forgiving oneself and others can profoundly affect recovery.

New Concepts in Alternative Therapies: Treatment of TMJ Disorders Leads to Trauma Release Therapy (TRT)
(March 1st, 1997)
By: Karl Nishimura, DDS, MS
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Explore the history of Trauma Release Therapy in relation to TMJ disorders.

Feeling Your Pain: A Mind/Body Approach for Treating TMJ Disorders and Other Traumas
(May 12th, 1997)
By: Steve Edgcumbe
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Karl Nishimura, DDS, MS, presents the basics for the Trauma Release Therapy Protocol that helps people recognize pain, elicit the traumatic experience that led to it, and bring about normalization and self-healing.

Making Gains: Rehabilitation From Traumatic Brain Injury Combines a Variety of Methods
(June 23rd, 1997)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article highlights two severe accident cases in which the survivors received in-depth therapeutic treatment at The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services.

UpClose Newsletter
(July 1st, 1997)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: HealthPlex Helps Shed Autism Label; The Big Picture on Milk Intolerance; Cellist Tunes in to New Healing Techniques.

Aston-Patterning: Accessing the Power of the Ground
(July 21st, 1997)
By: Laura Servid, OTR/L
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Laura Servid, who maintains a private practice in Aston work, explains the basics of Aston-Patterning, and provides case histories highlighting how this therapeutic modality has benefited her clients.

Tenderly Touching the TM Joint
(June 1st, 1997)
By: Judith (Walker) DeLany, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Advocating a multidisciplinary treatment approach, Ms. DeLany explains the skeletal anatomy of the TM joint along with various causative factors of TMJ dysfunction.

Applications of Pre- & Post-Surgical Lymph Drainage Therapy
(June 1st, 1997)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD (France), and Alaya Chikly, CMT
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

French physician Bruno Chikly and his wife Alaya explore the many benefits of Lymph Drainage Therapy to pre- and post-surgical patients. It’s been shown to help prevent infection, alleviate post-surgery swelling and even improve the scarring process.

Process Acupressure: Mapping Energy Pathways
(August 11th, 1997)
By: Debora Romanchock
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Process Acupressure,

This article presents a comprehensive overview of Process Acupressure, and how it came to be created by Aminah Raheem, PhD, author of Soul Return: Integrating Body, Psyche and Spirit.

CranioSacral Therapy for Horses
(September 1st, 1997)
By: E. Bailey Tune
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Bailey Tune uses CranioSacral Therapy to relieve horses of their discomforts. She also describes three case studies.

Mind + Body + Spirit = Zero Balancing
(September 1st, 1997)
By: Debora Romanchock
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Zero Balancing,

Zero Balancing is a gentle yet effective method of aligning body energy with body structure. This article explores the parameters of this modality developed by Fritz Smith, MD.

Dolphins and Healing
(January 1st, 1997)
By: Russell A. Bourne, Jr., PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Recounts experience with the first known program to incorporate a proven therapeutic modality — CranioSacral Therapy — simultaneously while being in direct contact with dolphins.

Who Discovered the Lymphatic System
(January 1st, 1997)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD (France)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article is partly excerpted from “The Discovery of the Lymphatic System and of Manual Lymph Drainage” that received a medal from the Medical Faculty of Paris VI, France.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(September 1st, 1997)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: French Experts Demonstrate Their Work at Symposiums; An Eclectic and Integrative Approach to Treatment by Dr. Upledger; Forming a Multihands Group.

UpClose Newsletter
(October 1st, 1997)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Pilot Keeps Dream Alive; An Eclectic and Integrative Approach to Treatment by Dr. Upledger; Young Dancer Makes Gains.

Upledger UpDate
(March 14th, 2013)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’97; Visceral Manipulation Palpation Verification.

UpClose Newsletter
(January 1st, 1998)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Sound Chamber Amplifies Therapeutic Effects; The Upledger Foundation Update; Virgilio testimony about CST’s effects on her daughter.

New Body-Based Therapies for Autism, ADD, and Other Childhood Disorders
(December 1st, 1997)
By: Maya Muir
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Explores the use of two natural therapies — Sensory Integration and CranioSacral Therapy — on children with challenges such as autism and attention deficit disorder.

Cranial Osteopathy and CranioSacral Therapy: Current Opinions
(January 1st, 1998)
By: A.J. Ferguson, J.M. McPartland, J.E. Upledger, M. Collins, R. Lever
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Five osteopaths, including Dr. John E. Upledger, were asked to give their opinions on five different questions concerning the controversy as to the existence of what Dr. William Sutherland called the ‘primary respiratory mechanism', and if it does exist then what are the physiological processes behind it.

Is Human Cerebrospinal Fluid Reabsorbed by Lymph
(December 1st, 1997)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD (France)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Describes some of the new concepts concerning the circulation between cerebrospinal fluid, cerebral interstitial fluid and lymph. It also presents some specific Lymph Drainage Therapy techniques that can help facilitate the exchange of these fluids.

CranioSacral Therapy: Following the Body’s Cues
(December 1st, 1997)
By: Becky Peeling, APR
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

General background and overview of CranioSacral Therapy, including benefits and information on practitioner training.

Paths of Researchers and Practitioners of ‘Alternative’ Therapies Divided
(February 9th, 1998)
By: Barnard J. Colan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While researchers note modalities not backed by research should be used with caution, this article goes on to present Dr. John Upledger’s rationale for continuing with noninvasive techniques when they prove effective in practice.

Coaching Children in Developmental Progress
(March 27th, 1998)
By: Liza Katz, MSPT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy offers a base of knowledge to help infants and children at their primary levels of impairment.

Surviving Orthodontics: A Bodyworker’s Exploration Into Orthodontics and CranioSacral Therapy
(March 1st, 1998)
By: Nancy Burke, BA, CMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A professional practitioner of CranioSacral Therapy, Nancy Burke examines the overwhelming correlation between orthodontia and client complaints such as TMJ syndrome, headaches, low back pain and sciatica, fascial, muscular and neck pain, even the inability to think clearly.

UpClose Newsletter
(March 14th, 2013)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Child Rebounds From Pediatric Strokes; Consciousness and Organ Transplants by Dr. Upledger; CST Helps Migraines and More.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(June 1st, 1998)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT, Mechanical Link,

Articles and topics include: The Consciousness of Organ Transplants; The Evolution of Visceral Manipulation; Mechanical Link: A Multidimensional Approach; New NMT Programs; Fascia and the Energy Matrix.

Healing With Words
(May 18th, 1998)
By: Russell A. Bourne, Jr., PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article presents communication as an integrated process that can encourage or impede health and healing. The author is chief of staff of The Upledger Institute’s HealthPlex Clinical Services, and developer of UI’s Therapeutic Imagery & Dialogue workshop.

Gentle Therapy Can Ease Variety of Body Ailments
(July 6th, 1998)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Kathleen Aragon, a craniosacral therapist, discusses her craniosacral treatment at St. Joseph’s Community Hospital.

UpClose Newsletter
(July 1st, 1998)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Community Backs Boy’s HealthPlex Visit; Compassion and Violence by Dr. Upledger; Healing Touch Appears to Enhance Self-Esteem.

Temporal Bone Misalignment and Motion Asymmetry as a Cause of Vertigo: The Craniosacral Model
(November 1st, 2009)
By: David C. Christine, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a narrative review of the literature which describes and supports a theoretical link between dysfunction of the craniosacral system and vertigo. Dysfunction of the craniosacral system may include osseous, dural membrane and fascial restrictions leading to asymmetric temporal bone movement, and hence vertigo.

Delving Deeper Into Structure
(July 20th, 1998)
By: Paul Chauffour, DO, and Eric Prat, DO
Curriculum/s: Mechanical Link,

Physical therapists tend to focus on releasing joint restrictions to enhance function. In the last few years, however, Mechanical Link practitioners have explored structure at a deeper level to discover crucial fixations that should be considered an integral part of any global evaluation and treatment plan.

Upledger UpDate
(September 1st, 1998)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’99; Visceral Manipulation Curriculum Maximizes Learning; The Changing Face of Pediatrics; The Upledger Foundation UpDate.

The ‘Fourth’ Hamstring
(September 1st, 1998)
By: Thomas Myers
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Beneath the traditional three hamstrings lies what the author, a Certified Advanced Rolfer, considers the ‘fourth’ hamstring. Discover new ways to work with these crucial muscles.

Visceral Manipulation
(September 21st, 1998)
By: Jolynn Weiler
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Jean-Pierre Barral, RPT, DO, discusses the breakthrough that led to his development of Visceral Manipulation. The article covers the basic technique, its impact on patients, and the professional reactions Barral has received over the years.

UpClose Newsletter
(October 30th, 1998)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CST Adds the Missing Piece to Stroke Rehab; The Magic of Intentioned Touch and Blending by Dr. Upledger; The Upledger Foundation Update.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(December 1st, 1999)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Myofascial Pain Conference; Visceral Manipulation Report; Message From UI HealthPlex Medical Director; International CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month.

UpClose Newsletter
(January 1st, 1999)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Healing Journey Cuts a Path Through Alternative, Traditional TerrainMagnets: A Cause for Pause by Dr. Upledger.

Massage for Animals: Integrating Manual Therapies Into Traditional Care for Animals
(October 30th, 1998)
By: Älice Quaid, PT, and Gail Wetzler, PT, CVMI, ESMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Mechanical Link,

A growing number of professional therapists are interested in teaming with veterinarians to provide the most innovative healthcare techniques available. This article explains how CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation and Mechanical Link can easily be used in combination with veterinary medicine.

More Than the Brain’s Drain
(January 23rd, 1999)
By: J. Travis
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Provides an overview of cerebrospinal fluid, the important role it plays in the body and some interesting research and studies on this clear, colorless liquid that constantly bathes the brain and spinal cord.

The Benefits of Lymphatic Massage
(June 1st, 1999)
By: Janet M. D’Angelo
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In her article, D’Angelo talks about cultivating the beauty from within using lymph drainage techniques. She acknowledges Bruno Chikly as developing Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT). The article discusses the esthetic benefits of using LDT.

UpDate Newsletter
(June 1st, 1999)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, The Feldenkrais Method for CranioSacral Therapists,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’99 Research Conference; CranioSacral Therapy: When and Where to Use It by Dr. Upledger; Feldenkrais Method for CranioSacral Therapists; UI HealthPlex Clinic Endorsement Program.

UpClose Newsletter
(June 1st, 1999)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Eases Symptoms of Unusual Syndrome; CranioSacral Therapy: When and Where to Use It by Dr. Upledger.

Gently Does It
(June 1st, 1999)
By: Victoria McKee
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Actress Brooke Shields finds relief from TMJ through CranioSacral Therapy. Article includes interviews with Shields; her CranioSacral Therapist Karen Erickson, DC, who trained with Dr. Upledger; and Dr. Upledger himself, who explains how CST works.

CranioSacral Therapy
(July 1st, 1999)
By: Will Wilson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article provides some history of CST including the work of William Sutherland and Dr. John Upledger. He discusses the effects of craniosacral therapy, describes what happens in a treatment and provides some case studies from his practice.

Craniosacral Therapy Gently Releases Aches and Tension
(August 12th, 1999)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article features The Kings Head Hair Institute suggestion of how CranioSacral Therapy is a ‘part of an individual’s personal wellness program because it’s gentle and effective and can enhance energy levels, better sleep and better health’.

The Magic of Touch
(September 1st, 1999)
By: Joan Arnold
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Zero Balancing,

The right bodywork can relax and recharge your body, relieving tensions and freeing you to move more naturally. Seven therapies are profiled, including CranioSacral Therapy.

New Hypothesis for the Origin of Cranio-Sacral Motion
(October 1st, 1999)
By: A. Farasyn, MSc, DO, PhD Cand, Assoc. Professor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Farasyn’s article examines the ‘hypothesis for the origin of Cranio-Sacral motion. The difference between the rhythm of venomotion and the Cerebro-Spinal Fluid is explained and a new hypotheses is put forwards.’

IAHE Connection Newsletter
(September 1st, 1999)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Vietnam Vets Embrace Real Change in Intensive Therapy Program The Visceral Manipulation Report; Upledger Foundation Update; CEU Information; Study Groups.

The Effectiveness of CV-4 and Resting Position Techniques on Subjects with Tension-Type Headaches
(December 1st, 1999)
By: William P. Hanten EdD, PT, Sharon L. Olson PhD, PT, Jennifer L. Hodson MS, PT, Vickie L. Imler MS, DC, PT, Virginia M. Knab MS, PT, Jennifer L. Magee MS, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This research study investigates the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy techniques on tension-type headache sufferers, with results indicating a statistically significant reduction in pain compared to control groups.

UpClose Newsletter
(January 1st, 2000)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Women and War: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Crosses All Gender Boundaries; Breaking Through the Armor of PTSD.

CranioSacral Therapy & Spinal Cord Injury
(February 1st, 2000)
By: S. Laurance Johnston, PhD, and Lynn St. Denis, NCMT, OTR
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This in-depth article outlines the benefits of CranioSacral Therapy in treating spinal cord injuries. The authors offer the basis for and history of CranioSacral Therapy, the concerns of detractors, and CST’s efficacy in treating spinal cord dysfunction. Includes sidebar stories on “alternative medicine primers for spinal cord injury” and “tips for working with paralysis and other disabilities.”

UpDate Newsletter
(March 1st, 2000)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Research; Visceral Manipulation Report; CranioSacral Dissection Class; Fear: Deep Down and Personal by Dr. Upledger.

UpClose Newsletter
(March 29th, 2000)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Is a Family Affair; Letter Spurs Call to Action by Dr. Upledger; Dolphin Star Christening Caps CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month.

The Magic of Dolphins
(April 9th, 2000)
By: Jane Phillimore
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

They’re playful, intelligent and many believe they have healing powers. Now scientists are close to unraveling the mystery of how dolphins can cure human ills.

Autism - Observations, Experience and Concepts
(April 6th, 2000)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is the transcript of Dr. Upledger’s testimony before the Government Reform Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, 106th Congress (1999-2000). The day-long session featured testimonies from leaders in autism research and treatment, as well as from the parents of autistic children.

CranioSacral Therapy in the Massage Therapist’s Tool Kit: Improving Client Outcomes
(March 1st, 2000)
By: AMTA Florida Journal
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article chronicles the origin of Dr. Upledger’s discovery of the craniosacral system, his subsequent development of CranioSacral Therapy, and how and why CST helps.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(June 1st, 2000)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy, Integrative Intentions,

Articles and topics include: Dr. Upledger Testifies at Government Reform Committee Meeting on Autism, Dolphin Star Christening Launches New Explorations in Healing Potential, Visceral Manipulation Report, Face & Body 2000, Alternative Medicine Coverage Gaining Popularity, Zero Balancing Association Presents One-Year Certification, Bruno Chikly Introduces New Lymphedema/CDP Certification Exam, and BioAquatic Exploration Excursions Planned Aboard the New Dolphin Star.

Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT): Manual Lymphatic Mapping And Its Clinical Applications To Lymphedema
(July 1st, 2000)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD (France)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

From the National Lymphedema Network publication Lymph Link, Dr. Chikly discusses Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) – one of the most recent advances in the techniques used to specifically improve or restore the natural lymphatic drainage of the body. This article covers the historical background, lymphatic rhythm contractility of the lymphangions and various clinical applications.

CranioSacral Therapy keeps juices flowing
(August 2nd, 2000)
By: A.J.S. Rayl with medical adviser Stephen A. Shoop, M.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

From the Health section of this widely read newspaper, Dr. Lisa Upledger, D.C. and others discuss the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy and the importance of this vital body system.

CranioSacral Therapy and the Multiple Therapist Approach
(February 1st, 2013)
By: John Matthew Upledger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article examines how and why CranioSacral Therapy and the multiple therapist approach has a synergistic effect during treatments. Clients of two CranioSacral Therapists working together are presented and the profound results their patients have shown from the tandem therapy are explained.

Miracle Healing Powers of Dolphins
(August 22nd, 2000)
By: Lynn Allison
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Discusses research from The Upledger Institute relating to dolphins and healing -- from improvements in psychological disorders to muscular dystrophy.

Upledger UpDate
(September 1st, 2000)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Upledger Instructors Teach Multidisciplinary Techniques at FSMTA Convention, The Visceral Manipulation Report, A CranioSacral Therapy Case Study, The Upledger Foundation Update on Current Research Projects, New Basic Acupressure Course Blends Ancient Methods with Contemporary Applications, The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease.

Cranial-Sacral Therapy: A Safe and Effective Healing Approach for the Hyperkinetic Child
(October 1st, 2000)
By: Diane M. Cooper
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This online article provides an in-depth interview with Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy. Dr. Upledger discusses his work with children suffering from ADD/ADHD (or hyperkinesis), The Upledger Foundation Compassionate Touch Program, and the CranioSacral system.

The Therapeutic Value of Neural Manipulation
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Barbara LeVan, PT, BI-D
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

Barbara LeVan, PT, BI-D explains in detail what Neural Manipulation is and why it is essential for nerves to be able to move freely in its environment. She adds that Neural Manipulation is involved in all body functions and without neural control certain visceral activity cannot be maintained. She concludes with information on how Neural Manipulation can help you and briefly on how it is performed.

PT Classroom - Muscle Energy Technique
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Dr. Kerry D’Ambrogio, D.O.M., A.P., P.T., D.O.-M.T.P.
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Dr. D&#39;Ambrogio explains what Muscle Energy Techniques (MET) are and how it developed. He further describes how MET can be used in the clinical setting to alleviate pain and dysfunction in the low back, lumbar, hips, knees, and upper extremities just to name a few of the areas pain and joint problems that it can address.

UpClose Newsletter
(October 30th, 2000)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Upledger Foundation’s Compassionate Touch Program Yields Compelling Results, Update on Current Research Projects and Communications Plan Benefits Charitable Programs.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(March 1st, 2001)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura ’01: Overview of Programs and Highlights, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Lessons from Sessions, Mighty Joe Defies the Odds with CranioSacral Therapy, Finding the Divine Human: A CranioSacral Therapy Dissection Experience.

Tip of the Day for Health & Fitness: CranioSacral Therapy
(December 7th, 2000)
By: Thad Pearson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A short article discussing the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and how it often provides relief when other forms of medical treatment has failed to relieve pain and physical dysfunction.

An Interview with Dr. John Upledger, DO, OMM, Creator of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release
(October 30th, 2000)
By: Dennis Hughes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger discusses the origins and applications of CranioSacral Therapy, physical descriptions of the craniosacral system and cerebrospinal fluid, tissue memory, energy cysts, and bodywork in the next century.

Massage Modalities
(December 1st, 2000)
By: Lisa Randazzo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Defines massage basics as well as offers description of various modalities. Features a section on CranioSacral Therapy including comments by Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy.

A Doctor with Heart
(March 1st, 2001)
By: Patricia Kirby
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A pediatric physical therapist began taking CranioSacral Therapy courses from The Upledger Institute. Dr. Fryer has had particular success with CranioSacral Therapy to treat patients with neurocardiogenic syncope, sensory integration issues and eh also uses CranioSacral Therapy on children with chest pain, palpitations and dizziness and on heart surgery patients.

Relief from Pain
(March 11th, 2001)
By: SueMae Bertenshaw
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article highlights the use of CranioSacral Therapy to treat fibromyalgia.

An Eclectic and Integrative Approach to Treatment
(March 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses treatment of a 43-year old woman suffering from abdominal bloating and pain and how different modalities can and should be integrated whenever appropriate to the therapeutic process.

Using CranioSacral Therapy in the Chiropractic Practice
(March 1st, 2001)
By: Lisa Upledger, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Lisa Upledger discusses several applications of CranioSacral Therapy for patient conditions such as headaches, TMJ and Bell's Palsy. Article provides an overview and history of the CranioSacral System as well as the difference between CranioSacral Therapy and other cranial methods.

CranioSacral Therapy...What is it really?
(October 1st, 2012)
By: Mariann Sisco PT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is an excellent overview of CranioSacral Therapy. The author includes current research on various applications of CST for conditions such as migraines, dementia and lateral epicondylitis. An summary of the history of the development of CST is included, as well as details anatomy and physiology upon which CST is built.

Nothing is Impossible
(January 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how CranioSacral Therapy is effective in enhancing central nervous system performance. Dr. Upledger outlines his course of treatment for a quadriplegic patient with a spastic condition of his muscular system. Available online at

IAHE Connection Newsletter
(June 1st, 2001)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, The Feldenkrais Method for CranioSacral Therapists, Heart Centered Therapy, Integrative Intentions,

Articles and topics include: Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida Legislators Recognize CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Month, Upledger Foundation Launches Summer BioAquatic Season, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Fundraising Tribute to CranioSacral Therapy Developer Nets $30,000 for Nonprofit Foundation, Heart Centered Therapy: Assume Only Love, The Feldenkrais Method and The UI HealthPlex Corner.

UpClose Newsletter
(February 27th, 2013)
By: The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Mighty Joe Defies the Odds With CranioSacral Therapy (treating Arthrogryposis with CranioSacral Therapy), The Privilege of Being a Witness and Foundation Fundraiser Kicks Off Beyond the Dura ’01.

Touched by Angels
(March 30th, 2001)
By: Suzanne B. Gleason
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses the use of massage therapy to ease fatigue, stress and chronic pain. CranioSacral Therapy is cited as beneficial for headaches and migraines.

Muscle Energy
(June 1st, 2012)
By: Dr. Kerry D’Ambrogio
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing,

Neural Muscle Energy Technique (MET) primarily reduces the tone in a hypertonic muscle, re-establishing its normal resting length. Shortened and hypertonic muscles frequently are the reason for restricted motion of a joint or a group of joints. Using isometric contractions created by the interplay between therapist and patient, MET gently re-educates the hypertonic muscle to its original range and function.

A New Breed of Healers
(April 16th, 2001)
By: John Greenwald
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the Special Features section Innovators, TIME magazine profiles the most influential individuals of tomorrow in the article TIME 100: The Next Wave. Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, is featured in an article called "A New Kind of Pulse" and Jean-Pierre Barral, the developer of Visceral Manipulation, is featured in an article called "Has Your Liver Been Liberated?"

The Privilege of Being a Witness
(May 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how he “chose to trust his hands and senses” while a clinician-researcher at Michigan State University and went on to discover CranioSacral Therapy.

UpDate Newsletter
(June 1st, 2001)
By: The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Articles and topics include: Therapists Enjoy A Mind Odyssey at Beyond the Dura 2001, The Visceral Manipulation Report, The Upledger Institute Introduces Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy, When the Immune System Attacks Ask Why, Lessons from the Sessions and Beyond the Dura ’01: Spirited Presentations & Practical Information. Issue available online at:

When the Immune System Attacks, Ask Why
(June 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the individual consciousness of tissues, cells and DNA molecules. Dr. Upledger shares his experience about treating a woman diagnosed with autoimmune disease of the liver by dialoguing with her organs and tissues.

Lymph Drainage Therapy and Its Integration in a Massage Therapy Practice
(June 1st, 2001)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article by Dr. Bruno Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, includes a historical overview of Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM), indications for LDT and how to integrate LDT with other modalities.

Lymph Drainage Therapy: An Effective Complement to Breast Care
(June 1st, 2001)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Dr. Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), discusses how the appropriate and practical manual technique of LDT can be used by trained therapists for specific conditions and indications relating to breast care. The article presents such items as: An Overview of the Lymphatic System, the Applications and Contraindications of LDT, How to Achieve Optimal Results with LDT in addition to photographs and an extensive reference list.

Going with the Flow through CranioSacral Therapy
(June 1st, 2001)
By: Jonn Salovaara
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article provides general information about craniosacral therapy. It also includes the author’s first hand experience with a CST session and the positive effects it had on his day.

Health Care as a State of Self-Defense
(July 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, shares the story of how a woman involved in a car accident took control of her own medical care by seeking out CranioSacral Therapy and other courses of treatment as an alternative to prescriptions and MRIs.

Press Gang
(July 3rd, 2001)
By: Rebecca Caldwell
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article provides a brief overview of the various types of therapy available including: Swedish massage, Shiatsu massage, Thai massage, Rolfing, CranioSacral Therapy and Reflexology. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, is described as a therapy that is quickly gaining popularity.

Katie’s 14-year Battle for Hope
(July 13th, 2001)
By: Michelle Hatfield
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes the battle a young child has faced since being confined to a wheelchair and unable to communicate because of severe head trauma from a head-on collision. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, plays an integral part in her therapeutic course of treatments and has directly resulted in improvements to her vision. In fact, her mother was so inspired by the results that CranioSacral Therapy produced, she has become a CranioSacral Therapist herself.

UpClose Newsletter
(July 1st, 2001)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CST Eases Toddler’s Spastocity After Near Drowning; Dr Upledger’s column – Healthcare: A State of Self-Defense; UI Foundation Fundraiser an Off-The-Scale Success. Issue available online at:

CranioSacral Therapy and Attention Deficit Disorder
(August 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the positive and profound effect that CranioSacral Therapy has on brain and spinal cord function and the endocrine and immune systems. Dr. Upledger writes that since 1975, CranioSacral Therapy has been used quite successfully in the treatment of attention deficit disorder (ADD) and hyperkinesis.

Lymphedema and Lymph Drainage Techniques
(September 1st, 2001)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD and Sue Welfley
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Swelling, or edema, is defined by an excessive accumulation of tissue fluid in the body. When the lymphatic pathways are obstructed and fluid accumulates, lymphedema results. This article, co-authored by Bruno Chikly, MD, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, presents an in-depth look into understanding the lymphatic system, lymph drainage techniques and protocols for lymphedema as well as a lymphedema case history.

Considering CranioSacral Therapy in Difficult Situations
(August 1st, 2001)
By: Carol Brussel, BA, IBCLC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses how CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, offers a promising approach to solving difficult breastfeeding problems.

Special Touch Therapy Helps Kids
(September 4th, 2001)
By: Ellyce Field
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A physical therapist discusses how CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, has helped to treat a child suffering with hydrocephalus.

The Good You Do
(September 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, offers a Guest Editorial on the important role human interaction plays in the profession of massage therapy. He cautions that while technology has its place, compassion and personal touch often can best lead the body to self-healing.

Magnets: A Cause for Pause
(September 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, cautions about the long-term and improper use of magnets and the potential impact on the craniosacral and other body systems.

Celebrate the Healing Power of a Gentle Touch: Discover CranioSacral Therapy
(October 1st, 2001)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Provides an overview of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) including how CST works, the benefits of CST and the foundations of CST.

IAHP Connection Newsletter
(January 16th, 2013)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Issue features: CST Eases Toddler’s Spasticity After Near Drowning, Using Visceral Manipulation to Affect Global Changes, When Symptoms Defy Logic: Using the Body as a Guide, The Upledger Foundation UpDate and BioAquatic Exploration: An Adventure in Personal Discovery. Issue available online at:

Who’s the Smartest of Them All
(October 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses viruses, bacteria, antibiotics and the overall importance of a healthy immune system.

Cello Healing
(October 30th, 2001)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Cellist Elizabeth Byrd uses sound to improve the overall health and well-being of her clients. This tonal and vibrational therapy is often used in conjunction CranioSacral Therapy and other modalities such as massage, acupuncture and reiki.

UpClose Newsletter
(October 30th, 2001)
By: The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Breaks 20-Year Cycle of PTSD and The Role of CranioSacral Therapy in Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Available online at:

NineOneOne: Psychological Relief – A Guide to Post - 9/11 Recovery Sources
(November 21st, 2001)
By: Nancy O’Brien
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses how during the recovery effort at the World Trade Center, many rescue workers found relief from their physical and emotional pain as therapists treated them with CranioSacral Therapy.

Consciousness and its Therapeutic Applications
(December 1st, 2001)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses his work with resonance of tissues to certain sound waves and frequencies. He describes how the cello played in certain notes while using CranioSacral Therapy on a patient with back pain would produce muscle relaxation and pain relief.

Is craniosacral therapy effective for migraine? Tested with HIT-6 Questionnaire
(November 12th, 2012)
By: T. Arnadottir; A. Sigurdardottir
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Research to determine whether or not craniosacral therapy alleviates migraine symptoms. Immediately after treatments and one month afterwards there was significant lowering in HIT-6 scorings compared with prior to treatment. There was also significant difference in HIT-6 scorings between Times 1 and 4 (p = 0.004). The effect size was 0.43–0.55.

A systematic review to evaluate the clinical benefits of craniosacral therapy
(August 22nd, 2012)
By: Anne Jäkel, Philip von Hauenschild
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Objective: Craniosacral therapy (CST) is an alternative treatment approach, aiming to release restrictions around the spinal cord and brain and subsequently restore body function. A previously conducted systematic review did not obtain valid scientific evidence that CST was beneficial to patients. The aim of this review was to identify and critically evaluate the available literature regarding CST and to determine the clinical benefit of CST in the treatment of patients with a variety of clinical conditions. Methods: Computerised literature searches were performed in Embase/Medline, Medline® In-Process, The Cochrane library, CINAHL, and AMED from database start to April 2011. Studies were identified according to pre-defined eligibility criteria. This included studies describing observational or randomised controlled trials (RCTs) in which CST as the only treatment method was used, and studies published in the English language. The methodological quality of the trials was assessed using the Downs and Black checklist. Results: Only seven studies met the inclusion criteria, of which three studies were RCTs and four were of observational study design. Positive clinical outcomes were reported for pain reduction and improvement in general well-being of patients. Methodological Downs and Black quality scores ranged from 2 to 22 points out of a theoretical maximum of 27 points, with RCTs showing the highest overall scores. Conclusion: This review revealed the paucity of CST research in patients with different clinical pathologies. CST assessment is feasible in RCTs and has the potential of providing valuable outcomes to further support clinical decision making. However, due to the current moderate methodological quality of the included studies, further research is needed.Volume 20, Issue 6
Pages 456-465 The aim of this review was to identify and critically evaluate the available literature regarding CST and to determine the clinical benefit of CST in the treatment of patients with a variety of clinical conditions.

A Healing Haven for Stressful Times
(January 4th, 2002)
By: Gail Dana
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A spa owner in Portland, offering services such as stress relief through massage and other therapies, plans to send her entire staff to The Upledger Institute’s CranioSacral Therapy classes to learn from the experts. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, will be incorporated into every treatment offered by the spa.

Fighting Chronic Pain
(January 3rd, 2002)
By: Trish Riley
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Fibromyalgia is a condition that causes chronic pain yet relief is often achieved using CranioSacral Therapy, a gentle, soft-touch therapy developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. This article provides insights and resources to help patients suffering from fibromyalgia.

I Tried CranioSacral Therapy
(January 1st, 2002)
By: Daphna Caperonis
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

To relieve head and neck tension, this author tried CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. In addition to relief for those conditions, she also benefited from increased energy and flexibility.

Upledger UpDate Newsletter
(January 1st, 2002)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Articles and topics include: April Charity Tribute to Honor Dr. John E. Upledger and his Life’s Work, A Young Accident Victim Finds Relief with CranioSacral Therapy, Team Approach Helps Bring Toddler Back Into Balance, Upledger Program Provides CranioSacral Therapy to Victims of September Attacks and New Program Certifies Lymph Drainage Therapy Techniques. Issue available online at

Portrait of Light and Love: An Artistic Journey Through Autism
(January 1st, 2002)
By: Jan Deremo Forrest with Robin Zucker
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, is credited with making a profound difference for 10-year old budding artist Scott Zucker by providing a major key to unlock the doorway of well-being. Scott was diagnosed with autism when he was two years old.

A Program for Children to Enhance Compassion and Self-Esteem and Reduce Violence
(January 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Compassionate Touch program developed and implemented by the Upledger Foundation, is credited with demonstrating the positive effect on student’s abilities to cooperate, assert themselves appropriately and control their behavior. This program was first introduced in the New Glarus, WI elementary school. Included in the article are comparisons of student assessments for the years 1999, 2000 and 2001.

CranioSacral Dissection Sheds New Light on Effects of Palpation
(February 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how the dissection of an unembalmed cadaver allowed a team of clinicians to better understand and validate the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy.

How to Stop Headaches for Good
(March 1st, 2002)
By: Robert Ivker, DO and Todd Nelson, ND
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article offers tips, techniques and lifestyle changes to end tension-headache pain. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, is noted as an effective means to address and reduce stress and tension-related headaches.

Expert Advice
(March 1st, 2002)
By: Charlotte Michael Versagi, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the Expert Advice column of Massage Magazine, Upledger trained practitioners discuss what CranioSacral Therapy is, how does it works and the important role the body plays in health.

Massage Gurus
(March 1st, 2002)
By: Stephanie Stephens
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, is featured as an industry leader whose innovations have forever changed the field of massage. Dr. Upledger explains how he developed CranioSacral Therapy and why he believes in the importance of aiding the body’s own self-healing mechanisms.

The Expanding Role of Cerebrospinal Fluid in Health and Disease
(March 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the first time he witnessed the rhythmical activity of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and how that influenced his incredible journey to developing CranioSacral Therapy and effectively treating patients.

(March 23rd, 2002)
By: David Robledo
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Lymphedema, swelling of the body caused by an accumulation of lymphatic fluid, is often a result from having breast surgery. This article warns of the potential dangers of this condition and discusses The Upledger Institute Lymph Drainage Therapy, developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly, as a helpful treatment.

The Consciousness of Organ Transplants
(March 30th, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, discusses his belief that every organ and tissue in humans, animals or plants is imbued with capabilities that go far beyond the known physiological functions they perform. Dr. Upledger notes that his experiences strongly support the concept that organs, tissues and cells each have an individual consciousness that affords them the qualities of intelligence, memory, emotion, ambition and the like.

UpClose Newsletter
(March 29th, 2002)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Trauma Relief Program Helps New Yorker Turn Corner in Healing Process, Nothing is Impossible—Try and Golf Tournament Honors Foundation Patron. Available online at:

Manual Lymphatic Mapping
(March 1st, 2002)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

For cases of lymphedema, Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) can be used to assess the patient’s lymph pathways at any time, and define a specific treatment protocol. MLM is taught as part of The Upledger Institute Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) curriculum. LDT is a modality developed by Dr. Bruno Chikly.

Infections Associated with Lymphedema
(March 1st, 2002)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Dr. Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, discusses the complications of lymphedema relating to infection/cellulitis. This article provides terminology, description, rate of infection, prevention of secondary infection and treatment.

Give and Take: The Soft Touch of CranioSacral Therapy
(May 4th, 2002)
By: Janet Cook
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, from the perspective and application of massage therapist Wendy Hildreth. Hildreth trained with The Upledger Institute and gives her account of the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy.

Intention and Touch
(May 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the importance of the therapist’s attitude and intention and how they affect the outcome of the therapeutic approach. He references Sister Anne Brooks and how intention brought relief after many years of chronic pain.

Body Links: Extolling the Benefits of Therapeutic Massage
(May 1st, 2002)
By: Pauline Mygrants
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Spotlights a therapist’s use of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release to treat patients for a wide range of conditions. Both modalities were developed by Dr. John E. Upledger.

Visceral Manipulation Enhances Structural Integration
(May 1st, 2002)
By: Jeffrey Burch
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

The article discusses how structural integration and Visceral Manipulation, developed by French osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral, enhance each other and can have lasting and profound effects on the body. Burch offers two diagrams and examples regarding how the visceral support system affects structure in the abdomen and the thorax.

Mighty Joe Defies the Odds
(June 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the case of Joseph Polk, an infant suffering from arthrogryposis, an extreme case of congenital joint contractures. Doctors told Joe’s parents that he would require multiple surgeries and would be severely handicapped. However, Joe’s parents refused to accept this diagnosis and discovered CranioSacral Therapy (CST).

CranioSacral Therapy and the Central Nervous System
(June 1st, 2002)
By: Sheila Rogers, MS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an interview with Dr. John Upledger by the editor Sheila Rogers that provides general information on craniosacral therapy including information on the benefits of CST for pregnant women and newborns.

In Review: Silent Waves-Theory and Practice of Lymph Drainage Therapy
(July 1st, 2002)
By: Charlotte Michael Versagi
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Charlotte Michael Versagi’s review of Dr. Bruno Chikly’s definitive text, Silent Waves, includes comments such as ‘The book’s references are a gold mine’, ‘Chikly’s reputation in the research and treatment of lymphedema is inestimable. He does not disappoint.’ To purchase copies of Silent Waves, call 1-800-233-5880 or visit

UpClose Newsletter
(July 1st, 2002)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Effects of Cleft Palate Diminish with CranioSacral Therapy, Intention and Touch and the Case of Sister Anne and April Events Raise Awareness and Funds for Upledger Foundation. Available online at:

The Big Picture on Milk Intolerance
(July 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses intolerance to milk and other dairy products and some potential solutions.

Am I Working, or Is This Just Paradise
(July 1st, 2002)
By: David Dolan, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

David Dolan, a BioAquatic Exploration Ocean Therapy instructor for The Upledger Institute, describes his personal experiences while floating in the warm waters of Bahamas and being treated with CranioSacral Therapy (CST). CST, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, is the mainstay of the BioAquatic Exploration curriculum and various courses are offered for the layperson to the advanced CranioSacral therapists.

Learning Ocean Therapy
(July 27th, 2002)
By: Coldwater Daily Reporter
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Lauri Rowe, massage therapist and craniosacral therapist, briefly discusses her experiences while participating in The Upledger Institute BioAquatic Exploration program.

Back in Balance
(August 4th, 2002)
By: Laura Holmes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, is a mainstay in the massage therapy practice of Gina Genest, an Upledger trained CranioSacral therapist. Genest clients include those suffering from stress, cerebral palsy, trauma and abuse.

TMJ: Primary Problem, or Tip of the Iceberg?
(August 1st, 2002)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how a diagnosis of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome is often secondary to another problem somewhere in the body. While TMJ is often treated to relieve symptoms, Dr. Upledger discusses the importance of source problems in several categories including craniosacral system dysfunction, stress and dental problems.

Can Practitioners be Trained to Manually Identify Lymphatic Flow? Evidence from a Case Control Study Assessing Skills in Manual Lymphatic Mapping
(January 15th, 2003)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, Dr. Bruno Chikly, offers this Case Study to compare the reliability of Manual Lymphatic Mapping (MLM) between an experimental population and a control group. MLM offers refinements to the therapeutic process that are an important tool in the management of pre-and postoperative functional assessment of lymphedema.

Special Report: No-Touch Zone: The Banning of Affection in Public Schools
(September 1st, 2002)
By: Moryt Milo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

While many school districts throughout the United States have struggled with “appropriate touch” issues, The Upledger Foundation Compassionate Touch (CT) program, geared toward preschool children, has provided positive results. Based on Dr. John E. Upledger’s research in a technique called Direction of Energy, the implementation of CT has increased compassion and reduced behavioral problems in children participating in the program.

Upledger UpDate
(September 1st, 2002)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Mechanical Link, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Articles and topics include: Therapist Pedaling 1,500 Miles to Promote CST, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Beyond the Dura ’03, Upledger Foundation Update, Lymph Drainage Therapy for Stroke Patients, Mechanical Link Pre-and Post-Surgery. Available online at and

UpClose Newsletter
(October 30th, 2002)
By: The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: CranioSacral Therapy Improves Health of Conjoined Twins, The Upledger Foundation Update and The Upledger Foundation Nancy Schaffer Memorial Golf Classic Fundraiser.

The Facilitated Segment
(January 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses the concepts of facilitated segment and how CranioSacral Therapy is particularly helpful in such instances. Available online at

IAHE Connection Newsletter
(December 1st, 2003)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Mechanical Link, Lymph Balancing Therapy, Integrative Intentions,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura Blends Sun, Soul and Science at a Seaside Resort, The Visceral Manipulation Report-Addressing Mechanical and Emotional Problems, New Workshop-BioAquatics Exploration: Shared Connections, CranioSacral Therapy Alters Brain Functioning to Aid a Wide Range of Disorders, Mechanical Link Introduces Two New Skill-Review Workshops.

Complementary Health-Care Leaders Attend ‘Beyond the Dura’ 2003 Conference
(June 1st, 2003)
By: Editorial Staff
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews the Upledger Foundation Beyond the Dura Conference which offered a mix of individual presentations, demonstrations and panel discussions focused on the use of complementary techniques in conjunction with mainstream and other alternative approaches for specific conditions. Available online at

Developing Therapeutic Presence
(January 1st, 2003)
By: Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

From the developer of Healing from the Core, Ms. Scurlock-Durana presents the importance of developing a therapeutic presence with the client. Go here:

Formerly Conjoined Twins Successfully Separated, Doctors Remain Hopeful
(December 1st, 2003)
By: Rebecca Razo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, developer of CranioSacral Therapy, treated formerly conjoined Egyptian twins, Ahmed and Mohamed Ibrahim with CST to help their brains begin to function independently. Dr. Upledger hopes to continue with CST treatments to help the boys clear residual tissue trauma. Available online at:

CranioSacral Therapy Alters Brain Functioning: A Clinical Overview
(December 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) discusses the work and research of Paul Swingle, PhD, FCPA, RPsych to investigate the effect CranioSacral Therapy has on brain activity. From those results, Dr. Swingle was able to treat a wide range of disorders using CST. Available online at:

Raging Water, Raging Fear
(December 1st, 2003)
By: Donna Snow Spears, LMT, NCTMB
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Upledger trained practitioner Donna Spears discusses her journey in The Upledger Institute’s BioAquatic workshop in the Bahamas. For Donna, this was an event in self-discovery, resolution and ultimately transformation. Available online at:

Massage Therapists and Breast Care: Easing the Controversy
(January 1st, 2004)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy provides insights into breast massage including guidelines for Therapeutic Breast Care and Lymphatic Breast Care. Available online at:

Changing Hearts and Minds for 20 Years
(June 1st, 2005)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses his belief that the health and improvement of the patient is at the heart of what therapists do. He references a new book “Working Wonders: Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy” and provides an excerpt from a massage therapist. Go to:

The Kids Are All Right
(September 1st, 2007)
By: Clare La Plante
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses children practicing ‘Peaceful Touch’ in the classrooms of Stockholm, Sweden in 2003. La Plante finds the ‘comfort of healthy touch can help children settle down and focus inward so that they are in an optimal state for learning’. The Upledger’s Compassionate Touch program briefly describes the pilot program in New Glarus, WI. Available at:

CranioSacral Therapy
(November 1st, 2012)
By: Catherine Schneider, MA, CST, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

General description of how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can help alleviate a variety of common ailments including stress, pain, PTSD, migraines, etc.

Reflections from Ground Zero
(October 17th, 2012)
By: Liz Pasquale, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was used to help victims of the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks.

Techniques: Headache Honcho
(October 17th, 2012)
By: Lisa Upledger, DC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In many situations, CranioSacral Therapy is one of the most valuable tools chiropractors can offer in the treatment of migraines. This light-touch modality helps normalize the craniosacral system and release meningeal and dural tube restrictions, allowing the structures of the central nervous system to resume optimal levels of functioning.

Craniosacral Therapy: Helping Improve Brain Function
(January 1st, 2009)
By: Susan Vaughan Kratz, OTR, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Using CranioSacral Therapy (CST) to help children with autism and improve brain function.

Placebo response to manual therapy: something out of nothing?
(January 1st, 2011)
By: Joel E Bialosky, Mark D Bishop, Steven Z George, Michael E Robinson
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

The mechanisms through which manual therapy inhibits musculoskeletal pain are likely multifaceted and related to the interaction between the intervention, the patient, the practitioner, and the environment. Placebo is traditionally considered an inert intervention; however, the pain research literature suggests that placebo is an active hypoalgesic agent.

A History of Manipulative Therapy
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Erland Pettman, PT, MCSP, MCPA, FCAMT, COMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

Manipulative therapy has known a parallel development throughout many parts of the world. The earliest historical reference to the practice of manipulative therapy in Europe dates back to 400 BCE. Over the centuries, manipulative interventions have fallen in and out of favor with the medical profession. Manipulative therapy also was initially the mainstay of the two leading alternative health care systems, osteopathy and chiropractic.

The use of Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST) in a physically impaired population in a disability service in Southern Ireland
(October 17th, 2012)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The use of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is increasing in the general population. Cerebral palsy is a chronic disability that has no cure. Families may try CST at some stage to relive the effects of this debilitating condition.

The Upledger Foundation Vietnam Veteran Intensive Program
(January 4th, 2000)
By: Richard B. Zonderman, Ph.D., P.C
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Results after 24 Vietnam Veterans completed a 2 week intensive program at The Upledger Foundation.

Credibility of low-strength static magnet therapy as an attention control intervention for a randomized controlled study of CranioSacral therapy for migraine headaches
(August 17th, 2011)
By: Curtis P. Gaylord SA, Park J, Faurot KR, Coble R, Suchindran C, Coeytaux RR. Wilkinson L, Mann JD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Developing valid control groups that generate similar perceptions and expectations to experimental complementary and alternative (CAM) treatments can be challenging. As part of a clinical feasibility study, credibility and expectancy data were obtained from subjects suffering from migraine who received either CranioSacral therapy (CST) or an attention-control, sham, and low-strength magnet (LSSM) intervention.

The Effects of Cranial Manual Therapy and Myofascial Release Technique on Somatic Tinnitus in Individuals without Otic Pathology
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Amir Massoud Arab PT, PhD, Mohammad R. Nourbakhsh PT, PhD, OCS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tinnitus is defined as hearing a sound in the absence of any external auditory stimulus. Somatic or craniocervical tinnitus, which is present in patients without any detectable ear/nerve disorders, is associated with somatic disorders such as myofascial pain syndrome, or cervical and cranial dysfunctions. Craniosacral manual techniques for correcting cranial bone dysfunctions and myofascial release for myofascial pain could improve somatic tinnitus.

The Dural Connection
(February 12th, 1996)
By: Warren Hammer, MS, DC, DABCO
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A recent article in &#39;Spine&#39; represents a major breakthrough for both the chiropractic and osteopathic professions. The article shows a direct attachment between a muscle and the central nervous system (dura mater). This information in &#39;Spine&#39; applies to upper cervical adjustments, sacro-occipital technique, craniosacral therapy, trigger point therapy, fascial release and deep massage, to mention a few.

Cranial rhythmic impulse related to the Traube-Hering-Mayer oscillation: comparing laser-Doppler flowmetry and palpation
(March 1st, 2001)
By: Nelson, KE., Sergueff, N., Lipinski, CM., Chapman, AR., Glonek, T.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The primary respiratory mechanism (PRM) as manifested by the cranial rhythmic impulse (CRI), a fundamental concept to cranial osteopathy, and the Traube-Hering-Mayer (THM) oscillation bear a striking resemblance to one another. Because of this, the authors developed a protocol to simultaneously measure both phenomena.

Recording the Rate of the Cranial Rhythmic Impulse
(June 1st, 2006)
By: Nelson, KE., Sergueef, N., Glonek, T.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The rate of the cranial rhythmic impulse can be obtained by both palpation and instrumentation. The literature has reported higher rates obtained by instrumentation compared with palpation. The cranial rhythmic impulse has been demonstrated to be synchronous with the Traube-Hering oscillation, measured in blood flow velocity. This finding provides an explanation for the difference between palpated and instrumentally recorded rates for the CRI.

Life, Stress and Health
(September 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how stress can manifest itself within our bodies and we often might not be aware of it. Dr. Upledger offers insight into the medical and physiological aspects of stress and makes several suggestions for stress reduction.

Therapy, Massage, Exercise Offer Respite from Fibromyalgia
(September 17th, 2002)
By: Trish Riley
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses the physical pain and emotional stress of fibromyalgia—a condition without a known cause and without a cure. However, several treatment management techniques are available that can relieve at least some of the pain. The article lists The Upledger Institute as an organization that can provide support and resources.

CranioSacral Therapy vs. Cranial Osteopathy: Differences Divide
(October 4th, 2012)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, offers a brief historical overview of the origins of these disciplines in addition to discussing the differences between these approaches.

My Dolphin Mentor
(October 4th, 2012)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses his experiences meeting a dolphin named AJ—how AJ gave him the gift of dolphin energy.

One with the Ocean
(October 30th, 2002)
By: Susan Pomfret
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

In the regular feature column Imprints, Susan Pomfret, LMT, describes her adventure at The Upledger Institute’s BioAquatic Exploration Ocean Therapy course in the Bahamas. Based on the work of Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, this four-day program acquaints both the layperson and professional bodyworker with the physiological and psychological benefits of receiving subtle-energy treatments while floating in waist-high water.

10 Techniques to Watch
(October 4th, 2012)
By: Karen Menehan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article mentions CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, as an effective light-touch technique that continues to grow in popularity.

Heart Centered Therapy: Assume Only Love – Healing Relationships and the Emotional Component of Disease
(October 4th, 2012)
By: Alaya Chikly, CMT
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy, Heart Centered Therapy,

Alaya Chikly, the developer of Heart Centered Therapy (HCT), discusses how HCT helped a client resolve long hidden trauma resulting in her ability to better understand the treatment options for cancer.

In Touch: A Look at the Latest Products, Treatments and Trends
(October 30th, 2002)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article looks at the fast growing sector of alternative modalities that have become mainstays of spa treatment menus across the United States. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, is noted as a deep relaxation therapy producing numerous therapeutic benefits.

CranioSacral Therapy Intensive: A Team Approach to Trauma
(October 4th, 2012)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tad Wanveer, co-director of the Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services, co-lead a team of CranioSacral Therapists to treat victims suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after the September 11th attacks in New York. This article discusses the sessions, the approach and the results of participants.

Living in a Laboratory
(December 1st, 2002)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses a dental visit where he was injected with lidocaine and epinephrine. For weeks after, he suffered from soreness in his throat, neck and head and had general feelings of exhaustion. He then began treatments of CranioSacral Therapy and energy cyst release and experienced remarkable relief.

Delving Into Structure: Finding the Intraosseous Line Forces of Mechanical Link
(October 4th, 2012)
By: Paul Chauffour, DO and Eric Prat, DO
Curriculum/s: Mechanical Link,

Paul Chauffour, the developer of Mechanical Link, and Eric Prat, a European-certified osteopath, discuss intraosseous line forces, which act as frames for the skeleton, and re-look at the classical approach to structure.

How to Stop Pain Naturally
(January 1st, 2003)
By: Henry Dreher
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Focused on treatments for chronic pain, this article presents modalities and mind-body techniques to ease pain. CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, is cited as an effective way to calm the central nervous system. The article recommends the Still-Point Inducer, developed by Dr. Upledger as a way to strengthen the CranioSacral system.

CranioSacral Therapy and the AIDS Patient
(February 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how AIDS patients can be made more comfortable and functional by the regular application of CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Dr. Upledger also notes that CST can positively effect the immune response and enhance microcirculation of fluids.

Book Review: Silent Waves: Theory and Practice of Lymph Drainage Therapy
(March 1st, 2003)
By: Michael McGillicuddy
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The author gives Dr. Bruno Chikly’s book &#39;Silent Waves&#39; “three thumbs up” in the Book Review section of the Florida State Massage Therapy Association (FSMTA) newsletter. Dr. Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, released this breakthrough text that McGillicuddy describes as “written with simplicity yet very thorough.” To order a copy of Silent Waves, contact The Upledger Institute at 1-800-233-5880 or visit

The Practical Pitfalls of Research
(March 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses how he has come to the conclusion that in health care, it’s the outcome that counts more than the research protocols. Dr. Upledger provides insights into several lessons he has learned through working with autistic children and using Kirlian photography and Keithley electrometers. He further states his belief that often the observer can change results through their intention and/or energy.

Cell Talk
(March 29th, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses dialoguing with organs and immune cells. While treating a teenager, Dr. Upledger was able to detect a virus and disorganized energy. He used dialoguing with her immune cells and thymus to assist in breaking down the viruses residing in her body. The girl experienced significant relief as a result of being treated by Dr. Upledger.

A Daughter’s Wild Ride
(March 30th, 2003)
By: Constance Hale
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The writer describes how while riding a horse she suffered a fall and a resulting anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tear. After following the prescribed treatment of rest and anti-inflammatory medication she felt little relief from the pain. She tried a course of CranioSacral Therapy and SomatoEmotional Release which aided her greatly in not only relief from pain but also in uncovering and resolving feelings related to the accident and her childhood.

Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in Newborns and Infants, Part I
(May 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses pregnancy, birth and delivery and the positive effects CranioSacral Therapy can have on newborns and infants.

A Light Touch Can Ease Pain in the Head, Neck and Spine
(May 15th, 2003)
By: Linda Stahl
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can provide relief to those suffering from chronic pain and post-surgery complications. Also discussed is a child with a genetic disorder, Prader Willi Syndrome that benefited from CranioSacral Therapy.

Applications of CranioSacral Therapy in Newborns and Infants- Part II
(June 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, presents the second installment on newborns and infants. Dr. Upledger addresses deliveries by forceps and vacuum extraction, cesarean section and the efficacy of CranioSacral Therapy soon after birth.

Upledger UpDate
(June 1st, 2003)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Beyond the Dura Crosses Bridges From Complementary to Mainstream Medicine, Celebrity Tournament Raises Nearly $33,000, The Visceral Manipulation Report, UI HealthPlex Clinic Corner, Dear Dr. John, Lessons from Sessions, A Hand Saves a Leg and Conjoined Twins Prepare to Part Ways. Available online at:

How to Understand Tissue Memory and its Implications
(June 1st, 2003)
By: Signy Erickson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Signy Erickson, an Upledger certified CranioSacral Therapy instructor, discusses tissue memory, whole-body diagnosis, energy cysts, arcing, treatment and the emotional component relating to tissue memory.

CranioSacral Therapy and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(June 1st, 2003)
By: Anne Marie Connor
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Anne Marie Connor, an Upledger trained practitioner, discusses how CranioSacral Therapy aided a woman suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after serving as a combat-hospital nurse in Vietnam.

To Breathe Again
(July 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, presents the case of a patient with congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Dr. Upledger treated this patient with CranioSacral Therapy resulting in the patient being able to breathe without a ventilator.

5 Bodyworks that Work
(July 1st, 2003)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article highlights CranioSacral Therapy (CST), developed by Dr. John E. Upledger. The overview includes symptoms for which CST is used, what to expect during a session and how often is treatment recommended.

Releasing the Energy Cyst
(August 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, discusses his groundbreaking work with energy cyst release - a component of CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Dr. Upledger describes how a woman involved in a severe automobile accident had experienced constant pain for eight months. After treating her with CST, Dr. Upledger was able to facilitate an energy cyst release, which reduced her pain.

BioAquatic CranioSacral Therapy Can Release Restrictions to Improve Health
(August 1st, 2003)
By: Sheryl McGavin, MBA, OTR/L
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Sheryl McGavin, a CranioSacral Therapy (CST) practitioner at The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, discusses how the effectiveness of CST is amplified while working with a client in the water. Ms. McGavin explains how a client with multiple injuries after a severe fall was greatly assisted after performing CST on him in an aquatic environment.

Massaging the Mind: Unlocking the Mystery of CranioSacral Therapy
(August 25th, 2003)
By: Jean MacDougall-Tattan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Featuring Upledger trained practitioners Tom McDonough and Sharon Henderson discussing their work with clients using CranioSacral Therapy, a gentle touch modality developed by Dr. John E. Upledger. Both practitioners expressed that they have clients from infants to senior citizens where CranioSacral Therapy has had profound beneficial effects.

CranioSacral Therapy in the Medical Realm: Two Physicians Explore the Healing Power of CST
(September 1st, 2003)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Andrew Fryer, MD, a pediatric cardiologist and Michael Allen, MD, a pediatrician share how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) has made a profound impact on their abilities to treat patients. Dr. Allen attributes CST to having transformed the health of his son and his pediatric practice. Dr. Fryer uses CST across the scope of his practice and is setting up a pilot study on the use of CST on children following open-heart surgery.

AquaCranial Therapy: A Spa Treatment for the Adventurous Soul
(September 1st, 2003)
By: Courtney Mather
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Upledger trained practitioner, Rebecca Goff, uses the model of CranioSacral Therapy developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, to help clients in a water environment in Hawaii.

IAHE Connection Newsletter
(September 1st, 2003)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Zero Balancing, Mechanical Link, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Articles and topics include: New York Senate Majority Leader Sponsors CranioSacral Therapy Awareness Day, The Visceral Manipulation Report, French Osteopath Paul Chauffour to Teach Mechanical Link in America, Dr. Bruno Chikly Introduces Adv. Lymph Drainage Therapy II, Imagery, Dialogue, CranioSacral Therapy and Synchronicity, Using Zero Balancing to Enhance Body-Mind Stability. Available online at:

CranioSacral Therapy and Scientific Research, Part I
(October 1st, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, outlines the scientific research that was completed to form the basis for CranioSacral Therapy.

CranioSacral Therapy and Scientific Research, Part II
(October 30th, 2003)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, presents his second installment regarding the scientific research used to develop CranioSacral Therapy.

UpClose, News from The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
(October 28th, 2003)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Focus Shifts from Limitations to Possibilities for Pain Patient, Meet Nancy Westphal, LMT, CST-D. Available online at:

What is CranioSacral Therapy?
(October 1st, 2003)
By: Ray Mercurio, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

General overview article about CranioSacral Therapy and the types of problems it helps including migraine headaches.

Non-Invasive, Gentle Treatment for Colicky, Fussy Babies
(December 1st, 2003)
By: Ronald Murray, PT, ND and Martha Bramhall, MSW
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article outlines the treatments used for infants with colic. The authors note that CranioSacral Therapy provides “significant change in a relatively short period.”

Addressing the Skeptics, Part I
(January 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, addresses his successful treatment of a teenager through his use of CranioSacral Therapy and dialoguing with her organs and immune cells.

The Physics of Energy in Bodywork
(January 1st, 2004)
By: Tim Hutton, PhD, LMP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tim Hutton, an Upledger trained practitioner, provides and insightful look into the role energy plays in bodywork. He believes energy passed from the therapist can help a client move past barriers toward better health.

When Other Chronic Pain Therapies Fail, Visceral Manipulation May Help
(January 1st, 2004)
By: Ronald Murray, PT, ND and Martha Bramhall, MSW
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

This brief article outlines how visceral manipulation can be used to treat chronic pain. Visceral manipulation can also assist in releasing emotional trauma stored in an organ particularly following physical trauma.

A Variety of Treatment Options Available
(January 28th, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article highlights the benefits of different types of manual therapies for a variety of problems that tradition medicine could not solve.

How Alternatives Measure Up
(February 3rd, 2004)
By: Bob Guldin
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Lisa Upledger, a chiropractor and Upledger practitioner, describes how CranioSacral Therapy releases chronic contractures of the fascia and connective tissue and may help clients with height issues.

CranioSacral Therapy: Seeking the Healing Power of the Body
(December 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Upledger trained practitioner Karen Axelrod discusses how she uses CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, to help clients with stress reduction, pain management and for injuries resulting from car accidents.

Addressing the Skeptics, Part II
(February 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, provides his second installment to highlight the effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy and the research that done over many years to support the efficacy of CST.

Gentle Touch: Discovering CranioSacral Therapy
(February 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article provides an overview of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) including: How CST Works, Benefits of CST and The Foundations of CST.

In Body Mind Healing, Clients May “Release” Without Recalling Trauma
(February 1st, 2004)
By: Martha Bramhall, MSW, LISW
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discuss how body mind healing helps rid the mind and body of residual psycho-physical effects related to a past traumatic physical or emotional experience. These incidents leave energy imprints on the body. During a session, the therapist works to release these imprints to gentle manipulation and dialogue.

Connective Tissue Leads to the Core of Good Health
(March 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, provides a look into the importance of fascia in CranioSacral Therapy and his belief that motion is health, and stasis results in disease.

IAHE Connection Newsletter
(March 1st, 2003)
By: The International Alliance of Healthcare Educators
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Qigong T'chings, Mechanical Link,

Articles and topics include: Upledger Institute Introduces CranioSacral Therapy at Russian Conference, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Multidisciplinary Approaches Conference to Examine Low Back and Pelvic Pain Management, Mechanical Link as a Global Therapeutic Protocol, Qigong T’Chings Workshop: A Pathway to Self-Healthcare. Available online at

CranioSacral Therapy in the Capitol
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article highlights the growing trend in state capitols to introduce CranioSacral Therapy to state legislators and their staff.

The Soft Tissue Approach to Scoliosis and CranioSacral Therapy
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Tan Wanveer, an Upledger HealthPlex clinician and certified instructor, presents an overview of CranioSacral Therapy and how it can benefit individuals with scoliosis and adverse restrictive strain patterns within body tissue.

Sultan’s Internal External Typology
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Jeffery Burch
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article reviews how CranioSacral Therapy, developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, complements a form of bodywork called Rolfing.

OT Teams with Other Modalities to Boost Whole Brain Learning
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Mari Miyoshi, OT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article focusing on children, notes how CranioSacral Therapy can provide a useful complement to occupational therapy, especially for treating motor difficulty and developmental delay.

In Defense of CranioSacral Therapy
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Letters and E-mails
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Letters of support from a massage therapist who practices CranioSacral therapy and a parent whose child received CST for Erb’s Palsy.

CranioSacral Therapy: Following the Body’s Cues
(March 1st, 2004)
By: Becky Peeling, APR
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article provides general information about the history of CranioSacral Therapy, the benefits of the therapy and the types of symptoms it can address.

21-Year-Old Looks Forward to Pain-Free Adulthood
(March 31st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, describes his treatments for a patient diagnosed with reflexive sympathetic dystrophy (RSD). After years of intense pain and being prescribed methadone, she finally was able to live most days pain-free and has improved balance.

For Older Women with Skeletal Changes, Beauty is More than Skin Deep
(March 30th, 2004)
By: Wendi Evans, PT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article highlights how physical therapy used in conjunction with CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation can help to improve posture and function as well as aid in managing pain for instances involving osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

The Circulation Between Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cerebral Interstitial Fluid and Lymph, Part One
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Dr. Bruno Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, explains how to help enhance/optimize fluid circulation between the deepest parts of the central nervous system and the rest of the body; treat inflammation, swelling and chronic pain; help with immune-system function, detoxification and tissue regeneration.

In Review: Cell Talk
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Bev Clarke, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This book review of Dr. John E. Upledger’s Cell Talk describes the book as a “powerful” with “significant detail” and “tremendous implications”.

UpClose, News from The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
(May 1st, 2004)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles include: CranioSacral Therapy Unravels Effects of Neck Trauma about an avid polo player who sustained injury after falling from his horse and Meet Mya Breman, LMT, LCSW, CST-D a glimpse into the career of an Upledger HealthPlex Clinical Services staff member. Available online at:

Florida Governor Encourages CranioSacral Therapy and Chiropractic Partnership
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Rebecca Razo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Gov. Jeb Bush signed Senate Bill 2002 to allocate funding for a chiropractic college at Florida State University. The Upledger Institute and Alan Adams, DC, PhD were invited to work with FSU to create a productive partnership as CranioSacral Therapy complements chiropractic work.

CranioSacral Therapy: Who Shall Do It?
(May 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), describes his early work with the Menninger Foundation, developing the 10-step protocol, educating therapists and other “nonphysician” practitioners in the use of CST.

CranioSacral Therapy: A Gentle, Powerful Touch
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Esther M. Bauer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This three-part article provides a look into the use of CranioSacral Therapy at the practice of physical therapist Sally Fryer. From treating her nephew after a near drowning experience, to the Egyptian conjoined twins and autistic and developmentally impaired children, Ms. Fryer illustrates the profound and effective results she has produced for her clients.

Yes, There Really Are 10 More Great Techniques
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy, developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, is highlighted as an effective therapy for a wide variety of the dysfunctions and conditions addressed in a chiropractic setting.

Brain Waves
(May 1st, 2004)
By: Ann Wycoff, SPA
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This author provides a personal glimpse into her own CranioSacral Therapy (CST) experiences and how CST allowed her to feel less stress, positive effects on her muscles and a notably clearer mind and spirit.

Cholesterol: Friend or Foe?
(June 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), takes an interesting and insightful look into cholesterol by offering an overview of its important role in nerve tissue, brain function and mitigation of inflammation throughout the body.

All in the Head: Three Approaches to Mental Health Treatment that Stretch the Boundaries and Sometimes Credulity
(June 29th, 2004)
By: Sandra G. Boodman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article looks at three alternative treatments used to treat a wide range of psychological and behavioral problems. CranioSacral Therapy is noted as effective for TMJ, as an alternative to spinal surgery and to assist with minimizing chronic pain.

Massage Today: Book Review – Silent Waves
(June 1st, 2004)
By: Rick Robinette
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This book review describes Silent Waves, a book by Dr. Bruno Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy. As “a superb title…excellent text…comprehensive and detailed source of information…monumental accomplishment.”

The Body Center Uses Various Modalities of Healing at Newly Opened Burlington Facility
(June 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article highlights three massage therapists, Minday Cohen, David Tomlinson and Kate Kennedy who have opened The Body Center in Vermont. The Center offers a variety of massage and complementary modalities including SomatoEmtional Release and CranioSacral Therapy. The article gives a brief overview of what CST and SER are and their benefits for patients.

Therapeutic Massages – A Step Beyond Feeling Good into the Benefits of Holistic Health
(June 15th, 2004)
By: Cindy Bertram
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article shares the story of Martha Schevers and what lead her to study alternative medicine including CranioSacral therapy. She has started her own business Martha’s Vineyards, Inc. which provides therapeutic massage to clients of various hotels in Chicago.

Toxic Brain Injury (Encephalopathy)
(July 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses the effects of toxins in the body and the hypothalamus area of the brain. Dr. Upledger notes that CST enhances the ability of cerebrospinal fluid to flush unwanted toxic materials.

UpClose, News from The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services
(July 1st, 2004)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Articles and topics include: Clearer Vision Gives Youngster New Outlook, Cholesterol: Friend or Foe and Meet Francine Hammond, LMT, CST-D. Available online at:

Body Wise: Need a Tune-Up
(July 1st, 2004)
By: Michelle Stacey
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief column highlights CranioSacral Therapy as one of today’s most innovative body therapies to treat ailments such as stress, migraines and chronic fatigue.

The Circulation Between Cerebrospinal Fluid, Cerebral Interstitial Fluid and Lymph, Part Two
(July 1st, 2004)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This second installment by the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy, Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.), includes the following topics: drainage of cerebrospinal fluid components through nasal lymphatics and optic nerve pathways, the spinal nerve root, lymphatic drainage of cerebral interstitial fluid, drainage of the central nervous system, lymphatic rhythm, direction of flow of drainage, hand pressure, quality of the lymph flow.

Compassionate Touch Catches On
(July 1st, 2004)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article highlights the statistically significant results of the charitable Upledger Foundation program called Compassionate Touch. By using simple direction of energy techniques inspired by the work of Dr. John E. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy, kindergarten through second grade students have shown positive social skills, decreases in problem behaviors and overall increased compassion toward their peers.

Anger Regulation: Compassion Towards Oneself is the Key
(October 4th, 2012)
By: Martha Bramhall, MSW, LISW
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This brief article discusses anger, what root causes may trigger reactions and how techniques such as CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation can release traumatic memories that may be stored within the body, but out of our awareness.

Bone of Contention
(July 20th, 2004)
By: Deborah Simons
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

For two and a half years, parents of a young child tried to determine what was causing their son to complain that his throat hurt. Despite all the doctors visits to help him, his condition never improved. He was then diagnosed with enlarged lymph nodes and fluid buildup from a complementary medicine doctor. They were then referred to a physical therapist for Lymph Drainage Therapy and two weeks after his sixth treatment, the child was pain free.

CranioSacral Therapy Produces Relief and Reproach
(July 16th, 2004)
By: Christine Laue
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes how CranioSacral Therapy (CST), developed by Dr. John E. Upledger, provided relief for a client with ringing in his ears and dizziness and another client with multiple sclerosis. Often used as a complement to physical therapy, CST also assists with providing clients greater flexibility, better posture and stress management.

Technique: CranioSacral Therapy
(July 1st, 2004)
By: Lisa Upledger, D.C., CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Written by chiropractic physician Lisa Upledger, this article highlights how CranioSacral Therapy is an effective adjunctive therapy especially in a chiropractic clinic.

Treatment Stretch Boundaries – and Credulity
(July 6th, 2004)
By: Sandra Boodman
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article exams a variety of alternative therapies, including CranioSacral Therapy and questions the validity of the treatment. The article sites lack of research as a big issue.

Upledger UpDate
(September 1st, 2004)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Articles and topics include: Upledger Foundation Taps Conventional and Complementary Healthcare Experts for Beyond the Dura Research Conference, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Redesigned Mechanical Link Curriculum Offers Immediate Benefits, CranioSacral Therapy Aids Learning on a Native American Reservation, Technique UpDate: Cranial Pumping, A Conversation with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana. Available online at:

A Look Inside the Craniosacral System and How CST Helps
(August 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses the CranioSacral system, cerebrospinal fluid and the role of CranioSacral Therapy in relation to impaired mobility and impaired accommodative abilities.

Direction of Energy
(September 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses how a technique called Direction of Energy can have positive impacts on virtually anywhere on the body. He discusses work with mothers and their children and teaching this technique to elementary school children to increase their sense of accomplishment and self-esteem. Dr. Upledger offers a personal story on how this technique helped him when he had an eye injury.

Letters: The Key to Healing Mysteries
(September 1st, 2004)
By: Beverly Gray
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In the Letters to the Editor section, an Upledger trained practitioner notes the importance of understanding the body at a cellular level and how Lymph Drainage Therapy has allowed her to find a unique perspective into the body, inner wisdom and intention.

A Conversation with Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, CMT, CST-D, Developer of Healing from the Core
(October 1st, 2004)
By: The Upledger Institute
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

This interview offers insight into the Healing from the Core curriculum, the developer and how the therapy was created.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
(October 1st, 2004)
By: Barbara J. Korosec, RN, MS, LLCC
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article discusses how incorporating complementary therapies into standard healthcare practices can assist in escalating the healing process, enhancing general wellness, focusing on prevention and promoting a better quality of life. Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapy is highlighted as well as a brief overview of the lymphatic system is provided.

Separated Twins Said to Make Good Progress
(October 13th, 2004)
By: Sonja Isger
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This follow-up article provides an overview of the progress of the conjoined twins and discusses the treatment they received at The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinic.

Pediatric Physical Therapists Aim for Optimum Function
(October 1st, 2004)
By: Kristen Demura, DPT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This follow-up article provides a look into the physical therapy that the conjoined twins have received since their separation surgery in October 2003.

Interrupt the Stress Cycle
(October 15th, 2004)
By: Barbara Dennis
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This article offers five “do-it-yourself” alternative body therapies to help reduce everyday tension including: lymphatic drainage, still-point inducer and direction of energy. These three therapies are part of The Upledger Institute curriculums.

Upledger Hurricane Relief Day Spells Free Therapy for Those in Need
(October 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The Upledger Foundation through The Upledger HealthPlex Clinical Services offered free CranioSacral Therapy sessions to any South Florida resident whose life was effected by recent hurricanes in the area. Upledger clinicians treated 36 patients and provided an invaluable service that was well received by the community.

The Significance Detector
(October 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses how therapists use the rhythm of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) to gauge the significance of different types of internal physiological events. Dr. Upledger believes that the significance detector enables each client who receives CranioSacral Therapy to be a teacher to the therapist and in turn the therapist can use this information for exploration and verification.

From the Inside, Looking Out
(October 26th, 2004)
By: Marielle Renssen
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article describes the history, methodology and experience of CranioSacral Therapy, including explanations of related anatomy and the author’s personal experience as both a patient and practitioner.

Facility Offers Complimentary Therapies
(October 7th, 2004)
By: Renee M. Liss
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article highlighting the services offered by Life’s Gifts Unfolded, Inc., including massage therapy and Craniosacral Therapy.

The Still Point
(October 31st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger, the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses the use of the CranioSacral rhythm and the Still Point. By inducing a Still Point results may include increased blood flow to the brain and a therapeutic effect on the central nervous system and the entire body.

Questioning CranioSacral Therapy
(October 31st, 2004)
By: Letters and E-mails
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Letter responding to a previous article by Dr. John Upledger regarding CranioSacral Therapy and the pulse of the fluid and movement of the cranio bones. The writer says that medical imaging can prove that the bones are not moving and the fluid is not “pulsing”.

Performing the Initial CranioSacral Evaluation
(December 1st, 2004)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger the developer of CranioSacral Therapy (CST), discusses the initial CST evaluation and arcing. The ultimate goal a therapist should work toward is to ensure the body is cleared of mobility restrictions and to achieve the highest level of CranioSacral system function.

A Miracle Child
(December 7th, 2004)
By: Jean Green-Holden
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Shortly after birth, Katy Green-Holden was given only six months to live. While her exact diagnosis was never clear, they ranged from genetic disease to abnormal brain activity. Her family sought alternative treatments for her including CranioSacral Therapy. At age three, continues to be a survivor and looks forward to beginning school.

Healing Touch for Animals
(December 1st, 2004)
By: Sally Morgan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Written by Sally Morgan, an Upledger certified CranioSacral Therapist, this article discusses how CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can benefit horses, dogs and cats. Ms. Morgan also notes that CST can truly transform animals’ lives, is a new approach for reducing stress and promoting renewed health and vitality in companion animals and horses.

Research Conference to Present New Breakthroughs in Integrative Health Care
(December 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article announces the ninth international research conference, Beyond the Dura sponsored by the Upledger Institute. It highlights the presenters and topics, including craniosacral therapy and pediatrics.

A Blueprint of Lymphatic Mapping
(December 1st, 2005)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Dr. Bruno Chikly, the developer of Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT), provides a look at the history of LDT and manual lymphatic mapping (MLM). Complete with visual aids, he offers overviews of case studies, treating lymphedema as well as highlights into studies of the reliability of MLM.

Headache Honcho
(January 1st, 2005)
By: Lisa Upledger, D.C., CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses how in many situations, CranioSacral Therapy is one of the most valuable tools chiropractors can offer in the treatment of migraines. Dr. Upledger reviews: basic anatomy of the CranioSacral system, cortical spreading depression, migraine headache phases, CranioSacral Therapy complements chiropractic, facilitated spinal cord segments and moving past pain to prevention.

The Will to Persevere
(January 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses a remarkable young man named Will who was helped with CranioSacral Therapy (CST) and Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT). At 19, an altercation left Will in a coma with swelling to the brain and fractures to his face. Five years later, Will was run over by a 30-foot long 38,000-pound road grader causing bleeding from his nose, ears and eyes.

Annie’s Mailbox
(January 18th, 2005)
By: Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In an Ann Landers style column, the authors respond to a reader question about temporomandibular joint pain and highlights CranioSacral Therapy as an effective treatment.

Animals Can Find Healers
(January 23rd, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is becoming increasingly popular within the holistic veterinarian community as an effective treatment for animals. From back and joint problems to agility/sporting dogs and the special needs of geriatrics, CST provides a gentle technique to relieve a variety of ailments.

Reduce Pain & Anxiety Naturally
(January 19th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Valerie Candela, an Upledger trained practitioner, discusses how CranioSacral Therapy is an effective holistic approach to wellness and healing for adults, children and infants.

Compassionate Touch
(January 1st, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Mrs. Eileen Diorio presented a teaching materials package containing a video, a training manual and an illustrated children’s story book about ‘Helping Hands’ to the Rural Development Institute (RDI), Himalayan Institute Hospital Trust in India, November 2004. The RDI is currently studying the possibility of offering the Compassionate Touch program to the children of the villagesthey serve.

An Obscure Side-Effect of Obesity
(February 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how obesity, sleep apnea and nitric oxide are all intertwined and how the combination can dangerous and even fatal.

Come Celebrate 20 Years of Touch at Beyond the Dura 2005
(October 30th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Articles and topics include: Come Celebrate 20 Years of Touch at Beyond the Dura 2005, The Visceral Manipulation Report, Advanced Lymph Drainage Therapy and Renal Dysfunction, CranioSacral Therapy: Utilizing the Pia-to-Glial Connection, The Upledger Institute’s Loyalty Rewards Program, Basic Acupressure and CST: An Integrative Approach to Healing Central Nervous System Disorders. Available online at

Survey of Lymphedema Patients Treated with Comprehensive Decongestive Physiotherapy (CDP)
(September 28th, 2012)
By: Jane Ratcliff Hill, PhD, PT, Rhonda King Jarvis, LPTA
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

This study/survey is available at

Editor’s Notes: New Frontiers
(February 1st, 2005)
By: Julie Sinclair
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The editor of American Spa Magazine discusses how Dr. Upledger’s book CranioSacral Therapy: Touchstone for Natural Healing provided insight into this gentle modality. She comments as well, that CranioSacral Therapy is becoming increasingly popular in spas worldwide.

Resonating With Dolphins
(February 1st, 2005)
By: Terry Kalayjian
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Terry Kalayjian describes her experience of treating patients by CranioSacral Therapy while actively assisted by dolphins, providing examples of their intuitive healing abilities.

Craniosacral Therapy Prac titioner Expands with Opening of New Office in Shelburne
(February 1st, 2005)
By: Barbara Young
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about Edie Yovu expanding her practice and offering CranioSacral Therapy, specializing in pediatrics.

Workshop Teaches Natural Health Techniques
(February 16th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about Laurie Rowe teaching a ShareCare workshop, the introductory seminar that introduces the public to CranioSacral Therapy.

Massage Therapists Take Center Stage at Beyond the Dura 2005
(March 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the upcoming international research conference hosted by The Upledger Foundation.

CST for Breastfeeding Blues
(March 1st, 2005)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article discusses how CranioSacral Therapy is an effective technique and alternative to breast pumps/formula for mothers that have problems or pain with breastfeeding.

Institute in Gardens Heals Infants’ Misshapen Heads
(March 28th, 2005)
By: Andrea Olney
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In the Letters to the Editor section, a grandmother discusses the gentleness and effectiveness of CranioSacral Therapy for correcting misshapen heads in infants delivered by Caesarean section, citing her own three grandchildren as examples.

CranioSacral Therapy: Treatment Feels Like a Week in the Bahamas
(March 15th, 2005)
By: Betsy Rothstein
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Betsy Rothstein describes her personal response to her first-time experience with CranioSacral Therapy, discussing the deep relaxation and sense of peace she experienced following her first and second treatments by a physical therapist and a licensed massage therapist. “I left…feeling as though I had spent a week in the Bahamas” says Rothstein.

New Therapies Promote Healing for Chronic Conditions
(March 29th, 2005)
By: Lorna Kerbel, PT, CST, LLCC
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

General overview article about CranioSacral Therapy, how it works and what problems it helps. The article also gives an overview of Lymph Drainage Therapy and what condition that modality will benefit.

Kramer Receives Innovative Craniosacral Therapy Training
(September 28th, 2012)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

News brief on Lori Kramer completing a CSI class and general information about CranioSacral Therapy.

The Upledger Institute Celebrates 20th Anniversary
(September 1st, 2004)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Mechanical Link,

Articles and topics include: Two-Week Intensive Releases 14 Years of Back Pain, An Obscure Side Effect of Extreme Weight, The Upledger Institute Celebrates 20th Anniversary. Available online at:

Centering the Session with Intention
(March 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses using the power of intentioned touch to allow the client’s “inner wisdom” to direct treatment.

The Healing Touch: CranioSacral Therapy at NASL
(April 15th, 2005)
By: Tammy Ragonese
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article announces that CranioSacral Therapy is now being performed at Naval Air Station Lemoore Naval Hospital. Dr. John Upledger is interviewed about the history of CranioSacral Therapy, his research and it’s practical applications in health care. Capt. Sandra DeGroot is also interviewed and shares her enthusiam for Dr. Upledger’s work and the benefits it will bring to the hospital, patients and veterans suffering from the affects of war and post traumatic stress disorder.

Children’s Program and Book Demonstrate the Power of Compassionate Touch
(March 30th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered Therapy,

Article about the Compassionate Touch method and the research conducted in schools about the Direction of Energy method. Dr. John Upledger is interviewed and he discusses the positive benefits touch has on children. He shares that research has shown a decrease in aggression and hyperactivity in children.

Author Captures Essence of Program in Children’s Book
(March 29th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Heart Centered Therapy,

Article about Sue Cotta, PT, ATC who authored “I Can Show You I Care”, a children’s book about the Compassionate Touch method. The book introduces the importance of touch to children, teachers and parents and shares the benefits and attitude changes in children who experience the method.

Upledger Institute Turns 20
(May 1st, 2005)
By: Brandi Schlossberg
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about the UI celebrating 20 years of teaching CranioSacral Therapy and educating people about its benefits. John Matthew Upledger is interviewed and discussed the history behind it, the number of classes offered and people taught and predicts a positive future for UI and CST.

In Response
(May 1st, 2005)
By: John M. McPartland, DO, MSc and Evelyn Skinner, DO BA
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In a letter to the editor, the authors urge people not to confuse cranial osteopathy with CranioSacral Therapy.

Exciting Times
(May 1st, 2005)
By: Ralph R. Stephens, BS, LMT, NCTMB
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A correction ran in this column regarding his March 2005 column regarding the ban of practicing CranioSacral Therapy in certain states. He writes that he was referring to Mississippi and that the ban has been lifted by the State Board of Massage Therapy according to the Upledger Institute.

CranioSacral Therapy Comes to Coldwater
(June 14th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about a three day workshop on CranioSacral Therapy workshop coming to Coldwater. The article highlights the experience of Jim and Regina Green, the therapists teaching the class.

Unwind Your Mind. CranioSacral Therapy is Big in Boulder
(June 1st, 2005)
By: Elzabeth Marglin
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses the history of CranioSacral Therapy and how the light touch of hands can help release blockages in the system. The articles addresses some of the skeptics about the movement of the skull and if anything really happens during a treatment. Also states that the practice of CST has become popular in the Boulder, CO area.

Local Healing for the Planet Draws Wild Dolphins and Manatees
(July 1st, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

The article talks about an event at Matanzas Inlet where a group of people gathered for in water CranioSacral Therapy as a benefit for the Upledger Foundation. During the session, wild dolphins and manatees gathered around the group. The manatees were close enough to touch and one allowed CST to be performed on it.

The Hands of a Healer: CranioSacral Therapy
(July 1st, 2005)
By: Jill DeDominicis
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article from the author’s perspective about her first CranioSacral Therapy session. It describes the relief she felt from a number of symptoms including slight scoliosis

A Natural Approach to Degenerative Diseases of the Central Nervous System
(July 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimers, Parkinsons and dementia and the biology behind it. He suggestions that hands on therapy like massage and CranioSacral Therapy could aide in removing the toxins causing the diseases from the body.

Beyond the Dura 2005 Marks the Upledger Institute’s 20th Birthday
(July 1st, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. Upledger was quoted regarding the changes he has seen in the complementary health care field since the Beyond the Dura conference started. John Matthew Upledger shared his reflects on the accomplishments of the Upledger Institute in the past 20 years.

Plastination Reveals the CranioSacral System
(July 1st, 2005)
By: Julie McKay, CMT, CST, BFRP
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The author describes with excitement the Body Works exhibit at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry. She describes a number of different exhibits and what they reveal about the CranioSacral system and the true anatomy of the body.

The Natural Effects of Melatonin
(August 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the benefits of melatonin – that is reduces degenerative activities in the brain, spinal cord and nervous system and helps neutralize the proteins that cause the problems. Melatonin also helps the thymus-gland function and the immune system.

Craniosacral Therapy assists body’s healing process
(August 3rd, 2005)
By: Stacy Smith Segovia
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

General article about CranioSacral Therapy that specifically sites the benefits of the therapy for people suffering from post traumatic stress disorder and fibromyalgia.

Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Triggers Health Breakthroughs in Son and Mother
(August 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

News from The Upledger Institute HealthPlex Clinical Services, August 2005. Articles and topics include: Dolphin-Assisted Therapy Triggers Health Breakthroughs in Son and Mother, and Dolphin Intuition Runs Deep.

Spa highlights craniosacral therapy
(August 11th, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about the general benefits of CranioSacral Therapy and the types of symptoms and diseases it can help treat.

Cellular Conversations
(September 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses his book Cell Talk which addresses the cellular memory of the body and how manual therapists can tap into the body’s intelligence to facilitate healing. He shares a letter from a reader of the book and her experience speaking with her thymus as a way to ward off disease.

Massage Therapy: getting started
(September 4th, 2005)
By: Laughing Crow
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article features John Burek, founder of Tri-State College of Massotherapy. He discusses some of the techniques and training he practices and highlights Dr. Upledger’s work in tapping into the body’s intelligence to facilitate healing as discussed in his books Inner Physician and Cell Talk.

Massage Therapist Workshop Participant
(September 2nd, 2005)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Article about Edith Martin participating in a CranioSacral Therapy I class and the information she learned.

On A Roll
(September 1st, 2005)
By: Karen J. Ohlson
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses some do-it-yourself tips for experienced bodyworkers that don’t have time to get a massage. The still-point inducer is mentioned as a good product to use for headache relief.

Quantum Physics and CranioSacral Therapy
(October 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how some of the theories of quantum physics like constructive and destructive energy can be applied to CranioSacral practices.

Synergy of Minds – Dolphin-Assisted CranioSacral Therapy
(October 1st, 2005)
By: Shirley Vanderbilt
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

The article discusses the use of dolphins while administering craniosacral therapy and the successes that have been seen in patients. The article specifically shares the story of a young boy with cerebral palsy that has shown great imporovents since participating in the dolphin-assisted therapy intensive program.

Visceral Manipulation - Czech Republic
(September 27th, 2012)
By: Helena Touskova, PT - Czech Republic
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

An introduction to Visceral Manipulation - in Czech language.

Do Cranial Bones Move?
(October 1st, 2005)
By: Alice D. Lindsey, MS, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses how by observing the form and function of bones throughout the body, it can be determined that the cranial bones do indeed move.

Manual Techniques Addressing the Lymphatic System: Origins and Development
(October 1st, 2005)
By: Bruno Chikly, MD, DO (hon.)
Curriculum/s: Lymph Balancing Therapy,

Chikly traces the origins and developments of the lymphatic system’s vital role in the whole body. In 1874 Dr. Andrew Taylor Still developed a medical system to facilitate natural healing processes by finding and correcting anatomical deviations that interfere with the free flow of blood and lymph and with the so-called “nerve” force in the body.

Taming Osteoporosis
(October 30th, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how patients experience the affects of osteoporosis may benefit from CranioSacral Therapy. He states that CST helps bring balance to the production and absorption of osseous tissue.

No More Earaches
(December 1st, 2005)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can help children with earaches. He sites the book Working Wonders, Changing Lives with CranioSacral Therapy that provides a personal example of how CST helped cure the author’s daughter’s ear infections.

CranioSacral Therapy Releases Hold on Subluxations
(December 1st, 2005)
By: Lisa Upledger, DC, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The articles discusses that CranioSacral Therapy in conjunction with chiropractic can provide more permament relief to restrictions and subluxations than chiropractic alone.

Given the Light Touch of Therapy
(January 30th, 2006)
By: Elaine Hunter
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses the history and benefits of CranioSacral Therapy especially as it relates to children and the process of birth. The author relates her own observations about the treatment session her two year old son had.

The Potential Impact of Orthodontia on Whole-Body Health
(January 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how braces and other orthodontic work can affect the craniosacral-neuromusculoskeletal relationship to impact the whole body. The article sites a case of a teenager with braces that suffered from scoliosis.

SomatoEmotional Release: A Whole-Person Treatment
(January 1st, 2006)
By: Alice D. Lindsey, MS, LMT, CST
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses how body tissues can hold memories and emotions. They can contribute to the blockages that can cause other further physical problems. Therapists can help guide patients through the SomatoEmotional release process of releasing those memories and emotions.

How CranioSacral Therapy Complements the Practice of Massage
(February 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article quotes comments by Dr. John E. Upledger on CranioSacral Therapy and how it complements therapeutic massage.

How CranioSacral Therapy Complements the Practice of Massage
(February 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the history of craniosacral therapy and how it is performed.

SomatoEmotional Release - Czech Language
(September 1st, 2012)
By: Helena Touskova, PT - Czech Republic
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

An introduction to SomatoEmotional Release and the benefits for patients.

Bodywork Can Improve Abdominal Health
(July 1st, 2012)
By: Gay Lacy, LMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

For abdominal health, Visceral Manipulation and Lymph Drainage Therapy are a great combination to bring the body closer to wellness

Understanding the Contraindications
(March 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses when it is not appropriate to use craniosacral therapy and when an experience practitioner should perform the therapy such as in the case of strokes, spinal taps or skull fractures.

For Better Client Outcomes, Just Add Water
(March 30th, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the benefits of performing craniosacral therapy in the water, provides tips on treating patients in the water and about the dolphin assisted therapy program.

Skull the Focus of Therapy
(April 20th, 2006)
By: Sue Coulton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The business article provides general information about CranioSacral Therapy.

When the Inner Physician Speaks, I Listen
(May 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger shares his experiences with two different patients and how working with each of their Inner Physicians, they were able to positively affect the diagnosis of breast cancer.

With the Lightest Touch, the Most Powerful Healing
(May 27th, 2006)
By: Angela Jeffs
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author relates her personal experience with a craniosacral therapist in Japan. She describes her therapy session in detail and the positive effect she experienced.

Do Cranial Bones Move? (Ask the Italians)
(June 1st, 2006)
By: Tedd Koren, D.C.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article states that cranial motion was introduced to the osteopathic profession by William G. Sutherland, DO, in the 1920’s. Listed in the article are several others who have continued work in this field. The article also writes about CranioSacral Therapy, as developed by John E. Upledger, DO, OMM. The article sights instances that support the theory that the cranial bones do move.

Are Headaches and Neck Pain Ruining Your Day? CranioSacral May be Your Soothing, Gentle Answer
(June 1st, 2006)
By: Bob Jensen
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author is a clinical massage therapist with his own practice. He points out how lifelong series of injuries, minor and major, and a variety of stresses, both physical and emotional, eventually cause us to suffer aches and pains. He discusses how CranioSacral Therapy reduced and eliminated chronic headaches, along with other pains in the neck and back.

Massage Therapy, A Free Cure for Students
(June 28th, 2006)
By: Andrew Marshall
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Marshall is a therapist at the Myotherapy College of Utah. She shares her experiences after a serious car accident. SLCC now offers free massages to students to help them relieve their stress.

Truth: The Golden Thread, Part One
(June 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses the ‘process of leading the patient through honest and truthful self-discovery’. Upledger describes this as the “Golden Thread” necessary for the initiation and continuation of self-healing, because it is only through self healing (as opposed to curing) that patients can experience both permanent recovery and spiritual growth.

Truth: The Golden Thread, Part Two
(July 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how &#39;truthful self-discovery&#39; is the Golden Thread that runs through all therapies designed to help patients achieve permanent recovery as well as spiritual growth.

SomatoEmotional Release: A Whole-Person Treatment
(June 1st, 2006)
By: Alice D. (Ali) Lindsey, MS, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article points out how a therapist’s physical touch is often enough to trigger emotions and memories. Physical therapists are taught to leave emotions for mental health professionals to sort out. SomatoEmotional Release (SER) is a therapeutic process to facilitate the client’s self-healing process. Lindsey describes SER as a whole body event.

The Gift of Presence – A Guide to Transform Your Work and Life, Part One: The Unspoken, Unseen Connction
(July 1st, 2006)
By: Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

The article describes three stories where the therapeutic bodyworkers were taking on the client’s pain. Scurlock-Durana points out how the bodywork session is significantly influenced by the therapist’s ability to hold a strong, healing presence. By recognizing when your energy reserves are low, you can develop healthy ways to nourish yourself.

Compassionate Touch Teaches County Students Manners, Respect and Healing Ailments
(July 8th, 2006)
By: Ivy Herron
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article focuses on the potential to change a childs outlook about personal relationships. Compassionate Touch is being taught to children at elementary schools and YMCA summer camps. The repetitive process teaches children to be nice and kind to each other.

Move Your Lymph and Thrive
(July 18th, 2006)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The article talks about what role the lymph system plays in your body. It mentions that Bruno Chikly developed Lymphatic Drainage Therapy. The author describes the therapy session and how afterwards he was relaxed and peaceful.

Dolphin Assisted Therapy
(August 1st, 2006)
By: Sue Bovenizer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

Bovenizer states that dolphins have a ntural sonar, called echolocation, that emits sound waves through the water. In the Upledger Foundation’s therapeutic model, it is believed that this dolphin frequency can scan the human body and detect abnormalities, restrictions or disease states in the client’s tissue.

Hospitals Embracing Massage
(October 1st, 2012)
By: Kathryn Feather
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Neural ManipulationT,

An increasing number of hospitals are employing qualified massage therapists as health care consumers are requesting massage therapy to deal with certain health conditions.

Scientists Discover Cleansing System in Brain
(August 15th, 2012)
By: Maiken Nedergaard, M.D., D.M.Sc.
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

A previously unrecognized system that drains waste from the brain at a rapid clip has been discovered by neuroscientists at the University of Rochester Medical Center. The highly organized system acts like a series of pipes that piggyback on the brain’s blood vessels, sort of a shadow plumbing system that seems to serve much the same function in the brain as the lymph system does in the rest of the body – to drain away waste products.

Motor Cortex Communicates with Kidney
(May 9th, 2012)
By: Levinthal DJ, Strick PL.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation,

We used retrograde transneuronal transport of rabies virus from the rat kidney to identify the areas of the cerebral cortex that are potential sources of central commands for the neural regulation of this organ. Our results indicate that multiple motor and nonmotor areas of the cerebral cortex contain output neurons that indirectly influence kidney function.

Understanding the E Word in Bodywork
(September 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Neural ManipulationT, Qigong T'chings, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger presents an abbreviated version of Tim Hutton’s presentation at the 2005 Beyond The Dura conference. Dr. Hutton talks about how the E-word – energy in bodywork is sense-oriented.

Your Letters, E-mails and Comments
(August 1st, 2006)
By: Tedd Koren, D.C.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A Jeff Thompson, D.C., responds to Dr. Koren’s article “Do Cranial Bones Move? (Ask the Italians)” in the June 2006 issue. Thompson states there is nothing particularly convincing in this article to substantiate any significant motion of the cranial bones across the sutures. Dr. Koren suggest Thompson reread his article. He also recommends Thompson to classes taught by the Upledger Institute.

Easing Seizures
(August 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger presents two letters from therapists who used the gentle approach of CranioSacral Therapy in the treatment of seizures. One of the letters is a heartwarming account of how the therapist treated her son who was plagued with seizures.

Families Who Got Help for Kids With Cleft Palates Gather to Share Experiences
(October 11th, 2006)
By: Michelle Sheldone
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article talks about a Palm Beach Gardens, FL resident whose son was born with a cleft palate. She turned to CranioSacral Therapy when she was homebound taking care of her son.

Chronic Pain and CranioSacral Therapy, Part 1
(October 1st, 2006)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how ‘irration and abnormal activity of pain-processing elements and circuits throughout the body and nervous system contribute to chronic pain’.

The New Fountain of Youth – Facelift Massage
(October 30th, 2006)
By: Kamala Thiagarajan
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The article lists the benefits of a facelift massage. There are five different techniques, including the Upledger Facelift, that are discussed in length. The Upledger Facelift incorporates Lymphatic Drainage Therapy in addition to massage. Developed by Mya Bremen, this facelift adds greater variety to the massage therapist’s repertoire.

Brain Clinic Opens in Bloomer
(November 30th, 2006)
By: Elisabeth Waldon
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article focuses on Penny Grinnell’ s Sheridan, MI clinic where she practices CranioSacral Therapy (CST). Grinnell is a registered nurse working at Carson City Hospital. She talks about the benefits of CST in treating chronic headaches, neck and back pain, stress-related discomfort, and other disorders.

Craniosacral Therapy: The Effects of Cranial Manipulation on Intracranial Pressure and Cranial Bone Movement
(October 30th, 2006)
By: Patrical A. Downey, PT, PhD, OCS, Timothy Barbano, BDS, MS, DMD, Rupali Kapur-Wadhwa, BDS, MS, DMD, James J. Sciote, DDS, MS, PhD, Michael I. Siegel, PhD, Mark P. Mooney, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a research report on CranioSacral Therapy (CST). This report examines in technical detail, the effects of low loads of distractive force applied to frontal bones. There are charts and graphs to support their research report.

Craniosacral Therapy and Professional Responsibility
(October 29th, 2006)
By: Timothy W. Flynn, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT, Joshua A. Cleland, PT, PhD, OCS, FAAOMPT, Phil Schaible, PT, MS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article examines an article in this issue written by Dr Downey and colleagues. Dr. Downey’s article explores the biological mechanisms of CranioSacral Therapy (CST). The resultss of this article, require the authors to seriously evaluate what role these techniques have in the management of patients with musculoskeletal conditions.

Chronic Pain and CranioSacral Therapy, Part 2
(October 30th, 2006)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how ‘CranioSacral Therapy might enhance the body’s ability to naturally correct the imbalance and dysfunction that might be contributing to painful patterns.’

Dr. Christine Anderson, L.A. Chiropractor & Pedatric Expert, to Discuss Children’s Holiday Nutrition on KNX Nws Radio, Dec. 9
(December 8th, 2006)
By: Irwin Zucker
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is an announcement of Dr. Christine Anderson’s, Hollywood Chiropractor and producr of Dr. Christine Anderson’s Prenatal Yoga Dvd, interview on Dec 9th at 6:15 am on KNX News Radio. Dr. Anderson has completed CranioSacral Therapy I and II training from Upledger Institute in 2002. For copies, visit

It’s a Family Affair
(December 1st, 2006)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses using CranioSacral Therapy in a child with Erb&#39;s palsy, and his mother who had a history of severe spinal problems.

What I Do: Physical and Craniosacral Therapist
(January 8th, 2007)
By: Amanda Kramer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A Wisconsin therapist describes her experiences with CranioSacral Therapy. She was a physical therapist searching for other types of therapies that focused on the central nervous system. With CranioSacral Therapy, children had an increased calm, and improved attention and the ability for the kids to engage in school activities.

What’s Lymph Drainage Therapy; What Does it Offer?
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Jane Shepard, M.Ed., L.L.C.C.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

The article focuses on how the lymph system functions and what happens when it is not working well. It describes the Lymph Drainage Therapy process and lists well indicated conditions where Lymph Drainage Therapy can successfully be applied. It talks about the importance of Lymph Drainage Therapy in pathology, with special functionality for edema and lymphedema.

Gentle Persuasion Releasing Developmental Restrictions With Light Touch Craniosacral Therapy
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Rebecca Flowers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article discusses how the lives of two babies were improved with CranioSacral Therapy. Dr. John E. Upledger, who developed CranioSacral Therapy ‘concedes that the true significance of his life’s work lies in the lives changed simply by helping the body’s natural healing mechanisms do their job’. The article also covers how CranioSacral Therapy was instrumental in preparing 15-month old conjoined twins Ahmed and Mohammed Ibrahim, for separation.

Alternative Medicine Rarely Discussed with Doctor
(August 23rd, 2012)
By: Yahoo! Health News
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core, Heart Centered Therapy,

The article starts with the statement “alternative medicine rarely discussed with doctors”. Of the 1,559 individuals surveyed, 63% reported having used one or more complementary and alternative medicine. But, 69% of of those individuals did not discuss CAM with their doctors. The article discusses the importance of communicating their alternative treatments to their doctors.

The Gift of Therapeutic Presence
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Suzanne Scurlock-Durana
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Healing from the Core,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Suzanne Scurlock-Durana to share her insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. The article discusses the importance of strengthening your therapeutic presence. Scurlock-Durana lists guidelines for before the session, during the session and after the session.

David Halfon’s a Natural to Direct Intensive Programs for The Upledger Clinic
(February 12th, 2007)
By: Mary Thurwachter
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article provides background and recent accomplishment information on Halfon, LMT. Halfon talks about the different rewarding work he does at The Upledger Clinic.

Upledger Institute International Response to Article &#39;Craniosacral Rhythm - Where does it stand?&#39;
(August 15th, 2012)
By: Upledger Institute International
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

UII was asked for a response to it. The original article is noted in black text, and UII has added their response throughout the original article, starting each section with "UII" and highlighting their response in yellow. The full Journal article is available at the end of UII&#39;s response.

Touch Taps Spine’s ‘Hydraulic System’
(February 13th, 2007)
By: Kelly Bothum
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A practitioner shows how CranioSacral Therapy heals the body from inside out. She believes ‘everybody has a self-healing mechanism’. An infant was experiencing GI problems. All the doctors said there wasn’t really anything medical they could do for her. CranioSacral Therapy was able to release her pain. Other testimonials are also discussed.

Scoliosis and CranioSacral Therapy
(February 1st, 2007)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how CranioSacral Therapy helps to unravel the mystery of the unknown origin of scoliosis.

CranioSacral Therapy Working With the Body’s Self-Correcting Mechanisms
(March 1st, 2007)
By: Lisa Upledger, D.C., CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this first of a 3-part series, Dr. Lisa Upledger describes the origins and development of CranioSacral Therapy, and how this technique can be incorporated into a massage practice. Dr. Upledger discusses the technique in action. While on a business trip, a patient was diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy. After only two weeks of treatment, his condition was almost completely relieved.

Greater Expectations
(March 1st, 2007)
By: Sally Wallace Lynch, MS, CD-N
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author talks about her feelings and discoveries during her first pregnancy. She outlines a “pregnancy action plan” for each trimester. As part of the plan, she recommends using CranioSacral Therapy as a means of syncing your bodies and minds. For copies, visit

Helping the Brain Drain: How CranioSacral Therapy Aids ADD/ADHD
(March 1st, 2007)
By: John E. Upledger, DO, OMM, and Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how CranioSacral Therapy can have a positive effect on brain and spinal cord functions. He talks about fluid movement being essential to optimal brain function and how CranioSacral Therapy relieves strain patterns and enhances fluid flow.

CranioSacral Therapy as a Treatment for Breach Pregnancy
(March 1st, 2007)
By: Karen Burke, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article describes, in detail, how CranioSacral Therapy coached a breached baby’s position into the proper position for delivery.

Why Incorporate CranioSacral Therapy Into an Existing Manual Therapy Practice?
(April 1st, 2007)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how CranioSacral Therapy how easily and effectively combines with many other forms of therapy.

Stepping Up to Fight Migraines
(May 26th, 2007)
By: Anne Rogers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The author writes about the many years she has been plagued with migraines. She talks about all the remedies she has tried, some successful, and some not. She also lists and discusses 20 ways to treat migraines. Listed among this list is CranioSacral Therapy, and names the Upledger Institute as offering this therapy.

A Touching Experience in Ireland
(May 1st, 2007)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger shares a touching story from a CranioSacral Therapist (Geraldine Nolan) in Dublin, and how CranioSacral Therapy affected a group of country travelers.

The Force of Gentle Therapy
(June 4th, 2007)
By: Richard Fowler, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article focuses on how to abandon the “no pain-no-gain” philosophy which can often unnecessarily hurt patients. At Fowler’s clinic, Gentle Pain Release Center, CranioSacral Therapy is used as their primary treatment modality. Listed in the article are several approaches to determine what degree of aggressiveness or gentleness is best for any given patient.

Strong Enough for Parents, Gentle Enough for Their Kids
(June 1st, 2007)
By: John Upledger, DO, OMM
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In his column CranioSacrally Speaking, Dr. Upledger discusses how the gentle nature of CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to be highly effective with children of all ages.

Upledger Dolphin Assisted Therapy Program
(June 1st, 2007)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Integrative Intentions,

The article talks about Suzanne Bovenizer’s (certified CranioSacral Therapist) recent trip to the Bahamas, and her experience with the dolphins. For copies visit

Autism Spectrum Disorder: How CranioSacral Therapy Can Help
(July 1st, 2007)
By: Tad Wanveer, LMT, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses how CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to help the autistic individual find greater ease, both within themselves and in the world around them, by decreasing structural stress and strain on their central nervous system.

The Upledger Institute and Clinic: Powerful Skills From our Hands to Yours
(June 1st, 2007)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article acknowledges New Developments’ Newsletter is made possible by a grant from the Upledger Institute and Clinic. The article talks about the services provided by The Upledger Institute and The Upledger Clinic.

CranioSacral Therapy for Children With Sensory Integration Dysfunction
(June 1st, 2007)
By: Rebecca Flowers, OTR/L, BCP, CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The article defines sensory integration therapy and how, combined with CranioSacral Therapy, can ‘facilitate and further the changes that result from treatment’.

Part 2: The Long Unwinding Road
(August 1st, 2007)
By: Lisa Upledger, D.C., CST-D
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this second part of a 3-part series, Dr. Upledger describes the origins and development of CranioSacral Therapy and how this technique can be incorporated into a massage practice.

Dialogue, Imagery, CranioSacral Therapy & Synchronicity
(September 1st, 2003)
By: Stan Gerome, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Stan talks about the connection between physical and phyche, and the connection using CranioSacral Therapy.

Violence ages children&#39;s DNA, shortens their chromosomes
(April 24th, 2012)
By: Liz Szabo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

A New Patient Outreach Plan
(November 5th, 2007)
By: Phil Galewitz
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, Neural Manipulation, Neural ManipulationAA, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Lymph Balancing Therapy,

How some hospitals are now offering Healing Touch therapy as a supplement to their patients&#39; recovery from surgery. Available at USA Today November 5, 2007 archives.

Still Point Inducer
(August 1st, 2007)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is an ad describing still point inducers usage and how to order.

CranioSacral Therapy Targets Nerves
(January 28th, 2008)
By: Linda Bickford
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How Therapist, Carol McClellan, uses CranioSacral Therapy to help a 5-year-old with Aicardia Syndrome.

A randomized controlled trial investigating the effects of craniosacral therapy on pain and heart rate variability in fibromyalgia patients
(April 16th, 2010)
By: Adelaida Marı´a Castro-Sa´nchez; Guillermo A Matara´ n-Pen˜ arrocha; Nuria Sa´ nchez-Labraca; Jose´ Manuel Quesada-Rubio; Jose´ Granero-Molina; Carmen Moreno-Lorenzo
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Ninety-two patients with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an intervention group or placebo group. After 20 weeks of treatment, the intervention group showed significant reduction in pain, thus it was determined that craniosacral therapy improved medium-term pain symptoms in patients with fibromyalgia.

Physiological effects of a CV4 cranial osteopathic technique on autonomic nervous system function: A preliminary investigation
(January 17th, 2007)
By: Kate Milnes, Robert W. Moran
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the physiological effects resulting from the administration of a single cranial technique (CV4) compared with simple touch. Heart rate variability, respiration rate, galvanic skin resistance and skin temperature were measured, but there were minimal physiological changes observed. One of the limitations of the study is that the technique was performed on healthy asymptomatic individuals.

A successful use of cranial-sacral osteopathy in the treatment of post-traumatic headache following subarachnoid hemorrhage
(July 1st, 1997)
By: Lora Barke, MSIV*, Sharon Gelman, MSIV, and CDR. James A. Lipton
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This paper presents a case study of a patient with a posttraumatic headache coincident with a subarachnoid hemorrhage. In this case the physical medicine approach, including osteopathic manipulative medicine, was a benefit to the patient in the treatment of a posttraumatic headache.

Interrater Reliability of Craniosacral Rate Measurements and Their Relationship With Subjects&#39; and Examiners&#39; Heart and Respiratory Rate Measurements
(October 1st, 1994)
By: Virginia Wirth-Pattullo and Karen W Hayes
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study examined the interexaminer reliability of craniosacral rate and the relationships among craniosacral rate and subjects&#39; and examiners&#39; heart and respiratory rates. It was determined that although measuremen& of craniosacral motion did not appear to be related to measurements of heart and respiratory rates,therapists were not able to measure it reliably amongst themselves.

(January 1st, 2007)
By: Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, PhD, Benjamin Kligler, MD, MPH, Shoshana Silverman, MSW, Holly Lynton, BS, Woodson Merrell, MD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, Process Acupressure,

This study sought to test for such synergy and to determine if complementary therapies would improve pulmonary function and quality of life for people suffering from asthma, as well as reducing anxiety, depression, and medication usage. Although synergy was not a result, it was concluded that acupuncture and/or craniosacral therapy are potentiallyuseful adjuncts to the conventional care of adults with asthma.

The Controversy of Cranial Bone Motion
(August 1st, 1997)
By: joseph S. Rogers, MS, PT, Philip I. Witt, AD, PT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This Literature Review discusses the validity of cranial bone motion, and concludes that despite a lack of scientific proof, anatomic studies on sutural union provide evidence that sutures may not fuse until late in life, if at all, and that motion is likely to occur between cranial bones. The author calls for more definitive research to be done before cranial techniques are applied therapeutically.

Observational study of the effects of J. Upledger’s ten-step protocol of craniosacral therapy in the treatment of patients with unspecific psychosomatic disorders
(January 1st, 2012)
By: Wolfgang Schüers
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

25 patients with indescript psychosomatic disorders were treated with Upledger 10-step protocols. Results showed little to no change. Variables are cited as to why this may have occurred. An uncited factor may be that somatoemotional release was not included in the treatment process.

(January 1st, 2012)
By: James M. Norton, Ph.D.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This mathematical analysis assumes that the sensation described as the CRI is related to the activation of slowly adapting cutaneous mechanoreceptors, that the deforming forces stimulating these mechanoreceptors are the tissue pressures of both the examiner and the subject, and that the sources of changes in these tissue pressures are the combined respiratory and cardiovascular rhythms of both examiner and subject.

Effect of craniosacral therapy on lower urinary tract signs and symptoms in multiple sclerosis
(May 1st, 2009)
By: Raviv G. Shefi S, Nizani D. Achiron A.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Multiple Sclerosis patients were treated with CST, and it was found to be an effective means for treating lower urinary tract symptoms and improving quality of life in MS patients.

Influence of Craniosacral Therapy on Anxiety, Depression and Quality of Life in Patients with Fibromyalgia
(September 3rd, 2009)
By: Mataran-Penarrocha GA, Castro-Sanchez AM. Garcia GC, Moreno-Lorenzo C, Carreno
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

In this study conducted in Spain, 84 patients diagnosed with fibromyalgia were included in this study to determine the effects of Craniosacral Therapy on the anxiety,depression and quality of life that is often associated with fibromyalgia. It was determined that approaching fibromyalgia by means of craniosacral therapy contributes to improving anxiety and quality of life levels.

Case Study: How CranioSacral Therapy is Used Along with Feldenkrais Method to Change the Life of a Very Unhealthy Person
(June 18th, 2012)
By: Ann Harman, D.O.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release, The Feldenkrais Method for CranioSacral Therapists,

A case study that illustrates how CranioSacral Therapy is used along with Feldenkrais Method to change the life of a very unhealthy person, over several years of on-going work.

The Effect of Oscillating Energy Manual Therapy on Lateral Epicondylitis:A Randomized, Placebocontrol, Double-blinded Study
(January 1st, 2008)
By: Mohammad Reza Nourbakhsh, PT, PhD, OCS, Frank Fearon, DHSc
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis were treated with Craniosacral V-spread technique (referred to as OEMT or oscillating-energy manual technique in this study, with significant positive results, measured by pain associated with palpation, grip strength and functional tests.

Osteopathic versus orthopedic treatments for chronic epicondylopathia humeri radialis: a randomized controlled trial
(March 29th, 2004)
By: Geldschlager S.
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain, CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Osteopathic, Visceral Manipulation and Craniosacral techniques were applied to 53 subjects with lateral epicondylitis with positive results, in comparison with traditional orthopedic treatments.

The effect of oscillating-energy manual therapy on
(January 1st, 2008)
By: Nourbakhsh MR, Fearon FJ.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis were treated with the Craniosacral V-spread technique. All participants who received treatment had significant positive results.

Craniosacral Still Point Technique - Exploring its Effects in Individiuals with Dementia
(January 1st, 2008)
By: Linda A. Gerdner, PhD, RN;Laura K. Hart, PhD, RN; and M. Bridget Zimmerman, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

The purpose of this 12 week pilot study was to explore the effects of Craniosacral Still Point Technique on individuals with dementia, with an emphasis on agitation. 9 dementia patients received still points, with significant decreases in agitated behavior resulting, measured by the M-CMAI scale, as well as staff and family observations.

The impact of acupuncture and craniosacral therapy
(June 19th, 2012)
By: Mehl-Madrona L. Kligler B, Silverman S, Lvnton H, Merrell W.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Abstract of a study testing the reliability of the combination of acupunture and CST as treatment choices for asthma, with inconclusive findings as to whether the combination is more effective than each modality separately. Both modalities were, however, found to be effective to improving the quality of life with asthma, as well as decreasing the anxiety that can be associated with it.

Craniosacral Therapy for TMJ and Autism
(May 24th, 2010)
By: News Channel 5 - KOCO Oklahoma City
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a link to a News Channel 5 KOCO Oklahoma City broadcast regarding the use of CranioSacral Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, as well as autism. Professionals discuss the use of CST, and patients explain the benefits they have received from CST.

Multipractitioner Upledger CranioSacral Therapy: Descriptive Outcome Study 2007–2008
(January 1st, 2007)
By: Rachel E. Harrison, MBChB, MRCGP, MFHom, CST and John S. Page, CST-D, MCSS
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This study describes patients presenting for CranioSacral treatment, the conditions they present with, and the impact of treatment on both their symptoms and lives.

Surgical reconsiderations in regard to the anatomy of the renal fascia
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Nobuki Furubayashi1, Ryosuke Takahashi2, Motonobu Nakamura1, Ken Hishikawa1, Atsushi
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Observations made during a radical nephrectomy, showing differences in renal fascia and the retroperitoneal area around the kidney.

Low back pain and kidney mobility: local osteopathic fascial manipulation
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Paolo Tozzi, Bsc (Hons) Ost, DO, PT *; Davide Bongiorno, MD, DO ; Claudio Vitturini
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Study using Osteopathic Fascial Mobility (OFM) technique, which consists of Fascial Unwinding and Still Point, to show the relationship between and symptom improvement of renal immobility and low back pain.

A Comparative Study of Cervical Hysteresis Characteristics after Various
(April 1st, 2012)
By: Precious L. Barnes, MS; Francisco Laboy III, DO; Lauren Noto-Bell, DO; Veronica Ferencz,
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation, Lymphatic Balancing / Total Body Balancing / Muscle Balancing / Fascial Balancing, Neural ManipulationT,

Using Osteopathic Manipulative Technique (OMT), Muscle Energy, Counterstrain and Balanced Ligamentous Technique, positive results are shown in myofascial mobility of the cervical spine. A Spineliner is used to measure results.

Visceral Mobilization Can Lyse and Prevent Peritoneal Adhesions in a Rat Model
(January 1st, 2012)
By: Geoffrey M. Bove, DC, PhD, Susan L. Shapelle, RMT
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

Following cecal and abdominal wall surgery that resulted in palpable peritoneal adhesions in lab rats, visceral manipulation techniques were applied to a group of the rats. The results showed, using therapist palpation, a significant decrease in the severity of adhesions in the group(s)that received visceral manipulation techniques.

Visceral Manipulation - Korean
(June 1st, 2012)
By: Soon Kyu Hong
Curriculum/s: Visceral Manipulation / Neural Manipulation / New Manual Articular Approach / Manual Approach to the Brain,

This is a interview of Visceral Manipulation Teacher Ron Mariotti that was published in a Korean Healthcare Journal in Seoul, Korea. The interview is in Korean and is regarding general questions on Visceral Manipulation.

End Jaw Pain
(September 1st, 2007)
By: Amber Wolf
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is Wolf’s response to &#39;Letters&#39; section in the May issue. The article, &#39;Til Death Do Us Part?&#39; was about TMJ. Wolf was ‘dismayed the article didn’t mention craniosacral therapy as a tremendously effective treatment for this jaw condition’. For copies, contact the publisher.

Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction
(September 1st, 2007)
By: Tad Wanveer
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Dr. John Upledger has asked Tad Wanveer to share his insights in this month’s ‘CranioSacrally Speaking’ column. Wanveer discusses dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and how CranioSacral Therapy has been shown to balance and correct dysfunction of the ANS through gentle manual techniques. Available at in the September 2007 archives.

One in 10 May Suffer From Sensory Sensitivity
(October 14th, 2007)
By: Brenda McHugh
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article tells about Sensory Sensitivity, its symptoms and how sensory integration is used to treat it. Available at Palm Beach Post October 14, 2007 archives.

CranioSacral Dynamics
(October 3rd, 2007)
By: Judith A. Fudge, B.Ed., Dip.T.
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This is a paper presented at a conference on the detailed dynamics of CranioSacral Therapy

Misconduct Costs Massage Therapist His License
(November 21st, 2007)
By: Peter Sur
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article is about the ethics of a massage therapist in Hawaii. Available at archives.

On Ethics
(December 2nd, 2007)
By: Randy Cohen
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This short question and answer article is about the ethics of nurses using healing touch therapies on patients at hospitals. Available at The Palm Beach Post, December 2, 2007 archives.

CranioSacral Therapy: Gently Allowing the Body to Heal Itself
(December 12th, 2007)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This article tells about CranioSacral Therapy and what is involved in a typical treatment. Available at

LilyPond Welcomes CranioSacral Practitioner
(January 24th, 2008)
By: LilyPond Aquatic Center
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Terry Miller uses BioAquatic CranioSacral Therapy on patients for a wide varity of ailments. Available at

Oklahomans Look to ‘Miracle Therapy’ to Relieve Pain, Autism
(February 1st, 2008)
By: Unknown
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This articles tells how CranioSacral Therapy relieves back pain, TMJ, and even autism. Available at

Therapists Preparing to Bring ‘Alternative’ Relief to Sderot
(February 25th, 2008)
By: Shelly Paz
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Daniel Tarlow a CranioSacral Therapist asks for other therapists to donate their time to give therapeutic treatment to the stressed and traumatized people of Sderot. Available at

Gentle Touch Provides Health Benefits
(February 13th, 2008)
By: Valerie Zehl
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

How therapist, Pat Collins uses CranioSacral Therapy to relieve a variety of patients’ ailments. Available at

Who Lives Behind the Mask?
(December 1st, 2008)
By: Stan Gerome, LMT
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

Stan describes his journey of discovering negative emotions and how to live with them in our day-to-day lives.

Manual Therapy for Peripheral Nerves Book Review
(March 1st, 2008)
By: Christoph Sommer, Heilpraktiker, Rolfer, BI Diplomate
Curriculum/s: Neural Manipulation,

This is an excellent perspective on Barral and Croibier&#39;s textbook Manual Therapy for the Peripheral Nerves. It also includes a short discussion about their second book on Neural Manipulation called Manual Therapy for the Cranial Nerves.

Craniosacral Still Point Technique: Exploring Its Effects in Individuals with Dementia
(March 1st, 2008)
By: Linda A. Gerdner, PhD, RN; Laura K. Hart, PhD, RN; M. Bridget Zimmerman, PhD
Curriculum/s: CranioSacral Therapy / SomatoEmotional Release,

This research study explores the effects of craniosacral Still point techniques in a small population of patients with dementia. Findings indicated statistaclly significant reduction in a scores for M-CMAI (modified Cohen Manfield Agitation Inventory). Research participants were more cooperative during caregiving activities and displayed meaningful interactions with family and caregiving staff.